Her Monster

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Her Monster Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She licked her lips. “I wanted you to kiss me. I want you to touch me.” She took his hand and placed it against her breast. “Like this.”

  Her tits were large and filled his hand just perfectly, making him groan. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Why not? We can—”

  He cut her off by claiming her lips once again. They were so soft beneath his.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and as he pressed her against the wall, she melted against him. Would her pussy be wet? How tight would she be when he drove inside her, filling her to the brim? There was nothing nice or sweet about what he wanted to do to her. His nights had been filled with fantasizing about her beneath him.

  He wanted that more than anything else; her beneath him, taking his cock.

  Dropping one of his hands down to the skirt of her dress, he gathered it up in his fist and touched her naked flesh.

  She felt so good.

  He’d never been one for skinny women. He liked them to have some meat on their bones as he loved to fuck. There was nothing worse than taking a woman that would moan about how big he was or that he was hurting her.

  The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Faith, but his need for her was driving him harder than ever before.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he said, breaking from the kiss.

  “I want you, Caleb. This is not about making me do anything. I want you.” She gripped the back of his neck, and when he stared into her green eyes, he was completely fucking lost.

  She began to undo the buttons of her shirt, and he didn’t stop her. She lifted the dress up and over her head, and stood before him in lacy white lingerie. Her tits were large, she had a nice rounded stomach and hips. Her thighs were thick and juicy, and he wanted her.

  Tilting her head back, he took possession of her mouth. At the same time, he ran his hand down her back, gripping her ripe ass.

  He was on cloud nine, his cock so hard that it was threatening to blow at any moment.

  Breaking from her lips, he trailed kisses down her neck to the tops of her breasts. She released a little whimper. Holding the straps of her bra, he slid them down her arms until her tits fell out, and they were a beautiful sight.

  Her hard, red nipples poked out. Cupping her tits, he heard her gasp, and staring into her eyes, he saw she was completely into this.

  “If I touch your pussy right now, will it be wet?”


  “Show me.”

  “Show you?”

  “Touch yourself. Show me how wet your pussy is. I want to see it.”

  She touched her pussy. The moment she touched her clit, he saw it as a gasp escaped her. She was so sensitive that her own touch caused her pleasure.

  She held her fingers up to him, and he saw how wet she was. The scent of her was intoxicating, and he couldn’t get enough. Taking her hand, he sucked on her fingers, tasting her sweetness, and he wanted more.

  He’d never been one for sucking on a woman’s pussy, but right then, that was all he wanted to do, have Faith spread out on the bed so he could lick every single inch of her.

  Lifting her up into his arms, he carried her away from the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you to my room.”


  “No buts. I know what I want, and this first time with you, it’s going to be something to remember.” He didn’t care if the world ended around him. The only person he focused on in that moment was Faith.

  She held onto his neck as he carried her upstairs toward his bedroom. Kicking open the doors, he did the same after he entered so it closed with a bang.

  Placing her on the bed, he pushed her back and grabbed her panties. He tore them from her body, his impatience finally winning the day, and he couldn’t wait another second. Spreading her thighs wide, he knelt on the floor, and for a few precious moments, he looked at her pussy. So sweet. She had fine hairs covering her lips, and they were open just a little, showing off her swollen clit.

  Running his fingers across her pussy, he opened her up and moaned. Her cunt was dripping, and she was so wet.

  “You want me, Faith?”

  “More than anything.”

  He’d been wanting her for a long time now, and he’d felt like a sick fuck whenever he allowed himself to think about it. She was eighteen years old, and had so much of her life ahead of her. There were so many other men she could be with, safe men. He wasn’t a safe person. He killed people for a living, and he’d killed her father purely because he’d given her to him as a payment.

  Yet the thought of anyone else being near her, close to her, filled Caleb with a rage that he couldn’t describe. No one else would ever be able to give her the kind of the pleasure he could.

  Stroking through her wet pussy lips, he teased her clit, and she gasped, arching up, her tits shaking with each indrawn breath. Finally, when he couldn’t stand to not touch her, he spread open her lips and ran his tongue across her clit. Going back and forth across her nub, he felt her shake. The gasp that escaped her along with the sounds of pleasure drove him crazy. Releasing his belt, he began to slide open his pants, desperate to release the pressure. He was so fucking aroused. His cock was rock-hard, in so much need. He kept on licking her pussy as he wriggled out of his pants. His cock sprang forward, and he ran his hand up and down the length, pre-cum already leaking out of the tip.

  With his free hand, he slid his fingers through her pussy, finding her entrance and pressing in deep. She felt so incredibly tight and hot. She was already soaking wet, and the taste of her was the best thing he could ever remember.

  This woman on his bed was all his.

  That was what was driving him completely crazy with need. Faith belonged to him, and he was going to treat her with so much care, and never let her go, not for a single second. He loved her being here, and feeling her responses to him only served to drive his desire for her even higher.

  “Please, Caleb, I can’t stand it.”

  “You want to come?” he asked, whispering the words against her pussy.

  “Yes, please, I need it.”

  Thrusting two fingers inside her wet cunt, he attacked her clit, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm, feeling her ride toward it fast approaching. Her pants, her pleasure cries, all drove his arousal up. Releasing his cock, he held onto her hip, squeezing the flesh as she wriggled against his mouth.

  Her pussy tightened even more, and within seconds she erupted, screaming his name as her cum flooded his fingers. He continued to suck her clit, relishing each shake and moan as it filled the air.


  Faith had read about orgasms, and of course she’d experienced them at her own hand, but never in all of her life could she even imagine it being like that. Caleb pressed a kiss against her clit and lifted up.

  Staring down at him, she saw his face covered in her cream, and she licked her own lips.

  “You taste so good. I’m going to want to lick your pussy regularly.”

  She didn’t have a problem with that, not at all. In fact, she liked the thought of him licking her pussy.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she said.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m not doing this because I have to.” She sat up and hesitated as she cupped his face. She didn’t know why she did, only that she wasn’t sure if she could touch him.

  Caleb took her hands and placed them against his cheeks. “I’m yours to touch any time you want. You don’t need permission.”

  She ran her thumbs down his face. There was a hard line of stubble that grazed her thumbs.

  “Is it wrong that I want so much?” she asked.

  “It’s never wrong to want something.” His hand stayed at her hip, and she watched him, unable to look away. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”

  “But I want this, Caleb. I want you.”

  “What exactly do you want?”
/>   “I want to … have sex. I want to fuck.”

  He smiled. “The stuff I know would terrify a little girl like you.”

  She tilted his head back, and this time, she claimed his lips. When she slid her tongue across his, he opened up, and she plunged inside, deepening the kiss. Her need for him rose with each passing second.

  “Why don’t you try me?” she said. “I think you’ll be surprised about what I’m willing to take.”

  She sat on the bed, naked, completely vulnerable and open to his touch. Glancing down, she saw his pants were down to his knees. His cock was still rock-hard, the tip slick with his pre-cum.

  “I’m not a little girl,” she said, reaching down and taking him in her hand.

  He was a lot bigger than what she thought he would be. Working her hand up and down his length, she watched as he closed his eyes.

  It looked like he was in a little pain.

  “Once you start this, there’s no way out, Faith. You’ll be my woman. No holding back. I want to know everything, and you’ll be open and honest with me.”

  “I know you killed my father. I know you hate having me here as some kind of debt.” She’d come to see that even though Caleb was a bad man, he had … standards. It seemed to contradict everything, and yet, she wouldn’t change a single thing about him. She didn’t care that he hurt people or even killed them in his line of work.

  The world was a shitty place to be. There were men and women out there who were far more dangerous than this man in front of her.

  “I’m not a good man.”

  “I’m not looking for a good man, Caleb. I’m not going to judge you or ask you for anything that you’re not willing to give.”

  “I don’t do love.”

  This made her smile. “I don’t believe in it.”

  She may read all about it, but that didn’t mean that she was interested in it, or even for a second believed it existed. In the world she’d known, love meant nothing. Her own parents hadn’t loved each other. In fact, she’d go so far as to say they despised each other, at least from what her father said. He’d often curse the woman who’d burdened him with a child.

  “There won’t be any other man.”

  Her heart sped up as it meant he was considering it. He’d just given her one of the best orgasms she’d ever experienced, and she wasn’t ready to let it stop there. There was so much more she wanted.

  For the longest time he stared at her, and she wondered what he was thinking.

  “I’m the one in charge. You’ll do as I say.”


  “I’m not a dominant man or believe in BDSM. If there’s anything you don’t want, say no, and I’ll stop. I’m going to push you because that’s what I’m like.”

  This made her smile. She had yet to discover any kind of secret sex dungeon, not that it would have caused her a problem. The thing about owning an e-reader, she could read whatever the hell she wanted, and there was some dark stuff around about dominants and submissives.

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “I see the kind of stuff you read.”

  This made her cheeks heat, but she couldn’t contain her smile.

  “You like a lot of sex,” he said.

  “I’m curious about it. I’ve had it one time, and I’d love to do it again.” Was she flirting? It felt a lot like she was flirting with him.

  Everything was moving so fast right now, and her heart raced. She kept on teasing his length hoping that he’d give in.

  Please, Caleb, see that I want this.

  Even though she’d already experienced one orgasm, she wanted another so desperately.

  He pushed her hand away and stood up. She stared up at him, waiting. He reached out, stroking her cheek. “Open your mouth.”

  She did as he asked, opening her lips and staring up at him.

  He cupped her cheek with his thumb running across her mouth before sliding inside. “Suck it.”

  She did as he asked, sucking on his thumb with her gaze still on him, waiting for his next instruction.

  Caleb pulled his thumb out from her mouth, and sank his fingers into her hair, fisting the length. She didn’t mind the slight pain that he inflicted with his touch. Her nipples tightened.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She sank down to the floor and stared up at him, once more waiting for his next instruction. Did he even realize that his orders were turning her on? She didn’t know if she’d like being at a man’s mercy, but right now, she couldn’t wait for whatever he had to say. Everything felt right, and completely in focus. Did that make her a submissive or kinky?

  With his other hand, he held his cock, and when he ordered her to lick the tip, she did, tasting his pre-cum.

  “You’ve never sucked a man’s dick?”

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t use your teeth. Take me into your mouth until I hit the back of your throat.” She followed his instruction, making sure she didn’t graze his dick with her teeth. She didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled away. She bobbed on his cock, listening to his moans as she did so.

  Faith loved hearing the pleasure come from him. Placing her hands on his thighs, she glanced up at him, and his gaze was focused on her. Her cheeks heated at the way he looked at her. It was like he wanted to consume her, and she was more than willing to be his.

  “Do you realize how many times I’ve thought about you on your knees in front of me? How I’ve wanted you to take my cock into that pretty little mouth? Your lips were made for a cock, Faith.”

  She closed her eyes and moaned, the vibration of her sounds setting him off as he gripped the back of her neck and pumped into her mouth. She loved that little loss of control he showed.

  “For a woman who’s never sucked a cock, you’re a natural. A little rough around the edges, but with practice you’ll be perfect.”

  Pulling off his cock, she took a breath. “I’ll be happy to practice on you.”

  He stroked her cheek, and she didn’t wait. Taking him back into her mouth, she sucked him even harder, wanting him to come with just her mouth alone.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said. “I’m so close. You’ve never had a mouthful of cum. Pull away if you don’t want it, Faith.”

  She didn’t pull away.

  He hadn’t when she’d been close to her release.

  “Oh, fuck!” He shouted out the word, and it made her smile. In the next second his cock expanded, and she felt the first wave of his cum spill into her mouth. “Hold it, don’t swallow,” he said.

  She didn’t know how much more she could take as he filled her mouth. Finally, after a few seconds, he stopped, and pulled out of her mouth.

  “Open, let me see.”

  Feeling incredibly aroused, she opened her mouth, and he groaned.

  “Swallow it.”

  She did as he asked, and he stroked her cheek.

  “I’m fucking doomed,” he said.

  “You’ve said a lot of fucks in the past few seconds,” she said, smiling.

  “You’re moving into my room.”

  “Okay. What will Anne think?”

  “I’ll handle Anne. Knowing her, she thinks you’ll be my salvation.”

  Chapter Six

  “Have you caved yet?” Beast asked.

  Caleb glanced over at his brother while their men brought in the traitor who had decided to not only talk to the cops, but also sell their product to their enemy.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Your little teenager. I saw the way you were looking at her the few times I’ve seen her, or at least how you try to pretend that you can’t see her.”

  “She’s not a teenager, not like that.” Caleb didn’t like to think about their small age gap. He was only a couple years younger than Beast’s thirty-seven years, so there wasn’t as big of an age gap, but still.

  Faith didn’t seem to mind when he was
licking her pussy. In fact, he’d still be in bed with her today if it wasn’t for Beast’s call alerting him to their current problem. Their informant on the police force happened to be on duty when the little fucker came in, so no crap was going to go down on that front.

  It wouldn’t have been a big deal, but it would have cost them a lot more money and they’d have had to bribe a lot more people.

  “You really need to get over whatever issues you have,” Beast said, shrugging.

  “How about you stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  “Ah, but you see, you didn’t always stay out of my shit, now did you? If you remember, you liked to talk to my little bird.” Beast raised his brow, and Caleb sighed.

  “Hope is different.”

  “She is, which is why I won’t completely mess with your life even though I really want to.”

  “Just leave it alone.”

  “We’ll see. How is Dwayne getting on?” Beast asked.

  Caleb had been completely surprised by Dwayne’s turnaround. He hadn’t expected the young man to turn up for their runs or their workout sessions, but each day at five o’clock in the morning, Dwayne was there.

  “He’s training really well. Surprising me with his change.”

  “He’s not partying anymore, and there’s no beer either. At first, I thought it was Hope because she can’t drink anymore, not that she ever really drank. Dwayne’s the one who did it, not that I’ve got a problem.” The sound of screaming filled the air, and Beast sighed. “Why do they think they can get away with stuff like this?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s time for us to party.”

  For the next two hours, between himself and Beast, they tortured the man to find out who his supplier was, who’d approached him, and where he’d been feeding their product. The moment they had everything they needed, Caleb plunged the knife into the fucker’s throat, ending his life.

  Grabbing his jacket from one of the men, Caleb left Beast to clean up the mess like he did every single time they did this together. He was the one who handled the final blow.

  Taking a life hadn’t always been so easy.

  Caleb for the longest time had refused to kill anyone, but their father, and then Beast, wouldn’t let him refuse. He’d seen how destructive people could be, and that no one would ever have his back other than his brother. There wasn’t anyone else in the world that he’d trust with his life other than Beast.


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