Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3)

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Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3) Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  I rested back in the formal living room after dinner and watched as Grigori maneuvered Ember closer to Brent. Quietly, I asked Daniil, “What is he doing?”

  “Loving her,” Daniil said quietly.

  “Isn’t he jealous?” I asked dumbfounded, my emotions completely back on track, which I was eternally grateful for.

  “Yes. But he trusts her. And he knows she needs this friendship.”

  I smiled up at him, after seeing Grigori back away once he got Brent and Ember talking. “You raised some good kiddos.”

  He was still watching Brent and Ember, but he nodded.


  “I trust Ember. It’s Brent I don’t trust so much.” He nodded toward them, and I looked back to see Brent touch her hand, possibly a second too long while he spoke to her. “He’s a good man, but he’s also very smart…and patient.”

  I glanced at Grigori where he was speaking with my dad about something, but his eyes were watching Brent and Ember’s every move even if he had brought them together. “I don’t think Grigori misses much, either.”

  Daniil shook his head. “No. I taught him better than that, and I believe he’s going to surprise everyone tonight with the way he’s acting.” I hadn’t noticed anything different, so I glanced at Grigori again. I still didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but Daniil had turned his attention to Roman, and I followed his gaze. “Now, Roman… Well, he’s going to be a handful. Probably worse than Grigori.”

  I ran my fingers under his chin, and turned his face my way, staring at him with two working eyes since the black eye and puffy face had finally vanished. “Quit worrying tonight. I want you happy, not upset.” I kissed his jaw lightly when I saw his eyes soften from fatherly worry to tender love for a partner in life. “Thank you. Thank you for being patient and helping me. I feel ten times better already.”

  Placing a gentle hand on my head, his eyes scoured mine as he ran his fingers through my hair that had grown enough to become itty-bitty tight curls. “I want you feeling a hundred times better, not just ten. I want you back. And I’ll be as patient and as helping as I can be.”

  I stopped his hand with my gloved one…my nails were only growing back, and they were hideous, so I wore the gloves so I didn’t gross anyone out. “Daniil, I may never be that same person I was before.” He knew this…didn’t he?

  His soft smile turned a little evil, and he bent down, whispering in my ear, “Do you mean how you now have a possessive streak to rattle anyone’s cage, and you have no issues killing anyone who threatens your babies?”

  I nodded. Yes. That was exactly what I meant. I wasn’t a ‘kill all’ type of person, but my eye-for-an-eye…well, I didn’t even bat an eye now when I thought of my kidnappers trying to harm the babies inside me again.

  I felt him grin against the shell of my ear. “That works for me.”

  I snorted, pushing at his shoulder lightly with my cast. “I’m happy I can accommodate you.” I said it with enough sarcasm to make it sound real, but truly, I was happy he liked this harder side of me.

  He started trailing small kisses behind my ear. “I knew you would get there, anyway. I just thought it would be after our sons were born.”

  I snorted again, but it came out in a half sigh/half moan. “We are not finding out what the sexes are.”

  Daniil groaned low in his throat, and he whispered against my heating skin, “Please, don’t say any word that involves ‘sex’ in it.” He sighed heavily against my neck. “I’m already dying here.”

  Lifting my hand, I gripped the necklace that he wore. He made it out of the bolt I had killed my jailer with. He melted the bolt down and shaped it into a heart and threaded it around his neck in twisted black leather.

  Morbid, yes. But Daniil all the way.

  I lifted my brows. “You’re not the only one dying here, so quit doing that.”

  He groaned again even lower in his throat and started to pull me in tighter against him so he didn’t see my mom walk up to the loveseat where we sat. Nor did he see the hand she raised to swat him on the backside of his head, banging his face into my neck. He grunted, and his head snapped up, seeing my mom’s twinkling eyes staring down at him.

  Softly, she stated, “A little decorum, please. I know what that doctor said. And that,” she pointed between my neck and his mouth, “isn’t going to help.” Her lips thinned, but she stated quickly, “And it’s not fair for a man to achieve release when the woman’s left high and dry for months on end.” She pointed at Daniil. “So keep that in mind when you’re trying to finagle something out of her.” She nodded once curtly, then turned on an embarrassed heal and walked quickly over to my dad.

  “My mom did not just say that,” I muttered, my mouth still hanging open.

  Daniil rubbed the back of his head where she had hit him, and he glanced at me…appearing a little sheepish.

  I stared. My mom had been right. Daniil was going to try…

  I laughed outright. It was loud. And it was joyful.

  And it was the first time I had really laughed in months. Pretty much the entire room stopped whatever they were doing and looked my way. Nikki came over while I was trying to get control of myself, and put her arms around my throat, leaning on my round belly, whispering in my ear, “I’m happy you’re feeling better.”

  I smiled against her black hair and hugged her back. “Thank you, Nikki. That’s very sweet of you to say.”

  The babies kicked at that moment, pushing against Nikki. She squawked and jumped back, pointing at my stomach, squealing, “Her stomach! It moved!”

  Beth bumped her shoulder and rolled green eyes. “The babies moved, Nikki.” She placed a hand over my stomach, hesitating, and then asking, “Can I feel?”

  Still smiling, I nodded, but also grabbed Daniil’s hand since he hadn’t been around when the babies were active. Placing both their hands on my stomach, I pressed a little on Daniil’s…and thumpity-thump….thump, thump, thump! They really got active in there.

  Beth’s eyes grew almost as large as Daniil’s, and they both gasped.

  Daniil grinned broadly after a few moments and told the room at large, “Boys. They’re all boys.”

  I couldn’t help my chuckle, and Nikki barged into the fold, placing her hand between Beth and Daniil’s. There was a pause, and then, one of the babes punched or kicked her hand, and she squealed again, jumping back, staring at Ember with huge eyes, pointing at my stomach, almost shouting, “They’re coming out!”

  Grigori laughed, and picked up the frightened Nikki, bouncing her a little. “They aren’t coming out yet. They’re just moving around like you used to do in your mommy’s belly.”

  She blinked. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I remember when your mom got real big,” Ember snorted, “and you two would practically do somersaults in her stomach.”

  I glanced at Brent and Cole, but they were only watching the interaction silently like they were gauging Grigori’s interaction with their daughter.

  Grigori bent down and whispered something in Nikki’s ear, and her eyes turned huge, and she whispered, “Really?” Grigori nodded, and she said, “Yes, I think I’d like that.”

  “What?” Beth asked, taking her wide gaze off my stomach, but not her hand. “What would you like?”

  Grigori bent down, still holding Nikki in his arms, and whispered in her ear. I didn’t catch what he said, but I saw her eyes go as big as Nikki’s had. She squealed, nodding really big, her blond curls dancing around her face. Grigori cleared his throat, and stood, placing Nikki back on the floor, and beckoned for Ember to come over.

  Daniil’s hand tensed on my stomach, but a quick glance at him showed me that his face was peaceful. He even winked at me. Guess I was going to find out what all this was about the good old-fashioned way.

  Ember walked through the silent room and stood in front of him with her eyebrows puckered, her head tilted all the way back so she could stare him in the face. She was j
ust as confused as the majority of the room, and Grigori cleared his throat again, and cupped her cheeks, asking gently, “Do you still want to have more children?”

  Her breath caught, and like her daughters’, her eyes went huge. She licked her lips and nodded in quick jerky motions. Grigori smiled down at her, and I had to lean into Daniil to see past Grigori’s hair hanging around his face. He said softly, “I’ve been doing some research. It may not be as easy as it was before. Are you sure about this?”

  She nodded again.

  He cleared his throat again, and then stated in the softest, sweetest tones I had ever heard him use before, “You said before that I’m all you ever want to know, that I was all you ever wanted in a man.” He paused, kissing the tip of her nose. “Well, honey, you’re all I have ever seen as the perfect woman. You’re strong. You’re fierce. You’re shy. You’re sweet. You’re caring. You’re protective. You’re all I ever want to know. You’re all I could ever want in a woman.” He leaned his forehead against hers, his hair barely covering his pink cheeks. “I love you, Ember, and I want to have children with you.”

  Oh…oh, my. He had taken the plunge and also made this declaration in front of everyone. No wonder he had no real issues with her talking alone with Brent.

  Ember’s voice cracked when she said, “I love you, too.” She was visibly trembling, and she placed her small hands on his heated cheeks. She lifted on her tiptoes and kissed his lips softly. “You’ll be a great daddy.”

  Grigori sucked in a big breath, but I still saw the huge smile—a truly contented smile—he rested against her lips.

  It was silent for all over a heartbeat as Grigori proceeded to—ahem—start the baby making process right in front of us with a kiss that nearly dropped Ember, but Carl cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention from Ember and Grigori. I made sure to keep my eyes off Brent and Cole since I was almost positive even with the truce they had going on, no one in their situation wanted to hear that.

  Carl stood and took Anna’s hand, pulling her up from her seated position to stand next to him. Her eyes were huge, but she was smiling softly as Carl laid the next big one on us. He grinned, tugging Anna in close, looking like a big ‘ol love sap, which was just odd on a man that looked as tough as he did. He stated clearly, and loudly, “With all this talk of babies, I thought it would be a great time to announce that my wife is pregnant.”

  Everyone in the room—minus Ember and Grigori, who were still lost in one another directly in front of Daniil and me—cheered and started congregating around them. The loudness startled me for a second, and I know I jumped, scaring poor Beth, who still had her hand on my belly. Daniil shushed her…and me…but I got over it quickly enough. I wasn’t going to allow some damn happy cheers to rattle me for too long.

  All in all, it had been one heck of a good evening all around.

  I was ready for the party Daniil had been testing and preparing me for. It was time to meet my kidnappers. Mafia style.

  One week later, I had to keep reminding myself that I could do this. My mom was helping me into a green dress that matched my eyes, but it was satin, and it bunched directly under my breasts, which were growing damn huge, and draped over my belly, making me look like I had three huge pillows taped around my stomach instead of three tiny babies inside my womb. My back was killing me, my ankles were on the verge of swelling, my tits were tender, and I swear one of Daniil’s children had a foot jammed up under my ribs that no matter how many times I massaged the area, the little bugger kept his or her foot budged tight. And I was hungry, my appetite back in full swing.

  The dress hung down to my sandaled feet, and it felt like Heaven, but tonight wasn’t about Heaven. Tonight was about putting two people firmly in Hell. I had to look like I wasn’t affected by what they had done to me. Daniil hadn’t told me who he thought they were. He said he would tell me when it was time. In other words, it was party night.

  To top it off, I hadn’t told my mom what was going to happen. Not because I was afraid to, but because now that I knew the primal urges parents had, I was afraid she would take care of business before I got the chance. Especially, with that far away, primal look she got in her eye sometimes when I had—they were getting fewer with each day—a moment when I zoned out and started singing. And that included my dad, too. God love him, he was a devout Christian, but it was there in his eye, too.

  So, mum was the word.

  “I think Dr. Wisser is going to put me on bedrest soon,” I grumbled, trying to drape the dress differently so it didn’t show exactly how big I was. It didn’t help. There was no hiding a pregnancy of almost five months with triplets. I glanced around Daniil’s bedroom, wondering if there was anything here big enough to make me look smaller. “He hinted at it last week.”

  Mom finished zipping up the back of the dress, which the tighter it got, the bigger I looked. “Good. You should be off your feet.”

  “Mom,” I griped, turning toward her, putting on my green gloves, which she had to help me with the arm that had the cast – only three more weeks of that damn thing to go. “I don’t want to be an invalid.” I hesitated, and then stated, “I’m not sure I can handle being cooped up in a bedroom for that long. I need to be able to move around.” Make sure I wasn’t trapped.

  My mom’s eyes went to that primal place for a heartbeat, but they softened almost just as quickly, and she said softly, “We’ll figure something out. I’m sure Daniil would put a bed in every room of this house so you won’t feel…” She couldn’t say it. She still had issues from my ordeal, too.

  I sighed, nodding and turning back to the mirror. My cheeks were rosy, my nose pert, my lips red, and my close curls… “God, I really do look like one of those damn dolls.”

  “What dolls, sweetie?” she asked, peering over my shoulder to look in the mirror.

  We both jumped when Daniil chuckled from our right. He was a sneaky one at times. I hadn’t even heard him come in the room. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my stomach, thank God, he had long arms, and bent down kissing my—rosy—cheek, murmuring quietly, “You know what kind of kewpie doll you look like tonight?”

  I puffed out a breath, ignoring how my mom was quietly leaving the bedroom. “A fat, ugly one?”

  He chuckled again, shaking his head. “You look like my kewpie doll.”

  I smiled a little at that until I really saw what he looked like in the mirror next to me, and I groaned. “You look all damn debonair in your James Bond attire.” He wore a black tux, his hair pulled back from his sharp features, the clothes fitting him excellently, showing off his large physic.

  All my outfit did was show off my own expanded physique.

  “You don’t like it?” he whispered against my temple…while his thumb brushed slowly under my left breast.

  “I do. And you know it. You’re handsome and sexy as hell,” I grumbled, swatting at his thumb when it made another pass under my breast, tightening my nipple. “And stop that. You’re going to get me hot and bothered before we go down there.”

  Daniil growled low…yeah…and I knew there wasn’t anything stopping him, especially not me, when he leaned down and bit my bottom lip, taking my mouth in a kiss so damn carnal I was left breathless and pressing into him. He hadn’t kissed me like that…well, in forever. We’d been keeping it strictly PG, but, man, I had missed that. He groaned against my mouth, his hands moving to cups my tender breasts, and I moaned right along with him.

  He squeezed gently, his mouth taking mine again, and the fireworks went off like normal. His tongue swept over mine, rubbing like I wanted his cock inside me. I groaned, none-to-quietly and stood on tiptoe, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling a burning fire start up low in my belly. When he let one hand fall to my ass, squeezing and pulling me even closer, I felt his erection against my belly, telling me exactly what he would like to be doing, too.

  God, he felt so good.

  “Ahem,” my mom’s loud, stern voice broke our lips a
part. Daniil immediately dropped his groping hands from my boob and ass. “Daniil, what did I tell you about that? If you can’t finish it, then don’t start it.”

  “Frankie,” my dad stated—I hadn’t even realized he had come into Daniil’s room. “He knows that. Don’t you, Daniil?”

  Daniil cleared his throat, his voice breathless as he stared down at me. “Yes. I do.” He paused, trying to catch his breath. “Now, would you be so kind as to leave our room while we…recuperate.” Yeah, he had a huge hard-on he was keeping firmly pressed against me.

  “Mom. Dad. Get out,” I ordered, probably a little too harshly.

  But Daniil and I didn’t need their interference.

  “Daniil…,” Mom started again.

  But Daniil growled a little, and I heard Dad yank her out of the room, into his living room area where I heard dad talking to her about how unwise it was to poke a bear when she had already gotten her point across. Daniil heaved a few breaths in and out and stepped back from me a little stiff…yeah…in more places than one.

  “You’re Mom’s right as much as it,” his nose crinkled, “pains me to admit it.”

  I wasn’t doing much better than he was, and I sucked in a few steadying breaths. “We just need to keep it at PG. Maybe start doing crossword puzzles or something when we,” my hand moved back and forth between us, “feel the urge.”

  Daniil paused, and then he started chuckling and shaking his head. “All that brings to mind is you naked with crossword puzzles under you like a blanket.”


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