
Home > Young Adult > Toad > Page 26
Toad Page 26

by Cambria Hebert

  We didn’t sleep at all that night. And while it wasn’t the best night of our lives (I knew there were even better ones to come), it sure came close.

  How many of you want to eat Fruity Pebbles now? Ha! I still remember them from when I was younger. They were good eats. Still are.

  Cereal aside, Nate is one of my favorite characters I’ve written in a while. I really like him in the sense that he is sort of fresh, you know? Like he’s not some hot, hunky model with bulging biceps and a fat bank account. He’s not the most popular guy on campus, doesn’t drive a sweet car (well, not for long, lol), and he’s goofy. I don’t know about you, but I love that. He’s real. And if I’m honest, he totally reminds me of Stiles from Teen Wolf… which used to be my favorite show. Dylan O’Brien is bomb. But this note isn’t about my love of Stiles and Dylan.

  Don’t get me wrong. Nate (in my opinion) is good-looking, strong, and has a lot of really good attributes. He just isn’t the kind of guy that’s usually the lead in a romance book. He’s more like the sidekick. More guys like him should be the lead, though. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he is limited edition.

  Toad took forever to write even though I knew I wanted to write it when Nate almost took over Butterfly (Ten’s book). I loved the idea of making the girl the “toad,” just as I loved the idea of making the boy the “butterfly.” The public enemy angle is fun to write because you can basically break a character down, really flaw them… but then make them lovable. I think I accomplished that with Aerie. At first, she was a bit aloof, sort of bitchy… definitely commanding. But as her layers got peeled back, I think we saw, underneath that exterior, she was really just trying to protect herself from more pain.

  I started this book before Thanksgiving, and here I am after the New Year (welcome 2018!) finishing it up. Usually, books only take me roughly three weeks to finish—if I’m really into it. No matter how much I loved Nate and Aerie, this one felt like it took forever. The holidays and life made it impossible to really dig in day after day the way I like to write. I think, in the end, though, Toad pulled together. Nate and Aerie’s story was a little more powerful than I expected, something I hope balances nicely with the lighthearted parts of this book.

  Overall, I love this one. I hope you did, too. I want to take a moment to thank YOU as a reader for reading my work, telling your friends to read my work, and leaving reviews. Those things are so very important, and I am truly grateful for any time you spend doing any of it.

  Best wishes for a wonderful 2018, and I will see you next book!



  Cambria Hebert is an award-winning, bestselling novelist of more than forty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

  Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of birds (including chickens). You can often find her painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails) or walking her Chihuahuas (the real rulers of the house).

  Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. She has also written romantic suspense, science fiction, and most recently, male/male romance. Her favorite genre to read and write is contemporary romance. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, GearShark Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.

  Recent awards include: Author of the Year, Best Contemporary Series (The Hashtag Series), Best Contemporary Book of the Year, Best Book Trailer of the Year, Best Contemporary Lead, Best Contemporary Book Cover of the Year. In addition, her most recognized title, #Nerd, was listed at as a top fifty summer romance read.

  Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

  You can find out more about Cambria and her titles by visiting her website:




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