Endgame (Book 1)

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Endgame (Book 1) Page 43

by W. A. R.

  Brian turned to her curiously, the wheels in his mind turning. “Are we talking high tech, hardly found chemicals that would alter this coding?” he asked and Katie shrugged.

  “It could be, but if this is a new virus, we don’t know what it would take to change it. It could range from some kind of toxic chemical that they were given, to something a little more common place like sterile water mixed with gels or salts of aluminum or antibiotics, which can be easily gathered from any pharmacy. If it is a virus, we don’t know anything about how it functions, why it functions that way, or how simple/complicated it would be to change it.” She said and she registered the shock on everyone’s faces. Suddenly she was grateful for her rigorous schooling and training.

  “What were you before the outbreak?” Brian asked her and she chuckled a little out of nervousness.

  “I was a nurse. We had to study viruses in Microbiology.” She explained and he turned, rubbing a hand along his face. She studied the faces of her new friends, noting how every single one appeared worn and tired, slightly scarred here and there from past battles.

  “Well this is certainly a lot to take in.” Buddy shifted on his feet, turning to look at Amber. She twisted her feet as well, sighing.

  “So we agree that someone made them?” she asked and everyone nodded, refusing to look at her as their minds drifted around, lost in their own thoughts. The thought was terrifying, and yet, how else could they explain everything that had occurred? How could they explain what those monsters were? They couldn’t, and that was what scared them senseless. If this were true, where were these people? Why hadn’t they shown their faces?

  Shelly shook her head, pulling herself out of her reverie. “I guess the next question is ‘What are we going to do about this?’” George rubbed the back of his neck absentmindedly, his focus on the floor before him. The floor didn’t move or offer him any reprieve, and yet Katie understood why he acknowledged it so. It was better than staring into the faces of his terrified friends and family.

  “What can we do, really? We don’t know these people, what they have, how many there are, or if they even know we exist.” He replied finally, and there were various nods of agreement from others in the room.

  Derek nodded in agreement, his almost black eyes deep in thought, as if deciding something. “I agree. I suggest we stay here and remain calm. We shouldn’t draw any attention to ourselves.”

  “There could be more of them than we can handle and we don’t have the firepower or manpower to even think about trying to find them. Are we willing to risk it? Risk our own people?” Miles asked yet another question that weighed on everyone’s minds. Damien stepped forward, his light brown hair falling across his face.

  “What if there are more Biters?” he asked, referring to the two massive ones that lay on the hard ground outside. Derek extended his hand and placing it on Damien’s shoulder, the darkness of his brown skin darker than usual in the dim light of the living room.

  “We can just…deal with them if there are any more. This seems to be our only option unless we have more information.” Brian said to them all. Katie looked over at Amber, who studied Brian intensely. “Which, we don’t.” he finished, exhaling a heavy breath.

  “So…what do we do now?” Katie heard herself ask, the anxiousness rebounding inside of her almost her undoing. Brian and Amber shared a look before Amber placed her hands firmly on her hips, addressing everyone in the room. Again, Katie wished she had the woman’s steadfast certainty of her actions and decisions.

  “We do what we have to in order to survive. We have no idea where these people are, or where they would even be…if they are around here. We go from day to day here, keeping extra security, more perimeter checks for Biters or people. Just in case, we need to set out a plan to get who we can out of here, should we become overrun by either these people or Biters. We need to be prepared for anything and everything. When we go into the woods for food, we should go in pairs…” she began but Buddy hastily cut her sentence off.

  “Actually, we should probably go in pairs wherever we go. Even inside the fence.” he suggested and everyone seemed to agree with all of this. They heard Brian chuckle, and the tensions in the room seemed to ease for a moment.

  “If that doesn’t promote teamwork, I don’t know what will.” He said before passing through the center of the circle they had all created. He motioned for them to follow him. “Let’s get this started. I’ll show you the well, the rigged bathing station, and then…we can bury your dead, here in the fence.” This last part was said with a sadness that gripped at them all. He cleared his throat. “Then we can eat, go over a few things you should know, and set out a plan.” He began towards the front door. Katie felt her feet move for her, and everyone filed out of the room with her, with the exception of Amber and Shelly. Brian stopped quickly, his hand on the handle. He turned to face them, seriousness overwhelming his features. “From this point forward, keep an ear and eye out for anything and everything you hear or see. Don’t take anything for granted. I shouldn’t have to tell you twice.” He told them all, and they all spoke their agreement, glancing at one another as they did so. He opened the door then and stepped out onto the porch and into the bright sunlight. He looked around him at the Biters that clawed the fence. “Always be prepared, because we have no idea what in the hell we have gotten ourselves into.”

  Chapter Twenty

  One Week Later

  Amber had no thoughts on her mind as she twirled fluidly on her feet, bypassing the stabbing jab that Miles shoved at her. His arm skirted past her shirt, barely missing her. They had no weapons, only their hands, and they left the rest to their imaginations. He jerked back, narrowing his eyes at her as she balanced on her feet in a defensive stance. Every few days for the past months they did this practice, this sparring. They did this to build on their skill, to think fast on their feet, to maintain balance and focus in the midst of any situation. Amber thought it would come in handy, especially if they ever came up against whomever it was that created those monsters. The thought made her shudder as she stared hard at her opponent. Amber had begun self-defense classes before the outbreak, and she continued them afterwards with the aid of Brian, Cassie, and Kyle. She had also had Kyle and Cassie doing these practices as well, hoping they would come in handy for them if for some reason she couldn’t be there to help them. What better way to raise her children than to teach them to defend themselves?

  She lifted her right arm behind her, bending her knees slightly. Her breathing was heavy as she watched Miles across from her, waiting for him to move first. He studied her, watching how her left hand twitched in front of her. Quickly, he surged forward, his fist aiming for her head when she ducked, landing on her bottom and avoiding his hit. She swung her leg out in front of her, the heel of her foot connecting with his ankles. She swept his feet from under him and he fell with a grunt as she hopped to her feet. She rushed down at him and he rolled from her, causing her fist to connect with the dirt. She rose and leveled her gaze at him as he stood. She smirked at him while they circled one another.

  “You think you can stop me?” he teased her and she grinned defiantly. His face was still bruised and somewhat swollen, and her throat still bruised and tight. It was hard for her to speak, and yet she forced herself to. She couldn’t allow herself to be weak in any way.

  She cleared her throat. “The only reason you are still in this is because I am letting you be.”

  He lifted a brow at her. “Is that so?” he asked of her and before he could gather another thought she surged forward, feigning a shot to his chest. He quickly sidestepped her and she anticipated this, rounding him, her thumb skimming across his abdomen before grabbing his wrist and bringing his arm around to his back with her. She twisted it up, bringing her other hand to his bruised throat. He winced and struggled, only making her hold on him tighter. She laughed against his ear.

  “Yes. It is.” She told him softly before releasing him. She laughed. �
�You lose.” He turned to her and grinned knowingly.

  “Rematch.” He offered to her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “And this time, how about we wager something.”

  Amber’s smile grew wider. This could certainly get interesting. “A bet?” she asked in surprise. He nodded, his smile revealing his straight, white teeth. She lifted brow at him, considering his suggestion. It didn’t take her long to decide. “Deal. We’ll take a break while we decide the wagers.” She turned and began walking back towards the house, pulling the edge of her shirt up to wipe the sweat from her brow. It was late in the evening, and most of the others were inside, preparing for the rest of the night with the exception of all of the kids. Cassie, Kyle, Jacob, Brittany, and Elliot sat on the porch, watching and now, clapping and laughing. Amber grinned up at them all, hearing Miles’s heavy feet behind her. Cassie, Kyle, and Elliot all watched with amusement while the other two watched in wonder. Had they not seen people fight before?

  “Are you going to do that again?” Brittany asked the two of them and Amber glanced over at a flushed Miles as he placed his hands on his hips. He studied the girl.

  “That’s the plan.” Miles told the girl. Within the past week he had gradually opened his mind to the new members of their group, namely the two children. They were comfortable around him; they felt safe. Amber couldn’t blame them; she felt the same way.

  “Would the both of you like to learn some moves?” She asked of them and their eyes widened in excitement. She felt her heart lighten at their reactions. They needed to learn; it would benefit them in the long run.

  “Yes!” they exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh at their obvious anticipation. Amber nodded at them.

  “We can start tomorrow. That sound alright?” she asked and they nodded their heads vigorously. Miles glanced at Cassie and Kyle, a grin on his face.

  “We can help!” they offered to Amber and Miles as the front door opened wide. Amber nodded, watching from the corner of her eyes as Buddy, Katie, and Brian stepped onto the porch. Katie ambled slowly down the steps, taking place next to Miles as Brian stepped over to sit on the edge of the porch between the children. They giggled as he wiggled himself between them. Buddy, however, stood at the top of the stairs watching everyone. Amber was glad that they were comfortable around them, and that her people felt the same. It was slow going but they were melding together as family and friends should. Except, of course, for Buddy. He was a little stand-offish; he was brusque, seemingly rude at times, but he had yet to personally cross Amber. The past week had gone by without incident, and everyone seemed to fall easily into their given roles. They alternated between gathering what they had of vegetables in the small garden, chopping logs for fires, preparing meals, and checking the perimeter and the woods. It didn’t seem like much, but considering they accomplished all of this in pairs or in small groups, it was no small feat. They had all settled down one evening and set out a plan, drawing out a map for each person that wasn’t familiar with the territory. The plan was that if compromised, and/or attacked, they would meet at the old house place and decide what to do from there. It was the best that they could come up with, considering how limited the more recent additions’ knowledge was of the area, and the fact that they weren’t going to be able to fight as hard as they knew they were going to have to. Derek already had Amber’s respect, as did Katie; Damien was quiet and reserved, as was Buddy to an extent. Still, they were all getting there.

  “Help with what?” Brian asked them, glancing down at Elliot and nudging him in the forehead with his own. Elliot shoved him back, giggling.

  “We want to help teach Jacob and Brittany how to fight.” Cassie informed him and Brian turned to Amber lifting a brow and smiling.

  “You don’t know how to fight.” Her brother teased his niece and nephew. Kyle shoved at him playfully.

  “Yes we do!” he exclaimed and Brian lifted his hands in defeat, laughing as Kyle balled up his small fists and began hitting him in the arm.

  “Alright! You can!” he conceded, and Kyle smiled triumphantly. Amber laughed at the scene before her. She closed her eyes for a moment as a soft breeze blew the sweat soaked hair from her face. It was nice, she thought, finding such peace in a place meant to be hell. She knew that they should have been stressing about what was going on around them, or the possibility thereof, and yet, she also knew that every now and again they needed to have fun, to enjoy life. If one couldn’t do that, then what was the purpose of living? Yes, she thought, they needed a laugh, a smile, a kind gesture, or even an outlet for stress in order to appreciate what they had and acknowledge the awful things around them.

  Miles watched them for a moment before turning to Amber. “Ready to go again?” he asked impishly. She grinned back at him.

  “Oh this should be fun.” Brian said, elbowing Elliot as if the boy had no idea what was going to happen. “This is real entertainment!” Amber laughed as Buddy and Katie looked at them curiously.

  “You’re on.” She replied. “Did you decide on your wager?” she asked and he simply smiled and turned from her, brushing past Katie and walking back to the open area of the front yard where they had fought before. Amber shook her head and chuckled lowly as Buddy scoffed. She turned to look at him, eyebrow lifted in challenge. “You got a problem?”

  He leveled his blue eyes at her and she held his stern stare. “You think you can fight?” he asked and she felt as if she had been slapped. What was he getting at?

  “I know I can. He can too.” She responded and he turned his gaze to Miles who stood waiting on her, watching the interaction. His eyes flicked back to Amber, daring and full of mystery and manipulation.

  “We’ll see. I call winner…and we will go by my rules.” He told her and she narrowed her eyes at him. Brian turned a steely gaze to him, curiosity and suspicion etched into his features. Katie shook her head and yet Amber felt the heat rise within her. She felt the urge to prove herself. Tension became thick in the air around them and she swallowed back the refusal that threatened to come out. Whether the bastard did or did not know how to fight, at least he would offer a new challenge for her or for Miles. They needed to anticipate new tactics with someone they weren’t too familiar with.

  “Fine.” She declared evenly before turning and walking away from him and towards Miles. She was fuming, livid with his comments and yet curious as to what he thought he knew, what his rules were. Miles watched her, then glanced over her shoulder at the porch where everyone had trained their eyes on them. George and Derek had wondered onto the porch, questioning Brian as to what was going on. He couldn’t hear their words, but he knew by their gestures what they were discussing.

  “Buddy calls winner to be fought under his rules. You game?” Amber asked as she neared him. He placed his hands firmly on his hips and studied the porch where Buddy watched the pair intently. Yeah, he thought, he would love to get his hands on Buddy and straighten that sarcastic attitude of his out.

  He grinned. “Definitely.” He then studied her. “You alright?” he asked and she turned her eyes up to him, bitter and uncertain. She sighed and rolled her neck before running a hand across her warm face. He crossed his arms and watched her as she moved, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “Yeah. Buddy just...I swear he knows how to get under my skin. Its infuriating.” She answered him and she watched as he neared her, a devious glint in his eyes. She couldn’t help but smile at his reaction. “What?”

  “I’m not infuriating?” he asked, almost as if offended. Her eyes widened in response and amusement, sidestepping him but keeping her eyes trained on him and every movement he made.

  “No. Do you want to be? I mean, it isn’t necessarily a good thing.” She informed him, and then she watched his eyes narrow on her, catching the teasing glint in her eyes. “Although, I must admit…he is a little intriguing.”

  His smile dropped. “Intriguing, huh? And I’m not?” he asked of her, rounding to her right. She grinned. />
  “What is your wager?” she asked, avoiding his question with a question of her own. She twisted on the balls of her feet, watching him as he circled her.

  “Come on!” Brian encouraged them, and Amber stole a glance at him before turning her blue gaze back to Miles. His eyes remained intent on her, digging and searching, playful and intimidating. Was he intriguing? He had asked, and her answer was that yes…very much so. He intimidated her, and yet drew her near without even knowing he did so.

  “If I win, you have to go on watch with me tonight instead of Katie.” He grinned, his voice low enough for only the two of them to hear, and Amber couldn’t help but laugh at him.

  “I think she does fancy you a little.” Amber replied, having noticed the amount of time Katie had spent around Miles, constantly trying to be at his side, to talk to him. This watch was the second one she had been on with him and Amber knew that it had to have made him uneasy; not because she did anything inappropriate, but because the situation was awkward at best.

  “No…she just…she isn’t very skilled.” Miles grimaced at having to explain his reasoning. Amber smiled regardless of whether it was true or not. She sighed as he stopped circling her, and spread his feet, tensing his shoulders. He had placed his wager and was ready. She studied him.

  “Deal. If I win, you have to cut your hair. It is getting pretty long.” She told him, kicking at the dirt. His face dropped yet again as if he were offended.

  “Hey…I’m used to my long hair. I happen to like it.” He said, running a hand through his long brown hair. Amber grinned.

  “I figured you would argue. Listen, you look like Roman Raines….only your hair isn’t as long…and you aren’t nearly as good looking.”

  “Well that just hurts.”

  “The truth usually does.”


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