Endgame (Book 1)

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Endgame (Book 1) Page 30

by W. A. R.

  “So, are you really the guy from Jenson’s? The one that saved mom? I’ve wanted to ask you but my mom said it would be rude, and since she isn’t here…” he trailed off, looking at Miles anxiously. So, Miles thought, that was what the kids had been wanting to ask him. Miles grinned at the boy, seeing the admiration and hope in his eyes. It should have stung, making him think of Michael, but instead, it brought him a sense of pleasure. He absentmindedly rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Now, who told you that?” Miles asked, placing his hands firmly on his hips and smiling down at the kids. They had all stopped picking up logs by that point, and were staring at him expectantly, Cassie included.

  “Aunt Shelly…” Kyle answered quickly. “She told us all about it.”

  “And Nana told me about how you grew up with mom…” Cassie said, her eyes wide in apprehension. Silence hung in the air as he contemplated how to respond to them. He glanced around the back fence line before looking back at them.

  “Well, they aren’t wrong.” Miles said after a moment. A part of him was grateful that they had told the kids about him, although, he did have to wonder why. He wasn’t that important. He grinned at the three of them, about to turn away when Cassie spoke up.

  “Why did you do all of those things? I mean, I’ve only ever heard stories.” she asked, and she glanced down at her feet, shifting her feet and twisting the toe of her shoe in the dirt. The question had obviously weighed heavily on her mind. Miles was taken aback, unsure of how to approach the question. He decided to dance around it.

  “Well, why do you think I did those things?” He asked her, shoving his hands into his pockets. He wasn’t sure what she thought his reasoning was and hell, he wasn’t sure what it was. That was a lie. He knew exactly what it was, he just didn’t want to think on it. Cassie lifted her gaze to his and smiled and Miles felt his breath catch. The very look in her eyes told him that she knew why, that she understood, and even the tinge of hope that she was right.

  “Because you ain’t got an ounce of sense.” He heard Amber drawl from behind him. His heart immediately went into overdrive at the sound of her voice. Quickly he turned to see her walking slowly up to them and he let her southern accent roll over him.

  “The jury is still out on that.” He told her, making Cassie and Kyle giggle as they began picking logs up once more. Amber watched them for a moment before dragging her gaze up his body until her eyes locked on his. He felt a small thrill at the pink blush tainting her cheeks at having been caught checking him out. “Besides that isn’t the reason and you know it.” He said bravely, inserting the proverbial foot into his mouth. She stared at him in surprise, mouth open slightly as she grinned. He stared back at her, challenging her. He felt the ember of desire that he held for her begin to flare.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about.” She told him, shifting on her feet and advancing towards him. Damn her. Did she have to be so hard-headed? And it hit him…she was toying with him…and he was flirting right back, falling easily into it. It seemed so natural, and her smile lured him in even more so. This was the two of them, lost in their easy banter. They did this sometimes, teasing one another, and every time Miles felt a thought force it’s way to the front of his mind. Where had that come from? The man that flirted with her; the man that couldn’t resist the urge to do so wasn’t who he was, at least, not that he had noticed before, not since…not since seeing her at the party. She was the only one that could bring that out in him. He began to feel heat creep up his neck and his ears burned.

  “Oh sure you do.” He told her and she stopped almost two feet from him. He bit back the urge to close that distance in one quick stride, and pull her into his arms. The thought of being with her, against her, while always enticing, hindered him from taking action as well. He couldn’t risk pushing her away; because whether she knew it or not, she had become a big part of the person he was, of who he had become, and he couldn’t damage that. What had he been thinking? Now that the uncertainty had gripped at him and his bravado had slipped, he watched as she stared at him curiously, head cocked to the side.

  “So, what are you up to so early?” she asked effectively changing the subject. He knew that she had seen that uncertainty wash over him and thankfully, as usual, she had acknowledged it and diverted the conversation. She was smiling and taking another advance. Her grin widened as she studied him. He felt scrutinized, and looked away from her to the children, who were now rounding the far corner of the house to go stack the logs on the rack. He turned back to see that she had only moved a few inches, and was less than a foot away from him. He reflexively took a step back.

  “Work. What about you?” he asked thickly, his voice rich. He cursed himself. He could handle killing Biters, who were once people; he could even deal with killing actual people when it was justified…but this? He couldn’t handle this one woman playing with him. He really needed to fix that problem and yet, he enjoyed this.

  She glanced towards the tree where she had previously been and sighed. “Just…thinking.” she turned back and smiled at him, placing her hands firmly on her hips. “Are you alright? You were up pretty early.” She said gently, turning her blue gaze up to his. His heart began hammering against his ribcage and he took another step back. She had always been his saving grace, his light when things seemed bleak, and he respected that distance they shared because that was a big part of why he turned out to be as good a person as he was. Her damn upstanding moral ethics always weighed heavily on his mind…or…and the thought hit him belatedly…had he always been trying to be the type of person he thought she wanted him to be? The kind of person she would be proud of? Then he kicked himself, wondering why her opinion would matter to him so much anyway.

  “I’m fine. Just the same as you, I’m sure. A lot on my mind.” he drawled, turning to grab the ax once again. Work. Work. Work it off. That was how he handled these things. He would work, and she would just get the picture and go away, disappear, or join him in their quiet way. Although now, she was very real, and very close. So close, now, that she gripped the ax handle. Her arm brushed his and she stared challengingly up at him. He pulled it away from her, taking a step back. The smell of her inhibited his senses and he couldn’t tear his gaze from the determined expression on her face.

  “I know you have a lot on your mind but too much work does damage. You need to take a break.” She said firmly and he stared at her. Of course she was just trying to get him to stop. What other reasoning could there be for her being so close? “You have been at it for over two hours nonstop.” She told him and he sighed in defeat. He smiled at her teasingly, remembering what Cassie had said.

  “How do you know I was out here before dawn?” he asked her playfully and she leveled her gaze at him.

  “Because I was up and I watched you.” She said honestly, and a blush tainted her cheeks pink. He studied her for a moment, taken by surprise at her admission. “You really shouldn’t overwork yourself.” She told him before turning back towards the tree. “Sometimes you need to take the time and appreciate life. Grab it by the horns and enjoy the ride.” She tossed playfully over her shoulder. He sighed in response and ran a hand across his sweat covered face. He did need a break, and after talking to Cassie and seeing Amber right there before him, he knew exactly how he would spend it. Cassie was right in her assumptions and if she had noticed then he was sure that everyone else had. He studied Amber’s retreating back for a moment. He was realizing with each passing second that the words she had spoken had more of an effect on his emotions than he had intended. The words reached back twenty-some odd years to when they were children; they spanned his whole life of attempting to be a part of her, to help her. And he didn’t have to look at her to realize that she had understood it as well. He knew he needed to talk to her, to get everything off of his chest. He understood then that when he did, he could move forward as far as she was concerned. Over twenty years and the end of the world as they knew it and th
ey still found their way back to one another. They always did and if that wasn’t fate, he wasn’t sure what was. Finally, with this realization, he turned to find her.

  He needed to talk to her.

  He set the ax back against the house and began around the side of the house. He rolled his neck, a fruitless attempt to ease the tension that was slowly climbing into his muscles. His eyes searched for her and within a second she was there in front of him, a few yards away. He ran over, determined and full of conviction.

  “Amber!” he called out. He felt jittery and uncertain but it was far overdue. She turned to him, staring at him curiously and yet a smile graced those lips of hers.

  “I see you decided to take my advice and take a break?” she asked him lightly and he felt the corners of his mouth turn up at her. She was with every definition of the word, his friend, and he appreciated the easiness they shared with one another. That was why what he intended on discussing was going to be hard. He knew it was going to alter their relationship and a part of him didn’t want to. He was happy being the friends they were. But he knew he would never be wholly satisfied with that until he received some answers and offered her some of his own.

  “Actually yes and…” he hesitated as he neared her, turning and glancing at the risen sun. His body hummed with her closeness and his anxiety. She lifted her eyebrows and smiled at him.

  “Annnnddd…?” she asked, trailing off. He turned his focus back to her quickly and she chuckled lightly at him. He shoved his trembling hands into his pockets. He caught her eyes and felt his body warm. Her smile slowly faded as they stared at one another and he was taken with the intensity of it, the heat. Things became quiet in this moment and Miles was alright with that. He explored his feelings and how they heightened in response to hers. He took the silence to explore every facet of her face, of her movements. He realized then just how much he actually knew her. He knew almost every look in those ice blue eyes of hers; from hurt to anger. From remorse to apprehension and even to happiness. He hoped one day to see ecstasy in their depths. He knew how she moved when anxious or how she moved when excited. He knew about the slight twitch in her right wrist when she disagreed with someone. He knew that she absently touched her hair when feeling nervous…which was exactly what she was doing right then under his stare.

  “Hey guys. What are ya’ll doing?” Cassie asked, looking from Amber to Miles. They reluctantly tore their gazes from one another to look at Cassie, who was ambling up to them. She smiled up at him as Amber took a deep, unsteady breath.

  “Your mom was just about to take a walk with me.” Miles stated firmly, feeling as if he had just taken a big dose of courage. Amber jerked her head to him curiously and a bit taken aback. He couldn’t deny the thrill that came over him at having taken her by surprise.

  “I am?” she asked, astonished. Cassie crossed her arms and grinned knowingly between the two of them.

  “Yes. You are.” He demanded gently and the control he felt drove him to become more determined, bringing out his valor. He suddenly wanted to dominate her. He cleared his throat, shaking the thought from his mind.

  “That sounds like a good idea. I hope you guys have fun.” Cassie said and quickly she turned and bolted to the house like a woman on a mission. Amber stared after her for moment before finding her voice again.

  “Behave; keep an eye on Kyle and Elliot!” Amber exclaimed to Cassie’s back. Cassie’s reply was to throw a wave over her shoulder. Amber slowly turned and looked at Miles sternly. “Were you just telling me what I was doing?” she asked him and he smirked at her. Oh it felt so good to have her close and playful.

  “Yes. I was. Now, let’s go.” He stated simply before turning from her and making his way towards the back gate. He heard her footsteps hurry up beside him. Their footfalls fell in sync and they walked in tandem. Just another thing added to his mental list about their connection.

  “I don’t like being told what to do.” She told him and he stole a sideways glance at her. She was trying desperately not to smile.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He told her, turning his focus back to the nearing gate. She shook her head and chuckled. He grinned to himself in response. They made it to the gate within seconds and once she had unlocked the gate he took the chain and lock from her, stepping aside and allowing her passage through first. She eyed him warily.

  “You sure are being chivalrous.” She noted before accepting his offer to let her pass. He grinned at her before stepping behind her, closing the gate behind him. He turned to face the gate, pulling the chain through the chain link just as Brian exited the house, rubbing his eyes. Glancing at Cassie, who walked beside him, grinning conspiringly, he could see the smugness written all over her face and he knew that she was thinking of their talk just fifteen minutes prior. Right then, however, his one focus was relieving the thoughts that swirled around in his head. Brian looked over the property, and then turned his attention towards the pair at the gate and smiled.

  “What are ya’ll up to?” he asked, his feet heavy as he walked up to them. Miles quickly, but nonchalantly, began locking the gate back. He knew Cassie had told him that they were taking a walk and he felt a flush crawl up his neck.

  “Amber and I are going to take a walk. We will be back shortly.” He stated before Amber could even formulate a response. Brian studied him for a moment before a slow grin crept upon his face. He hoped Amber hadn’t noticed it.

  Brian narrowed his eyes teasingly at Miles before speaking low enough for only Miles to hear, a big smile pasted on his face. “Someone grew a backbone.” And Miles grinned even wider at his friend.

  “We’ll be back.” He said loudly, locking the chain in place and stepping back. Brian began laughing whole-heartedly and Miles turned to see Amber staring curiously between him and Brian. After a moment she turned her attention fully to him and narrowed her eyes to slits, crossing her arms across her chest and turning to walk down the small trail through the woods. He followed dutifully behind.

  “What has gotten into you?” she asked him on a laugh, and he couldn’t blame her for asking. It was unusual for him to act so open and forceful as far as she was concerned, but whatever bravado had come over him was still running through his veins and he couldn’t really answer her question; not honestly. He decided to say nothing and they walked along in silence. After a moment he smiled down at her, and he saw the pain enter her eyes. She glanced up at him. “I’ll be honest, you have me a little worried.” she said softly and he could only chuckle. The sound of crunching leaves filled the woods as they walked along the trail.

  “I’m grabbing life by the horns…” he began, realizing exactly how much her words had affected him. Once again, he mentally kicked himself. Why was he waiting until then to address the tension between them? Did she even feel the tension? She certainly treated him and talked to him as if she didn’t. She turned her ice blue orbs to him questioningly, the light in them dancing.

  “And enjoying the ride.” she finished, and he decided to lighten the mood, and yet, at the same time, be honest with her.

  “Exactly.” He told her in all conscience and she laughed. He adored the sound of her laughter.

  “Of course.” She replied. “You always were complicated.” She smiled at him, and Miles reached forward and pushed a tree limb up and out of her way. She ducked and he followed her. He wondered what she had meant by that statement, but he didn’t voice his questions. Instead, he focused on her walking, the graceful fall of her feet on the forest floor. His ears were open to the sounds around them, ensuring that there were no Biters near them. He saw the opening to the pond a few more feet ahead. At least there it was a bit more open and Biters couldn’t very well sneak up on them. “Why did you force me against my will to take a walk, Miles? If you are trying to play nice, I feel I should tell you kidnapping isn’t exactly saintly.” She said jokingly, ducking under another branch. Miles looked at her curiously.

  “It isn’t kidnapping if you�
�re willing. I wonder why that is…?” he countered in jest, looking behind them quickly before turning back to the trail before them. They entered the open field where the pond was. After a quick cursory glance, he saw no Biters. She remained silent until they reached the edge of the pond.

  “You’re my friend. I have my reasons…” she said and he interrupted her, turning to face her as she stared off into the pond. The sun bathed her in pink and orange and he felt his heartrate pick up. She looked up at him and he smiled devilishly. Despite everything happening in the world, and that had happened in his life, he still found peace in that woman.

  “Well, then this is going to be a long conversation I’m afraid.” He told her, and she stared up at him curiously. He grinned and turned so he was facing the water. Amber watched him studiously for a moment before doing the same on an embankment reaching over the water, half facing him and half facing the water. He watched her blush slightly.

  “So you want to talk?” she asked with obvious doubt and he kicked at the dirt with the toe of his shoes. “That’s why you brought me out here?”

  “That’s the idea.” He told her, feeling comfortable in their discussion so far. He watched her glancing at the rising sun over her shoulder and furrowed his brow. “You can come over here so you can see it.” He told her, motioning to the area beside him. She shook her head.

  “I’d like to be facing you if we are going to talk.” She told him softly, and he barely heard her. She sighed and tilted her head back, gazing at the sky. He watched her, a small smile playing on his lips as he memorized the curve of her neck, the way her hair fell back behind her, how the colorful rays of the sun splashed across her face. “I’m glad the Biters left for that fire. It makes things so much more peaceful.”


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