by Simon Warner
Blank Generation, The 23
Bliesener, Mark 207–11 (Q&A)
Blonde on Blonde (Bob Dylan) 2, 15, 123, 195, 197
Blondie 63, 346
Blood On The Tracks (Bob Dylan) 110, 132
Bloomfield, Mike 302
Blue (Joni Mitchell) 160
Blue Note, The, NYC (venue) 112
Blue Oyster Cult, The 60, 367
Blues and Haikus (Kerouac) 61, 340
‘Blues for the Hitchhiking Dead’ (Michael Horovitz and Pete Brown) 187
blues, the 223, 338–9, 377, 418–19, 234, 255
‘Boho Dance, The’ (Joni Mitchell) 160
Bomb (Gregory Corso) 27, 233
Bomb Culture (Jeff Nutall) 234
Bomb the Bass 60, 63
Bone Machine (Tom Waits) 342
Bono 31, 38
Book of Dreams (Kerouac) 133, 425
Bookstore and Others (Lee Ranaldo) 58
Boo Radleys, The 60
‘Born To Be Wild’ (Steppenwolf) 41
Bottom Line, The, NYC (venue) 414
Bound For Glory (Woody Guthrie) 423
Boyd, Pattie 189, 279
Bowie, David xvi, 4, 23, 41–2, 54, 323, 448
Rolling Stone feature 42
use of Burroughs’ cut-up technique 42, 54, 284, 370, 414
Bowles, Paul 361
Braine, John 228
Brando, Marlon 9, 30, 71, 150, 207, 451
Brata Art Gallery, The, NYC 93
Brautigan, Richard 1, 50, 123, 245, 296, 310, 439, 440, 450
Bremser, Bonnie 154, 172
Bremser, Ray 154, 310
Bresson, Robert 361
Breyer, Jackie 375, 392, 395, 397, 398, 400
Bringing It All Back Home (Bob Dylan) 117, 118, 120
Brinkley, Douglas 9n 14, 330, 330n 6, 331, 331n 9, 332
BBC 5, 217, 217n 6, 257
British Invasion, The 136, 238, 361, 376
Broadway 215
Broonzy, Big Bill 186
Brown, Pete xviii, 17, 38, 179, 187–8, 235, 241, 248–9, 252
interview 255–8
Pete Brown and His Battered Ornaments 248, 255, 256
Piblokto 248, 255, 257
Browne, Jackson 11
Bruce, Jack 248
Bruce, Lenny 39, 64, 110
Buck, Peter 58
Buck, Rob 40, 325
Buckley, Jeff 40, 325, 326, 426, 436, 426
Buckley, William F. 46
Buddhism 22, 33, 145, 273, 318, 365
Bukowski, Charles 60, 165, 245, 340, 439, 448
Burdon, Eric 89
Burgess, Anthony 20
Burroughs, William S. 18–19, 23–4, 25–6, 31, 55–6, 107, 126, 143, 147, 232, 234, 243, 260, 27 (Sgt. Pepper cover), 285, 300, 318, 347–8, 351–60 (Patti Smith), 373, 410, 413, 426, 447–9, 453
connection with Genesis P-Orridge 378n 12, 379, 380, 384–5, 390–1, 398–9
cut-up technique 41, 316, 357, 359–60, 384–8
death of 28
homosexuality/relationships with women 155–6
influence on punk 147–8
Kurt Cobain 44, 284, 449
literary experimentation 31
meeting David Bowie (1973) 41
Nova Convention 43, 168, 353
obituary comments 45
recordings 62
Tangiers 27
science fiction 28
shooting of wife 26, 29, 155
use of drugs 31
Burroughs: The Movie (TV show) 392
Butterfield, Paul 302
Byrds, The 408
Byrne, Johnny 236
Cabaret Voltaire 60
Caen, Herb 213
Café Bizarre, NYC 47
Cage, John 75, 289, 315
Cale, John 8n, 40, 47, 49, 289, 359
‘California’ (Joni Mitchell) 160
Call Me Burroughs (Burroughs) 62
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 231, 232–3
Camus, Albert 75, 228, 302, 358
Cannes Film Festival 451
‘Can You Please Crawl out Your Window?’ (Bob Dylan) 120
‘Capitol Air’ (Ginsberg) 57
Cardew, Cornelius 188, 234
Carnaby Street, London 243, 265
‘carnival! carnival!’ (Patti Smith) 351
Carr, Lucien 24, 29
Carrey, Jim 452
Carroll, Jim xvii, 49, 155, 322, 326, 365, 367–70, 427
obituary 371–2
Carroll, Lewis 20, 243, 273
Carson, Rachel 22
Case, Brian 17
Cassady, Carolyn 29, 92, 153, 203, 211, 321, 336, 417, 427, 432, 453
Cassady, John 210–11
Cassady, Neal xviii, 18, 22, 24, 29, 30, 51, 121, 156, 203–5, 207, 209–10, 284, 331, 343, 432, 447, 452
‘Cassidy’ (Grateful Dead) 52
Castaneda, Carlos 22
Catcher in the Rye, The (J. D. Salinger) 73, 150
Catch 22 (Joseph Heller) 70, 331
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Tennessee Williams) 71, 209
‘Catholic Boy’ (Jim Carroll) 369, 372
Catholic Boy (Jim Carroll) 372
Catholicism 22, 31, 300
Cavern, The, Liverpool (venue) 180, 223, 237
Cayce, Edgar 22
CBGBs, NYC (venue) 42, 56, 345, 367, 371, 405–6
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand 93
Cellar, The, SF (venue) 138
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, The (CCCS), Birmingham, UK 227
Cervenka, Exene 166
Charlatans, The 137
Charles, Ray 186
Charters, Ann 109, 154–5
Charters, Sam 8n 11
Chase, Hal 24
Chelsea Hotel, The, NYC 162, 351, 352–3, 365, 366
Cherry, Don 62
Chess Records 76
Chicago 289
Chicago Democrat Convention 116
Chicken Soup with Barley (Arnold Wesker) 228
Children of Albion (Michael Horovitz) 185, 187
‘Chimes of Freedom’ (Bob Dylan) 115
Chitlin’ Circuit, The 89–90
Chronicles (Bob Dylan) 111, 359
Chuck D 60
Circle in the Square Theatre, The 93
Cities of the Red Night (Burroughs) 42
City Fun (fanzine) 387
City Lights bookshop, SF 1–2, 26, 33, 49, 53, 66, 83, 84, 122, 191, 196, 202, 302, 339, 339n 27, 435, 439
City of Spades (Colin MacInnes) 229
Civil Rights Movement xix, 71, 79, 112–13, 149–50, 176, 209, 215, 264, 266, 268, 402, 412
Clapton, Eric 89, 90, 188, 223, 404
art school 14
Clarke, Kenny 455
Clash, The xvi, 57, 187, 260, 280, 283, 387, 404–5
Clean Asshole Poems and Smiling Vegetable Songs (Peter Orolovsky) 201
‘Cleaning Windows’ (Van Morrison) 54
Clovers, The 89
Clown, The (David Meltzer) 301
Coasters, The 89
Coati Mundi 454
Cobain, Kurt 44, 284, 449
Cocker, Joe 89
Cocteau, Jean 359
Cohen, Leonard 11, 55, 255, 369
Cohn, Al 61, 322, 340
Cohn, Jim 358
Cohn, Nik 13, 20
Cold War, The 220, 233, 298
Cole, Nat King 186
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 20
Colley, Dana 58, 63, 84, 325
Collins, Judy 12
Coltrane, John 52, 224, 358, 404
Columbia Records 110, 420
Columbia University 14n 24, 24, 259, 300, 372, 411
Combat Rock (The Clash) 187
Coney Island of the Mind, A (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) 63, 84, 208, 321, 339
Conner, Bruce 199
Coon, Caroline 280
Cooper-Clarke, John 188
Coppola, Francis Ford 431, 451–2
Coppola, Roman 453
Copyright Breeches (Genesis P-Orridge)
Coral Sea, The (Patti Smith) 353
Corso, Gregory 1, 17, 27, 38, 93, 99, 232, 241, 285, 350n 15, 357, 363, 365, 369, 407, 439
Cortez, Jayne 186
Cosby Show, The (TV show) 104
Costello, Elvis 406
Council for a Summer of Love 267
Counterculture 15, 214, 361, 443
Country Life (magazine) 316
Country Joe and the Fish 137, 140, 268, 305, 305n
country music 95
Court and Spark (Joni Mitchell) 160
Cowan, Elise 154
‘Coyote’ (Joni Mitchell) 161
Crawdaddy (magazine) 15, 43, 410
‘Crazy’ (Willie Nelson) 95
‘Crazy Man Crazy’ (Bill Haley) 67
Crazy World of Arthur Brown 246
Creeley, Robert 46, 60, 178, 186, 257, 413
Cream xviii, 223, 248, 255, 256, 403
Creem (magazine) 15, 17, 170
Cronkite, Walter 290
Crosby, David 12, 302
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young 11, 160
‘Crossing Nation’ (Ginsberg) 120
Crucible, The (Arthur Miller) 72, 150
Culture and Society, 1780–1950 (Raymond Williams) 226
cut-up technique 31, 36, 41-2, 163, 249, 374, 384, 395, 449
Cyberpunk 42, 411
Dada (art movement) 184, 373, 387–8, 393
Daily Howl, The 37, 189, 250
‘Dandelion’ (The Rolling Stones) 250
Dave Clark Five, The 376
Davies, Ray 188, 248, 258
art school 14
Davis, Miles 8n 12, 75, 81, 95, 97, 147, 186, 453
‘Day in the Life, A’ (The Beatles) 251, 261, 273, 275, 276
Dead Kennedys, The 60
Dean, James 9, 30, 71, 150
Dead City Radio (Burroughs) 63
Death and Fame (Ginsberg) 359
Death Cab For Cutie 4, 41, 427, 432, 435
De Beauvoir, Simone 151n 3, 228
Delaney, Shelagh 228
Delius, Frederick 89
Denver, Colorado 40, 204, 206, 211, 343, 453
Depp, Johnny 40, 321, 343, 426, 452
Desire (Dylan) 128, 129, 132
Desolation Angels (Kerouac) 28, 36, 119–20, 431
‘Desolation Row’ (Dylan) 36, 119–20, 133
de Young Museum, SF 101
Dharma Beat (website) 119
Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac) 27, 30, 59, 65, 403, 432
‘Dialectics of Liberation’ 252
‘Dialektikon’ 252
Diamond Dogs (David Bowie) 42
“Diamonds on My Windshield” (Tom Waits) 341
DiCaprio, Leonardo 371
Dickinson, Emily 362, 403
Diddley, Bo 186
Die On Me (Gregory Corso) 64, 166
DiFranco, Ani 165–6
Diggers, The 268
Dillon, Matt 40, 426
Dinkytown 108, 110
Di Prima, Diane 33, 57, 143, 151, 169, 172, 360, 361, 443
Disks of the Gone World (Stephen Ronan) 64
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, The 63
Dissent (magazine) 7
DJ Spooky 45, 60, 64
Doctor Sax (Kerouac) 128, 329n 1, 425
Doctor Sax and The Great World Snake (Jim Sampas) 427, 436
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) (aesthetic) 412, 445
Dom, The, NYC 46, 413
Dondero, David 60
Donegan. Lonnie 219
Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter (Joni Mitchell) 161
Donne, John 20
Donovan 11, 55, 242
Don’t Look Back (film) 36, 55, 118
Doors, The 18, 95, 140, 146
Dorsey, Tommy 6
Down Beat (magazine) 340
Downtown Scene, The 57
Drastic Plastic (Be Bop Deluxe) 316
drugs xix, 6, 10, 16, 24, 27, 31, 35, 48, 50, 65, 79, 84, 96, 109, 125, 150, 154, 158, 200, 204, 225-6, 232, 239, 250, 259, 268, 269, 273, 316, 368, 372 see also heroin, LSD, marijuana
Drooker, Eric 422
Duchamp, Marcel 393
Duchess of Coolsville (Rickie Lee Jones) 165
Duncan, Robert 302
Dunst, Kirsten 453
Dupree, Champion Jack 186
Dury, Ian xix
Dylan, Bob 1–5, 8, 9, 12, 17, 20, 54, 55, 68, 99–100, 103, 107–20, 122–33, 44–6, 168, 176, 194–9, 208, 260, 265, 278 (Sgt. Pepper cover), 285, 296–7, 302–4, 350–6 (Patti Smith), 369, 406, 408, 421, 445, 446–7
Ginsberg 36, 114–33, 238, 261, 297
going electric 10, 118, 144
influence of Beat Generation 283
motorcycle accident 124
Newport Folk Festival 2
Tom Paine Award 113
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, 108
visiting Kerouac’s grave 129–31, 296, 429
East Village, NYC 325, 372
East Village Other (newspaper) 16
Easy Rider (film) 41, 126, 446
‘Ecologue’ (Ginsberg) 120
Ecology 33, 159
‘Eleanor Rigby’ (The Beatles) 10, 272
Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, The (Tom Wolfe) 53, 204
Ellington, Duke 186, 255
Eliot, T. S. 73, 215, 354, 362
Elliott, Ramblin’ Jack 2
Ellis, Royston 37, 237
Ellison, Ralph 73, 75, 87
Elvis of Letters, The (Burroughs and Gus Van Sant) 63
EMI 277
Epstein, Brian 182, 237
Evergreen Review (magazine) 33, 187, 249, 255
Expecting Rain (website) 115, 127
Exploding Plastic Inevitable 48, 287, 289–92, 367
Exterminator! (Burroughs) 44
Factory, The 47, 348, 367, 371, 372
Fagen, Donald 63
Fainlight, Harry 241
Faith, Adam 186
Faithfull, Marianne 166, 250
Fall, The 60
Fall of America: Poems of These States 1965–1971, The (Ginsberg) 32, 123
False Prophet: Field Notes from the Punk Underground (Steven Taylor) 401, 421
False Prophets, The 401, 406, 411, 421
Fanni Tutti, Cosey 44, 383, 383n 27, 389, 394
Fariña, Richard 55
Farrar, Jay 41, 432, 435, 436–8
Farren, Mick 17
fashion 159
Fatboy Slim 39
Faulkner, William 439
Favourite Game, The (Leonard Cohen) 55
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (film) 343
February 10, 1971 (Patti Smith) 349, 349n 9
Feminine Mystique, The (Betty Friedan) 362
feminism 156
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence xv, 1, 17, 26, 33, 38, 49, 52, 53, 66, 83–5, 87, 107, 124, 194, 234, 242, 257, 261, 283, 304, 321, 339, 347, 360, 365, 423, 426, 427, 431, 432, 435, 439. 441
File (magazine) 384
Fillmore Auditorium, The, SF 136, 138, 147
Final Academy, The (Burroughs and Genesis P-Orridge) 391–2
‘Fire and Rain’ (James Taylor) 12
First Blues (Ginsberg) 62, 101, 101n, 408, 420
First Blues: Rags, Ballads and Harmonium Songs (Ginsberg) 62, 101n 3
‘First Party at Ken Kesey’s with Hell’s Angels’ (Ginsberg) 53, 121
First Third, The (Neal Cassady) 51n 120, 205
First World War 218
Fitzgerald, Ella 454
‘Fixing A Hole’ (The Beatles) 273
Fleetwood Mac 223
Fleetwood, Mick 223
Flowers for Hitler (Leonard Cohen) 55
Fluxus 43, 169, 251, 315, 384
folk music 169, 268, 302
folk rock 11
folk scene, the 111
British folk revival 220
‘Footnote to Howl’ (Ginsberg) 356, 403, 418
Frank, Robert 59, 202, 331–3
Franklin, Aretha 186
Franti, Michael 60
‘Free Nelson M
andela’ (The Specials) 449
Free Speech Movement, the 121
Freedom Summer 268
Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, The (Bob Dylan) 112
Freewheelin’ Frank 144
Freewheelin’ Frank: The True Story of a Hell’s Angel by a Hell’s Angel (Frank Reynolds and Michael McClure) 53
Frendz see Friends
Friedan, Betty 149, 362
Friends (magazine) 16
‘From a Dead Beat to a Greaser’ (Jethro Tull) 54
Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts (magazine) 15, 17, 45
Fugs, The xvii, 45–6, 401, 407, 412–16, 443–4, 450
Fugs’ Final CD, Part II (The Fugs) 418
‘Futurist Manifesto’ (Be Bop Deluxe) 316
Futurists, The 316
Gaga, Lady 171
Gaillard, Slim 186, 210, 446, 453, 454
Galway, James 94, 104
Garcia, Jerry 18, 284, 302
Gaslight, The 111
Gasoline (John Clellon Holmes) 27
‘Gates of Eden’ (Bob Dylan) 117, 144n 5
Gathering of the Tribes, The see The Human Be-In
Genet, Jean 126, 351, 411
‘Getting Better’ (The Beatles) 276
‘Ghetto Defendant’ (The Clash) 57, 404
Gibbard, Ben 41, 432, 435–38
Gillespie, Dizzy 6, 75, 87, 90, 97, 104, 255, 334, 454
Ginsberg, Allen xv, 1, 11, 17, 23, 24, 31–2, 37, 56, 65–8, 84, 98–101, 104, 107, 147, 186, 194, 197, 208, 232, 257, 261, 283, 288, 290, 300, 318, 322, 324, 339, 350, 352, 369–70, 371, 372, 399, 401, 403, 405–10 (Steven Taylor), 412, 414, 417, 419–22 (meeting with Steven Taylor), 423, 426, 439–41, 443, 449
Blake vision 25, 180
Buddhism 27, 121, 143
death of 28, 343, 358
Dylan friendship 18, 37, 108, 114–33, 238, 240, 261, 285, 297
homosexuality 25, 79
Jewish faith 79
Kerouac grave visit 129–31, 429
King of May coronation 176
meeting the Beatles/visit to Liverpool 18, 37–8, 118, 175–84, 238, 240, 244, 359
New York in the 1970s 28
obituary comments 38
politics 32, 79, 143
Patti Smith friendship 352
Peter Orlovsky relationship 201–2
psychiatric Incarceration 25, 240, 244
recordings 62
see also ‘Howl’/Howl and Other Poems
Ginsberg, Naomi 155
Giorno, John 62
Giovanni’s Room (James Baldwin) 73
‘Give Peace a Chance’ (Plastic Ono Band) 37, 126, 246
Glass, Phillip 37, 62, 358
Go (John Clellon Holmes) 152
Go-Betweens, The 39, 60
‘God Save The Queen’ (The Sex Pistols) 387, 405
Godard, Jean-Luc 361
Godstar: Thee Director’s Cut (Psychic TV) 378, 378n 11, 390, 397
Goldstein, Richard 11
Goodman, Benny 6, 408
‘Good Morning’ (The Beatles) 276
Goodrow, Garry 192
‘Good Vibrations’ (The Beach Boys) 10
gonzo journalism 17
Gordon, Dexter 187, 253, 453