Endgame (Book 1)

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Endgame (Book 1) Page 40

by W. A. R.

  “Well?” she prodded, and he felt incredibly bare under their study. George’s eyes lingered on his, and he had hoped that George hadn’t noted the nervousness that he so thoroughly felt. He knew he would have to tell them, he just wasn’t sure how they would take it.

  “Alright…alright.” He told her gently in defeat, realizing he had gotten quiet for a long moment, longer than he had thought. He shrugged, hoping they would understand; he couldn’t even find solace for himself, much less being able to find acceptance from others from what he had done, what weighed so heavily on his heart. “My brother…” he paused, knowing he was about to stumble over the word. Amber and George both caught this but they remained silent, even if he couldn’t bring his eyes to meet theirs. He cleared his throat of any emotion before continuing. “My brother and I were working at a sawmill in Calion whenever it started. We didn’t hear the newscast, and by the time we had left the sawmill, everything was already overrun. We drove through the streets of Calion, then the streets of El Dorado, watching as people looted; we watched at houses and businesses burned.” He paused shoving his hands into his pockets and avoiding their stares. His mind was already gone; it had already left to go somewhere else, delving into his memories. “Anyways, we gathered what we could, I mean…we weren’t really sure what was happening, at least not until we saw our first Biter. We had hid out in a bank of all places…it was the first easy place we could get to….and sure enough within a day or two a Biter decided to wander in. We tried to reason with it, thought it might have been a person…someone sick or hurt… but it wasn’t…” he trailed off, remembering the Biter as it limped towards them, bleeding, mouth sagging open, and an undeniable thirst in its eyes. He remember his reaction, the heavy feeling in his chest and he remembered his brother’s reaction…remembered how he had wanted to reach out.

  “What happened then?” he heard Amber ask, and he looked up at them to see that George had seated himself on the stairs, looking up at him and Amber stood beside him. He had gone quiet in the middle of his tale and he had not even realized it. Maybe he needed to get it out, some of it at the least. Maybe, just maybe, that would help him forgive a small part of himself. Their eyes were intent on him, bringing him back to reality, and for the briefest of moments, he thanked them for it.

  “Well,” he began, feeling admittedly a little better, even if the weight on his shoulders was excruciatingly heavy. “…it went after my brother, and it…it bit him….” He remembered the screams. “…we tried to kill it by stabbing it in the chest, but nothing happened.” He remembered the panic, the frantic motions of trying to get the Biter off. “Phil, my brother…” he paused, allowing them to comprehend his clarification before continuing. “he shot it.” He sighed, wanting to ignore the pain, wanting to make the story short, wanting anything more than to finish what he knew needed to be said.

  “Don’t stop now, you were on a roll.” George prodded him, and instead of becoming angry he appreciated the man’s actual interest in his tale. It was the first time he had been so open to Derek, and Derek was going to take advantage of it. He wanted to be accepted by them, no, needed to be accepted by them. He had nothing else out there for him.

  He cleared his throat, ridding his voice of any and all emotion and watched as the children at the fence killed the three biters, the two older ones showing the younger one what to do. “We had to get out of there, and long story short, fought our way out of the bank and somehow made it to a vehicle. We hauled ass out of there and made it to the first house we saw that was far enough from town. After that, we waited…” He omitted the part where Phil had made Derek promise that he would kill him before he turned into one of those things. And he had fulfilled that promise with every bit of remorse that came with it. “I killed him when the time came…” he said, his voice void of emotion, but he knew his eyes betrayed him because once he looked at the two of them he saw their sympathy. He didn’t want any of it. “Anyways, after that I made it on my own for a few weeks until I came across Buddy while on a run. We teamed up, met the others over time, and the rest...well, you know the rest.” He finished, and he waited for the ‘I’m sorrys’ that were going to come. But, as he waited in the growing silence, he realized that they weren’t coming.

  “Well, hell…you might just make it.” He heard George say, and he looked at the two of them, relieved at the smiles on their faces. They were welcoming and for just a split second he felt like he was home. He smiled in return.

  “Thanks, I think.” He replied before he heard the front door open. They all turned their attention to the door, watching as Shelly came out of the house holding the hand of the man that had passed out. Brittany and Jacob weren’t far behind them. Shelly was beaming, obviously glad to have the man back and functioning well. The man looked between them, squinting at the light that hit his eyes.

  “Brian?” he heard Amber ask excitedly, and he expected to see her launch into his arms in an embrace for some unknown reason. Derek turned to her and grinned. “How are you feeling?” she asked as Brian scanned her appearance. He couldn’t mask the grimace that crossed his face at the sight of her. Derek could see the concern resting in his eyes, and in hers. For that reason alone he waited for the tears, the joyful reunion.

  “As bad as you look.” He countered. She grinned up at him, but Derek was taken aback by the crassness of the words he had said to her. What was their relationship? He found himself asking, his mouth hanging open slightly in surprise as he glanced between the two of them.

  “Then it’s a good thing the knot on your head couldn’t affect the size of it. It couldn’t get any bigger than it already was.” She replied, and Brian rubbed his chest absentmindedly, wincing at his own touch. She caught onto this and grinned. “It’s also a good thing you lacked a heart there, tin man or else that might have hurt.” Derek felt his jaw go slack at the witty banter that occurred between the two of them. Shelly must have noticed because she chuckled lightly.

  “They do it all of the time. It is a Brian-Amber, brother-sister thing.” She informed him and he got the feeling that she had had to explain that many times. And then it hit him. Siblings; they were brother and sister. It warmed his heart to see the two of them so close, and so very alive; something that he and his brother were denied. Things were silent for a moment until he realized that Brian was staring at him, expectantly. He immediately jumped into action, holding his hand out to the man.

  “I’m Derek.” He told the man, unsure of what else to say. What do you say to a man who was knocked unconscious while trying to save your life, and then by a twisted turn of events whose life you saved? Regardless of Derek’s lack of originality, Brian shook his hand firmly, his eyes expressing the same firmness. Brian smiled at him and he felt the same warmth he had felt just moments earlier.

  “Brian.” He said, taking away his hand and shoving it into the pocket of his pants. He was so polite and open that it surprised Derek. Where was the animosity and the tension? Shouldn’t there have been some this entire time? Sure, there was a little tension the night before right after their arrival, but otherwise, Derek had felt none, with the exception of the occasional awkwardness. Derek looked at him in confusion and Brian caught onto this. Derek mentally cursed himself. “What?”

  Derek fumbled for the words, again unsure of how to explain himself. “Why aren’t you…hostile towards me?” he asked, and he heard George chuckle at this as Amber left towards the three kids at the fence.

  “Have you done anything for me to be hostile towards you?” he asked Derek and Derek was taken aback by his question.

  “Well, not intentionally…”

  “Do you want me to be?” he asked and again, Derek was surprised at his question.

  “No…it’s just that last night…” he began but Brian cut him off.

  He chuckled lightly. “That was last night. Today is a different day.” Brian told him and Derek had to admit that he felt relieved. Brian then turned to Brittany and Jacob who w
atched in fascination as Amber neared the porch with the other three kids.

  “Brittany, Jacob…I want you to meet Cassie, Kyle, and Elliot. They can show you around and you can help them with their chores and get to know one another.” Amber told them, and Cassie smiled at the pair. The children were becoming unofficially dismissed from the group, and Derek understood that it was only a matter of time before they began discussing what really needed to be talked about. He watched as they made their way down the stairs toward the others. Elliot grinned nervously at everyone, and then Derek saw Kyle. The look in his eyes was bitter, and it was driving holes directly through him as the boy stared at him. The look made him uneasy, but then he realized that the boy was angry about what had happened to his mother and blamed them. It wasn’t but just a moment before all five children sauntered off towards the back of the house. Derek shook off the nervous feeling that overcame him, deciding that at some point he should probably get to know the kid, to ease his mind. The front door opened once more, Jackson, Damien, and Miles stepping onto the porch and into the bright light of the sun. Derek was taken aback by the sight of Miles, the bruises on his face and neck so seemingly painful, he even felt the effect of it.

  Everyone turned to look at the trio as Jackson slapped a hand on Miles’s shoulder in his simple comradery. Miles grinned at the man before holding a hand out to Brian. Brian grinned, grabbing Miles’s forearm and pulling him into an embrace. They clapped one another on the back before easing away from each other. They studied one another, Miles noting the easy breathing that Brian had to take in spite of his aching chest and Brian noting Miles’s beaten face.

  “Damn you look rough. You’re lucky to be alive, the way you look.” Brian laughed at him. Miles crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Well, at least I didn’t get knocked out last night.” Miles told him, and they both shared a laugh. Derek felt ill at ease, the sight before him reflecting immensely on the story he had just shared. The easy comradery between brothers, friends without having the need to say a word; that was what he missed most of all. He longed to have that closeness again but knew that he never would.

  “Yeah…” Brian began, turning and addressing everyone present on the porch. “Shelly gave me the rundown of everything that happened last night.” He then turned to Katie, who had silently stepped onto the porch behind Jackson. He smiled warmly at her. “Thank you for your help.” And then he turned to Derek and Damien, glancing at Buddy who stood in the doorway. “And thank you for helping with the Biters, during and after. You are all greatly appreciated.” A peaceful silence fell over them as Damien shook Brian’s hand and made his way off of the porch.

  “Well, this is sweet and all but don’t we have other things to do?” they heard Buddy’s crisp voice echo from the entry way of the house. Derek watched as he exited the house, his eyes roaming over everyone. Everyone sighed, but knew he was right.

  “You would ruin a wet dream on a rainy day.” Derek told him bitterly as they all filed off of the porch and down the stairs, following Amber and George as they led the way to the front gate. Derek fiddled with the handle of his knife that dangled from his hip. He was grateful that Amber and George had laid their weapons that George and Miles had taken away the night before on the coffee table for their retrieval with the implied understanding that they came with a strict warning.

  “I’m just a realist.” Buddy countered, ambling up beside Derek, grumbling over the sound of their shoes crunching on the dirt and rocks. He spun his knife between his fingers. “And as a realist, I believe that instead of standing around exchanging pleasantries we should do what we planned to do today.”

  Brian walked behind them, shaking his head. “Aren’t you just a bucketful of sunshine.” He smarted and Shelly smacked him on the arm prompting him to be nice. Miles jogged ahead to the fence where Amber stood unlocking the gate. “Heard you guys lost some people too.” Brian said gently and Derek turned to find his grey eyes resting on him.

  “Yes. A few.” He swallowed thickly the emotion that rose in his throat. They neared the gate, and Amber threw her attention to the two of them sadly. She knew what they were discussing.

  Brian nodded and clapped him on the back. “After we check out these monsters, I’ll help you bury them.” He offered and Derek smiled genuinely.

  “I’ll help as well. Whatever you need.” Amber spoke after her brother, her fingers fumbling with the lock. Her words earned her a tender grin from her brother.

  “Us too.” Miles offered, referring to both himself and George, who nodded his agreement. Derek was suddenly overwhelmed from the compassion that these people seemed to exhibit. They were strangers willing to help put their dead to rest after they brought monsters to them. They opened their house and arms to them, mending their battle wounds and feeding them, letting them rest their weary eyes. He was suddenly overcome with gratitude, and he could see the surprise on Buddy’s face as he took it all in as well.

  “Thank you…all of you. Everything you have all done is greatly appreciated.” He told them and Brian nodded in recognition of his statement. Derek watched as George and Miles readied their weapons, waiting as Amber pulled the chain free and pulled the gate open wide. Four Biters started toward them, reaching and growling, blood-thirsty for flesh of the kind they once were. They disgusted Derek; half of the time making him want to vomit while the rest of the time they only served to anger him. George shoved his knife through the cheek of a Biter, angling it just so, causing the Biter to go limp before it could even open its filth ridden mouth once again. He pulled his knife from the rotted flesh of the Biter, letting it fall hard to the ground as Miles swung his hatchet, the blade connecting with bone right above the ear of another Biter.

  The two men continued this process until the other two were gone, and Derek was impressed by the amount of ease they exerted while killing the loathsome creatures. Amber stood back at the gate, allowing them all through before closing and locking the gate behind her. Derek watched as everyone went ahead to where the bodies were motionless and rotting on the ground before deciding to hang back and wait for her. He avoided looking around him, afraid of facing the bodies of his people. He turned to face her, startled as he watched her pull a screwdriver from the forehead of a Biter. He had not even seen nor heard it approach. Briefly he wondered why he was waiting for her, why he felt safer, more comfortable in her presence than in the presence of the others; but then again, she was the very first one to make them feel welcome; not only that, but he had watched her fight for her life and for those around her, those she didn’t know. He would forever be grateful to these people for that. She wiped the residue on her pants leg and straightened, beginning toward the bodies as well. She looked up as she neared him and frowned. Derek began walking in stride with her, wondering if he had done something to offend her.

  “You didn’t have to wait on me, you know.” She told him as they neared the others who were kneeling down on the asphalt. He glanced at her sincerely but she only continued to look ahead, noticing the brief shudder at the sight of the Biter that had almost done her in.

  “I am aware of that.” He replied as she turned and began towards the Biter that was further away. He decided to accompany her. She noticed this and tossed him a look of annoyance. He found it amusing.

  “Then you are also ‘aware’ that I can kick your ass?” she asked, and despite his reservations he had to laugh.

  “I am more than well aware of that.” He told her on a smile, and slowly he saw the corners of her mouth turn up. The sight brought a sense of comfort to him, and he knew that he at least, if no one else from his group was a little closer to joining the two groups. “As a matter of fact, you are all intimidating.” He said, stopping in his tracks as Amber placed a firm foot on the monstrous Biter’s back and reaching forward toward a knife handle, the blade resting deeply in his skull.

  “Good, because we want you scared.” She said before gripping the handle and pulling back. She grun
ted with the effort, bringing the Biter’s head off of the ground before the blade finally broke free of the bone and thudded back against the dirt. Her statement should have worried him, but instead he understood. Derek watched as she climbed off of the monster, the thing’s massive body barely moving, stiff and rotting under the bright sun. She wiped the knife on the clothing of the Biter before shoving it into the empty holster on her thigh. “A little help, please?” she asked of him. He smiled before squatting next to the Biter, motioning for him to do the same. She placed her hands on the Biter and he mimicked her; they pushed, grunting with the effort it took to move his heavy body. The monster rolled with a loud thump and rocked slightly and both he and Amber watched it until it remained still. Her elbows rested on her knees and he reached for the hand of the Biter. “I had to get my knife back. So, what do you think?” she asked him, reaching forward and easily pulling the Biter’s tattered shirt up to its chest, examining its belly. He stood and rounded the Biter, settling easily on the opposite side of her. His eyes were trained on the monster.

  “His size and recent turning would explain the definition of muscles and the amount of strength he seemed to have…” Derek began, examining the Biter’s stiff fingers, prying them from the fist they lay curled in. There was nothing but blood and dirt, so he began inspecting the wrist.

  Amber cut him off, her focus on the Biter’s torso. “Mmmm…he would have been strong but not that strong.” She paused, her eyes scanning the body. “His strength was…gargantuan…and he honed it in…it knew when to use more force and when to back off…”

  “It could have killed us, but didn’t.” he heard Miles’s deep voice rumble as the man knelt at the Biter’s head, reaching across the corpse, pistol in hand. Amber never looked up at him, instead simply looking at the gun before taking it from his hand and reaching behind her to put it in the waistband of her jeans. Miles looked at Derek. “It was toying with us.” He said before reaching down with deft fingers and lifting the Biter’s head, turning it with effort to examine it.


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