Her Monster

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Her Monster Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  He smiled. “My brother would like any compliment about his woman.”

  This brought a smile to her, and he liked staring at her.

  “She’s really nice.”

  “I know. It’s one of the many things that my brother adores about her. What about you? What do you hope to be?” he asked, curious about her.

  “What do you mean? Like when I grow up?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “I don’t really know. I always kind of thought I’d get a job, work my way up, have a stable apartment or something like that.”

  “A man? Kids?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “Not really. The only real example of a male figure was my dad, and he sucked at it big time. I didn’t want that kind of life for myself. I didn’t really think much else after that, I’m afraid. I know, I’m such a bore.”

  This made him smile. “You’re not a bore.”

  “I don’t know. When you’re worried about men coming to beat you up because your father couldn’t pay or to run you down it takes something out of life.” She pointed at her scar, and it made him want to kill the fuckers.

  “What happened about that?”

  “About what?”

  “The people who did your scar?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Not a lot. One moment I was in the hospital, and then Dad came to pick me up, and we were suddenly moving. I don’t know. It hurt like hell.”

  “I bet.”

  He cut their next sandwich in half and offered her one half while taking the other for himself.

  “Did you always want to be part of this world? Being a crime lord, drug lord, I don’t know.”

  “I’m a Carson. I’m an everything kind of guy. I’m my brother’s right-hand man, and I make sure I get the job done.”

  “But growing up? Did you want to do anything else?”

  He stared at her for the longest time. “I never wanted to do anything else because it was never an option for me. It was always this life. Our father made sure that we were trained at a young age.” They’d all been beaten and forced to learn how to hold and shoot a gun, handle a knife, and to kill someone.

  “There’s something there though,” she said. “You wanted to do something.”

  “I do what I want to do.”

  She frowned.

  “I like to spend some time every single year where I get away from it all. No cell phones, no luxury, I just hike, take in the sights, and get back to nature.”


  “Yep. It’s what I do every single year around October. It’s just a little colder, which means I don’t bump into people.”

  “That sounds … amazing.”

  “You think so?” he asked, shocked.

  “Well, yeah. I can’t for a second imagine that. I bet it’s so relaxing.”

  “It is. No one around you for miles. A few years ago, I visited a lake, and I can’t even remember which one. I tend to just start walking. I was so quiet, just sitting, looking around me, and I watched a family of deer come to the lake and drink the water. It was so cold, and they were so beautiful, you know.”


  “Yeah, it was amazing. Moments like that make me realize how small we are in the real world. No one can ever take that away from us. Then of course I get home. Back to reality where I have to kill people and shit.”

  “Do you hunt when you do these trips?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I’m in their domain. There’s always a risk of being attacked by a bear or a pack of wolves. So far, nothing. Still sound good?”

  “Yeah, it really does. When you live in the city, worried every single night by a knock on the door, that does sound a lot like heaven.” She smiled at him.

  “If you want, I can take you with me this year.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “If you’d want to go, that is.”

  “Hell, yeah. Get away from everything. Hike, travel, see some amazing sights. Absolutely. Consider it a date.”

  “It’ll be a very sexy date.” He reached out, taking her hand and pulling her close. “You’ll be a delightful distraction.”

  “I’ve never been called delightful before. I kind of like it.”

  Placing his hand on her hip, he pressed his cock against her stomach. With his other hand, he sank his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  The smile slipped from her face.

  “One day I’m going to say that and you’re going to believe me.”

  “I know I’m not.”

  He stared at her, seeing the sadness in her eyes, and only wanted it to go away. “Because of your scar?” He traced a finger over the line. It wasn’t neat, but it looked like it hurt. “You’re a beautiful woman who has been through hell. This scar, it’s nothing.”


  Tears filled Faith’s eyes. The look Caleb was giving her made her believe every single word he spoke. Could it be true that he thought she looked beautiful? It seemed too surreal to her to believe.

  His thumb went to her chin, and once again he tilted her head back. “Don’t let what others think ever touch you, Faith. You’re better than most people.”

  When his lips crashed down on hers, she closed her eyes, moaning as his hand gripped the back of her neck, holding her in place. She didn’t want to move. His touch was so intimate, and the control he showed only served to turn her on.

  His hand moved down her body, and he lifted her up in his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held onto his shoulders. In a few quick steps they were in his dining room, and he placed her on the table.

  “I was going to put you on the counter in the kitchen, but that’s a little too high for what I want to do to you.”

  Caleb pressed her back so that she lay on the table, waiting for him to have his way with her.

  He stepped away, and she watched as he pulled each of the chairs away from the table. Her gaze landed on his cock, which was already erect.

  “You want to suck my cock, don’t you?”

  She nodded. He stepped closer to the table, and she wriggled toward the edge. She wrapped her fingers around his length, but Caleb grabbed her hand and pressed it against the table. “No hands. Only your mouth.”

  Opening her lips, she stared up at him as he slowly fed his cock into her mouth. She tasted them both on his length, and she couldn’t help but shut her eyes at the pleasure.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  His voice commanded obedience, and she followed his instructions.

  He thrust his hips forward and backward, the tip of his cock brushing the back of her throat before he withdrew.

  After she got used to him fucking her mouth, he went a little deeper, to the point that she nearly gagged, but he pulled away, giving her time to get used to the feel before doing it again.

  As she sucked his dick, one of his hands moved down her body. He stroked her tight nipples, over her stomach, settling between her thighs.

  Two fingers slid in deep, and she had to force herself to keep her eyes focused on him, and not on what he was doing.

  The pleasure was intense and drove her wild with more need.

  He added a third finger to her pussy, and his thumb stroked across her clit.

  “Your cunt wants my dick, baby. I can feel it. You want to be fucked?”

  She nodded her head.

  He pulled out of her mouth, and in the next second, he had her at the edge of the table. She watched as he ran his cock between her slit, bumping against her clit before he finally pressed the entire length inside.

  Caleb ordered her to lie back, and she did.

  She felt open, vulnerable. He was the one in control, staring down at her body, spread open for him to see.

  “Put your hands above your head.”

  She did as he asked.

  His cock stayed still within her.

  Caleb placed her knees on the end of the table. The odd angle
made her feel surprisingly full. He ran his hands down her thighs then up again. This time, when he stroked down, he did it on the inside, and he stroked over her pussy.

  “I can see part of my cock.” He pulled out of her. “It’s covered in your cum. I bet there’s even more of me there as well.”

  “Do you like to talk dirty?” she asked.

  “Yes. Does that surprise you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I like dirty things. Fucking isn’t done right if there’s not a bit of mess.”

  Faith chuckled. She’d never been the kind of person to respond to stuff like this, yet the words coming from his mouth aroused her even more.

  He pulled out of her pussy, and she gasped as his fingers filled her. She didn’t know what he was going to do as he slid them across her clit then down to her entrance, plunging inside.

  She took three of his fingers, and he fucked her hard, his thumb stroking over her clit. She was about to go over that peak into orgasm, but he pulled out. Instead of going to her clit or fucking her, he pulled his fingers back, teasing over her ass.

  “Has anyone fucked your ass before?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  As he teased her anus she couldn’t help but tense up. It was so wrong, right?

  She panicked a little as the tip of one finger thrust within her. It felt a little too tight, and it burned.

  “It’s okay, baby. One day I’ll take your ass and you’ll be begging for it.” Caleb didn’t press anymore, and only teased against her.

  Faith cried out as his cock suddenly slid back inside her pussy.

  “So fucking tight.” He began to rock inside her, going deep.

  She clenched her hands tight, as he fucked her hard.

  “I want you to touch your pussy now, Faith. Show me what you do to make yourself get off.”

  As she stared at him, he stopped, his cock pulsing inside her. Reaching between her thighs, she touched her pussy.

  Her cheeks heated up as he watched her do this.

  “You have got nothing to be ashamed of, Faith. I like to watch, and I want to see you play.”

  Sliding her fingers through her slit, she touched her clit, and moved down until she felt his cock, which was still inside her.

  He groaned as she teased and played with his cock and where they both connected as one.

  “Do you like me inside you?”

  “Yes.” She licked her lips. “Do you like being inside me?”

  His gaze seemed to flare. “Yes.”

  She liked his answer.

  Drawing her fingers up to her clit, she stroked herself. Slowly, Caleb rocked inside her, driving her arousal higher, and closer to the peak.

  His hands were on her hips, and she watched him, addicted to everything that he was doing to her.

  All too soon, the pleasure reached a fever pitch, and she couldn’t hold back another second, nor did she want to.

  She came with a cry, and not long after Caleb joined her, groaning as he thrust deep within her, his dick pulsing wave upon wave of his release inside her.

  When it was over, neither of them spoke or moved.

  Her hand was trapped between them. His head rested against her breasts with his breath fanning her nipple.

  “I don’t want to move right now.”

  She chuckled.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  “No, you’re not hurting me.”

  “Fuck! I’m so sorry.”

  She gasped as Caleb sat up.

  Tilting her head back to look at the door, she saw a young guy who looked a little like Caleb.

  “Get the fuck out!” Caleb yelled. At the same time, he covered her body with his hands.

  She couldn’t do much more as he had her hands trapped.

  The young man left the room, and she looked back at Caleb, who was glaring at the door. “I’m going to shoot him one of these days.”

  “Who is he?”

  She’d seen him around the house a couple of times, but she’d always been sure to avoid him.

  “That’s my nephew. He’s the same age as you, and believe me, I’m going to beat the shit out of him. I think he needs to go into an early grave.”

  “He saw us,” she said with a groan.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll deal with him.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Go upstairs and run us both a bath. I’ll be there to join you.”

  “Don’t shoot him here, please. Anne would be so pissed,” she said.

  He burst out laughing. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure Anne doesn’t find out. I know a cleaning crew.” He winked at her.

  “I don’t need to know these things.”

  He pulled out of her, and she felt his cum spilling out of her, gliding down her thigh.

  Caleb groaned, cupping her pussy. “I’d love to stay and play, but I’ve got to deal with him. Wait for me.”

  She followed behind Caleb, and when she saw the coast was clear, she made a run for it upstairs toward his room. Going straight to the bathroom, she started their bath, and giggled. She couldn’t believe what had just happened.

  Shaking her head, she finished dealing with the bath, and then moved toward the mirror. Staring at her reflection, she ran a finger lightly down her scar. For a long time after she’d gotten it, she hadn’t wanted to look in the mirror. She’d felt hideous, ugly, useless. It was around the same time that any love she had for her father left.

  Seeing him constantly doing what he wanted and with herself always dealing with the consequences, she’d gotten angry, and through that anger, she’d stopped having any feeling about him whatsoever.

  When it came to Caleb, she felt everything.

  “Don’t do it, Faith. Don’t go there.”

  She spun on her heel and climbed into the bath.

  This relationship had no room for change of any kind.

  Chapter Eight

  A couple weeks later

  “How is Dwayne’s training?” Beast asked.

  Caleb stopped looking around the library and turned to look at his brother. “He’s fine. He’s stopped moaning at every single request.”

  “And what are your thoughts on him?”

  “You’ve treated him too soft.”

  “There are ways to train that don’t involve our father’s methods, Caleb. I figured you’d appreciate that. Why have you suddenly taken an interest in my book collection?”

  “You have more than me.”

  “That’s what happens when you like books more than you do getting one with nature. You own more tents and survival kits than I do,” Beast said, a smirk on his lips.

  Caleb smiled. His brother had never understood his need to get away from it all. When your every need was catered to, he guessed a lot of people wouldn’t like going out near the winter, just to be at peace with oneself. He needed it. Without, he couldn’t handle everything he had to do.

  “I nearly killed Dwayne, just so you know.”

  Beast laughed. “Do I even want to know why?”

  “He saw my woman naked.”

  This made Beast’s brow rise. “Your woman?”

  “You’re shocked that I have a woman but not shocked that I tried to kill our nephew.”

  “I’ve wanted to kill Dwayne a few times. I think it’s the boy’s MO, or at least he has a knack for pissing people off. You’ve decided to take the little debt as your woman?”

  “Don’t call her that, Beast.” He didn’t like that. Faith deserved a lot more than to be viewed as some kind of debt.

  “Hope likes her.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Hope likes everyone.”


  This made Beast smile. “Are you happy?”

  Caleb stared at his brother and saw the concern in Beast’s eyes. They were both monsters and beasts within their world, and rarely took the time to talk about their feelings. He’d always assumed Beast didn’t have any until Hope came into his brother’s li

  “I’m happy.”

  “I know this life gets to you.”

  “I’m fine, Beast. I’ll never have a problem.”

  Beast stared at him for several minutes. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m always here, aren’t I?”

  “Still, it must … be difficult.”

  He’d never had a heart-to-heart with his brother. He’d never felt the need to. They were two different people, and each of them had a different way of dealing with the world.

  “You don’t need to start worrying about me. Just because I like a woman doesn’t mean I’m going soft,” Caleb said.

  “Well, I know what it’s like.” Beast leaned forward, holding up a file. “I need you to head to Vegas this weekend.”

  “What for?” He took the file from his brother and opened it. On the first page was a picture of a man, a cop that was on their payroll.

  “I see you recognize him. No, he’s not offering our secrets to the law, and we’re not going to have the FBI knocking down our doors. He’s selling our secrets to the highest bidder, or at least, that’s the rumor. I had a call this morning that he’s setting up an auction, and hopes to have our competitors pay for the privilege of everything he knows.”

  “That shit isn’t happening,” Caleb said, flicking over the page. “This is why I don’t like dealing with dirty cops.”

  “Dirty cops have their uses. What I don’t like are dirty rat cops. This guy is dangerous.”

  “You want him dead?”


  Caleb saw where he’d set up operations. “How long has he been there?”

  “One day. I already have your tickets.”

  Beast handed over the flight tickets. Caleb studied them then looked at his brother. “Why do I have two?”

  “For your woman, of course. Vegas can be such a … wonderful place. You can have wedding ceremonies, gambling.”

  “I know exactly what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work,” Caleb said.

  “Well, you could make an honest woman out of her.”

  “She doesn’t do love,” Caleb said.

  “Neither do you. Besides, it’s amazing what happens when you spend time together. Words are spoken, feelings are developed, and before you know where you are, you’re a happily married man with lots to live for and a baby on the way.”


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