Sweet-Loving Cowboy--A Kinky Spurs Novel

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Sweet-Loving Cowboy--A Kinky Spurs Novel Page 7

by Stacey Kennedy

  Chase nodded. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  Joel leaned forward, scratching Houdini’s head again. This time, Houdini growled. Joel chuckled and pulled his hand back. “I’m looking forward to the grand opening. You’ll send me an invite?”

  “Of course.”

  “Attaboy.” He cupped Chase’s shoulder, eyes softening. “Your father would be proud of you, son.”


  A sudden rush of tension tightened Chase’s chest, even if Joel didn’t mean the word in the context Chase took it. He missed his father terribly. The world still did not seem quite right without the head of their family. “Thank you, Joel.”

  Joel tipped his cowboy hat, then walked away toward his white truck with BRECKENRIDGE CONSTRUCTION written on the side.

  A squeak had Chase glancing down again. Two sparkling eyes stared back at him. “Come on, Houdini. You better put on all your charm. My mother needs to fall madly in love with you.”

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, in the middle-class neighborhood only a ten-minute drive from Main Street, Harper carried a taped box into the living room, placing it on top of the others stacked there. The yellow curtains around the bay window caught her eye, even the oak wood end tables and the matching coffee table were all the same since she was a child. The brown recliner in the corner across from the television also hadn’t changed. That’s where her father used to sit to watch the football game. She could almost see her mom sitting near him on the flower-patterned couch, working on a new knitting project. Harper was sure a psychologist would claim that she and Brody were trying to hang on to the past.

  Maybe they were.

  Through the window, she spotted Brody’s truck pulling into the driveway. An interrogation was imminent. She sighed, hurrying by the small rectangular-shaped kitchen with the plain-white cabinets, and headed into her tiny bedroom and grabbed another empty box off the floor. After placing the box on her white metal-framed bed, she returned to her small closet, fetching more dresses on their hangers.

  By the time she pulled the hanger off one dress and began folding the thin fabric to place into the box, Brody stood at her doorway. “You didn’t come home last night.”

  “Nope, I didn’t.” She paused, considering, then thought it wise to add, “I won’t be coming home for the rest of the week either.”

  Brody’s hesitation was longer this time. She dared a quick look, surprised he wasn’t seething. From what she could tell, and she’d become good at reading her big brother, he seemed genuinely concerned. “Why not?” he eventually asked.

  “Because I’ll be staying with someone else.”

  “Who?” Brody crossed his arms and straightened his spine. “Emma?”

  “No, not Emma.”


  Harper sighed, dropping the next dress into the box, addressing this head-on. “Do you really want to have this conversation? I have a week left in River Rock. Please let me spend it with who I want to spend it with. No interference. Then I’ll go to Vegas.”

  The muscle working in Brody’s jaw was indication enough that he knew she was talking about Chase. They’d only ever addressed how she felt about Chase once. Brody had demanded she stop hitting on his best friend. She’d refused. That had been the end of the conversation.

  “No, you’re right, I don’t want to hear anything about this,” Brody finally grumbled. He entered the room, taking a seat on the end of her bed next to the open box. “But I’m still your brother.”

  “Yes, you’re my brother, therefore, we don’t need to have a mom-and-daughter chat.”

  Brody glanced down to his laced fingers. “I know . . . it’s just . . .”

  The emotion in Brody’s voice clenched her heart, making her regret trying to shut the conversation down.

  She sighed again, folding the dress in her hands, placing it in the box, then sat next to him. “It’s just what?”

  “I worry about you.” Brody gave her a quick look before glancing at everything but her.

  He’d never seemed to find talking overly comfortable. When he’d attempted to talk to her about sex, he gave her a pamphlet about birth control, STIs, and a doctor’s address, along with money for birth control pills, all without saying a single word. Maybe it wasn’t the best way, but it was Brody’s way, and she loved him. “You have nothing to be worried about. I’m good.”

  “Now everything is good,” Brody retorted with a frown. Another pause. Then he lifted his gaze to hers, revealing emotion-packed eyes. “I don’t like when you cry.”

  “I know you don’t.” Harper placed her hand on his forearm, sensing the quiver in his muscles. “And I won’t cry. Promise.”

  His eyes searched hers, and then he heaved a long sigh. “Listen, I know you’re a grown woman. You’re smart”—he shook his head slowly—“far smarter than I ever was at your age. But women are softer than men, sweeter even. I worry.”

  She heard what he said and absorbed his advice. Brody had given up so much for her to succeed, working as a mechanic to support her during culinary school, when she knew he’d once wanted to go to college himself. He never once let her touch her inheritance because he said she needed that to open a restaurant one day. “Please don’t worry about me. I’m okay.”

  He tilted his head to side, giving her a measured look. “You know what you’re doing?”

  She nodded. “I know exactly what I’m doing. I’d say I even have my big girl panties on, but . . .” She laughed at his cringe, hoping to lighten his mood. “And that’s exactly why I’m not going to say panties.”

  “Please don’t say that again.” Brody cringed.

  “What, panties? What about lacy, fancy panties? Oooh . . . thongs.”

  “Harper,” Brody said dryly.

  She chuckled. “All right, I’m done.”

  Another sigh spilled from his mouth as he rubbed his hands over his face. “I actually have something else I wanted to talk to you about.” He reached into his pocket and took out a black velvet box.

  Harper’s eyes widened, her stomach shooting up to her throat when he opened the box, revealing a sparkling diamond engagement ring and wedding band. “Why do you have Mom’s rings?”

  “With your permission, I want to give the rings to Faith. I’m taking her to the foothills.”

  Harper blinked. “You’re going to propose to her?”

  Brody gave a small shrug. “Think it’s about time for that, don’t you? She’s been with me since high school, and she’s been talking about wanting kids soon.” He gestured at the rings. “But I want you to be okay with her having the rings. They are as much yours as they are mine.”

  Harper reached for the box, closing the lid, holding both her hands around his. “I think the rings are perfect for Faith.” She threw her arms around him. “Mom would be so happy. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Yeah,” Brody said, his arms locked around her.

  The hug lasted longer than Harper thought it should have, and because of that, her throat tightened and eyes watered. So much emotion poured through his hug. Maybe Brody had even wanted to hug her before, but didn’t know how. She got the feeling he did not want to let go. And maybe that was because for so long it was just the two of them.

  Soon, she would be gone.

  When he leaned away, he tucked the ring box into his pocket and rose.

  Harper fought the tears.

  “Oh, hell, don’t do that.” Brody began stepping back like she was toxic. “Jesus, Harper, I just said I hate it when you cry.”

  Harper laughed softly, wiping the tears away. “Well, I’m sorry. I can’t control it. I’m an emotional person.”

  Brody reached the doorway then leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “Faith and I are leaving tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. All right?”

  “Okay.” Harper gave a firm nod. “Good luck.”

  Brody gave a smile that she never saw much. Free and happy, without a thousand resp
onsibilities on his shoulders. Then he was gone, and she heard the front door open then close, and the rumble of his truck’s exhaust. When the sounds outside got quiet, she flopped back onto her bed, staring at her popcorn ceiling.


  Wow. Everything was changing so fast.

  The sudden beeping of her cell phone snapped her out of her thoughts. She grabbed her phone off the bed, finding a text from Chase.

  Plans for tonight?

  An idea began to form. Want to live dangerously? she texted back.


  Come to my place.

  * * *

  On the drive over to Harper’s house, Chase forced himself to leave his work behind him. His team would work into the night finishing up with a couple of small projects at the ranch, but he was confident the inspection would go off without a hitch on Monday. Glad that he would have tomorrow off to spend the day with Harper, he pulled his truck in behind her white Honda in the driveway and cut the ignition. Next to him on the passenger seat, Houdini lay looking at him with his tongue wagging out. Compared to Gus, Houdini was such a calm dog. He had wise, inquisitive eyes. An old soul. Though, sadly, he was not cute enough to tempt Chase’s mother into taking him.

  Chase sighed and scooped up the puppy, looking him directly in the eye. “We’ll find you somewhere great, buddy. Don’t you worry.”

  Houdini licked his nose. Chase smiled and tucked the pup in his arm then traveled up the porch cement steps. Part of him knew how dangerous this was. Brody would likely kill him if he found him there. Though Chase trusted that Harper wouldn’t want him dead. He almost knocked, until he spotted a note taped to the front door.

  I’ve got a treat for you inside. The door is open.

  Curiosity building, he grabbed the note, crumpled it into his hand, then shoved the paper into his pocket. He entered the house, discovering a dog crate in his path, and another note.

  Put Houdini to bed. Come find me.

  Heat rose in his groin as he placed Houdini in the crate where he discovered treats, a comfy bed, and a stuffed animal. Houdini looked at him once, then ate the treats. After spending so much time at the vet’s, Chase assumed, he was used to cages now because he settled in easily.

  Leaving Houdini there, he kicked off his work boots, glancing around at the living room, not seeing anything belonging to Harper there, telling him she was moving along with her packing. Intent to find her, his cock twitching with her obvious game, he approached the kitchen, with the thin hallway down to the left leading to the three bedrooms and bathroom. Silence surrounded him until he stepped into the kitchen, then his heart rate filled his ears.

  Harper lay on the kitchen table on her side. Naked, her long hair blanketing the table behind her, she placed her head on her hand, one leg resting over the other.

  She gave a sensual smile, swirling her finger into a bowl of chocolate resting atop a warmer. “I considered making a gourmet dinner for you to taste-test, but then thought you might appreciate tasting me instead.” She slid her chocolate-covered finger across her lips. “I’m really quite delicious. Want a taste?”

  His muscles quivered, cock hardened to the point of near pain in his Levi’s. “Had I known you were waiting for me like this, I would have driven faster.”

  Her heated eyes twinkled. “Good thing you didn’t know, then. I would have felt terrible if you had gotten into a car accident.”

  He swallowed deeply, taking a moment to absorb the scene around him. She had left a condom for him on the table near her feet. The only other thing on the table was the chocolate. And her.

  That’s all he saw since the day she had come back from Denver. Her confidence. Her playfulness. She had him all caught up. He arched an eyebrow. “You want to play, Harper?”

  “Oh, yes, do I ever.” She smirked.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he strode forward and captured her chin, then licked the chocolate off her bottom lip, tasting the sweetness. He slid his hand into the soft strands of her hair then sealed his mouth across hers. Her low moan vibrated across him. Her body softened beneath his mouth.

  Determined to deliver the fantasy she planned, he broke the kiss then gathered her in his arms, placing her on feet. He slid his finger into the chocolate then glanced at her. “I will kiss wherever this chocolate touches. Show me the path to take.”

  A sexy smile curved her mouth. She pointed to her lips. “Here.”

  His dick throbbed under that salacious grin. Over the years, he had seen Harper a lot of ways, but this uninhibited woman was new to him. He placed his finger on the plumpest part of her bottom lip, leaving a trail of chocolate there.

  Keeping her eyes on his, she dragged her finger down to her breast. “Here.” She pointed to the other nipple. “And here.”

  He purposely looked away from her, letting her feel how much he wanted her by the way he took his time touching her. He moved his finger from her lip, to over her chin, then down to her neck, trailing a line of chocolate until he reached her breasts. He dipped his finger back into the melted chocolate then circled one nipple, slowly working the bud. She shivered and moaned, and he took a quick look, finding her eyes shut. He moved on to the other nipple, paying the taut bud the same attention. When he lifted his attention to her face, her cheeks were flushed, eyes on him. He arched a brow at her. “Anywhere else, beautiful?”

  She nibbled her lip, removing some of the chocolate, and slowly slid her hand down between her thighs. “Here.”

  “Right there, hmm?” With gentle fingers, he reached for her hip, holding her in place. After another dip in the chocolate sauce, he ran his finger down her stomach until he circled her hard clit, placing chocolate there. She moaned, and he smiled at such a perfect sound. Her eyes were closed again when he looked at her. He tickled her mouth with the tip of his finger. Her lips parted and her eyes opened. She exuded pure lust when she sucked on his finger.

  “You are too fucking sexy, and you know this, don’t you?” His need of her knew no bounds. She drove him wild.

  She nodded, her lips slowly stroking over his finger.

  With her bottom resting on the table, he lifted her chin with his thumb and sealed his mouth over hers, tasting the sugary chocolate between them. She smelled of flowers, sunshine, and desire as he slid his tongue down over her chin to her neck, gingerly paying attention to her in the way she deserved. When he reached her breast, he tongued her areola then sucked her nipple up to the roof of his mouth. Her sharp gasp and head falling back urged him over to the other nipple, removing the chocolate with light flicks of his tongue. Beneath his mouth, she quivered. Drawing out the moment, he continued relentlessly teasing her, removing every single drop of chocolate, tickling his tongue down her stomach until he got on one knee. She widened her legs, showing him where she wanted him.

  And he wanted to taste her.

  Not teasing either of them anymore, he slid the flat of his tongue over her clit. She arched her back, pushing her breasts out. He played right there, sucking off the chocolate, ensuring he licked her clean, until she looked down at him.

  Whatever control he thought he had vanished. Those damn pretty eyes owned him. “I need to be inside you,” he told her, rising. There, awaiting him to take her, a quivering mess of need and desire, he watched her, and she watched him back, while he removed his shirt and dropped his pants and boxer briefs. Not hesitating, he sheathed himself in the condom she’d left for him, then grabbed her one leg, hooking it onto his arm. He took hold of the base of his cock and entered her, groaning at her tight heat.

  Eye to eye, he wanted exactly this. He needed her to see only him. He gripped her hip and thrust his hips slowly. Skin against skin, he wanted her to feel every stroke, every inch of his cock filling her up. He felt the tremble of her leg on his arm. He heard the hitch of her breath.

  “Oh, God, you’re so deep. Don’t . . .” Her fingernails dug into this arm, urging him to move harder now. “Please . . . don’t stop.”

bsp; They’d both been teased too far, and he was right there with her, getting close. He gripped her hip tight and rapidly pumped his hips. She screamed a perfect sound of surrender to her pleasure, causing him to reach for her other hip, thrusting his hips fast now, getting them both where he wanted to take them.

  Soon, his groans were all he heard, mirrored by her raspy moans drawing close together, getting louder. He thought he had control, not ready to blow yet, until she gasped, her breath hitched, back arched, and her head fell back against the table. She gave him a gorgeous shudder, bringing out his climax without any warning. He lost sight of her then, drawn inwards as he pounded forward into his orgasm until he was bucking and jerking his seed into the condom.

  Many minutes later, he discovered he was drenched in sweat, the bowl of chocolate was broken on the floor, and Harper was laughing.

  He forced himself to rise, placing his hands on either side of her. “Problem?”

  Her eyes were still shut. “My shift starts in an hour.”

  “You have lots of time to get there.” He swiped the strands of hair off her face, trying to understand.

  “It’s not that. I just came so hard that I honestly cannot move.” She laughed softly again, opening those pretty twinkling eyes to him. “Like, at all.”

  He leaned down and kissed her soft lips, feeling the contractions of her tight heat massaging his spent cock. “That’s a good problem to have, beautiful.”

  “For those who don’t need to work tonight,” she retorted, shutting her eyes with a long breathless sigh. “Just give me a minute. My working legs need to be here somewhere.”

  He chuckled. Christ, he loved hearing her laugh.

  Chapter 6

  Every Sunday before this one, Harper had spent the morning doing absolutely nothing, usually staying in her pajamas until well into the afternoon. She did all the things that made her heart happy. Reading and binge-watching television shows on Netflix usually topped the list. For as long as she could remember, Sundays had always been her favorite day of the week. This morning, however, made every other Sunday before it seem dull in comparison. Other than leaving the bedroom for a quick breakfast, she spent the morning atop Chase, beneath Chase, and against the wall with Chase. She’d had more orgasms over the last twenty-four hours than she’d had in a year.


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