Armada (The Pike Chronicles Book 8)

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Armada (The Pike Chronicles Book 8) Page 9

by G. P. Hudson

  “About what?”

  “About a future conflict with the Empire.”

  Jon smiled. “Don’t worry too much about that. Diakans are paranoid. If we succeed in building an alliance, there is no reason why it can’t be the foundation of a long-term friendship.”

  “I hope you’re right, Admiral.”

  So do I, Jon thought.

  Chapter 22

  “Jump complete,” said AI as they landed in the system containing the AI fleet, and manufacturing facility. “Downloading data.”

  Jon stared at the viewscreen in confusion. “What happened here? Where did all this debris come from?”

  “Data indicates this system came under attack during our absence,” AI said dispassionately.

  “Who attacked it?”

  “Adversaries were of an unknown origin. They caused significant damage repelled.”

  “How much damage?”

  “One-thousand-one-hundred-and-thirty-four ships were destroyed. Two-thousand-one-hundred-and-eight ships remain.”

  “What!? Who could destroy that many ships?”

  “Unknown. Data indicates that the enemy possessed shielding which afforded ample protection against our weapons. They were also able to see through our cloaking technology. This allowed the enemy to inflict considerable damage before we overcame their shield technology. A recording of the battle exists. Would you care to view it?”

  “Yes, play it on the main viewscreen. Play it for the other commanders too. We may as well all see what we are up against.”

  “Yes, Admiral. Initiating playback.”

  The main viewscreen transitioned, showing the star system as they had left it, with more than three thousand battleships, and a myriad of weapon systems protecting it. Jon thought it a quiet scene, despite all the military hardware present. That quiet was suddenly disrupted, however, by the appearance of hundreds of alien ships. Jon didn’t recognize their configuration. They weren’t the Erinyie, nor were they the Juttari. This was a new race.

  The intruders opened fire almost immediately, and without warning. The automated weapon systems scrambled to intercept them, but their weapons did little, if any damage, to the dark-colored hulls. The alien weapons were more efficient. They possessed a powerful energy weapon that they used to devastating effect. The alien ships fired together, creating a celestial phalanx which made quick work of the weapon systems. The AI fleet deployed its jump bombs against the mysterious foe. A red halo glowed around the alien ships with each strike but caused no significant damage. Jon’s experience told him that the halo was the ships’ shields. He had only seen similar shields in the Andromeda galaxy. Did that mean that these ships were from there?

  If his ships could cross through the galactic gate, why couldn’t another race’s ships? But these were not Var ships. So, what were they? He knew of only one person who might be able to answer that question. He opened a comm with Commander Booch, and the Freen leader’s face appeared on Jon’s display. “Are you watching this, Commander?”

  “Yes,” said Booch.

  “Do you recognize the attacking ships?”

  “I do not.”

  “You’re sure? You haven’t come across a race with similar ships in your galaxy?”

  “No. I am not familiar with this race.”

  “Very well. Thank you, Commander.”

  Booch bowed his head slightly and vanished from Jon’s screen.

  Jon watched the unfolding battle closely. AI used the weapons at her disposal efficiently. She cloaked the battleships and employed short range jump tactics to flank the enemy. She had them outnumbered at least three to one, but the enemy shields proved a tough nut to crack. Their energy weapons were also incredibly powerful, and their targeting seemed unhampered by the cloaks. The aliens continued to lance out at AI’s ships, scoring repeated direct hits. Jon cringed as AI’s losses mounted.

  For a while, the AI fleet’s prospects seemed grim, as more of the battleships fell to the mighty alien weapons. But the shields were not indestructible, and AI’s persistent bombardment began to bear fruit. One by one, the alien shields started to buckle. The strain eventually proved too much, and the alien shields collapsed. Without their protection, they were now vulnerable. AI exploited that weakness with expert precision. Jump bombs landed inside the enemy vessels, and they finally began to suffer casualties of their own.

  So, we can hurt them, thought Jon, as he watched the enemy ships blow up in rapid succession. The battle still seemed lopsided, however, with the AI fleet’s losses considerably higher. But the enemy didn’t seem to have the stomach for much more, and with losses mounting, the aliens chose to retreat. They left as quickly as they had appeared. Their disappearance leaving no doubt in Jon’s mind that they possessed jump systems of their own. The recording ended, and the viewscreen again displayed the system in its current state.

  “Did the aliens damage the manufacturing facility?” said Jon.

  “Negative. The manufacturing facility was untouched in the engagement,” said AI.

  Jon opened a comm with Tallos, Jonas, Bast, and Steeg, choosing to exclude the Freen commander from the meeting. “It seems the tactical situation has changed since we left this region. Thoughts?”

  “The enemy is powerful,” said Tallos. “But not indestructible. Once we add shields to the AI fleet, the aliens will lose their advantage.”

  “Agreed,” said Bast. “Deployment of shields is of the utmost importance. We should prioritize the use of nuclear weapons in any future engagement to hasten the collapse of the enemy shields.”

  “No argument here,” said Jon. “AI, how long will it take until your ships have functioning shields?”

  “I have downloaded the schematics onto each of the remaining ships. Their fabricators have already begun manufacturing the required parts. If we delay our scheduled jumps, the automated crews can have the shields installed within a week.”

  “I think it’s a necessary precaution. We’ll stay until the shields are installed. But this development puts a wrench in our plans. If we take too many ships with us, and the aliens come back, we stand to lose our foothold here, not to mention the manufacturing facility.”

  “Once we have shields, we shouldn’t need as many ships to defend the system,” said Tallos. “Is it possible to install shields on the manufacturing facility?”

  “Yes, the facility can be shielded,” said AI.

  “Start with the battleships, and then we can see about the facility,” said Jon.

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “I don’t want to lose this system,” said Jon. “But these ships will help us a hell of a lot more back in our region of space.”

  “I agree with you, Admiral,” said Jonas. “We should take the damned ships while we can. We have real enemies to fight back home. Holding this system will not help us against the Juttari.”

  “What about the manufacturing facility?” said Jon.

  “We destroy it,” said Jonas. “No point leaving it behind for these aliens to use. Let’s not forget that we stumbled upon everything in this system. It was like a gift. What is the point in squandering it?”

  “That is a convincing argument,” said Jon, agreeing with the old Reiver for once. “The two thousand ships that are left would be a great addition to our forces.”

  “But then we would lose all influence in this region of space,” said Tallos. “We should not discount the value this territory represents.”

  “Future value,” said Jon. “Holding this system does little to help us in our fight against the Juttari and Erinyie. Bringing this fleet back with us will help a great deal.”

  “I agree,” said Bast. “We should let this system go.”

  “Of course you agree,” said Tallos. “You want to take control of these ships yourself.”

  “That is not true.”

  “Really? You seem to forget my extensive experience dealing with the Chaanisar. Do not think you can deceive me.”

t’s enough,” said Jon. “Tallos, I thought I warned you about this?”

  “My apologies, Admiral. I forgot myself.”

  “Well you better start remembering quick, or you and I are going to have a serious problem. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  Jon glared at Tallos. “If I can put the past behind me, then so can you.”

  “I have let go of many things, Admiral. Sometimes old animosities and suspicions return. I have lived a long life, and have seen many things. It can be difficult to forget all the horrors I have witnessed.”

  “Try harder!”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “General Tallos,” said Bast. “If it is any consolation, I understand how you feel. Under the Juttari, the Chaanisar committed many atrocities. Your distrust of us is reasonable. I only hope that with time you will see that the loyalty of the free Chaanisar is unshakable.”

  “Time is the great truthsayer,” said Tallos.

  “If we can return to the matter at hand,” said Jon. “I agree that we should let this system go. I understand that Diakans are exceptional at long-term strategic thinking, but we need to focus on the present, or there will be no long term to think about. I like the idea of keeping a presence here, but it just doesn’t seem practical. I don’t know when the Antikitheri are planning to show up, but until that happens, we will need all the help we can get. AI, make arrangements to destroy the mining operations, and manufacturing facility when we leave.”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  Jon hated the idea of destroying the massive facility, but he saw no other choice. He couldn’t risk having such an asset fall into the wrong hands. He just hoped he wouldn’t live to regret the decision.

  Chapter 23

  “Why are you so concerned with General Tal?” Emperor Kriss said to the somewhat agitated hologram of General Dak, head of Dvorkan Central Command.

  “This is a military matter, your worship,” said Dak. “Central Command should be dealing with General Tal, not the Taymati.”

  “Tal tried to kill me. If not for my Taymati, she would have shot me with her sidearm. For that reason, she falls under Taymati jurisdiction.”

  “Did the Emperor see her draw the weapon?”

  “No, I did not. But I fail to see what difference that makes. My Taymati guards did, and they acted to protect me.”

  “The Taymati could be lying. Perhaps they have an agenda of their own.”

  “Their only agenda is my protection,” Kriss said icily.

  “I see here that you authorized an increase in the Taymati’s pay. Thirty percent across the board. That is rather unorthodox.”

  “Are you questioning my decisions, General?”

  “The Emperor is wise but still young and unfamiliar with the politics of court. I merely fear that the Taymati are taking advantage of your inexperience.”

  “As opposed to you?” Kriss said sarcastically.

  “I only want to help you succeed,” said Dak. “And I am worried that the Taymati are manipulating their influence over you to do away with their rivals.”

  “How could General Tal be a rival of the Taymati?”

  “Precisely, your worship. That is a question that needs to be asked, and I can assure you that the Taymati will not ask it.”

  “The only question we need to ask, General, is how far this conspiracy reaches.”

  “What conspiracy, precisely?”

  “The one General Tal is part of. The one that killed my father, and has tried to kill me.” Kriss regretted his words the moment he spoke them. He needed to better control his emotions.

  “Your worship, forgive me for saying so, but you are chasing ghosts. Your father was killed in an unfortunate accident. A great loss for the Empire. And your situation remains unclear. Now if you would just allow Central Command to take over questioning of General Tal, I am sure we can get to the bottom of this matter.”

  Kriss was starting to wonder about General Dak’s motives. Was he part of the conspiracy too? Did he have a hand in the murder of his father? He decided not to share any more information than he already had. “That will be all, General.”

  “But Emperor, there is still much to discuss,” Dak said, visibly surprised by the Emperor’s abrupt end to the discussion.

  “Then you will have to schedule another meeting.” Kriss terminated the connection, and General Dak’s holographic face disappeared. Kriss mumbled a few choice words under his breath. If anyone was trying to manipulate him, it was Dak and the generals at Central Command. The Taymati had more than proven their loyalty at the penal station.

  Kriss swiveled around in his chair and found one of his Taymati guards pointing a weapon at them. The Emperor froze. Was Dak right after all? Were the Taymati the real assassins? Time seemed to slow down, and Kriss soaked in everything about the encounter. The Taymati’s cold eyes. His finger squeezing the trigger. The blaze of light from the weapon’s discharge.

  This was it. As young as he was, as little time as he had spent on the throne, this was the end. Murdered by his guard. Were the Taymati also in league with the aliens? Or did they merely want the throne for themselves? He had so many questions, but there would be no answers. He wondered if his father felt the same way when he died. Would he see him again? Would he see anything at all?

  Time sped up, and the energy bolt sailed harmlessly over his head. Kriss dove for cover, knowing that the Taymati wouldn’t miss twice. He drew his sidearm and took cover behind his desk. But the Taymati shouldn’t have missed at all. Not from that range. Something was wrong. He heard more boots running in. Were they all in on it? Moving in for the kill?

  “Clear!” someone announced. “It is safe now, your worship. You can get up.”

  The Emperor’s confusion quickly turned into anger. Tightening his grip on his weapon, he remained hidden behind his desk. “What are you talking about!? Why did you try to shoot me?”

  “Nobody tried to shoot you, your worship,” said a voice Kriss recognized as belonging to the head of his personal guard, Captain Vass.

  Kriss had made good on his promise to promote the former lieutenant for his efforts at the penal station. Had that show of gratitude been in vain?

  “This man saved your life,” said Vass.

  Still confused, Kriss holstered his sidearm and rose to his feet. If the Taymati were indeed trying to kill him, he would be dead already. Standing, he noted that the room was now full of Taymati, all on high alert.

  Captain Vass stepped up to Kriss. “We need to move you to a more secure location, your worship.”

  “Tell me what happened,” Kriss snapped.

  Vass nodded to one of the Taymati. “Show the Emperor.”

  Kriss recognized the man as the one who had shot at him. Stepping up his guard extended his hand to show Kriss some charred metal.

  “What am I looking at?” said Kriss.

  “The remains of a tiny assassination drone,” said Vass. “This man didn’t shoot at you, your worship. He shot at the drone that was about to kill you. Thankfully, Taymati do not miss.”

  Kriss stared at the destroyed drone. “No, I suppose they don’t.” He looked up at the guard. “Thank you.”

  The Taymati guard bowed his head. “I only performed my duty, your worship.”

  “With respect, your worship, we must move,” said Vass.

  “Yes, of course. Lead the way, Captain.”

  Kriss was ushered out of his office, and led out the rear of the building. There, several heavily armored Taymati shuttles were waiting. Once boarded, the shuttles lifted off and headed for Imperial One which remained in orbit. As the shuttles rose, Taymati atmospheric fighters streaked by. Kriss looked up at the shuttle’s display which tracked the planes and took note of the small red blips racing ahead of them. “Did they just fire their missiles?”

  “Yes, your worship,” said Vass, who was receiving updates over his helmet’s comm. Our no-fly zone has been violated. The intruders have not turned back
as instructed.

  Kriss wondered who would try and test the Taymati’s resolve in this way. Taymati were not known for giving second chances. He continued watching the engagement, which now also showed the intruders. “Do we know who they are?”

  “No, your worship, but we are dispatching more fighters to deal with the threat.”

  “More fighters?” Kriss wondered why the ones intercepting the bogeys were not sufficient. When the Taymati fighters started disappearing from the display, he had his answer.

  Chapter 24

  The Taymati shuttle banked hard and raced back toward the surface.

  “Why are we going back down?” said Kriss. Things seemed to be changing by the minute, and it had him on edge.

  “It’s too dangerous to try and reach Imperial One,” said Captain Vass. “Our fighters are having difficulty containing the enemy.”

  “Who is the enemy?”

  “We don’t know, your worship.”

  “Is it the aliens?”

  “No, the ships are Dvorkan in design, but they are unmarked. My guess is they are mercenaries.”

  “How is it that they can defeat Taymati atmospheric fighters?”

  “I do not know, your worship. Reports indicate that they are using some shielding technology that we’ve never seen before.”


  “Yes, your worship. Our fighters are doing what they can, but it is a losing battle, which is why we’ll be safer on the ground. As per protocol, all shuttles are heading to different locations to confuse the enemy.” The use of decoys was standard Taymati practice. No one other than the Emperor’s personal guard knew which shuttle he was traveling in. “If you wouldn’t mind, your worship, wearing Taymati armor will also help to conceal your identity.”

  “Of course,” said Kriss, trying hard to hold back a smile. Captain Vass wanted him to wear the armor to keep him hidden. Kriss was happy to have another opportunity to join the Taymati in combat.

  As the shuttle sped downward, Kriss hurriedly stepped into the suit of armor. Securing it around his body, he donned the helmet and fastened it to the suit. A heads-up display instantly came to life, and he was patched into the unit’s network. A massive energy weapon was handed to him, and he tightened his now armored hands around it. The shuttle touched down, the hatch opened, and they rushed forward onto the busy street.


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