Luna: the predator of revenge

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Luna: the predator of revenge Page 4

by Rasi K

  It’s been two days since the day I woke up and from when Asher gave me the letter. I had it safely tucked at my pant waistline making sure it doesn’t fall while I run. Liza hasn’t woken up yet, but I could feel her slowly recovering.

  Speaking of Asher, he acted like a gentleman ever since my talk with the vampire king. I wished I could have given him a proper goodbye before running away as such.

  I checked my surroundings once before resuming my run.

  This was the only time when the guards were down. I have noted this pattern for the past two days before getting down to business.

  It was the only thing I could do other than the usual chat with Asher. We went to the same place since that day and talked till I was tired of it. We chatted about my family and how I was rejected by my mate. Once, he had told me that the vampire king had called him to ask what we were doing. He told me that he had told him that he was getting to know me as he had developed a liking to me.

  I reached the border finally, but there were guards standing there. So I hid behind the tree nearby waiting till they left for shift change. I had covered my scent before leaving the house, so I needn’t worry about being caught by my scent.

  After about five minutes, the guards were done with their shift. Once they left, I made sure no one was nearby before running past the border.

  I have to act quickly before they are alerted about my absence. I ran past trees till I saw a clearing. I moved slowly having my senses on alert. I stood on the center of the road analyzing it. The road was in between the forest making it surrounded by trees on both sides.

  The chance of anyone coming was low but the risk of running into a vampire was still high. I wasn’t still safely away from them, I could still be caught. Not wanting to take a chance in exploring where the road would take me, I crossed the road and ran past the trees once again.

  After sometime, I sat down by a tree to catch my breath from all the running. That was when I felt it, Liza was finally gathering consciousness.


  I called out for her, hoping to get her attention.


  How are you feeling?

  Not so good but better than being caged in. I am sorry. I couldn’t protect you in time.

  It is not your mistake. They used your weakness against you, you can’t help it. We are good now, aren’t we?

  I could feel her nodding, but she didn’t seem to be convinced about it.

  Are you up for a run?

  I am good for one.

  I nodded smiling before shifting into my wolf giving Liza control.

  Third person’s POV

  “King, why didn’t we stop her? Wasn’t she our captive?”, the guard, who had watched Carol slip through the territory not so smartly, asked.

  The guards had been called off for her to escape, but she did a very poor job at that. She was as careful as a robber wearing squeaky slippers.

  “It was just a distraction. She has her demons to deal with in her pack. Do you know what happened after we brought her here?”

  Chapter 18


  Third person’s POV

  Each and everyone in the alpha family along with beta Richard were a mess. It’s been 5 days since the vampire attack and since Caroline and Kira had gone missing.

  No one could find any clues as to where they were, since the vampires left without a trace. Alpha Orion was trying all he could using his connections, but he couldn’t get any reliable lead.

  Noah was in turmoil. He didn’t know what to do to rescue his Luna. He felt like a weakling, who couldn’t even protect his own Luna on her ceremony day. His people thought that he was worried that two of them, who had been close to him, had gone missing. But only he knew that she was nowhere near close and much less would he be worried about her disappearance. He was worried about only one person and that was his Luna.

  On the other hand, Tahliya was hysteric. Unlike her brother, she was worried about the well-being and safety of her best friend. She tried giving her input in finding Caroline’s location, but she was nowhere near her father, who even though had connections, couldn’t find her. She didn’t bother to be in the rescue team, as she knew she sucked at it. First time in her life she wished she had taken training seriously and had trained with Caroline. She also wished that she had stood next to Caroline that day, instead of at the platform.

  Luna Melaine was a mess. She did care for Caroline as her own, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t care for her child when he is beating himself up. Just because she empathized with Kira’s kidnap doesn’t mean she doesn’t empathize her other child. She didn’t know whom to be there for, but she knew she can’t be with both. She had to choose either of them or neither of them. Not liking the idea of choosing between her children, she went with the latter. She immersed herself in her own misery.

  Most of all, beta Richard was the one who took it bad. It was all over like what had happened to his mate. Losing one important person was hard blow, but now with another one having her life at stake, he was nowhere near sane. He avoided going out except for the occasional visits to his best friend to gather information about the current situation. His house was a mess. He had tipped over each and every thing in the house in his anger about his inability to protect his daughter. He wished Daniel was there, so that he could have soothed him and could have got his thoughts straight. If he had been the strong man he was physically, when it came to emotions, he would have gone out and trained the rescue team to redeem his daughter from those good-for-nothing leeches.

  When all others were drowning in their emotions, Alpha Orion still looked up for possible leads to find the girls, no matter liked or not. It was during that time he received a call. He answered it with hope.

  “Alpha Orion speaking.”

  “This is Alpha Zachery of Serene pack. I have a girl here claiming to be from Red Moon pack.”

  Chapter 19


  Orion Jones’ POV

  “This is Alpha Zachery of Serene pack. I have a girl here claiming to be from Red Moon pack.”, the person on the other line said.

  I have heard about Serene pack. They were very calm and collected, just like their name. They looked into everything before coming to a decision. That was why I believe, they have called now.

  “What is her name?”, I asked to clarify it for my own good.

  What is your name again?

  Caroline Dunbar

  I heard her voice, it was her.

  She was safe. I have to inform Richard immediately.

  “Caroline Dunbar”, he repeated.

  “Yes, yes, she is from my pack. I’ll come there at once and discuss with you the details as to how you came across her.”, I said trying my level best to conceal my excitement from him.

  “That will be the best. See you soon.”, he said before hanging up on me.

  I dropped the phone and rushed to inform Richard, who fortunately came across me on his way to my office.

  I dropped my stern alpha act before gushing at him about the happy news.

  “Richard, she is safe, Carol is safe.”

  It took him a moment to process the words before he gleamed with joy. He shouted in joy and hugged me before running out saying something along the lines ‘I have my babygirl. I will protect her.’

  I laughed at his behavior, seeing that he never bothered to ask about where she was. He will come around soon, beating himself for being such a forgetful man.

  I didn’t notice anyone else until I heard their voice.

  “Is she really safe?”

  I turned around to see Tahliya standing at the foot of the stairs. Her eyes were puffy from the constant crying for the past few days. She has been beating herself for what happened to her. The fact that she couldn’t be of any help either, made it hard for her.

  “Yes dear, she is safe. We will go and fetch her here.”, I said motioning her with my open arms.

  She came and hugged me befor
e talking again.

  “Where is she dad?”, she asked looking up at me.

  “She is safe in the Serene pack. Richard and I, along with a few fighters will go immediately to bring her back.”

  “Where is this pack based at, dad?”

  “It is 50 miles on the north from here, around three hours of journey.”

  “Can’t I come along dad?”

  “Even though I don’t have a problem with you accompanying us, I don’t want to risk your safety as I don’t know what we will have to deal with on the way there.”

  Tahliya nodded understandingly before she left, to tell her mom about the same.

  I went out to see a retreating figure of Richard muttering under his breath.

  Before he could open his mouth I bet him to it.

  “We are leaving to Serene pack, right now.”

  Chapter 20


  I watched as Liza strode past trees. We have moved a significant amount of distance in the last hour, considering the way I had run in the morning.

  It was almost noon, from the way the sun was blazing down at us directly.

  Giving Liza control and a run, helped me relax and clear my mind of everything that happened in the past few days. It also helped me steer my mind out of worry until Liza came to a sudden stop before swiftly changing her direction.


  I called out to her but she didn’t respond to me.

  She kept running, beyond a point two other wolves started chasing us. She didn’t seem to notice them as she kept sniffing around before we were tackled to the ground. She kept struggling making the wolf holding us down growl at us.

  I forced back Liza before taking control.


  The wolf growled at me.

  I gave a pointed look at the bush beside us and then looked at him again.

  Seeing that I have given up struggling, he allowed me to shift and get changed into my clothes in private.

  When I came back, both of them had also shifted and were standing in board shorts.

  They eyed me before motioning for me to follow them. When they saw I was hesitant about it, they took a step forward towards me making me move reluctantly.

  While they led the way, I tried calling out for Liza, whilst following them.


  Why did you suddenly run into this pack?



  I felt like I smelt someone who could have been close to us.

  Yeah, I could tell that from your constant sniffing. But who was it?

  I couldn’t find it and now the smell is gone.

  I meekly nodded at her, before she shut herself, not knowing why it was bothering her so much.

  When I was clear enough to take in my surroundings I noticed that I was being led down the stairs, to where I believe was the basement.

  They made me sit down on one of the few chairs present, which I did with caution.

  Once making sure I was settled and that I won’t cause any trouble, they went to greet the person, who came by, at the entrance.

  “Alpha, we have got a rogue trespassing on our land.”

  The person, whom I know now, was the alpha, made his presence known. He was a young alpha and a handsome one at that. He seemed a few years ahead of me. He had blonde hair with gray eyes.

  “Voice your plea.”, he said looking at me before taking seat opposite of mine.

  “What exactly am I being accused of?”, I asked truthfully.

  Even though he looked like he would be anywhere but here, he continued.

  “You, rogue, have been charged for trespassing my land.”, he said emphasizing the word rogue.

  “What do you mean rogue? I am no rogue.”, I said. It was as if the other words never met my ears at that moment.

  “Don’t waste my time. If you claim to not be a rogue, then why do you smell like one?”

  I had no idea I smelled like one. When did this happen?

  “I am not a rogue. As for the part as to why I smell like a rogue, I had no idea about until you told me. I just escaped a trail the goddess had put forth me, which I couldn’t bother to share with you.”

  “Then tell me why you trespassed on my land.”, he asked with irritation.

  “That was truly an accident made from my wolf’s part. She felt like she smelt someone we might know.”, I said shrugging.

  “State your pack.”, he said getting up.

  “Red Moon pack.”

  “Get me through the alpha of the pack.”, he said turning towards one of the guards. He nodded his head before taking out his mobile to make the call.

  While they were at the process, I took my time to look around. The place looked far better and clean, for an interrogation room, compared to the ones elsewhere.

  I distinctly heard him say something along the lines Serenity pack. So I was at the famous Serenity pack. This explained the state of the place. The people in the pack were calm and collected. They didn’t appreciate rash behavior.

  “What is your name again?”, he asked putting the phone a little away from his ear.

  “Caroline Dunbar”

  He repeated the same to whom I believe was uncle Orion. After a few more minutes of talking he hung up and gave back the phone to the guard before addressing me.

  “Your claim has been proved right and your pack members are on their way here, but the stunt you pulled a while ago is not appreciated a bit.”

  Chapter 21


  After being lectured as to how he disliked my behavior, I was taken upstairs to a guest room so that I could freshen up and have something to fill my stomach.

  My stomach was churning a bit out of normal and I had a bad feeling about it.

  While I was waiting for my pack members to arrive, I took out the letter Asher had given me, from the safe. I stared at it as if it was a dynamo that was about to burst any time then. He told that I could read it only when I was out the clan and was safe enough. I am definitely out of the clan, and I am safe now, ain’t I? I stared at the letter a little long I guess, because the next thing I know, I was being called down by the alpha. I nodded at the young girl who had come to fetch me, before keeping the letter back in its lock rather reluctantly.

  The pack house was large. I had learnt that it had 4 floors with five to six rooms each floor. The place was neat as it is, with the floors all but shining. The girl directed me to the alpha office in the first floor.

  Once we reached the door I thanked the girl before dismissing her. I heard alpha Zach say ‘You needn’t have come here all the way.’, before I knocked on the door. A dominant voice replied asking me to come in.

  The moment I entered all the pairs of eyes were on me along with dad’s and uncle’s. I didn’t expect them to come all the way here. Now I get what Zach meant by his words from earlier. Before I could move any further, I was engulfed by none other than my dad, with uncle following suit. Once both of them had settled down, I kissed their cheeks before settling next to them.

  Zach who had been watching all this exchange open mouthed, finally shut his mouth.

  “Who is she?”, he asked. It wasn’t what her name is question, but how you people are related question.

  “She is our daughter. Biologically his but by heart mine too.”, uncle said.

  “So you mean she is the beta’s daughter. Then what was she doing near my pack which happens to be in middle of nowhere.”

  Before I could stop either of them from opening their mouths, dad dropped the bomb.

  “She was kidnapped.”

  “We were attacked by the vampires and she got kidnapped. Shortly after my son’s mate went missing too.”, uncle finished.

  Kira is missing? That’s news for me. When he referred to Kira as his mate, I didn’t so much as to flinch. That is an improvement in me and others as well, as he actually acknowledged her. But even then, I had to mentally slap myself at them, for telling something personal as such, ju
st like that.

  “Have you found her?”, Zach asked, not further questioning my kidnap, which relieved me.

  “No, we thought that she was taken along with Carol. But now that we see that she had no idea about her being kidnapped we will have to continue our search, once back.”, he said dejectedly.

  “Then I shall not get you delayed.”, he said getting up, “It was nice meeting you, send a word if you shall need help.”, putting out his hand towards uncle.

  After expressing our gratitude and saying our goodbyes we settled in our car along with the two other warriors, who had waited at the door, and started our journey back to our pack. On the way there, I learnt from my dad that I had been gone for five days. Other than that, the whole ride was of dad and uncle blaming them for not protecting me.

  After around three hours we finally entered our pack lands. Everyone stopped what they were doing, when I stepped out, to see me. There were few of them who seemed happy to see that I had returned while others seemed relieved that the pack will function normally again, now that an issue has been solved. No matter which, I smiled at everyone before following uncle and dad inside the hall.

  One step inside the house and I had to cover my ears from the sound.

  “You, Caroline Dunbar, are banned from Red Moon Pack.”

  Chapter 22


  Third person’s POV

  He finally arrived at the pack border. No one knows about his arrival other than Alpha Orion, who had informed the guard beforehand to permit him inside.

  On the way to the alpha’s house, he saw that the pack members were rambling on all sides. He questioned the guard, guiding him through the pack, about the same.

  “The beta’s daughter was kidnapped five days ago during a gathering, she seems to have been found and brought back today.”, he said shrugging. But the information struck hard on the stranger’s heart.

  Since there was some more time before they reach the destination, he asked about the gathering.

  “The gathering was to pass on the position to the alpha’s son and to officially introduce his mate, who also got kidnapped. She hasn’t been found yet.”


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