The Pleasure of Pain 3

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The Pleasure of Pain 3 Page 8

by Shameek Speight

  “And how are you going to do that?” Tess asked with a confused look on her face.

  “Easy. Have you smelled the air lately? It’s the perfect time for me to take my last smoke,” Susan replied while pulling out a small, gold case from the inside of her blazer pocket with a matching fancy lighter.

  “If I get you to a doctor, you may can make it. I’ve seen plenty of situations where people get shot in the head and still survive,” Tess said.

  “Girl, I lived my life and I can feel my body getting weak. I'm slipping away and fighting my sleep, right now. Please, just go! Take Ayoyna and go! You’re running out of time,” Susan replied.

  Tess gently touched her face and kissed her forehead, “I forgive you for not raising me and I love you,” Tess said and scooped Ayoyna up in her arms.

  Tess took off running from hearing footsteps at the front of the house, “Layla get off the roof now!" Tess shouted in the receiver.

  “Damn it!” Layla replied while still trying to shoot through the henchmen for a single target, “I was trying to get a clear shot of Iris,” she said and ran to the back side of the house on the rooftop trying to find a way down.

  “Okay, I’m tired of waiting. I’m ready to kill something,” Iris said outloud as she hopped out of the backseat of the Mercedes-Benz. Her men had the house pretty much surrounded. Only one Asian Mafia soldier was still alive. Iris rolled her eyes pulling a grenade from one of the Cartel henchmen's vest, “What the hell do you think you have these for? Use them!” she said to him frustrated pulling out the pin then threw it.

  The Asian Mafia member was standing near a tree taking cover noticed the grenade land by his feet, “Holy shi….” before he could finish the sentence the grenade exploded and blew him up into tiny pieces.

  “Now, that’s how you kill someone fast,” Iris said sarcastically. She walked up to the house with her twin chrome 9mm and entered it with ten of her henchmen following close by. She moved through the house cautiously searching all of the rooms. Iris ordered four of her men to go upstairs and she and the rest of the men walked deeper into the house. The sound of someone moaning in pain caught her attention. Iris entered the living room and a smirk ran across her face seeing Doctor Sanchez squirming around like a fish out of water, flopping around in a pool of his own blood missing an arm and both of his legs. “Hmmm, Tess's work,” Iris mumbled to herself.

  Doctor Sanchez looked up. His vision was blurry, but he could make out Iris’s beautiful face. “Help me,” he said weakly stretching his only arm out for her, “I was the one that called the Cartel. I was promised not to be harmed and money. Please, help me,” he said as he spit up blood.

  Iris and her men looked at him in horror then she stepped closer to him, “That wasn’t my promise,” she said while raising her knee as high as she could and came stomping down with all of her might. A loud cracking sound could be heard as her foot connected with the back of the doctor’s neck. He twitched for a second and died as soon as she removed the pressure from her foot from his neck.

  “I always knew you were a bitch.” Iris heard a weak voice said followed by coughing.

  Iris and the henchmen rushed to the open kitchen to see an old lady that looked as if she would die at any second with a white cigarette resting between her lips. Iris moved cautiously as she walked and reached the kitchen. She looked down in shock, “What are you doing here, Susan? Hmm, so you were the one helping Tess,” Iris said answering her own question, “But, why jeopardize your own life when you’re successful and rich?” Iris asked.

  “Money isn’t everything Iris. Loyalty to the ones you love run deeper, but I know a sick, twisted bitch like yourself will never understand that,” Susan replied weakly.

  Iris studied for a second and could see thick, red blood oozing out from the back of her head on to the refrigerator. “Finish that old bitch off,” she ordered one of the henchmen. And he aimed the gun at Susan’s face.

  “Wait! Wait! Let me enjoy this last smoke,” Susan replied and flicked the lighter, but it didn’t light up.

  Iris felt something was wrong. Tess would never leave a house standing with a trace of evidence that could be pinpointed to her. She thought real fast as it seemed as if time slowed down. She sniffed the air and could smell the gas lingering around. Her eyes opened wide as she looked at Susan trying to flick the gold lighter. “Oh shit!” Iris shouted as she turned around and took off running.

  “Oh no, bitch, don’t run now,” Susan said and flicked the gold lighter one more time and the flame lit up high. She pulled onto the cigarette to inhale it one more time as the house exploded. Iris jumped through the living room window and the force of the explosion pushed her even further slamming her body into a tree while pieces of debris flew everywhere.

  “That’s our signal,” Tess said while starting up the limo that was parked in the garage behind the house. She looked behind her to see Ayoyna and Isis resting safely on the floor while Layla and Bless loaded their guns.

  “I guess it’s us against the world,” Tess said and stomped on the accelerator. The engine roared and the limo took off through the garage door tearing it into pieces.


  Iris's head pounded and was spinning at the same time, “Uggh! Why didn’t I see that coming? We always blew up the house. I’m starting to think like these dumb ass idiots, rather than a Teflon Diva,” Iris said while groaning in pain then heard a car take off in the back of the house. She slowly stood up and held her left shoulder that was now dislocated from slamming into the tree. Iris backed up and ran into the tree placing all her weight onto her left shoulder popping it back in place. “Mierda, mierda!” she said cursing in Spanish rotating her left arm around making sure she was able to use it. She looked up to see a black limo swerving through the grass coming from the yard. Iris pulled out her twin chrome 9mm out of the holster on her thigh, aimed, and fired repeatedly.

  “Oh shit! Will someone stop her crazy ass? I’m trying to drive,” Tess shouted as bullets crashed into the passenger side window traveling to the driver's head rest, just barely missing her, “Bitch!” Tess shouted while turning the limo a hard left and driving it through someone’s front yard.

  “Oh, you’re not getting away that easy!” Iris screamed while running towards the limo firing at them slamming bullets into the back of the limo windows.

  “I’ll take care of this. Hold the girls,” Bless said then looked at Layla.

  Layla shook her head in agreement and got down on the floor and lightly placed her hands on Ayoyna and Isis's thighs holding them steady. Bless pressed the button to open the sunroof. Bless grabbed his MP5 machine gun and stood on the limo chair poking his head out.

  Iris was running full speed like an Olympic track star firing rapidly. Bless squeezed the trigger sending a burst of automatic fire towards her. She ran to the side of the limo. Bless tried to track her movements, but couldn’t. Next thing he knew, Iris was behind the car again sending bullets at his head. “Oh shit!” he shouted ducking his head back into the limo, “Tess drive faster!” he shouted.

  “I can’t! I have to get out of this grass first!” Tess shouted driving into front yard to front yard because the streets were full of parked cars.

  “Well, you have to do something. Because I don’t know what kind of drugs ya’ll been on for the past five years, but this bitch is fucking moving like that bitch on the terminator dodging bullets and shit,” Bless said and stood back up in the chair slowly peeping his head out of the sunroof. His eyes opened wide with seeing Iris run at top speed and jumping onto the back of the limo still coming towards him. “Ah, hell naw!” Bless shouted.

  Iris raised her guns and squeezed the triggers just to hear a clicking sound letting them both know that her guns were empty. Bless aimed at her head and prepared to shoot. Iris got down on her left knee and had her right leg raised stretching out like a baseball player sliding to home base. Leaving Bless no time to react, her right foot slammed into his face knocki
ng him down back into the limo and she slide down into the limo with him.

  She tossed her gun at Layla’s head causing her to holler in pain. Iris landed on Bless' lap and sent blow after blow to his face. Bless tried to throw her, but she sent another blow to his neck. “Ughh! You fucking bitch!” Bless said trying to breathe.

  “Just face it Bless, you were the best when we were teenagers, but now baby, you are way out of your league. I need one of my girls to give me a proper fight because you don’t stand a chance against me,” Iris said with a grin on her face. Iris received two blows to the ribcage that knocked the air out of her. “You bastard! I was taking it easy on you!” Iris said and hit him in the nose with the palm of her hand.

  Bless' eyes watered up before he could scream in pain. She poked him in the eyes and punched him in the temple. “Ughh!” he groaned in pain and fell sideways on the seat.

  Layla pulled out a nickel-plated 9mm kel-tech from her side holster. Before she could aim it at the back of Iris’s head, Iris rolled backwards into a tumble flip and ended up directly in Layla’s face starring her right in the eyes. Iris quickly punched her in the throat. “Ughh! Uggh!” Layla gasped for air. Iris twisted her wrist causing her to holler in excruciating pain and drop the gun.

  “I won’t go down that easy, bitch,” Layla said while sending a fist crashing into Iris’s left eye. Layla sent another blow to Iris’s throat. “See bitch, you’re not the only one that knows that move. I may not be Ms. Kill Bill like you and Tess's ass, but I’m not a fucking push over!” Layla shouted and sent three hard blows to Iris's stomach.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, baby girl. You are a fucking push over and you ain’t shit without that damn sniper rifle,” Iris said through her clenched teeth. Iris pulled her head back and came forward with all of her might head butting Layla in the nose. Layla didn’t scream. However, blow was so hard that blood gushed out of her nose and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Layla fell back unconscious. “I told your ass. You can’t even take pain like a woman,” Iris said then picked up the gun Layla dropped.

  She aimed the gun at Layla’s face. Tess looked in the rearview and stomped on the breaks causing the limo to come to a sudden stop. Iris squeezed the trigger, but the jerk of the car caused her to lose her balance and miss her shot.

  “Bless take over now!” Tess shouted as she climbed through the limo window leading to the back. Once Tess got her body through the window, she squatted low and charged Iris from the back knocking the air out of her and causing her to lose grip of the gun.

  Bless groaned in pain as he tried to shake the headache off. He looked up from the chair that he was knocked out in seeing Tess and Iris going at it. “I’m going to leave that shit to her. These fucking women aren’t playing fair anymore. Who the hell pokes people in the eyes with their nails?” Bless said out loud. He got up with pain traveling through his body and made his way through the middle window up to the driver’s seat. Bless immediately took the limo out of park and pulled off.

  Iris buckled her body and knocked Tess off of her back then popped up still squatting low in the limo. Iris and Tess starred at each other with hate in their eyes. “Umm, how I miss you, baby girl. That beautiful face turns me the hell on and makes my pussy throb. You’ve always had that effect on me,” Iris said seductively.

  “Bitch, you’re crazy and it’s sad that I have been blind all of these years. How could you shoot our daughters? Fuck the fact that you crossed us; and the fact that we were the only family you ever had, but our innocent babies,” Tess said to her with hurt and hatred in her voice.

  “There you go again. Worried about everyone, but me. I needed your love. I needed you to hold me. It hurt being alone and without you. You always paid attention to everyone, but me. You can fuck me, but I'm not good enough to be your wife, Tess? I’m not good enough to be the only thing you cared about, huh? Well, if I’m not, I’ll destroy everything you love. You’re precious Teflon Divas, Bless, and our fucking daughters. Oh yea, Susan's ass, too,” Iris said as tears ran down her face.

  “Ahhh, you fucking bipolar bitch! The term for you is called co-dependency. If you survive this ass whooping, you should look that shit up!” Tess shouted.

  The word co-dependency roamed Iris’s mind. The second it took her to think about it Tess had attacked her swinging left and right, hitting her with hard blows to the face. “You fucking bitch! How could you? How could you hurt our babies? How could you betray me?” Tess shouted asking rhetorically while swinging hysterically at Iris. Tess attacked like a man or a wild lioness protecting her cubs. “You foolish hoe!” Tess shouted making her first mistake by not continuing to hit Iris in the head, but going for her gut.

  Iris shook out of the dizzy feeling from the hard blows to the head grabbing the back of Tess’s head and pulled her face towards her. Tess pulled back, but it was no use. Iris pulled her into her face and kissed her roughly on the lips. “Mmmm, I miss that,” Iris moaned while pulling her head back then came forward strong to head butt Tess, but it was met with Tess's forehead as they head butted each other at the same time.

  “Ahh! Oh shit!” the blow caused them to break their embrace and fall backwards.

  “Fuck this shit! There isn’t enough room in here for me to kick your ass. I’m just going to put a bullet in your head and cry over you when you’re gone,” Iris said and picked up the gun. She charged at Tess and pulled the trigger. The bullet slammed into Tess's chest area hitting her bullet proof armor. Tess grabbed Iris's right hand with the gun in it and right hooked her jabbing her straight in the jaw.

  “That’s your fucking problem. You talk too damn much. Real bitches don’t speak. We let our actions do the talking, hoe!” Tess shouted while repeatedly punching Iris in the eye.

  Iris squeeze the trigger of the gun crashing bullets through the roof and into the window behind them shattering the glass. Iris heard the gun clicking and stopped squirming when she felt the steel barrel of Tess’s 40 caliber pressing against her cheek. “You wouldn’t,” Iris said.

  “You’re wrong, bitch. I’m not you!” Tess shouted while slowly squeezing the trigger.

  "No! I mean you won’t jeopardize the life of your daughter any more than it already is,” Iris said and slowly lifted up her left hand revealing a small black grenade that she had pulled the pin out during the attack.

  Tess heart raced. 'This bitch is crazy enough to kill us all,' Tess thought to herself.

  “So, this is just a no win situation, but I know there is something you care about way more than taking my life and that’s the life of the girls. Now, guess what, you won’t be able to pull that trigger and get this grenade at the same time. I guess you have to choose,” Iris said with a smirk on her face and tossed the grenade to the back of the limo where it landed between Ayoyna and Isis's sleeping bodies.

  “No!” Tess screamed taking her attention off of Iris and scrambled through the back of the limo.

  “Hahaha,” Iris giggled and hopped out of the shattered side window of the fast moving limo. She hit the concrete hard and rolled a few times in the street. A car came to a sudden stop just as the front right tire was about to run over her head.

  “Oh my God, I almost hit you! Are you alright?” an overweight dark skinned Dominican man with a black spot in the middle of his head said as he stepped out of the car, “I’m going to call an ambulance,” he said in a Spanish accent.

  Iris popped up, “There’s no need,” she replied and punched him in the throat.

  “Argg Argg!” he choked and gasped for air.

  Iris snatched his cellphone out of his hand, “If you don’t panic, you won’t have a heart attack,” she said and hopped into his car.

  Tess seen her life flash before her eyes as she finally grabbed the grenade from between Isis and Ayoyna.--the first time she kissed Bless played in her mind; the first time they made love; and the first time he asked her to marry him in their home town in Harlem. All the times she made love to Iris an
d the first time they killed together because Iris had been raped. She thought about the first time she held her daughter after she was born. “No! It can’t end like this,” Tess shouted while tossing the grenade out of the shattered window as fast as she could and used her body to cover Ayoyna and Isis.

  The grenade exploded only second after blowing up two cars on the road. The blast was so strong it lifted up the limo and had it driving on the right side of the wheels.

  “Shit, shit!” Bless shouted while doing his best not to lose control of the long vehicle, “Tess, you need to shift the weight over now or we’re going to flip over,” Bless yelled.

  “Get up! Get Up!” Tess yelled while smacking Layla in the face.

  “Uhhh, what happened?” Layla asked opening her eyes slowly and holding her bloody nose.

  “Baby girl, crawl to the other side of the limo, now,” Tess said in an even tone.

  Layla quickly did as she ordered and Tess did the same thing. The limo fell back down steady on all four wheels swerving a little, but Bless got it under control.

  “Layla watch them while I go drive before Bless kills us,” Tess said.

  “Hey, I heard that. I think I can handle this long ass car pretty well,” Bless replied.

  “Cleaver, bitch,” Iris said while stepping on the gas taking off after Tess. She dodged in and out of lanes trying not to hit the pieces of debris that were all over the ground from the cars that exploded. She dialed a number on the cellphone. “I need heavy armed men. I’m on the highway passing the exit to your house driving directly behind the Teflon Divas. They are in a black limo. Make it fast before we lose them again.


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