“So what's the problem? Just buy a nice digital camera and download them to a computer, stick them on a USB drive and send them off. You could even edit video and make high quality DVDs, I'd bet those would sell like hot cakes.”
“Well, Sam is almost ninety and has no interest in learning how to use a computer, hell he can barely operate the camera that he uses now.”
“So why doesn't someone else take the photos?”
“You saw the pictures, there's never more than two of us that can get together alone for any length of time and we want to use that time to have sex not take pictures of each other, so Sam has to take the photos. Not that he minds.” Sara said with a laugh.
“I'll do it.” Holly said before thinking.
“Yeah, I mean I took some photography classes and computers are no problem for me. Caleb also never comes into my room so I could edit videos and photos without worrying about him.” Holly was getting more excited by the idea with each passing moment and more turned on.
“That would be great, Holly. We can get you a nice camera and computer ...” Sara noticed Holly was flushed and the way she was squirming against the bed meant only one thing. “But first it looks like you need a little help.”
Sara pushed Holly onto her back and dove in, licking and sucking at her snatch as Holly moaned with happiness. Sara's face was soon covered with Holly's wetness as she buried her face into the soft hot folds of her eighteen-year-old vagina. Nearing orgasm Holly could feel that it was going to be a big one. Sara could feel it too, and her own pussy screamed out for attention so she grabbed at the night stand drawer and found the small vibrator that she kept there. But as Sara was positioning it to enter her own wet sex she felt Holly's hands under her chin, lifting her head up to look her in the eye.
“Fuck me with it!” Holly nearly pleaded as she spread her pussy lips in anticipation.
“It might hurt the first time?” Sara said with uncertainty.
“I know, just fuck me with it, please!”
Sara didn't argue and swiftly had the tip of the now vibrating dildo positioned at Holly's tight pussy. Slowly she pushed it in until she felt some resistance and then, with just a bit more pressure, the fake cock pushed pasted Holly's virgin wall and deep into her waiting fuck hole. Holly gasped at the pain but soon nodded for Sara to continue and as the discomfort receded and a new level of bliss overcame her. She thrust her hips forward and Sara responded by quickening her pace. Holly cried out as her body shook in an amazing orgasm which was followed by another and another as Sara kept fucking her pussy with the vibrating silicone cock until Holly collapsed in orgasmic bliss.
By G.C. Edwards
Copyright ©2014 GC Edwards
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
This book contains adult subject matter and graphic depictions of sexual situations.
Please direct all constructive correspondence to:
[email protected]
A few weeks later Holly was nervously waiting to meet Sara's friends for the first time. Sara's twentieth birthday party was the excuse, but everyone knew what the night was really all about.
“Are you sure they're gonna like me?” Holly asked as she jiggled her leg anxiously.
“Of course they are going to like you. In fact they are dying to finally get to meet you.”
“And they're cool with me being here for … the … you know … sex stuff.”
“Oh yeah, they’re all very excited to have another body to explore. And thrilled that you are going to be our camera girl”
There was a yell of “hello” near the front door that ended any more questions from Holly.
“Hey, guys, we're in the living room.” Sara shouted back and a few seconds later Katie and Sasha walked in.
Katie looked like a typical American teenager and even though she was almost nineteen years old she dressed like she was still a freshman. She had on a short pleated red and black plaid skirt, a light see-through t-shirt with frilly sleeves and a black bra on underneath covering her petite little tits. Her shiny fine hair was very blond and came to just below her ears, framing her dark blue eyes, pert little nose and small mouth. She was short and thin and with her small breasts, straight hips, and tiny ass, she could have passed for much younger.
Sasha was almost her exact opposite with the olive skin common of mixed race parents (her mom was an islander and her father was American). She was the second oldest of the group at twenty-one and was very tall and slender, probably close to 6' 4”, but carried herself with no sign of the gawkiness that sometimes curses young men and women of above average height. Her hair was long and dark and pulled back into a ponytail and her eyes were an intense greenish-blue that reminded Holly of the ocean that was splashing against the beach not but a few yards from where they stood. But where Sasha's eyes were intense, her mouth betrayed her true fun loving island spirit with an almost constant mischievous grin plastered across her full kissable lips. She was dressed for the beach with only a tiny white bikini top covering her well-developed breasts and a sarong partly covering the matching bottoms.
“Well, holy hell, Sara said you were super cute, but she should have said you were drop dead gorgeous,” Sasha exclaimed after introductions were made. Her voice was an oddly pleasing mix of island inflections and southern drawl from spending many summers with her grandparents in Savannah, Georgia.
“Thanks, but I'm not that pretty.” Holly said blushing.
“Oh, no, you really are very pretty, Sasha's right!” Katie insisted nodding her head for emphasis, her high pitched voice perfectly matching her youthful look.
“Ha, you guys are the pretty ones. When I first saw those photos of you guys I ...”
“Holy cow, we just gonna dive right in are we!” Sasha said with a laugh. “I don't know about you guys but I'm getting pretty tingly down there just thinking about seeing you naked as a jay bird. Where are those silly boys?”
Holly turned an even brighter shade of red and looked over at Sara who smiled reassuringly at her.
“Jeez, Sasha, don't scare her.” Katie said patting Holly on the arm, “don't worry about her, she can be a little forward … wow, your skin is so soft!”
“Ha, who's the one being forward now?” Sasha said laughing.
“No, really, you've got to feel her … so soft.” Katie almost drooled as her hand caressed Holly's bare upper arm.
“Sweet Jesus, that is amazing.” Sasha's voice dripped with lustful intentions as she stroked Holly's other arm.
“I bet it's even softer under this shirt.” Katie purred and unabashedly slipped her hand under Holly's lose fitting thin cotton t-shirt.
Sasha quickly followed suit and soon the shirt was off completely leaving Holly's now agonizingly hard tits and sensitive little nipples exposed to the girls exploring hands. Before she knew it she was on her back and the two girls were eagerly devouring her soft white breasts. Sasha and Katie had just slipped their free hands into Holly's shorts fighting for access to her now drenched pussy when the boys came bursting into the room.
“Shit, you guys can't even wait for dark! It's only like 7:15!” Jacob said in mock condemnation.
Holly sat up so quickly she ended up bonking heads with both Sasha and Katie. Then both Sara and Ben ran forward to help and ended us crashing into each other and tumbling to the floor. Jacob was laughing hysterically well before the others finally joined him in making light of their three stooges like moment.
“Oh my god, I don't think I've laughed that hard in like forever!” Sasha said still ca
tching her breath and rubbing her head.
“Hi, you must be Holly, right? I'm Jacob.” Jacob said smoothly, offering her a hand.
At twenty-one and a half, Jacob was the oldest of the group. He had slightly darker skin than Sasha even though he too was the result of a mixed race coupling. Almost as tall as Sasha, but much more muscular he helped Holly to her feet with such ease that Holly couldn't help but get turned on by his strength. His short cropped black hair fell in a perfectly disheveled way across his forehead highlighting his pale blue eyes as he unabashedly took a glance at Holly's naked chest.
Like most of the twenty-somethings on the island he still lived at home. He worked on his father's fishing boat and his mother worked with Ashley at the resort.
“Hi, Jacob, nice to meet you,” Holly said as she slipped back on her shirt.
“It's nice to meet you too.” He said with a grin, now looking her squarely in the eye. “This is Ben.”
“Hi, Holly,” Ben said shaking her hand with great enthusiasm.
“Hi.” Holly couldn't help but smile at the awkward guy with the big goofy grin standing in front of her.
The nineteen year old Ben fit the definition of an American geek if there ever was one. Average in just about every way and when compared to Jacob seemed even less than average. Although lacking much in the way of muscles, he had a nice boyish figure and bright inquisitive eyes behind Woody Allen style black framed glasses. His sandy blond hair was short and messy but not in an unattractive hasn't-been-washed-in-weeks sort of way.
His mom had died when he was very young and his dad took a job at the research station to try and escape the memories of their once happy life. Unfortunately, the job became an obsession and Ben was sort of left to his own devices. But instead of moping around feeling lonely, Ben talked his way into a job at the research station and more or less forced his way back into his father's life. He had a generally positive disposition and, while a bit nervous at times; he was always friendly to a fault, and desperately wanted to make everyone around him happy. This made him incredibility adorable to Holly who saw a lot of herself in him.
“So are we just going to get right to it or do you girls have some sort of plan for us.” Sasha asked pointedly.
“Well, things are going to be a little different tonight, if you all don't object. Holly has had some skills with a camera and is capable and willing to editing video. I thing you all know what this means ...”
“Big money,” Ben said, interrupting Sara.
“Exactly,” Sara replied. “And with Holly willing to shoot and edit the video that leaves us free to do what we do so well!”
“What about her?” Jacob asked with a lustful grin toward Holly. “Seemed like she was having a pretty good time just a few seconds ago?”
“Holly is behind the camera for this session. If she wants to join in she will let everyone know, okay Jacob.” Sara said firmly.
“No worries, just wondering.”
“Never had sex with a man, huh, Holly?” Sasha said casually but with just a hint of superiority.
“Please, you act like you've been having sex with boys for your whole life. Only like three months ago you were telling me how nervous you were before you and Jacob had sex.” Katie teased.
“Hey, I meant no offense. Just curious is all.”
“Uh huh,” Katie said in a sarcastic tone.
“That's okay, I mean I don't mind answering questions,” Holly spoke up. “Sasha is right I've never had sex with a man before. In fact, I've never even kissed someone other than my parents until I meet Sara. But I'm looking forward to having all sorts of … “
“Sex,” Ben blurted out.
“Yes.” Holly said laughing as the others joined her.
“Anyway,” Sara said when they all settled down, “here's the plan.”
Sara described the plans that she and Holly had come up with for the night's shoot. They would start with separate scenes for Jacob and Sasha, then Ben and Katie, and then a threesome scene with Jacob, Sara, and Katie.
But there was more to it than simply getting naked and having sex. Sara and Holly had done some research by watching a bunch of porn videos online, both to come up with some ideas as well as get a better understanding of what was popular.
“One thing we noticed was that cumming on the girl's face after having sex with them seemed to be very popular.” Holly said with a blush.
“So if everyone is okay with that we were thinking that both of you guys can cum on our faces or tits at the end of the scene,” Sara said sounding every bit like a director.
“Alright, the next thing is the set up. Most of the videos that we watched had a premise like a plumber coming over to fix a leaky pipe or something, so for the first shoot with Jacob and Sasha we thought that you guys would be at a party and would escape up to a bedroom to have a drink alone. One thing leads to another and well you get the idea.”
“For the next scene we thought that Ben, Jacob, Sasha, and Katie could play college freshman who've rented a house on the beach for spring break. Then when Ben gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom he'll notice the door to Katie's room is ajar and when he peeks in he finds her masturbating and again one thing leads to another,” Holly said.
“In the threesome, with Jacob, Sara, and Katie, Sara and Katie will be in the kitchen making cookies when Sara accidentally spills some milk on Katie. Sara takes off Katie’s shirt to wash it and then they start to touch and kiss and then get naked and really go at it. They are locked in a 69 when Jacob comes running in and catches them. At first you girls are scared he might tell on you, but when he promises not to you show him your appreciation,” Sara continued.
“Now we bought three cameras. One of them will have a wide angle lens for the long shot and will just be on a tripod. One I'll be hand-holding to get close ups and reaction shots. The third will be used by whoever is not involved in the scene to get more b-roll. The person using the third camera needs to always be aware of what the other two cameras are doing. Occasionally getting in the way of the other cameras is fine, it's going to happen, but just don't make it a habit. It'll be a lot easier to edit that way. Also the cameras are very expensive,” Holly held up one of the Cannon D series SLRs that Sara had bought, “and the lenses are even more expensive. So please be careful.”
“Okay, Jacob and Sasha you guys ready for your scene?” Sara asked excitedly.
“Oh, yeah,” responded Jacob.
“Hells yes,” Sasha exclaimed.
Holly had them shoot some set up scenes first, a shot of them flirting with one another, with Sara, Katie, and Ben playing party goers in the background, then a shot of Jacob grabbing a wine bottle and he and Sasha sneaking up the stairs and into a bedroom. Holly would insert background party noise during the editing process to complete the illusion.
Now that they were in the bedroom, Holly set up the stationary camera, gave Ben a camera and a crash course on how to use it, grabbed her camera, and gave the two actors some brief direction before they began shooting. Sitting on the bed they would take turns drinking out of the wine bottle acting more drunk with each passing moment. Quickly they would progress from talking about kissing to actually kissing and then they would take it from there.
The talking and drinking was pretty painful to watch as they both didn't know what to say to each other at first. But with some advice from the rest of the group and a bit more wine they soon were delivering some nice banter back and forth. When it came to the kissing though, they both knew exactly what they were doing. They kissed innocently at first, but when Sasha placed Jacob's hand against her left breast, things started kicking in to high gear.
Jacob squeezed and caressed Sasha's big tits through the fabric of her thin blouse quickly resulting in Sasha nearly ripping her top off to give him access to her bare chest. Soon Jacob's mouth was licking and sucking on her hard nipples causing her to breathe heavy with desire. She returned the favor by pulling off his t-shirt and
pinching and grabbing at his dark olive skin. Sasha laid back on the bed and Jacob soon begun to move his kisses lower and lower down Sasha's young body, his hands replacing his lips on her heaving breasts. As he got to the top of her shorts he paused, kissing and licking around the opening created between her hip bones and the waistband of her cut-off jeans. Then just as Sasha couldn't take much more teasing, Jacob unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts with his teeth, still keeping his strong hands working at her large breasts. Then, using just his mouth, he tugged her shorts down to her thighs and buried his face into her panty covered pussy.
Holly’s Island: The Complete Collection Page 5