Sweet-Loving Cowboy--A Kinky Spurs Novel

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Sweet-Loving Cowboy--A Kinky Spurs Novel Page 23

by Stacey Kennedy

  Until she reopened her eyes, discovering that she must have slid off the beams to lay on the floor. Chase sat next to her, his back pressed against the wooden beams, beads of sweat sliding down the side of his check, his chest heaving.

  With no recollection of how she got there, she kept the side of her cheek pressed against the cool floor, a much-needed relief, as she tried to desperately catch her breath and feel her toes again.

  Chase’s low chuckle drew up her gaze to his sated eyes. “Teasing the hell out of you might be my favorite thing yet.”

  Mine too.

  Of course, she would tell him that when she could talk again.

  * * *

  An hour later, Chase arrived at the ranch twenty minutes before the grand opening. To his surprise, cars and trucks were parked in a long line along the road, running all the way to the driveway on both sides. Apparently, everyone they had invited to the grand opening had come, and some seemed to have come based on word of mouth alone. They had also all come early.

  A month ago, Chase would have felt a twinge of guilt for spending time lost in Harper instead of being there earlier, but not anymore. She mattered. They mattered. The world could wait.

  He parked his truck on the grass as soon as he pulled through the gates and was out a second later, striding up the gravel driveway. The day could not have been any better. The blue sky was full of white fluffy clouds, and Chase knew whatever picture the reporter printed on Monday, the ranch would look its best.

  The closer he got, the more people he discovered. Some exploring the cabins. Others at the food table that they’d had catered. Harper had insisted on preparing the food, but Chase wanted her to enjoy the day with him. His gaze fell to his mother who stood with all her friends. The second she saw him, she moved in his direction.

  “Can you believe this?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “It’s quite the turnout.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “What’s the word so far?”

  Mom wrapped her arm in his. “Everyone is loving what you’ve done, of course. I keep hearing so many people say such wonderful things about your work.”

  Chase absorbed that. Damn, that felt good. He had gone to the right school, worked beneath the right people to gain the experience he needed, saved the money required. But he realized he was damn glad this was his first project. He had never been prouder to be a Blackshaw.

  Over his mom’s shoulder, he noticed Nash and Shep approaching. When Shep sidled up next to him, he said, “I don’t think we could have asked for a better crowd.”

  “No kidding,” Chase agreed.

  Nash stuffed his hands into his pockets, glancing out at the guests. “Let’s hope we have this much interest once the place opens.”

  “Well, I, for one, am just over the moon right now,” said Mom proudly. “You boys saved what your father created, and I hope you know how happy that makes me.” Tears welled in her eyes and her chin quivered, as she glanced at each one of them. “How happy it would have made Dad.” She moved to Shep, cupped his face, and he dipped his chin so she could kiss his cheek. “I love you,” she said, staring at him. She moved along to Nash, dropping a kiss on his cheek. “I love you too.” Nash smiled, and she backed away, finishing up with Chase. When she stopped in front of him, her smile warmed further. “I love you, Chase.”

  “I love you too, Ma.” Chase dropped his head so she could kiss his cheek.

  When he leaned away, she said, “Today is a big day, huh?”

  He nodded. “Very big.”

  “The weather is beautiful. The heavens are shining down on us.” She smiled then obviously noticed her friends again. “Oh, Annie, here I’ll help you with that.” She hurried off to help one of her friends open the wine bottles that Shep had brought in for the grand opening.

  “She’s a bit distracted today.” Shep chuckled.

  “I see that,” Chase said with a laugh.

  “Chase Blackshaw?”

  He glanced sideways, discovering a man not much older than him. He wore a black Polo shirt and dark blue jeans with shiny black shoes. His hair was slicked back with gel, his dark aviator sunglasses covering his tanned skin. “That’s right.” He offered his hand.

  “Ian Stark.” The man returned the handshake. “You’ve got quite the beautiful place here.”

  Shep and Nash stiffened. Even Chase’s thoughts stuttered at the introduction to Joel’s investor, but he recovered quick. “Pleasure to meet you, Ian.” He gestured next to him. “My brothers, Shep and Nash.”

  Ian shook their hands, then shoved one hand into his pocket. “I have to tell you, Chase, I’m impressed by what you’ve done here. The design elements are fresh and very much rustic elegance. I know that your company is new, but I’d love to get together and see your ideas for a new resort we’re working on in Colorado Springs.”

  Adrenaline pulsed through Chase’s veins and his heart nearly pounded right out of his chest. He took in a deep breath to steady himself then answered, “I could definitely do that. What’s your schedule looking like?”

  Ian reached into his pocket, taking out his cell phone, the sun sparkling off his gold Rolex. “I need to get back to the New York office as soon as possible.” He scrolled through his phone a moment before returning his gaze to Chase. “How about tomorrow morning at nine? I’m staying at the Broadmoor. Could you meet me there?”

  Even if Chase didn’t have the time, he would make the time. “That’ll work.”

  Ian smiled and gave a tight nod. “We’ve got a couple other builders in the running for this project.” Ian glanced out looking at the cabins, giving them a long, assessing look. “But I think the other investors, and the developer, will like what I’m seeing here. It’s got the right feel for what we’ve been looking for.” He pulled his sunglasses down his nose, revealing brown eyes. “Not much impresses me anymore. Your work does.” He offered his hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Chase returned the handshake again. “Thank you. I’ll see you then.”

  Ian pushed his sunglasses back up his nose then nodded at Shep and Nash, striding off toward his fully loaded Mercedes Benz sports car behind them.

  “Damn,” Nash quipped and slapped a hand on Chase’s back. “That’s how Blackshaws do it. Now I see why Joel was so concerned.”

  Chase accepted the compliment with a smile, finally feeling on top of the world instead of swimming through the chaos.

  “I couldn’t agree more. You deserve this,” said Shep, drawing Chase’s attention to his older brother. He gave him a proud smile and cupped his shoulder. “All of it. You killed this, Chase.”

  Nash nodded and smiled, crossing his arms.

  Chase glanced out, looking at all the people examining the cabins and sitting by the fire pit, enjoying their drinks. “Not only me,” he said to his brothers. “We all made this happen. And so did Emma.” Without her, none of this would have come to fruition, and Blackshaw Cattle would have been shut down for good.

  Shep’s gaze swept the crowd until he found Emma, and he gave a soft smile. “She is pretty spectacular.”

  Before Chase could reply, Harper’s soft voice came behind him, “I hope I’m not too late.”

  He discovered that she’d gone home and changed, wearing her hair down and straight. She wore light makeup and had jean shorts and a lacy top that teased him with the perfect amount of cleavage. “Actually, you’ve come at exactly the right time.”

  He gave his brothers a quick look, and they both nodded firmly, huge grins spreading across their faces.

  When his attention shifted back to Harper, he reached for her hand, then tugged her into him. Needing to be close, he pressed his lips against hers, feeling her soften beneath him. He would never grow tired of how good she felt and how amazing her fruity perfume smelled.

  When he broke the kiss and leaned away, her eyes slowly opened. “Try to forgive me for putting you on the spot,” he told her.

  Her eyes widened. “Huh?”

Not waiting any longer, feeling like he had already waited far too long for all the things he truly wanted, he led her forward toward the crowd. Emma and Megan stood off to the side by one of the cabins. Brody and Faith sat around the fire pit, Houdini in Brody’s lap. Mom was by the table, standing with all her friends from bridge.

  “What are you doing?” Harper asked, digging her heels in a little.

  He tugged her forward until he got onto the grass, then he stuck his fingers in his mouth, giving a loud whistle. The crowd immediately silenced, and Harper’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink. Houdini slid off Brody’s legs and came charging toward them.

  Chase turned to her. “I remember that my father once told me I would know when I found the woman who was meant to be my wife when all I wanted to do was have my days start and end with her.” He went down to one knee, untying the small black pouch he’d placed on Houdini’s collar, and he smiled at Harper’s gasp of surprise.

  Once he had the princess-cut diamond ring between his fingers, he picked up Houdini, holding him in his arms. He glanced up at his beauty, never feeling surer about anything in his life. Harper’s hands covered her mouth, her teary eyes wide. The look of stunned happiness was one he’d strive to give her again and again. “The second you came home from school, I saw forever in your eyes. I didn’t know it then. But it’s not something I’ll ever forget now. My life doesn’t make sense without you in it. Houdini seemed to know it before I did. We are a family, and there’s nothing I want more than for you to be my wife.” He paused. Then, “Harper, will you marry me?”

  She nodded rapidly, tears raining down her cheeks.

  Her speechlessness was a perfect reward. He rose, Houdini’s belly resting on his forearm, and wrapped his free arm around her back, holding her tight.

  The crowd roared in thunderous applause as Nash called out, “It’s about damn time.”

  Chase laughed, leaned away, and placed the ring on Harper’s finger. “I love you, beautiful.”

  Happy tears soaked her cheeks. “I love you too.”

  He slid his hand to her nape, pulling her in close, and sealed his mouth across hers. Her lips quivered, her salty tears between them. Until suddenly they weren’t alone. Emma and Megan were there hugging Harper, then Brody and Faith, and before long Shep and Nash were in there too.

  Chase leaned away and smiled at Harper, enveloped in so much love. That’s why he wanted to propose there. Right now. Everything that he cared about was there.

  Chase knew that sometimes it didn’t matter how you got there, or all the bumps in the road you hit on the way, it only mattered that you got there.

  And they had.


  Three months of planning had led to this moment, though today wasn’t the big day, even if Harper’s nerves said otherwise. Tomorrow, all the planning would come together and hopefully the wedding would go off without a hitch.

  At the guest ranch, behind the house and next to the creek, Harper stood off to the side next to Chase and the ordained minister who had married Brody and Faith. They had already run through the entire proceedings once, but the procession felt off.

  As Megan and Nash grew closer, Megan muttered, “Stop enjoying this.”

  Nash grinned, though he kept his eyes forward. “I am enjoying the hell out of this, Freckles. I like having you close.”

  Megan’s friendly expression didn’t falter. “You won’t be enjoying anything when I staple your balls to your eyebrows.”

  Nash chuckled. “Ah, sweetie, now you’re just trying to tease me with such dirty talk.”

  Harper sighed, wondering if she had made a huge mistake. Brody was Chase’s best man and Emma was the maid of honor, but Harper thought it made sense for them to walk down the aisle with their partners since they were all in the wedding party.

  Obviously, Chase was worried too. “I hope you can keep those thoughts to yourself tomorrow,” he called.

  “Oh, I will, don’t you worry.” Megan smiled, showing more teeth than necessary. “For right now, Nash can kiss my ass.”

  “I’ll even bite your ass,” Nash remarked, and then added what sure sounded like a promise. “But only if you beg me to.”

  “In your dreams, Blackshaw,” Megan retorted.

  Chase chuckled.

  Harper didn’t. To Chase, she said seriously, “They’re going to kill each other.”

  Chase examined his brother and Megan, who finally went their separate ways at the end of the aisle. He turned back to her with a sly smile and nodded. “Yup. Total bloodshed.”

  The minster sidled up to them, drawing her attention away from the others. “Did that work better for you?”

  “Yup, much better,” Harper said, smiling at him. “I like them coming down together, and then I’ll come down alone.”

  “Great,” the minister closed his binder with an audible snap. “Then I think we’re all set here.” His smile was warm as he hugged the binder to his chest. “Any further questions before I head off?”

  Harper considered, but before she had a chance to answer, a yellow blur whizzed by, ruffling the hem of her skirt.

  “Gus. Fuck. No,” Nash yelled, charging past them.

  Harper whipped around, following the path they were taking. Gus pounced, soaring in the air, promptly landing on the table by the tree that she had set up earlier. Gus and the table went crashing to the ground, along with all the appetizers Harper had made for the rehearsal.

  “No,” everyone screamed in unison, running forward.

  Harper stayed put in stunned silence. Gus, like he had never seen a meal day in his life, began wolfing down the food, not even swallowing.

  Nash was there a second later, grabbing Gus’s collar and yanking him off. “Jesus, Harper, I’m so sorry.” He glanced at her, and then there was a fraught silence.

  She stared at the food she had spent hours making yesterday at the restaurant. She looked back at Nash, who she had never seen look so miserable, then her attention fell to Gus licking his chops. She burst out laughing, bending at the waist. “Oh my God, Nash, look at you.”

  Obviously, everyone had been fighting their laughter because she soon wasn’t the only one laughing.

  Nash glanced down, spotting the salted caramel cake covering his clothes and his arms.

  “Goddammit,” he grumbled, taking Gus by the collar to go inside to get cleaned up. He stopped in front of her, his eyebrows drawn tight. “Seriously, I’m sorry. This damn dog is a bastard even in the best of circumstances.”

  “It’s okay, really.” Harper fought her smile, trying not to laugh in his face. “You made me laugh. That’s always a good thing.”

  Nash snorted, obviously seeing right through her. He glared at Gus, leading him into the back of the house.

  “And with that, I’ll be on my way,” said the minister. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.” He offered his hand first to Harper then to Chase.

  Chase returned the handshake. “Thank you for everything.”

  With the minister on his way toward the front of the house, when it was just the two of them again, Chase turned to Harper and gestured at the table. “Fifty bucks that guy put Gus up to it.”

  Harper followed his gaze, discovering Houdini lying on top of the broken table, licking the splattered cake off his paws. “Oh, no you don’t.” She stomped forward and hastily scooped Houdini up, looking into his sweet eyes. “Cake is bad for you. You can’t eat stuff like this. It’ll make you sick.” He licked her nose, and then she kissed him. “Okay, you’re forgiven.”

  “Why don’t I get forgiveness that easily?”

  She turned around, holding up the football-sized puppy. “Look at that face.”

  Chase laughed softly. “He is pretty cute.” He took the pup in his one arm, using his other arm to gather her close, turning her away from the others behind them. “So, beautiful, are you ready to be the future Mrs. Blackshaw tomorrow?”

  “That depends,” she said with a smile.

; “On?”

  She leaned in and wiggled her brows. “If you give me some sweet loving when you call me Mrs. Blackshaw.”

  His warm laughter flowed around her, and she melted into him when he planted his mouth by her ear. “I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it. What do you say to that?”

  “Well then, I think there is only one thing left to say.” She stood on her tiptoes, inhaling all his heat and woodsy scented cologne. “Do you think anyone would notice if we snuck off so I could have whatever I want, whenever I want it?”

  He took her hand, grinned sensually, and winked. “Let ’em notice, beautiful.”

  Turn the page for an excerpt from


  Coming February 2019 from SMP Swerve

  Chapter 1

  “Step one foot closer and kiss your testicles goodbye.”

  Most men would have stopped dead and slowly backed away at the threat. Not Nash Blackshaw. He locked the door of the log cabin and kept on coming with a gorgeous smile that had charmed the panties off many women. “I’m not stopping you from kissing my testicles, Freckles,” he murmured. His messy brown hair dangled next to his intense blue eyes which all led down a purely masculine chiseled jawline.

  Megan Harrison tried hard to hate the nickname Nash had given her during their high school years, but her heart jumped every time he purred the single word. Pressed against the wall in the newly built log cabin at the Blackshaw Cattle Guest Ranch, she watched him move with purpose toward her, his eyes stalking her. That single statement she muttered had been her last-ditch effort to kill the heat flaring inside her.

  It had failed miserably.

  The bright moon tonight provided ample light showing Nash’s face fully when he passed the window, moving closer. While she became electrified by all the promises in his eyes, she could also count four very good reasons why she should not be alone with him.

  One, they were currently attending the wedding of Chase, Nash’s brother, and Harper, Megan’s best friend. The music and laughter from the reception going on outside at the Blackshaws’ ranch was all but muffled now.


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