The Lightning Bearer

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The Lightning Bearer Page 7

by April Zyon

  “And more before that,” he said. “Not a lot more, but still something to count in there. It’s been tough on them. Won’t lie about that, but they held it together rather impressively. I think they worried more about it recently than any time before. Now they have the one they were hoping for, so it all works out great for everyone involved. About damn time,” he said with a glare at Mikhail when he rounded the van they were behind.

  “I’d apologize, but you’d know I was lying,” Mik said with a smirk. “There’s going to be some garbage disposal for you to attend to. And we kept three alive for you to interrogate.”

  “Excellent. Something to keep me busy between rounds of kicking mortals’ asses on my game.” Ares stood up, and held a hand down to her. “Come on, Pepper. You need to get going so that you can let Kas know you’re fine.”

  Pepper looked at the god and asked, “Game? Are you kidding me? You’re a god and you’re a gamer? Sheesh.” She was grinning however. Pepper went to put her hand on Ares’s, but it was deflected. It was as if there was an air barrier between them. “Why can’t I touch you?” As soon as she asked that, she added, “You said I had a shield around me. Is that why?”

  “Shouldn’t affect it,” he said with a frown. Reaching down he wrapped his hand around her arm, and pulled her to her feet. “I can touch you on your clothing, but let’s see if I can touch your skin.” He went to grab her hand, and the same thing happened as when she’d gone to take his hand.

  “What the hell is that?” Mik asked.

  “The shield Hera has around her has a few interesting little quirks,” Ares grumbled. “Try touching her, would you, Mik? First her arm where she’s covered, and then her hand.” Mik touched her arm, but when he went to touch her hand, it was the same thing as what had happened with Ares.

  “This is so weird. Lincoln and Thomas can touch my skin.” They had kissed her and touched her, Lincoln touching her very intimately. “Where are they?” she asked Mikhail. She looked around him and frowned. “Where are Thomas and Lincoln?” She had to see them, needed to know that they were okay and weren’t hurt.

  “Right here, darling.” Thomas came up behind her, and wrapped her in his arms when she threw hers around him. “Shh, we’re fine. Both of us are perfectly fine,” he said quietly. He rubbed his hand up and down her back slowly, easing some of her worry instantly.

  “Thank you.” She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “They can’t touch me skin to skin. Show them that you guys can.” So far he had only touched her clothing. “It’s so odd, but it’s like there is a buffer of air between me and them.”

  “Well, if you insist,” he said with a chuckle. Leaning back, he cupped her face and gave her a kiss. All skin to skin. “Happy?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Protective measure?” Mikhail asked.

  “More like a detriment,” Gareth said. “If one of us can’t grab her hand that’s seconds lost if her little party group closes in. But the clothing probably dampens it enough for us to touch her partially. Might have to do with all the unnatural blends and mixes most clothes are made of. Might screw with whatever mojo Hera hit her with.”

  “Well, whatever it is, I don’t like it. At least Thomas and Lincoln can touch me. We’ll ensure that they’re always beside me. Which isn’t such a hardship for me. I hope not for them as well.” She looked at the men that were around and sighed. “I think we need a vehicle so that we can get to the Farm, right?”

  “I’ve fixed your car, again,” Ares said. “I’ll finish cleaning up here, and then I’ll take you three back to the house.” He was looking at Mikhail, Gareth, and Victor. All three men nodded.

  “Thanks, Ares,” Lincoln said. He took the hand she reached out to him and squeezed. “Come on, Pepper. Let’s get you home. I seriously need a shower, a hot meal, and a bed. Not necessarily in that order, either. See you guys there.”

  Pepper got into the vehicle with Lincoln and Thomas and buckled up. Once they were moving again, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I will feel better when we are able to be safe once more. You said that the Farm was something that’s protected, right?” she asked curiously. “And a shower sounds amazing to me right now.”

  “The Farm is extremely secure. All of the US government has nothing on what we have going there. You can be yourself, and do your own thing there without worry, Pepper. It’s one of the few places I feel safe even closing my eyes anymore,” Thomas told her.

  “That’s a very good thing. It’s safe from the gods as well, so that’s a bonus.” They had told her that, and she was thankful for it. “I just can’t get over how much Hera hates me. I’ve done nothing more than be born. It’s sad really that a goddess feels so horribly about herself that she has to take it out on someone else.”

  “You are of Zeus’s line. In Hera’s twisted world that is more than enough. She figures the big man should be hers and hers alone. The fact she seems to have forgotten he was a player before marrying her is a problem. She seemed to believe that marriage would reform him.”

  “Yeah, that’s worked so well for every single woman and man before.” She snorted. “It’s ridiculous for people to assume that you could change someone by becoming their spouse.”

  “Ah, but the gods believe themselves to be above the foibles of mere mortal man,” Lincoln said. “She actually thought she could keep him in line. Zeus obviously had other ideas on what the sanctity of marriage means. While they are bound to one another, it’s not the same as what we share, or what a human marriage is. Gods can bond like we do, but it’s rare. The majority like having a way out should things go wonky. Though I don’t recall ever reading about a divorce in mythology.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think that they ever did something like that. I just know that I don’t want to divorce. I want to be able to be with you guys for the rest of time. I don’t need a commitment like a ring if you guys don’t, because I will have the commitment that I feel in my heart. That’s deeper than anything a paper or ring could do.”

  Thomas threw a look over his shoulder to Lincoln in the backseat before looking to her. “If you want to have the whole thing, Pepper, we’re on board. Yes, we don’t need the ring, and the paper, and the ceremony. But it wouldn’t be such a horrible thing, either. Especially if you wanted to take that step as well, darling. Think about it, and let us know.”

  “I will.” She leaned back so that she could look at both men. “I look forward to every moment that we have coming up together. I rather adore you both, a great deal. Whatever you guys want, I’m all up for.”

  “We’ll think on it,” Thomas said with a smile. “Not like we’re going to need to rush into it immediately. We have the best part already done,” he pointed out.

  Lincoln rolled his eyes slightly. “He does have a point there. We have you, in our lives, and in our hearts, forever. Nothing can really top that. But a big, blow out party wouldn’t be amiss, either. Especially if you’re all dolled up and looking fine.”

  “I agree. And you will have more than enough days to see me dolled up. I’ll set up days so that I can doll up just for you two.” She would have to get some new clothes, but she was certain she could order in clothing. She would also have to order make-up to be delivered because she wasn’t big on the whole cosmetics thing. “We have all the time in the world, so none of us have to rush on anything.”

  “No need to rush at all. We still have a bit of business to attend to first, and then we can worry about the rest of it.” Thomas reached over to squeeze her fingers. “We’re about twenty minutes from the Farm. You ready to face the horde?”

  “I am as ready as I will ever get.” She squeezed his fingers back. “I love when you guys touch me. Just so you know. When the two of you touch me, it makes me smile. You wouldn’t mind if I reached out to touch you at random times of the day, would you?”

  “Of course, we don’t mind. We like you touching us at all times, any time,” he told her. “We’re here for you as mu
ch as you are here for us. We’re a unit, Pepper. Everything we do affects the others in our unit.”

  “I like that we are a unit. When we get to the Farm you guys can teach me the things you like to do, and hopefully you will teach me a bit of self-defense as well. Just in case, you know that I need to be prepared for anything that might come my way in the event of you two not able to be there for some reason or another.”

  “Highly unlikely that we wouldn’t be there for you,” Lincoln said. “Though in the extreme and nearly impossible scenario that has you all alone we’ll teach you how to kick some ass. Or maybe how to fight dirty so that you can make a quick departure from the scene.”

  “Fighting dirty might be the best way for me to go. I’m short and don’t have a great deal of muscle mass, so I think that I wouldn’t be able to fight off anyone bigger than me. I’m sure that you can give me some moves that would be able to help me get away and then get to you guys.”

  “We will show you a bunch of tried and true moves, as well as a shit ton of moves that are highly illegal if you decide to go for a professional MMA career. It all will be tailored for someone of your petite stature so you do the maximum amount of damage with the least amount of effort. Rule one of any fight is, if you can avoid fighting by running away, always run away,” Thomas told her.

  “Yes, that one I learned early on. I learned to run and hide from my father and brothers when they got into moods. It took me a few trips to the ER to learn, but I learned that when I was four, maybe five,” she admitted. “There were a lot of times that they went looking for me and couldn’t find me and ended up fighting each other instead. It’s all that saved me from serious injury.” She had been in the hospital several times, her father somehow getting out of the child abuse charges time and time again.

  Lincoln touched her hair, stroking his hand over the strands slowly. “It’s a real shame that asshole is nowhere near here. I suppose I could take a day trip out to see him. Wonder if the guards would look the other way for a few minutes,” he said with a bit of growl to his voice. “I’d like to show him a thing or two. Especially for ever striking someone as gentle and precious as you are.” Leaning over the seat, he pressed a kiss to her lips a moment before she felt the car slowing and then turning.

  “Thank you.” She leaned into his touch and soaked up the feeling of his lips on hers. Too bad it was as short of a kiss as it was. “I don’t want you guys to get into trouble. They aren’t worth it. They are in the past. I’m in a great place now. I’m in a place where I have a cousin that loves me and two men that love me. I have others that would do anything to help keep me safe as well.”

  “This is very true,” Thomas said. “No beating up her father no matter how much the urge pushes you to do it, bro. I’m sure we could convince Mik to set up shop to take potshots at him. Little things to drive him around the bend, and make us feel better.”

  Lincoln snickered when she scrunched up her face. “Apparently that might be off the list, too, bro. I suppose we’ll just have to hope that some rather large gentleman decides to make her daddy his bitch.”

  Pepper laughed.

  He pointed out the front window. “Keep your eyes forward. We’ll be able to see the house and main grounds in a few seconds as we come around the curve. There will be a break in the trees to show you everything.”

  She looked forward and saw the house when they turned the last curve. “Oh wow.” The house was beautiful. It was three stories tall, and they had described it perfectly. It looked as if the building was a large E shape with one of the empty spaces containing a seating area with what looked like a fountain and perhaps a fire pit. “The trees are amazing.” They seemed to be a part of the scenery, and the house appeared to be a part of it as well. “Amazing.”

  “It’s home,” he told her.

  They drove down toward the house, and then around it to a large area with other cars parked there. Thomas chose a spot and turned the car off. “Come on, darling. Let’s get inside so that Kasper can see you’re fine even though the lads would have told her you were. Then food, showers, and bed.”

  “That sounds great. I look forward to seeing Kas again as well. She will hopefully have food already cooked for us so that we don’t have to worry about cooking our own food. I am starving.” She also didn’t want to waste time in cooking, not when they didn’t have to. Pepper slipped her hand into Lincoln’s when he opened her door. She smiled up at him and nodded. “Show me our home?” Well, the place that was now home at least.

  He squeezed her fingers and pulled her closer to the house. Leading her up the stairs, they didn’t even make the door before it was thrown open. Then Pepper found herself practically tackled when Kasper hit her hard, the other woman’s arms wrapping around her tight.

  Pepper laughed and hugged Kasper. “I missed you, too,” she told her cousin with a grin. She pulled back and looked at her cousin. “You look good. I take it that you’re happy?”

  “The happiest that I’ve ever been.” Kasper wrapped her arm around Pepper’s waist and pulled her toward the house. “James and Victor are amazing. I love them like crazy.”

  “I’m glad. You deserve it.”

  “And you, Lincoln, and Thomas. I never would have dreamed that you would have been the one meant for them.” Pepper could hear the worry in Kasper’s voice as she spoke. “You are in danger until you all form that bond.”

  “Which is something that I don’t want to do yet. Right now, I only want to get to know them and let them get to know me. We have time. From what I understand this place is a safe haven?”

  “Of course it is. You are safe here, but until this is all over and done with fully, you won’t be truly safe.”

  Pepper bit the inside of her cheek, nodding her head. “I understand that there is danger until we’ve bonded, but I want to take my time. I want to have this time with them. They aren’t in a hurry.” She turned to face her men. “Are you?” She knew that they weren’t, so maybe if they would tell Kasper that her cousin would understand and relent.

  “Of course we’re not in any rush,” Thomas said. Both her men were frowning at Kasper. “We told her to take all the time she needed, Kas. Yes, there will be a risk until the bond is completed, but we’re not planning on leaving her alone either. She will be looked out for by us, and everyone else, until she is ready. Even after we plan on looking out for our number one girl. So lay off the guilt trip already, would you? She’s got enough on her plate without the added pressure.”

  “Sorry, I just worry about her,” Kasper said, her cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment.

  “I know, Kas.” Pepper moved so that she was between her guys again and took their hands in hers. “Aw, you guys are too sweet. So I’m your number one girl, huh?” She liked how that sounded, a great deal.

  “And now she’s fishing for compliments, good going,” Lincoln said. With his free hand, he reached over to lightly smack Thomas upside the head.

  Laughing, Thomas smirked down at her. He lowered his head to press a kiss to her lips. “Of course you’re our number one girl. Now, and for the rest of time.” Her stomach took that moment to let out a snarl. “We should feed the beast before it takes over the world.”

  “Yes, you should.” She knew she was blushing, and she felt the heat in her cheeks from her stomach growling. “Sorry about that. I should make sure that you guys know this now. When I don’t have protein like meats or some sort and carbs every few hours, I get famished, and my stomach growls like crazy.”

  “Something we’ve discovered being on the road with her,” Lincoln said with a laugh. He hugged her in close and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you fed. Then the three of us need to shower, burn all the clothing we’ve worn during this trip, and sleep for about a month.”

  “That sounds perfect. Even the burning of the clothes. And a shower. I smell.” She laughed before smiling at Kasper.

  “Okay, I’ve heard enough,” Kasper said
with a laugh. “I’m going to go and find my boys and snuggle up with them for a while. We will all be in the kitchen or somewhere thereabout.”

  “We will find you, Kas.” Pepper didn’t look back at her cousin. She instead allowed her men to take her to their room and privacy.

  Chapter Seven

  Pepper was sitting on Thomas’s lap as they all sat around the fire pit having drinks and talking the following night. She was relaxed fully, and Lincoln rubbing her feet was making her even more relaxed. She laughed at a joke that Victor was telling and shook her head. “I’m sure that the jackalope appreciated you not shooting it.” Jackalopes, as if there was such a thing.

  “Pretty sure I was as terrified of coming face to face with it as it was of me. Damn thing was huge. I was positive that was the end of me,” he said.

  “Right, and Big Foot had your back,” James said with a laugh. “Or wait, was it the Easter Bunny keeping your six clear for you?”

  “You are all assholes,” Victor said when the group burst out laughing. The man was also laughing. He was trying so hard to remain stern and failing miserably.

  Pepper snickered. “I think that it was the dodo bird that finally got the jackalope out of your crosshairs, right?” she asked with a smile. “I really liked that story, though. You guys all create your own stories like this? To try to one up each other?”

  “She doesn’t believe me,” Victor muttered. “How can she not believe me?”

  “We usually keep it to reality,” Gareth told her. He threw a cheese puff across the pit at Victor. “Some of us obviously have mental issues that need to be addressed by professionals, though. The one-upping, though, is very real. You will learn in this house, young Pepper, that the wilder the story, the better. As long as it’s based on reality.”

  “The jackalope is real!”


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