Hostile Vengeance

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Hostile Vengeance Page 17

by Tamala Callaway

  “What about the carpet?” asked Symóne. She was concerned about reappearing blood stains, hers, Trevor's, and Lori's.

  “I had the master bedroom carpet and padding replaced all together, and since the first floor is all hardwoods, I just had those steam cleaned. Everything is like new, so no worries,” he assured them both.

  “Thanks again Vince,” said Trevor.

  “No problem. The bill is coming to you,” he chuckled again.

  “Jackass,” Trevor snorted.

  “Sticks and stones. Blah, blah, blah,” Vince teased. He bid farewell to the couple and promised to stay on top of things for them until they were able to do for themselves again, then left.

  “Babe?” Trevor started.

  “I love the sound of your voice,” she smiled.

  “I just want to tell you that—I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. I never wanted you to get hurt, nor do I want you to worry about anything ever again,” he vowed.

  “It wasn't your fault Trevor. If you left me, I probably would snap and go crazy too. You just have that kind of power over a woman, babe.”

  “Well, since there's never been anyone else, I just have to keep you satisfied forever, then this will never happen again.”

  “Trust me, you have no problem satisfying me. As a matter of fact—” she raised an eyebrow.

  “Now you know we are both bandaged up pretty tight. Our doctor will be highly upset if we break our stitches trying to get busy up in this tiny hospital bed,” he chuckled and hissed, and she did the same. They both burst into laughter and hissed at the pain together until they became too tired to laugh any more.

  Chapter 23

  Three weeks later, two hours after Trevor had left for work, Symóne finally got out of bed and waddled to the bathroom to freshen up. After washing her hands and face, then checking her bandages, she decided that she'd had enough of them and began to unwrap the sixth set to let her stomach breathe a little better. They were in a highly uncomfortable position, right under her breasts and just above the top of her stomach. She started unwrapping and finally got to the last strip. The doctor had made the incision from her surgery as small and as far under her breast as they possibly could, to minimize visible scarring. The bullet had pierced through her back and exited through her chest cavity. She was extremely lucky for the clean shot.

  She began checking herself out in the mirror, modeling her pregnant belly in different poses, when a sudden jolt of pain struck her in her lower back. She doubled over, holding her stomach with one hand and held on to the bathroom counter with the other.

  Hissing and breathing harshly until the pain stopped, she finally was able to straighten up.

  “Okay son, we're a week away from your due date. Daddy's at work, Grandma and uncle Drew went home for a couple of days, and Auntie Faye hasn't gotten here yet. You can't come out right now,” she breathed as she massaged big circles around her stomach.

  Symóne then started for the bedroom and went into the closet to put on a comfortable sundress, then headed downstairs to the kitchen. She stopped at the large portrait of herself that Madeline had sketched and sent to her. It was nothing short of professional grade art that Symóne and Trevor loved enough to have framed and hung in their great room. For Madeline to have never seen Symóne, she drew her as if she were in the same room with her.

  She smiled at it, then continued to the kitchen and fixed herself a toasted bagel and layered it with strawberry cream cheese, then sat at the bar counter top to eat it. The bar stools were high enough for her to sit down and get back up on her own without difficulties.

  Twenty minutes later, another pain hit her, making it forty-five minutes after the first contraction. She hissed and breathed through that one and decided that it would be best if she laid down on the sofa and got comfortable until Faye arrived to hang with her, then she would call to inform Trevor.

  He was working to catch up on his cases from being out for an entire week, and she didn't want to get him all worked up. He would definitely drop whatever he was doing to come home to her.

  Thirty minutes later, Faye was ringing the doorbell and Symóne had to roll herself off the sofa to her knees and get up to go to the door. Even though she waddled very slowly, Faye could see her coming through the scrolled wrought iron and glass doors. When she finally reached the door and opened it, another pain hit her and her knees buckled, causing Faye to rush to catch her.

  “Girl, was that a contraction?” Faye demanded.

  “Yes. It's my third one,” she panted while holding on to Faye until it was over.

  “Why didn't you call me earlier?”

  “Because it was forty-five minutes between the first and second one, and this one is thirty minutes after the last one. I don't want to worry anybody right now,” Symóne sighed heavily.

  The girls made it back to the sofa and Faye helped Symóne to get comfortable.

  “So you haven't called your husband yet?”

  “No, he has a lot of work to catch up on. I don't want him to quit prematurely and have to sit here and wait until the contractions are close enough to go to the hospital.”

  “Okay Symóne. I see you have your mind set on this, so I will not push. However, I want to know if you already have a bag packed and ready for you to go to the hospital when the contractions do kick into overdrive?”

  “Yes, Trevor has a bag in both cars, one in the corner of the dining room by the front door, and two bags upstairs in the closet. He even has one at the store, and at the firm with him. I don't know why he thinks it's going to be such a necessity to be that darn prepared, but who am I to argue with an aggressive attorney?” Symóne snorted sarcastically.

  The girls laughed and went over the project that Faye was handling for Symóne while she's out of commission, and they were able to finalize some of Faye's wedding plans. All the while, Symóne was having contractions and by the time they were twenty minutes apart for a steady two hours, she decided to call Trevor and let him in on it, because the last one was only ten minutes later.

  He almost got upset with her for waiting this long to tell him, but he was too excited to follow through with his rant. He'd asked Faye to use Symóne's SUV to meet him at the hospital with her.

  When they arrived, Trevor was waiting at the door for her with an orderly and a wheelchair for Symóne. He helped her out of the car and couldn't help but to smile at the fact that he will be a father by the end of the day.

  Trevor held Symóne's hand and just as they entered the building, she was having another contraction. They had a room already prepped for her and that's where they were headed to.

  By the time they got her changed and hooked up to monitors, the doctor had announced that she was fully dilated and he was going to have to break her water.

  Trevor held Symóne's hand, coaching her every step of the way, and seven minutes later, baby Bryson Harrison was born. He weighed in at seven pounds, nine ounces, and twenty-one and a half inches long. He had his father's dark brown hair and his mother's piercing blue eyes.

  Faye had videoed the entire delivery for them, then took some pictures after he was all cleaned up. She made sure to get plenty, then stepped closer to the new family to get a better look. She was in awe, proud and excited, to finally see the precious baby boy that her best friend and Trevor created together.

  Giving them some time alone to bond, she finally got a chance to call Alex to tell him the news, then after getting a promise from him to come by after work, she called up Julia to tell her the news. Of course, she already knew, and she and Drew were already waiting at the airport for their flight back to Texas. She then called Vince to tell him the good news. By that evening, everyone was there, crooning over the little miracle that made it through all that trauma to come into the world a perfect blend of his father and mother.

  What God has for you, no man can take away. Trust in Him and let Him carry you through the barren desert. He will sometimes let you go through trials
and difficult times, tests, as most will call it, to be sure that you deserve what you ask for.



  More novels by Tamala Callaway

  SuperNatural Novel Series

  • New Beginnings

  • Love Crazed

  • Commitments

  • Past, Present & Future

  • Destined

  • The Second Generation 1 & 2

  *Blending Fantasy with a dose of reality*

  Visit: for more information and upcoming writing projects by Tamala Callaway.

  More from Tamala Callaway

  Get more of the SuperNatural series with books 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 along with the two-part series of The Second Generation; a subsidiary of the SuperNatural series. The final two installments which feature the children of the characters from the initial series with more drama, suspense, thrills & romance.

  Look for these novels on your favorite book selling sites or visit

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  A special look into an added feature ending.

  “Faye and Alex's Wedding”

  “A New Beginning”

  “Honey, you look absolutely beautiful,” Faye's mom crooned over her as she helped her into her wedding dress. As much as she tried not to shed a tear, a few spilled down her cheek which almost caused Faye to drop a tear herself.

  “Yes she surely does,” Symóne smiled serenely at her best friend. “A few years ago, who would have ever thought that we would become to old married birds this soon?” she continued as her attempt to get Faye to loosen up worked when she snorted loudly, shocking herself and everyone in the room. A cadence of laughter filled the air and the tears stopped flowing so they could get their makeup refreshed before the ceremony.

  Time seemed to morph into overdrive as the sound of the entry music began to play, causing Symóne to rush to her position next to Trevor as he escorted her down the isle. He, as Alex's Best Man, and Symóne as Faye's Matron of Honor.

  They both smiled at each other, thinking of how great their lives were at the moment. As they stepped to the cadence toward the minister, they both glanced over at Julia, holding baby Bryson securely in her arms as he slept peacefully through it all.

  Faye and Alex spoke their personal vows to each other and pledged their life, love, and loyalty to one another and finalized their union. It was somewhat comical for Symóne to see Faye's father fight back tears of Joy. He was not only happy to finally see her happy and doing it legitimately, he was also bragging about his new son-in-law and hopefully soon to be grand kids on the way.

  With the two of them off on their honeymoon, Symóne had to get back into the swing of things on her own for a week. Faye refused to leave her longer than that.

  As Faye and Alex enjoyed relaxing at their private villa on the beach in they Cayman Islands, courtesy of Patricia, one of Trevor's clients, things couldn't be more perfect. No distractions, no drama, and definitely no life threatening situations.

  “Alex?” Faye started.

  “Yeah babe?”

  “Do you know what will be a perfect ending to our honeymoon?” she looked into his eyes, her lips curling into an insinuating smile.

  “A safe flight home?” he snorted.

  “Well of course that. However, I was thinking that we could start on our own little family,” she smiled. “You know, I'm actually ovulating right now?” she raised her brows with hope.

  “Girl, all that explaining is completely unnecessary. If you want me to go on and throw a baby up in that belly, all you had to do was say so!” he grabbed her by the hand and quickly towed her inside to grant her wishes.

  Faye snickered at the look on Alex's face when he quickly agreed and made hasty moves to take action. It was just that easy to get him to agree. No hesitation, no questions, no complaints.

  “How did I ever get so lucky?” she smiled her question.

  Alex stopped at the bed after letting her sit, then began his speech. “It is I, fair lady, who drew the luck! Now droppeth thy drawers so that I may plant a seed which will grow into our baby!” he crowed.

  He then knelt in front of her as he bowed his head and placed his fist upon his chest. “I will honor my queen and fill thy belly with royal seed and cultivate it during it's growth. Once the deed is complete, I will enjoy the duties of fatherhood. Then when the queen is ready to be re-seeded, I will enjoy the process again!” he vowed as he stood to his feet, then snatched off his swim shorts as he flexed his sword of nature, and proceeded to grant her wish.

  “Alex! You are such a damn clown!” she giggled uncontrollably.

  “Only for you babe,” he smiled.





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