Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 5

by Maia Starr

  “Good, you’ve been in there about ten hours now,” I said as I stood up.

  “Yes, well, I don’t know what it is but Camilla and I just got along immediately. It is like we were made for each other,” he smiled as he sat down.

  “Yes, good for you,” I said annoyed by his good fortune.

  “And where is she now?” I asked.

  “She is sleeping. She was very, very tired,” he laughed.

  “I can imagine. Keep the flight path steady. I want to get some rest before we get to Tiok,” I said, leaving his side. I made my way to the back. I did not see Alexandra. There were only two sleeping rooms, and Camilla was in one, so I assumed Alexandra was in the other. I opened the door to kick Alexandra out. She’d had her sleep.

  “Excuse me, what do you think you are doing?” she said.

  “Going to get some rest,” I said.

  “But I’m—”

  “You’re what?” I said, stepping toward her. She backed against the wall. I’d had enough of her constant argumentative nature. “Just being annoying?”

  “Ugh. How dare you,” she said.

  “I dared. And I dare to do this too,” I said as I pressed my body against hers and moved my mouth over her lips. She moaned. I could no longer hold back. I was so attracted to her, everything about her, even her stubbornness. I pulled her closer to me by her small waist.

  I felt her nipples press against my hard chest, getting harder. I couldn’t stop this, and I did not want to. My tongue gently moved in her mouth as it opened. She was letting me in. I moved my hands over her plump ass and under her dress. I felt my cock grow hard. She groaned as I kissed her. I was hungry for her. I wanted to ravage her. I moved my mouth down her neck and over her dress until an erect nipple was in my mouth.

  She let out a sigh. Her fingers moved into my hair, and I realized she didn’t hate me as much as I thought she did. My hand moved down her ass and around her thigh as I picked it up against my hip. My long fingers pushed her panties aside and pressed her wet center.

  “Oh God… oh my…” she whispered.

  I pushed two long fingers inside of her, and she moaned loudly. I let my fingers penetrate her as my thumb moved over her swollen clitoris.

  She shivered against me, and my mouth once again reclaimed her mouth. I wanted her so badly, but I wanted to please her as well. She was so small pinned against the wall. She was breathing rapidly and moaning as I let my fingers explore her.

  Alexandra moaned, and her body went limp against mine in complete surrender. She was giving in to me, and I knew it, and why wouldn’t she? I was a prime specimen, and I was a skilled Draqua captain.

  “I want to find out what you taste like, Alexandra. Let me taste you,” I whispered to her.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned. I pushed her dress up to her waist.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I dropped down to my knees and then I pulled her panties down to the floor. I pushed her thighs open. I grabbed one of her slender legs and rested it on top of my shoulder. She moaned again and panted wildly.

  I plunged between her thighs.

  “Oh god, yes,” she moaned. I stuck out my long, slender tongue and licked her up and down. She was already wet. I heard her gasp. I tasted her. I licked her exploring her as much as I could. I pressed my face against her as my hands moved to her ass. I wanted her so badly, and my cock was hard as fuck. I wanted to be inside of her. She was twisting her fingers through my hair. She was wild, and it was such a change from the arguing woman, but the fire inside of her was the same.

  I roamed my tongue over her and moved higher and higher onto her sweet bud. She gasped. I then applied more pressure. Then I flicked it back and forth with my tongue. I felt her small hands grab my hair harder. “Yes! Oh! Don’t stop! Please!”

  Her body tensed up and then she shouted, “Oh God. I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” She squirmed against the wall. I was pleased with my skills, and I tasted her.

  When I stood up, she was out of breath and flushed. Her hard nipples were protruding from her dress, and she was looking at me with wide brown eyes, as though she had no idea what had just happened to her.

  “I…” she whispered.

  “Shhh… it’s all right to like it, Alexandra. It feels good. I want you to feel good,” I said.

  “No, I’m sorry. I can’t,” she said as she dodged around me and left the room. I heard the door open and close to the room next door. She was now with her sleeping friend. I leaned against the wall. Shit. What was that all about? I wanted her badly, and she wanted me. I would never understand the emotions of the humans. We should just let our bodies do what they want to do. That was the Draqua way. She was confused and obviously in conflict with the needs of her body. I was not used to this. I did not know how to deal with this.



  I could not believe what I had just allowed myself to do. I allowed my body to give in to its urges. But these were not regular urges; they were desires for an alien dragon shifter. What had I done? It was so unlike me. I should not be giving this creature pleasure. I should be giving him a piece of my mind at all times. I should be crying and screaming and punching in order to go back to Earth. But yet I was doing the complete opposite of that. I was screaming, but I was screaming in pleasure.

  I sat on the bed and looked down at Camilla while she slept. She had a smile on her face. I knew exactly why. She had allowed herself to give in to the urges. Now she was sleeping soundly. I felt like an idiot as I sat there. What must he think of me? He must think that I am this easy human ready to give my body over to an alien abductor. But what did I care what he thought? But I did care. But it was because I had put up such a fight and had been angry in frustration. So now I was embarrassed that I had easily given in. It was embarrassing.

  But as I sat there, I closed my eyes, and as soon as I did, I had a flash of him kissing me again. The way he was dominant and just took what he wanted from me turned me on. I could still feel his kiss on my lips. I could still feel his fingers rubbing against my slit. I could still feel his tongue moving over my clitoris bringing me to orgasm. I was getting aroused again just thinking about it. I had to stop. I opened my eyes. I put my hand on Camilla and shook her awake. I needed her to distract me.

  “What is it? Are we there yet?” Camilla sleepily said as I sat on the bed.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Then I am going back to sleep. I am tired,” she said.

  She rolled over and fell back to sleep.

  Ugh great. Now she would not be awake to distract me. I stood up and paced back and forth in the room. Now I would just be replaying it in my thoughts and then shaming myself all over again. I was still trying to recover from my orgasmic experience. I could not believe that I allowed this alien creature to touch me in that way. I could not stop. It was as if he had taken control of my mind. I had no control.

  Was this it? Was this my fate? I had spent years in school and then going to college, only to graduate and then the summer after graduation be taken from Earth. All of my hard work would have been for nothing. Now I was destined to be a captive of some strange alien dragons.

  No, I was not going to let this happen. I would not let him seduce me into giving in. I had to figure out a way out of this, but I did not know what. How could I come up with a plan when I didn't even know what I was up against? I did not even know where we were going.

  There was a lot going through my head, and I was trying to be very angry and oppose what was happening to me. But every time I let my anger dissolve, I would once again think about the dragon licking my wet slit. Just the vision of him down on his knees between my thighs would send a chill up my spine. It was as if my body and mind were at war with each other. I could not give in the way Camilla had. She had done it so easily, just let her actions be dictated by her desires and her body. But she was always like that. I was the one with more sense and more restraint. Yet, that Dragon was able to pin me
against the wall and turn me into a melted stick of butter. It was pathetic. My feminist side was ashamed.

  “You have to stop thinking about him, Alexandra,” I whispered to myself. I poured myself some water and drank it. I had been sitting in this room for almost two hours since the incident. I was starting to get some cabin fever. I quietly opened the door and peeked out. Both the captain and the commander were at the end of the ship near the windshield. I took this opportunity to pace back and forth in the hallway. I needed more room than just that tiny little sleeping room.

  Then I felt my body getting hot. I stopped pacing and looked down the hallway. The captain was staring at me, and he had a big smile on his face. My face turned bright red. I was very embarrassed, and I knew exactly what he was thinking of when he looked at me because I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking about him licking me. I immediately moved back into the sleeping room with Camilla. I closed the door behind me. I laid down next to her and forced myself to go to sleep. Sleep would be the only way to stop my mind from overthinking everything.

  Hours later, Camilla and I were both finally awake at the same time. We sat in the room talking. She was rambling on and on about the commander. She was practically gushing about her experience.

  “I can’t believe I did what I did, Alexandra,” then she whispered, “We had sex.”

  “Yes, I heard,” I said.

  “Oh, right. Well, it was awesome! I like him so much. I can’t get enough of him. He is everything,” she said smiling.

  “And… how was it? The sex? I mean, was he like a man in that area?” I asked curiously.

  “Oh yes! Exactly like a human man, just bigger.”

  “I see.”

  “Oh my God, this is going to be so exciting. V says we are going to another planet first. That means we get to see two alien planets! This is so unbelievable.”

  “Yes, it is,” I said, still confused about my run-in with the captain and his way of making me cum.

  “Oh, come on, Alexandra! Lighten up. This is amazing!”

  “Lighten up? We have been abducted by aliens, Camilla! Why am I the only one freaking out?” I said.

  “Because you are the only one of us that is so uptight,” she said.

  “Uptight? I am not uptight,” I said frowning.

  “Oh, yes you are. How many guys were you with in college?”


  “How many?” she said.

  “Two,” I said annoyed.

  “In four years! Four years and only with two different guys! You need to live a little. This is amazing, and I would think that a scientist would be more excited about this opportunity. You study creatures of the sea, and now you get to see firsthand creatures of another planet. You are the only scientist able to do this. Be grateful,” she said.

  Knock. Knock. “We are arriving on Tiok. Come see,” Commander Roan said through the door.

  “Coming!” Camilla shouted happily. She squealed and jumped up. She was out the door fast. I followed. We sat in the front of the ship as we entered the other planet. It was astounding, and I was speechless. Camilla was bouncy and happy at my side. The ship went lower, and soon we were skimming along above a vast village. It was very busy and reminded of something you might see in the Middle East. It was beautiful. There were many other ships flying around, and it was a lot for me to take in.

  “Set her down in the landing base, west quadrant,” Ineq said.

  “Yes, Captain.”

  I watched the two work. They were tense. They did not have the lightheartedness that they’d had before, and I knew that this was serious. I wondered what they were up to and I wanted to see this village badly. Would they let us?

  “Look, Alexandra, it is like an airport,” Camilla said as the ship set down among other ships in a large flat area.

  “Yes, it is. It is unbelievable.”

  “Oh my God; look,” she said as she as other aliens of all different varieties and in various colors were walking around the landing base grounds. My breath caught in my throat. It was amazing.

  “Touching down. Landing complete. Shutting down engine,” the commander said.

  “Check for any new messages from home. We need to be up to date before making a move,” Ineq said.

  He got up from his chair and turned. He looked at me directly and smiled. I felt my whole body flush. I thought about his tongue licking me, and I felt so embarrassed. I looked away from him.

  The captain and commander went to the back of the ship. Camilla and I stood at the windshield, looking down on the activity of the base. It was incredible.

  “I really want to take a look around,” she whispered to me.

  “So do I,” I said as we watched.

  “Humans, you will stay here with the commander. I will not be gone long from the ship,” the captain said.

  We turned to see the two alien men standing near the door.

  “But we will want to see the village,” I said.

  “No,” the captain said. Then he turned and opened the door and left. The door closed behind him. He was so damn frustrating.

  Camilla and I sat brooding while the commander was in the back of the ship. I don’t know what he was working on, but he seemed very busy.

  “What do we do? I want to see the place. We are here. We will never get another chance like this,” she said.

  “I know. I want to see it too.”

  We were quiet as we thought. Then I had an idea.

  “Do you think the commander likes you a lot?” I asked.

  “Yes, I know he does. He told me so over and over,” she smiled.

  “Then you can probably persuade him to take us out there. What can happen if he is with us? He is armed. They carry guns strapped on to their boots. It looks like a peaceful village. I bet we can see some of it before the captain gets back. At least right outside the landing base.”

  “So you want me to do what?” she asked.

  “Go use your feminine charms. Persuade him,” I said.

  “Okay. Yes,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

  “Oh, V!” she shouted as she stood up.

  He came out from the back with a big smile for her.

  “Yes, Camilla? What can I do for you?” he asked.

  “Well, it seems silly to stay here all cooped up on this ship. We have been on it a long time, and we need to stretch our legs and get fresh air. Will you just take us for a short walk? Just right outside the walls of the landing base is good,” she said as she leaned her body against his chest. She ran her fingers up and down his skin.

  “I can’t do that. You heard what the captain said. Those are orders,” he said in a husky voice. It was working.

  “Yes, but he doesn’t have to know. It is just right there, and we will be back before he knows it. Nothing can happen when we have you are protecting us. A big strong dragon like you will keep us safe from everything,” she said.

  He was like putty in her hands as she cooed and soothed him. It made me jealous to see just how well they got along. They were acting like a couple that had been together for a very long time.

  “I suppose just a few minutes won’t hurt,” he finally said. Camilla jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. She looked at me and smiled.

  “But you can’t go dressed like that. Hold on,” he said. He disappeared to the back and returned with a box. He opened it and pulled out two long cloaks and sandals. I was tired of being barefoot and in a skimpy club dress.

  “This is beautiful,” Camilla said putting one on.

  “They are. Thank you, Commander,” I said as I pulled on a blue one and sat down to put on the sandals.

  “Remember, this stays our secret,” he said as he stood at the door.

  “Of course,” Camilla said. I nodded my head in agreement.

  He opened the door and led us out. The sun was bright and warm air hit us. I took a deep breath. It smelled like exotic spices and musty desert air. It was amazing.

  “This way.
Stay close,” he said as he grabbed Camilla’s arm and Camilla grabbed my hand. He led us out onto the base.

  “This is a landing base, or port. There are twenty, or possibly more than that spread around the village.”

  “Is everyone on this planet like you and the captain? Able to shift into other creatures?” I asked.

  “No, there are races from everywhere in space, but we are the only shifters. That we know of, that is,” he said.

  Commander Roan led us out the port gates and into the busy marketplace village.

  “This a busy place of merchants, a market. There are tables and booths of everything you might want.”


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