GRIZ: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (Chained Angels MC)

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GRIZ: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (Chained Angels MC) Page 38

by Nicole Fox

  There was nothing rushed in the brush of his fingers as he found the hem of my shirt, lifting it up over my head.

  We both of us were bruised and battered from our battles; I could still trace the yellowing bruises Lyman had given Colton during that final fight together. The cuts on my hands had mostly healed, but there were scars, pink and puffy from the healing process. We traced the outlines of the injuries we’d both sustained, our touches gentle.

  Colton bent over, pressing his lips to the largest of my cuts across my wrist. His mouth awoke a fire in my belly that simmered deep inside. I moaned in time with his lips as they moved around my body, caressing and spreading the heat throughout my entire being.

  I was in love with Colton Sears. No matter what happened next, I would never leave. If the Horns voted him out tomorrow, I would follow, no matter where it lead.

  He pushed my skirt down my legs, his mouth still kissing its way around each of my ribs and down to my hip bones. I glanced down at him, my fingers burying themselves in his dirty blonde hair.

  Grinning, Colton slipped his hand between my legs again, and I opened them willingly to his touch. His thumb slid inside of me, wet and ready, as his mouth found the very center of me. His tongue lashed out, caressing the pearl of my clit. My legs nearly collapsed as I convulsed with just that gentle touch, the echoes of every brush of my tongue over me like a shockwave that shuttered through every inch of my skin.

  “Oh, Colton,” I moaned, throwing my head back. The long, auburn curls of my hair brushed against the naked skin of my back, and I could feel it, the heightened awareness of every sensation filling my senses. I could smell the dust, feel the grit of dirt under the bare skin of my feet.

  But more than that, I could feel the aching lines that Colton’s fingers and mouth traced along my pussy.

  Colton made love to me like I was something precious, something he desired, and perhaps even something he loved.

  Wrapping his arms around me, Colton stood, picking me up off the ground as he went. He set me down on the kitchen counter, throwing my legs over his shoulders to give his mouth better access.

  The rhythm of his caresses remained slow and teasing, driving me insane with every perfect, pleasure-filled brush of him. I cried out, mewling his name with every caress of that perfect, wet tongue. He somehow knew all of the ways I wanted to be licked, to be touched. My hands brushed over my breasts, the nipples as hard as glass.

  The pleasure built until I was crying out, tears slipping down my cheeks. The blood rush thundering through my veins made me dizzy with pleasure, a beautiful buzz filling up my whole world and diffusing through my limbs.

  That wave, the crash of my orgasm was so slow and perfect. It built to greater and greater heights until I knew it would destroy me as it crashed down like a tsunami wrecks a beach. I could feel in the base of my spine, unbearable and perfect, the pain of so much pleasure echoing through every single nerve in time with the slow, meticulous caresses of Colton’s perfect tongue.

  I screamed when I came, the whole world shattering into a million pieces, the glittering bits of reality falling around me like snowflakes in a blizzard. Every muscle in my body shook with the sheer force of it, and I was sure as the moment hit that I would die.

  Sweat dripped in slow, lazy dribbles down my skin, caressing my body like fingers. I shuttered as they tickled their way down my stomach, my breasts, and dripped onto Colton.

  I was floating.

  It took me a few moments to realize I was being carried. Colton had picked me up off of the counter and brought me back to where our bed was. He set me down on the mattress, then stepped back, staring down and me as I shivered with the aftershocks of the most amazing orgasm I’d ever experienced.

  Colton was not done with me. He would never be done with me.

  His gray eyes locked with mine, Colton took a hold of my right wrist. He kissed my hand before he pulled it up over my head, tying it to the wooden headboard with a scrap of cloth. I watched him do the same to my other wrist, then gasped as he tied something around my eyes, blocking the sight of him. I heard a rustle of clothing, then there was a long moment of silence where nothing happened.

  It seemed to drag on for a million years, the anticipation of what he would do next filling my every pore. I vibrated with it, my pussy dripping wet with hunger for him.

  When he grabbed my thigh hard enough to bruise, I gasped, feeling the pleasure of his five fingers imprinting into my flesh. He pulled my leg to one side, and a sharp, stinging feel of his hand slapped hard against my butt cheek. I cried out at the sharp, stinging pain that lanced through my leg. But much to my delight, Colton was hardly done.

  The gentle, soft feel of his fingers caressed my leg, sending electricity through every nerve and fiber of my body. The bed creaked as he climbed atop me, and I quivered, my senses straining to feel what he would do next. His mouth grazed my collarbones, his breath like a hot wind across my skin.

  When he bit me, he slid a finger inside my ass, slick with his spit. I screamed, reveling in the feel of his teeth burrowing into my skin. It stung, the pain shuttered through every inch of me. I almost came again as he nibbled his way south, his teeth grazing my nipple, sending stabbing, beautiful pain through my whole breast.

  Suddenly, both hands grabbed hard onto my knees, and without warning, his cock forced its way inside of my pussy, still tight and throbbing with my last orgasm. Pain and pleasure mingled as I pulled hard at my bonds, keening like an animal as I thrashed against the bed.

  He reached up and untied the fabric from my eyes. HIs huge, throbbing manhood stilled inside of me, making me moan with desire. I wanted him to move, to feel the perfect, wet friction of his cock in and out me.

  Colton grabbed hold of my shoulder, twisting me at an odd angle. The bonds on my wrists pulled, and I cried out as the pain of it ripped through my arms. “Watch,” he ordered, pointing to the far wall where an old, dusty mirror hung. Spiderwebs of cracks carved through the mirror’s surface, but I could still clearly see my body twisted and tied up. Colton sat above me, his cock buried deep in my pussy.

  “I want you to watch,” he whispered, and I watched his sensual mouth form the words in the mirror. My eyes traced the outline of him, from the fire tattoos that covered his arms, around the beautiful muscles, down to his powerful legs. I watched as one of his hands wrapped around my ankle, pulling on of my legs up over his shoulder. It was like watching a porn as his throbbing member slid out of my body, dripping wet, and then buried itself again.

  I wanted to throw back my head, but I forced myself to watch. I watched him as he fucked me, his long, slow thrusts making me howl with every thrust. I wanted this to last forever.

  When I came for the second time, I screamed. My hands clawed at my bindings. I couldn't breathe, I couldn’t see. All I could do was feel as the pleasure wracked through my whole body. But he still persisted, his cock slamming so hard into my body that I thought I would split in half.

  At the very last second, he pulled out, spilling his white hot seed all over my chest and stomach. We collapsed together, both of us breathing heavy and dripping with fluids. I still shivered with the aftershocks of the second, glorious orgasm, my whole body quivering with remembered touches and pain.

  Colton gently untied my bonds, a soft smile on his beautiful mouth. “You are perfect, Marion,” he whispered. “I could fuck you forever.”

  “I’d be happy to let you,” I whispered, my voice coming out like a croak from my aching lungs. “Fuck.”

  He chuckled before picking himself up off of the bed. “Well, my Marion. I think it’s time for a shower.” Lifting me up off of the mattress, Colton carried me into the bathroom like a groom carrying a bride over a threshold, and I reveled in the feel of being protected. I was his woman, and there wasn’t a damn thing in the world that would change it.

  Regardless of where we ended up, we would be together, and that was enough for me.

  After setting me down gently
on the ground, Colton turned on the water, pulled out some of the clean towels from the dirt- and pest-proof container on the bathroom floor. We jumped into the shower together, both of us grinning like idiots. The shower was a little too small for two people, but we made it work.

  Colton grabbed a bar of soap and lathered his hands. Then he began massaging my back with them, washing me with sensual touch. I could feel my throbbing womanhood coming back to life as he touched me. Even with all of the abuse, it still begged for more with every single touch. I was addicted to him, and I couldn’t seem to help myself. Colton was my drug, my Kryptonite, and I never wanted it to stop.

  “Well, well,” Colton whispered into my neck, his breath caressing my wet flesh like fingers. I moaned at even that gentle touch, my body quivering with it. “Ready for round two already?”

  “Always,” I whispered back, my muscles quivering as his soapy hands slid around my ribs to caress my breasts. The soap was slick as he massaged every inch of me he could reach. I could feel him hardening again against my back, his cock rising like a salute. “I don't seem to be the only one,” I chuckled, gasping as he kissed my hairline.

  And I cried out over and over again as he fucked me in the shower against the wall as the water caressed our bodies. I was happy knowing that this was to be my life from that moment on.

  Chapter Forty


  Taking a deep breath, I took the last step into the clubhouse. The room went silent as I entered, every turning to face me. Their expressions gave away nothing, which didn’t reassure me any. What did they decide?

  Best case scenario, the vote went to dismantling the club or picking a new leader. Worst case? They decided I had murdered Lyman in cold blood for no reason other than personal gain, and the Horns would hang me from the rafters, followed closely by Dean and Marion.

  I swallowed the sudden, dry feeling in my mouth, trying to read an expression, any expression. But not even familiar faces had something I could read.

  Everything seemed to slow down, time inching by. Peter stood to take his place in the center of the room, and his steps seemed to take years. His footfalls almost echoed inside of the Horns; that was how quiet it was. The moment felt strange and surreal. Tension played along my shoulders, seizing up my muscles.

  What would happen next?

  What would they choose?

  Peter, as the second and the highest remaining ranking brother inside the Horns, stood up to speak. “We have taken a vote,” he said, his voice carrying over the crowd. “The Heaven’s Horns has decided to elect a new leader.”

  I released a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. So they didn’t vote to off me and everyone under my protection. All of the tension oozed from my shoulders. Perhaps we were safe. Depending on who ended up on as the Boss from now on, we might all…

  “We have unanimously decided that Colton Sears will be the next head of the Heaven’s Horns.”

  I stared up at Peter, sure I had heard him wrong. Me? Why?

  I was suddenly swamped, my brothers pouring from all sides to congratulate me on my ascent. I shook everyone’s hands and accepted hugs from the women without really feeling any of it. My whole body felt kind of numb, everything felt surreal. More like I was watching this on a TV show than in the real world.

  The doors opened again. I turned my chest feeling warm and full, my body kind of tingling with a strange sensation I’d never felt before. I saw my son, my Dean come into the room. He looked very solemn as he shook my hand. “Good work, Dad,” he said, fighting to keep a straight face a losing.

  I chuckled. “Thanks, kid.”

  Marion was next. My eyes drank her in as she stepped forward, a smile on her beautiful face. My eyes ran over those familiar curls into the coffee eyes and that wicked smile that promised all sorts of dirty things. I wanted everything that smile promised and more. I looked forward to taking it tonight in a celebratory fuck.

  The men eyed Marion with curiosity. She didn’t look like much, that was for sure. She was small, meek-looking, and quiet. But she was one of the strongest, most creative women I’d ever met. It was a good thing too; we’d have a lot to face in the upcoming months. There was Virgil to meet with, treaties to sign, and borders to watch. I didn’t believe for a second that this was the last time the Smith or the cartel would try for our territory. But this time, I could do more to protect my people. And I knew that Marion would be right there, too. I could feel a smile spread across my mouth as I pulled Marion in a little closer, content at the feel of her warmth against my body.

  My fierce little mouse.

  And she was all mine.



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  HOGTIED: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Satan's Chaos MC)

  By Nicole Fox


  I was running from the law when I came across a bonfire in the desert.

  Crazy girl burning her ex’s car? Check.

  Hot as hell and desperate for a revenge f**k? Check.

  The last person in the world I should be associating with? Check, check, and checkmate.

  But she’s too damn perfect for me to stay away.

  I needed to lie low for a while, and the best place to hide is in plain sight.

  So I take a job guarding a reality star in the middle of an emotional breakdown.

  After all, no one would expect a criminal like me to be swimming in the rich kid end of the pool.

  Her glitzy diamonds and ritzy dances are a far cry from the leather and liquor I’m used to.

  But Francesca Savoy is temptation in a tight black dress.

  And she’s falling off her high horse…

  Right into my tattooed arms.

  I’ll let her keep thinking she’s the one running the show.

  She doesn’t know that she’s falling for me.

  That every touch, every tease, every rough, sweaty f**k is getting her more and more ensnared in my trap.

  I want one thing: a baby.

  And no one is gonna stop me from getting it.

  Not her ex.

  Not her mother.

  Not even Francesca herself.

  Chapter One


  Logan leaped across the threshold of the warehouse’s only open door, listening with horror at the sound of Zook’s voice coming from behind him. Zook was still laughing as Logan pumped his muscled legs, trying to put as much distance between himself and his former friend as possible.

  He’s trying to set me up, Logan realized, his muscles quivering as he pushed himself harder and faster across the grass. This whole thing was a motherfucking setup.

  As his bike came into view, Logan threw himself forward, his legs wobbling with weariness. Only the knowledge that the police would be right around the corner drove him harder. He refused to serve time for someone else’s crimes and that meant getting the hell out of Dodge. Right now.

  Once at his bike, Logan threw himself over the seat like a cowboy leaping into the saddle and was off, his tail lights a blur in the autumn night air. Cop sirens spun wildly in the distance, setting his heart pounding. Logan turned off his headlights and pulled off the road to drive through an open field, his tires complaining as he slipped and slid over the hard-packed dirt. He prayed to whatever god would listen that he didn’t hit a hole or a stump on his way over the unstable land.

  His heart thundering unsteadily in his chest, Logan listened at the sirens grew steadily closer. Blood thundered through his veins, his body filled with adrenaline. Any mistake now could be fatal. Any instability in the ground he rode over could throw him from the bike, a thought that filled his whole body with terror. Sweat beaded on hi
s forehead as he stared forward, looking fruitlessly through the darkness for any signs of obstacles.

  This was such a stupid idea.

  But it would be worth the risk for a chance not to spend the rest of his life rotting in jail. He couldn’t. Not when his people needed him. Not for something he hadn’t done.

  Although he was leader of the Satan’s Chaos Motorcycle Club, he knew he would have to leave his people without a leader for the time being. At least until I figure out a way out of this.

  Soon the sirens faded off into the distance, and Logan breathed a little easier. Getting out of the dirt, he found a new road to travel. He slipped out of the grass and back on a highway, heading west. Not knowing where he was going, Logan set a cruising speed right at the speed limit, unwilling to risk any brush with the law.

  Because Logan knew they would soon be looking for him.


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