Endgame (Book 1)

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Endgame (Book 1) Page 80

by W. A. R.

  “I’m coming up with something.” She told him and he sighed in defeat. She knew that he expected her to say something else, for her to provide him some kind of insight into what was really going on in her mind. The turmoil that was her thoughts was eating at her and her neck twitched, her jaw clenching from the undeniable anger that was running rampant through her. “I’m angry.” She admitted to him and he turned to her curiously.

  “Of course you are….” He began as Amber slowly began to move her feet, readying to turn to the door of the house where George stood silently. Amber turned her flaming eyes to Buddy, surprising him for only a split second before he gathered his composure.

  “Don’t you dare try to stop me from what I am going to do.” She warned him and he visibly gulped, his eyes widening in understanding. He shook his head and turned from her, facing the house as she eased forward past the now open gate.

  “I won’t.” he promised. And with that, she turned and fully faced the door.

  She glanced at George before stepping past him and into the house. “We need a plan.” She said easily, watching as Katie rushed across the hall from the living room to the kitchen.

  “Yes.” Her voice was low, gruff and she walked with her hands clenched into fists at her sides and her shoulders back. A plan was forming in her mind, and she had a feeling that some of those that were left of their group wouldn’t like it, including Buddy.

  “Do you believe what they said on the radio?” he asked as they stomped up the stairs. Amber refused to look at him, she knew that the first time she looked into any of their eyes and saw the fear and the worry that rested in their depths she would lose it.

  “Yes…for now.” She replied angrily, leading the way to the kitchen where everyone seemed to be gathered. Buddy trailed in behind her and Derek behind him. Every single pair of eyes in the kitchen turned to them expectantly and Amber halted in her tracks, causing Buddy to run into her back. She felt her breathing quicken at their expressions, the feeling of panic settling in on her nerves. Buddy placed two reassuring hands on her shoulders, attempting to calm her down, but there was no calming down. They were gone and Amber was entirely unsure of how to get them back. She had no idea where they were being taken…they could be gone forever.

  Rick eased up to her, searching her face for an answer before posing his question. Judging by the mask of melancholy that settled over him, she figured he already knew the answer before he asked. “Why are you still here?” he asked, and Amber could feel the looks digging into her, pulling at her to give them the answer that they wanted to hear, but very well couldn’t give. Again, tears pricked the back of her eyes. She had let them all down.

  “They took them away.” She answered and though Amber expected gasps of surprise or maybe anger, all she heard instead was the sound of silence. There was the occasional sniffle, but otherwise it remained silent for a moment as everyone took in what she had said. She thought that maybe the silence was worse than surprise. It meant they had expected Amber to be too late and she hated that. She felt weak and as if her entire body wanted to cave in. She wanted to break down and shut the entire world out; to pull what was left of her broken family close to her and hide as the world continued downhill. Buddy squeezed her shoulders, a silent suggestion for her to take charge and do what needed to be done. She pulled from his grasp and sighed, tilting her head and cracking her neck in an attempt to alleviate the tension. She felt infuriated at the situation, at the pain that she was in. She was angry at the loss and she was even angry at the position she was instantly thrust into. She closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts as she pinched the bridge of her nose. It all hurt…it hurt too much but she had to be stronger than she was. She had to accept the worst and hope for the best. She had a feeling that she knew what was going to have to be done, but it was going to be difficult for the others to accept.

  Her eyes flashed open with a renewed vengeance and Rick, who was standing close to her, took a step back from her fiery gaze. She lowered her hand from her nose and skimmed the few faces before her, sharing with each one of them her resolve, her determination and self-certainty of her words. She didn’t want to leave any room for doubt. “I am going to get them back. I’m not sure when or how, but it is going to happen.” She promised them before turning to Cassie and Kyle’s pained expressions. They stared at her unsure. “So in order to get through what happens next, we are going to have to let it go…at least for now. Alright?” The words pained her to say because it made her a hypocrite. She certainly couldn’t let go of what had happened, and yet she expected them to? It didn’t seem fair, but it was what needed to be done and holding on to her pain was what was going to get her through the next…well, however long it took to get them back.

  “What are we going to do?” Katie asked her.

  “What happened?” Derek was next and to stop the onslaught of questions that were sure to begin rolling in, she slammed her hands down hard on the kitchen table, palms flat, and she rested there. Her breathing was heavy and it echoed in the silence as she regained control of the situation.

  “Damien betrayed them, just like Rick said he was going to do.” She told them all, and they turned away sadly. Rick looked away, guilt and regret etched into his features and though Amber wanted to assure him that it wasn’t his fault, she had to avoid it. He would have to get over it. “They ambushed them. Someone radioed us and told us so. We couldn’t help. They knocked them out and took them away.”

  Katie crossed her arms and looked at Amber with obvious disappointment. “Who radioed you?” she asked her and Amber could sense the underlying question in her words.

  Amber stared at her hard. “That doesn’t matter.” It was her only answer and judging by the tears that had formed in Katie’s eyes, it wasn’t a good one. Amber lowered her head, closing her eyes tightly. She understood how Katie was feeling, how they were all feeling but she had to give the rest of the bad news. “And they ARE coming here.” Everyone’s eyes widened in response and the commotion began. They were panicking and their voices, high pitched and frightened began to overlap.

  “We aren’t ready!”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “They are going to take us like they did the others…”

  Amber closed her eyes tightly against the noise before bringing her fingers to her mouth and releasing a loud whistle. Everyone paused, some covering their ears in response to the sound. Amber heaved a heavy breath. “We all need to calm down if we are going to come out of this and try to save them. Now, someone…told us…about their plans and before any of you ask I will explain later. Right now we don’t have time.” She then turned to Jacob who leaned against the counter next to Cassie, his face uncertain and his hand trembling with taut nerves. “I know you are scared. I’m scared. I know we aren’t ready and we didn’t expect this…we didn’t expect the surprise or for Damien to betray us. I’m sorry.” She told them all and they remained silent, their eyes on her and she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. “First things first, Cassie…I need you and Brittany to start loading the Silverado with everything we have.” The two girls nodded and left before Amber turned to Jacob. “I don’t think they were here this morning. I think they were more concerned with getting the others before coming here, so whatever you guys did, I’m pretty sure they didn’t see. So tell me, what did you guys do?” she asked of them all.

  Jacob shifted on his feet and straightened his stance. “I put out about three contraptions like this one.” He pointed to a few pieces of metal jumbled up on the table. Some were attached to one another, others were laying precariously on the wooden surface. “I didn’t have time to finish this one, but the others are placed around the house.”

  Amber nodded and straightened, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the window. “Show me where.” She demanded and he did so, pointing out two by the front stairs and one by the back door, effectively blocking both entrances and she swallowed. Jacob was good…v
ery good.

  “Alright…we don’t have long before Damien gets back, and when he does, things are going to go downhill really fast, so in order for this plan to work, I am going to need everyone to do exactly what I tell them with no arguments.” She demanded, her voice firm and unwavering. They all nodded and straightened, unsure of what their future held, uncertain about what part in the battle they would be playing. Amber turned to George, her eyes running from his feet to the top of his head. “We don’t have the strength or weapons to fight them. We are going to have to outsmart them. Don’t you agree?” she asked of him, referring to his earlier statement. George glanced at her curiously before answering.

  “Yes, but…”

  She stared at him, as if staring through him and he didn’t like that feeling. “That’s exactly what we are going to have to do.”

  “Alright, but how exactly?” he asked her and she thought briefly for a moment before answering.

  “Go find a hat, any hat. Something Damien has worn before.” Amber demanded of him and though he opened his mouth to question her she straightened, shrugging her shoulders back and narrowing her eyes at him to prevent any questioning. He turned and disappeared from the room and Amber turned to Kyle who stood waiting patiently for orders. “Do we have any zip-ties or rope?” she asked of him staring down at him. Her son looked at her with the same determination that her brother had, as if he were unafraid…fearless; a protector. Her heart was torn between retaliation and regret.

  “In the garage.” He told her and she nodded, gripping his shoulder and leaning down to his level.

  “Listen carefully. I need you to go to the garage, get every bit of it that we have and bring it here. Then, I need you and Elliot to gather every weapon that we have and bring it all in here…and I will need you to do this as fast as you can. Got it?” she asked of him and he nodded vigorously before rushing past her and out of the kitchen entryway. Elliot followed him as Katie stepped up next to her.

  “We also lined the fence with brush, limbs, and whatever combustible fluids we could find. We used all of the gas we have in reserve, but if need be, it will provide us with a way out that they can’t witness.” She told Amber and Amber replied with a nod of acknowledgement. They could syphon gas from other vehicles and there was enough gas in the red Dodge to get them wherever they needed to go. Now, however, was time for the hard part. George returned holding an old baseball cap that Damien had worn only a few days before.

  She sighed. “I have a plan, but none of you are going to like it very much. It seems to be the only way that we can make it though. It is the only thing I could think of.” She explained and Rick and George looked at her with unguarded curiosity and worry; uncertainty. She rolled her neck before looking between both of them. “George, I will need you to dress as Damien and ‘escort’ everyone but Buddy, Derek, Katie, and I out of here through the back gate.” She turned to Katie and Bobby-Jean. “When you are doing this, be sure to do it in a single file line, hands together as if you are bound and unable to fight back.”

  “Alright…”both women agreed cautiously and Amber began pacing around the kitchen table, her mind racing with possibilities.

  George appeared livid; his face had gotten red, the flush creeping its way up his neck and he narrowed his eyes at her. “You four are not…” he began exclaiming, but Amber cut him off. She knew what he was going to say, what he was upset about, and she was going to explain her thinking when it came to it. For now, she was going to continue with the more pressing matters. Cassie and Brittany appeared then, breathless and dusting their hands. Amber knew it wouldn’t have taken them long, having most of their necessities already prepared in case of an emergency such as the one they were currently in.

  “Whenever you all leave out of the back gate, Bobby-Jean and Elva Jo are going to split and find sanctuary in the church. Rick,” Amber began turning to him. “I’m going to need you to protect them. Can you do that?” she asked of him and he nodded his acceptance. Amber sighed once more, again gathering her thoughts and keeping track of them. “That is your part in all of this, and right now I need you to go get Zeus and the kids and get in the truck, park it on the road that butts up to this property and wait for the three of them to come to you.”

  “But…” he began but Buddy interjected, stepping next to Amber and crossing his arms. Kyle appeared with a few zip ties and some rope. He quickly turned and ran back out to the garage as Elliot appeared with some wire and some tattered rope. George looked at the bundle and swallowed the emotion that was rising within himself.

  “Damien thinks you are dead. If he finds out you’re here before we can do anything to take care of him, then he will run and warn the others. We can’t risk that.” Buddy told him and Rick immediately trudged towards the front door without question. Amber knelt down for a moment, acknowledging her loyal companions wagging tail and big golden eyes. She nuzzled him only briefly before she heard Rick whistle for him. The dog looked at her for a moment as she stood and reluctantly he turned and followed her cousin out of the front door.

  “I’m not going.” Cassie stated determined. “Jacob, Brittany, and I are going to help fight.” Amber looked at her with a saddened expression.

  “Cassie…you and Kyle….’’

  “No. That truck is not big enough to fit all of us. Kyle should go and protect Elliot.” She looked at her brother and swallowed hard. Amber studied him. “Please.” He put on a determined face and shook his head. Amber knew that he was just as afraid as the rest of them were. Elliot made a move to leave, his bottom lip trembling.

  “No. I won’t go either.” He stated, he and Amber staring hard at one another. Elliot’s footsteps faded away, followed by the creaking of the garage door. Once the garage door was closed behind him, Kyle turned back to look at his mother. “I am not letting you fight alone in this.” He stated, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes shining with unshed tears. “Please, mom.” Amber stared after her daughter for a moment until finally conceding. She nodded, knowing that even if she did try to send them away, they would only find their way back.

  “Fine. But if you sense trouble, you run.” She demanded before nodding her agreement to Derek. Derek tossed Brittany the keys so she could let Rick out of the front gate and she ran out behind Rick without objection, her face etched with fear. Amber glanced at George from over her shoulder.

  “Now, George, before you escort them out, I am going to need you to tie Buddy, Derek, and I up. Our hands and our feet. They wanted us split up for a reason…Rick said they took a liking to us, which means their leader will want to handle us himself.”

  Derek looked at her wide-eyed. “I’m not sure if…” he began but Amber jerked her head to him and he stopped midsentence as the sound of the Silverado roared to life outside of the house.

  “It is the only option we have against them.” She told him and he clamped his mouth shut. The sound of the truck grew distant and Amber knew that he was gone and that hopefully he would make it to the rendezvous point before Damien pulled back into the driveway. She turned back to George. “After you tie us up I’ll need you to haul us to the front door and throw us off of the side of the porch; not the steps. Remember that. Close to the porch.” She stared hard at him, assuring that he grasped her words, what she was saying before she continued. “While you are doing this, remember that you are Damien. Say some stupid shit he would say. Hurt us.”

  He looked at her, pained. “But I can’t…”

  “Yes, you can. You and Damien have a similar build. You can do it.” She told him. “After you throw each of us off of the porch, unlock the front gate and leave us there while you and the others get out through the back. Katie will be hiding under the porch, untying us.” Amber turned to the rest of her group, her heart racing and beating hard against her chest. The table was already littered with whatever weapons could be found and she knew that Elliot and Kyle had tried their hardest. They had already gathered everything while Amber and Buddy
were gone. Things were real…people had died, people were lost, and there was going to be a battle. It knocked her breathless. This was no nightmare. It was reality. “The rest of you who are not going to find sanctuary will wait in the woods. I expect most will pull in here except maybe a smaller group to ‘apprehend’ you guys. Look to the east. They want us alive. Overtake anyone you come across, and do it quietly.” She scanned the room once more. “We don’t have time for details and I’m sorry for that. But all that you all need to know is that while they are distracted with us, you can sneak around to the front and take whatever weapons you can from their unguarded vehicles. On my cue, we will fight. If you can sneak up on some and take them out, do it.” She sighed. “Do whatever you can. It is all we can do from this point forward.”

  Amber paused, noting how Brittany had yet to come back and she glanced at the front door, and the sound of a truck engine turning in to the driveway quickly caught her ears. Damien was there. She was surprised she hadn’t heard it beforehand; however, it wasn’t surprising considering all that was on her mind. She turned back to everyone, who immediately and visibly tensed at the sound. They all looked about themselves wildly.

  “What are we going to do about him?” George asked lowly, motioning outside, towards Damien’s unseen figure.

  Amber stood and rolled her shoulders, reaching across the table to grab a metal baseball bat that Cassie had brought in. Shelly’s bat that she had carried around with her when things had gotten bad. Blood still coated the aluminum shell from the many Biters that she had encountered and dealt with. She rolled the bat between her fingers, watching every move it made. “Follow my lead and do what I say. Leave Damien to me. Kids…I expect you to stay here; whatever you hear, do NOT come to the garage. About forty-five seconds after he comes through that front door, start banging stuff around, hollering….make it sound like there is a struggle.” And no one argued with her. Instead, things became intensely still and silent as they waited for the truck engine to stop its roaring and for the door to shut. The air in the kitchen was so thick that one could cut it with a knife, and yet, Amber felt relaxed, and was even visibly calm. Inside, however, within the confines of her tattered mind, she was anything but.


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