Endgame (Book 1)

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Endgame (Book 1) Page 37

by W. A. R.

  “Ask away. I will answer whatever I can, however I can.” He told her, and the tension only seemed to grow higher instead of easing at the assurance. Amber nodded before looking up at Shelly, Miles, and George. After a moment of defiantly standing firm in her decision, she turned her blue eyes back to Derek.

  “What in the hell were those things?” she asked roughly and the wind blew through the trees, the chill and the question ultimate reminders to everyone about what had happened.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Miles crossed the threshold of the house, escorting Elva Jo and the children into the living room, where they made themselves comfortable. It had gotten colder as the night drew on, and he knew they couldn’t keep them out there any longer. After talking to the individuals, he felt a pang of regret at his actions toward the people and suggested that the younger ones and the older lady seek shelter in the slightly warmer house. The others had readily agreed with his suggestion and he offered to lead them to their sanctuary, attempting to find silent forgiveness in his actions. Now he watched as Bobby-Jean leaned down to light the fire in the fireplace, and Jackson nodded at Miles, telling him without words that he could go back to the others. Miles surveyed the sight before him. All together in the strange and new group, there had been almost twenty, but were now whittled down to seven: Derek, Buddy, Damien, Katie, Brittany the teenager, Brittany’s brother Jacob, and Elva Jo, the older woman that Amber had found in the woods. These were the only people left after their journey. Miles turned and began towards the front door again, anxious to get back to the others as his mind went into overdrive.

  To make a long story short, Derek had said, they had found one another over the months following the outbreak, and had eventually found sanctuary at a chicken processing plant in El Dorado, a town about forty miles North of Thurston. The placed seemed like a good place; plenty of ground, high fences and thick walls. They had arrived with plenty of supplies, but time being the relentless, greedy taker that it is, the food and water began to dwindle. Before they could go and find more supplies, however, the two monstrous Biters showed up, knocking at their door. No one could beat them, they had no guns, and the Biters were too strong. Two days after those creatures arrived, they saw the smoke from the fire that Miles, Brian, and George had started. They thought that whoever had started the fires could help them so they made a run for it. They saw a chance and they took it. They had caused the explosion in a vain attempt to distract the monsters. It had failed, and they had run and hid until they reached the fence. They lost seven people before they left El Dorado and five more before they reached the fence. The pain of losing so many people had to have been bad, but they had made it. They had all shared small stories about themselves and their origin, eventually easing into a less tense settlement amongst themselves.

  Miles let the cool night air embrace him as he sauntered toward the far end of the fence line where everyone stood. They had just performed another perimeter check, more Biters than usual seeking them because of the commotion from earlier in the night. Miles’s head felt heavy, and the threat of sleep called to him, but he continued to push it away. His neck hurt, as did his jaw and nose, the tenderness of them almost permitting him not to talk at all. Memories of the battle continued creeping into his mind, and the mind-numbing fear he had felt made him shudder. Yes, he had been scared; so preoccupied with the gigantic Biter that he hadn’t seen what had occurred with the two strangers or even with Brian, George, and Amber. He shook off his feelings of helplessness and glanced up at the people before him. He walked up between Amber and George, easing his hands into his pockets and he glanced around, remembering that Shelly had taken time out to go check on Brian, Katie accompanying her just in case his condition had changed.

  Katie had been distant, crying and unable to stop herself. The kids had been the same, and even Elva Jo and Derek seemed saddened and distracted. Miles sighed, remembering the loss of two of their people outside the fence…and the man; the man that had broken his back. The sickening sound reverberated through his mind and he again had to force the thoughts away. The Biter had been so strong and brutal…he had killed that man, broke his back like it was nothing.

  “They had come from the north end of town. We never could get a close look at them.” Damien said interrupting Miles’s morbid reverie about the events of the night and he knew that they had picked up the conversation about the Biters. When they had spoken earlier, things had been forced and distant, everyone unsure of what to say to the others, especially with the children and older ones around. They hadn’t wanted to scare anyone more than they already were. Hell, everyone was terrified, but they needed to discuss the horror of the night and try to piece together what had happened and so, Miles suggested inviting them in. The children, Katie, and Elva Jo had accepted their offer, and Bobby-Jean and Jackson had taken it upon themselves to stay in the house with them. They weren’t to leave them alone in the house until they decided what to do, but they knew they couldn’t allow them to stay in the cold. They had helped these people and these people had helped them; they had saved one another, and even though emotions were high, they knew they couldn’t turn them away. Bobby-Jean and Jackson wanted to provide comfort, and that was what they did.

  “Well, we got up close and personal.” George said, kicking at the ground absentmindedly. The events of the night weighed heavy on his mind and again Miles wondered what had happened to them while he was distracted. Buddy chuckled, his laugh harsh and throaty.

  “Do you really think that is something to brag about?” he asked and Miles willed himself to let it roll off of his back, regardless of how badly he wanted to deck him. The man grated on his nerves, and had since they went to check the fences. It was as if he had some hidden agenda that consisted of how many people he could piss of on a daily basis. “The two of them almost died. I mean look at ‘em.” He said and Amber only glared at the man. Miles realized he hadn’t actually thought that Amber was hurt. He had noticed how she continued messing with her neck, but he had thought nothing of it since her voice was going out; but she had maintained everything, tending to everything else aside from herself, he just assumed she was alright. Now that he studied her, however, he saw the dark and brutal bruises on her neck screaming at him, telling him how much of a selfish jackass he really was.

  “Well, we didn’t.” Amber bit out, her words muffled by her own throaty rumble. Miles winced, questioning whether or not one could bruise their trachea. She was struggling to reply to them, but it didn’t stop her.

  Buddy stared hard at her, studying her and Miles tensed. “I watched you hang in that monster’s grip like a fucking ragdoll…He almost killed you.” Miles snapped his attention to her and she shifted on her feet slightly away from him. What had happened to her out there?

  She sighed, and ran a hand over her frayed hair. “Well, they are gone now, so I would advise you to drop it.” Amber said firmly, yet without vehemence.

  “Whatever you say sweetness.” He muttered, smiling at her. Derek placed a hand on Buddy’s chest and pushed him back as Amber rolled her eyes. Miles decided he wasn’t the only one to dislike Buddy’s smart mouth.

  Amber began glancing up at the moon that resided high in the midnight sky, watching as the clouds rolled on by before sighing. “It’s late.” She said and Miles could feel the weariness in her words. “Were they the only two that you saw?” she asked.

  Buddy shifted on his feet. “Yeah. They were the only ones.” George was the next to speak, offering a suggestion that they were all considering.

  “What say we just leave them until morning, and then check them out then? They aren’t going anywhere and there doesn’t seem to be anymore around…and quite frankly I don’t feel like discussing what happened right this moment. If we are safe for the moment then we need to rest.” He suggested and Amber nodded slowly. Miles crossed his arms across his chest and watched her for a brief moment before turning to the others.

  Damien glowered at h
er as if she had lost her mind. Miles didn’t appreciate how this boy maintained a less than courteous attitude with everyone he came across. At least Buddy, when he contradicted someone, it held some amount of truth to it; Damien, however seemed bitter and deceptive. Miles had a bad feeling about him.

  “Well, I for one agree with you wholeheartedly. That sounds like a plan.” Derek replied, forcing a smile at them. Now Derek was a different story. Miles enjoyed his company. As a matter of fact, the two could end up being good friends, he thought. The man seemed to respect him and his boundaries, and he appreciated that about him.

  “Why not just leave them?” Damien asked, receiving everyone’s scrutinizing glare. Buddy rolled his eyes at the kid. Miles was unsure why everyone looked at him as a kid instead of the young man that he was. He couldn’t have been any older than twenty-seven but Miles had noticed that everyone, including Buddy and Derek, treated him as a child.

  “Because there was something wrong with those sons of bitches; something terribly wrong.” George told the boy before clapping Miles on the shoulder in acknowledgment. The two smiled at one another before Derek spoke.

  “And that is exactly why we need to examine them. They weren’t like normal Biters.” He said, and George shared a look with Miles. Miles knew what that look meant. He was thinking of the Biter along the fence, the one that had clawed at the ground. George wondered if they should mention it, but after a moment Miles shook his head at his questioning eyes. He figured they could wait and see what they found out about the two new Biters before providing virtual strangers any information.

  “They were incredibly strong…and fast…”Amber said thoughtfully, wrapping her left arm around herself and rubbing her neck with her free hand. Miles instinctively began to wrap a comforting arm across her shoulders but stopped, noticing how the other three men were watching their every move. Something about that set him on edge.

  George shifted on his feet, looking past the fence at the two motionless silhouettes lying beside the road. “They were aggressive. It wasn’t about food. They seemed to…think…to take action.” He said and Miles began to feel uncomfortable discussing the Biters while they stood in the dark less than a hundred feet from the ones that had almost killed them.

  “Yeah, well…nothing we can do about it now.” Buddy said, the crispness of his voice surprisingly making Miles grateful and comfortable. He was right, and the sensitivity of the situation needed to be eased by a good night’s rest before countering it. He turned and saw Amber’s concerned expression as her eyes took in his ragged appearance, and she opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it and turned her attention back to the others.

  “I’m sorry about the people you’ve lost. Tomorrow you are more than welcome to…put them to rest if you would like.” She said and Derek nodded.

  “I think we may do that. Thank you.” He replied and she offered him a small smile.

  “We aren’t making decisions until we are all available,” she began softly, emphasizing on Brian’s absence, which brought a strange sense of disappointment over the six of them. Ignoring the uneasiness that had settled, she continued, “but you and your people can stay for a day or two. I only ask that you all respect our rules and decisions. We are in charge here, whether you like it or not, but we are willing to cooperate with you.” She said this while giving Buddy a pointed look. Again, he rolled his eyes and mumbled incoherently under his breath. After this, things were silent for a moment as they looked around the fence line.

  George broke the silence. “Let’s go get some rest.” He said to no one in particular before turning towards the house. He paused mid step momentarily as if in deep thought before turning back to the three newcomers. He gave each of them a menacing glare. “We will be awake, and we will be watching so, if I were you I wouldn’t even think of trying anything that might cost you your life.” He said firmly, yet plainly. The seriousness that he exerted in every word surprised Miles, and he could see the harsher side of the gentle man that he was coming out even more so in the wake of disaster. The three men nodded, agreeing to what he had said and turned to follow behind George as he made his way to the front porch of the house, Miles and Amber behind.

  The wind blew through the trees roughly, sending a shiver up Miles’s spine as George led the men through the front door and to the living room where Katie, Elva Jo, and the two children of their group sat. The two teenagers were passed out on the carpet in front of the fire place, Elva Jo having done the same on a recliner further from the fire. Shelly, Katie, and Bobby-Jean were covering them with old sheets and comforters that they had all gathered when the outbreak began. Jackson entered the room from the far side, his arms full of ratted blankets and worn jackets. Miles closed the door behind them all quietly, watching as Derek and Buddy eased into the room, finding a comfortable place on the floor and sitting. Damien eased his way towards the couch, closing his eyes and leaning his head back in sweet relief. George shifted the gun on his shoulder and made way towards Shelly, informing her of their decision to let the people stay for a day or two. She nodded, her eyes incredibly tired. Amber then stepped into the room, grabbing the blankets from Jackson and whispering something to him. Miles leaned against the wall, watching the interaction easily.

  “Let’s go get you checked out now, huh?” he heard Katie say softly from beside him. He started, surprised by her appearance, but she only smiled a knowing smile at him before carrying a lit candle towards the kitchen. He almost refused to go with her until he remembered Amber’s expression just ten minutes before. He knew he had to have looked like hell, because he sure did feel like it. Stealing one more look at everyone in the room, he eased away from the wall and stepped silently toward the somewhat bright kitchen. He stood in the entryway as she placed her candle on the table, turning a chair from the table and motioning for him to sit in it. He crossed his arms across his broad chest and raised an eyebrow at her, then winced at the movement, the shooting pain in his head reminding him why he was in there to begin with. “Have a seat.” She said somewhat firmly, and Miles sighed in resignation, allowing his arms to fall to his side as he stepped towards the chair. Everything was quiet as he sat down and she pressed her fingers against the tenderness of his head, attempting to untangle the bloody mess of hair that surrounded the deep gash. He winced and tossed a glare at her. She grimaced. “Sorry.” She told him in a meek whisper and he once again felt guilty at his actions. She was only trying to help and he was being bitter.

  He sighed resolutely. “I’m sorry for what I said to you earlier.” He said apologetically as she turned her back to grab the dirty towel from before. He watched as she exhaled heavily.

  “And here I was thinking that you hated me.” She said, beginning to scan the kitchen for something. He pointed to a cabinet across the room.

  “The medical stuff is up there. And I don’t hate any of you. I was just angry.” He told her and she followed his motion, reaching up and opening the small wooden door.

  “Who can blame you? I mean, look at what happened to you. You are a wreck.” She said, pulling a few things from the cabinet, the materials thudding against the countertop as she set them down to find more items.

  Miles glanced down at his filth covered boots and shrugged his tense shoulders. “I wasn’t mad at what happened to me. I was angry because of what happened to everyone else.” He admitted freely to her back. She stopped her movements and placed both palms flat on the counter, lowering her head in defeat. He tensed; worried that he had said something wrong. They needed to build trust with these new people, and that was the best way he knew how.

  “I was at the hospital when this all started…” she began after a moment, and Miles suddenly wished for someone else’s presence in the room besides just his own. She turned to him, leaning a hip against the counter, her saddened eyes gazing at the wall across the room. “I helped at first with the sick people, but when things went downhill I ran. I ran as fast as I could to my hous
e and I hid. I had left my friends, patients…even sick children in my own selfish desire to live. Derek and Buddy found me a few months later whenever they were searching for food. I went with them and never looked back.” She stopped, glancing at Miles. If she expected him to be surprised by her story, she was to be sadly mistaken. She wasn’t authoritative in the least, but was instead very submissive and Miles had long gathered that about her personality. He closed his eyes, deciding to ease her self-hate.

  “The world was ending; of course you ran. You survived and there is no shame in that. You aren’t a bad person.” He told her and she sniveled, turning to gather the items she had procured from the cabinet. Very slowly, she walked back to him and placed the items on the table to his left.

  “That is very nice of you to say. But if I were…stronger…I could have helped more people.” she said before turning to him, a small pair of scissors in hand. She began trimming the hair around the nasty cut on his head. “I look at Amber and Shelly and how they were tonight, and I wish I could have been more like them.” She said, the snipping of the scissors sounding in his ears as he grimaced against the pull of his hair.

  “All you can do from this point…ow…is try.” He told her calmly, although her closeness made him uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure why, she wasn’t being anything but professional, but she was new and Miles was a very private person. The scissors continued snipping at his hair, Katie trying to get as close and she could to his scalp.


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