Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “Where is he? Where is Commander Vrerkin? Put him on the stretcher,” I heard as four Draqua came into the ship. They quickly grabbed Commander Vrerkin and put him on a stretcher and let him out. The captain was barking orders at them. It was all so crazy. I walked out the ship door and onto a podium. It was what the ship landed on, like a helicopter pad. It was then that I got a good look around. It took my breath away.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered. The trees towered over us about a hundred feet in the air. I could see a better view of the cottages in the trees, as well as the bridges. There were massive plants, and the sky was blue. The sea breeze hit me, and it smelled like ocean water mixed with Jasmine. It was very thick and calming.

  “It is time,” the captain walked up to me.

  “Time for what?”

  “I will take you to a hut that will be yours. We need to do this quickly. I need to make the arrangements to see the king as soon as possible. I need to know that you are in a safe place first.”

  “The king? I want to see the king as well. I want to ask him about a rescue mission for Camilla,” I said.

  He raised eyebrows me. “You cannot adjust see the king. You must be summoned. You will learn our ways. For now, I will do what I can. Follow me,” he said.

  I followed him quickly through the gates. Then we were in the lush area of the village. My mouth fell open as I saw more humans walking around, female humans. They were all wearing loincloths with a tube top underneath long see-through dresses. They didn't even give me a second look. They were all talking to each other, as well as two Draqua females. It was a busy village, and I could tell people were going about their business carrying baskets of fish or plants. Some had young children, hybrids with them. I could barely speak. I couldn't take it in.

  “You are too slow. I know there is a lot to see. But you will see it later, I promise,” the captain said. Then he stepped away from me. I looked at him confused. In a flash, he shifted into Dragon form. His large wings spread out behind him. I would never get tired of watching him do that. Then he picked me up and flew straight into the air. I was not expecting it. He flew high among the trees in and out of trunks easily. Then he landed on a large round platform surrounding one of the trees. He set me down on my feet.

  “That was crazy,” I said.

  “This is your home,” he said as he opened the door to a small hut that was sitting on the platform high in the tree. I was astounded by the engineering going on. I followed him in and was surprised at how beautiful the home was. It was almost luxurious, and not at all rustic like I was expecting. There were high vaulted ceilings. There was a very large bed with mosquito netting as well as what looked to me like a kitchen area. In the far corner of the room was a large tub. There was a massive window that looked out over the island.

  “There is food in here. Everything you will need. There is a tub; take a bath if you wish. In the compartments, you will find fresh clothing, and there is a washroom beyond that wall there. I must go.” He turned toward the door. then he stopped and pulled me into his arms and kissed me. Then he let me go and walked out the door. I followed him.

  He ran off the platform and jumped into the air, and his wings unfolded. He flew down toward the village. I could not believe what I was seeing. I'll never get tired of seeing that I thought. I went back inside the hut and closed the door. I wanted to be fresh and ready when the captain came back for me and hopefully had news about how we could get Camilla. I moved to the window and looked out. It was absolutely stunning. Then I saw something that I was not expecting. I saw a dragon flying in the distance. It was not a hybrid like the captain and the commander; it was a full Dragon, just like in the fairy tales.

  “No freaking way,” I said. I watched it fly until it was out of sight. This was just too strange. I moved to the kitchen area and rummaged through the food and water. I ate and drank and then afterward ran a hot bath. It was like a therapeutic bath, and I could not wait. I plunged into the water and sighed. I was tired. So much had happened. But I felt guilty lying in a luxury tub while Camilla was with those animals. We just had to get her back.

  After my bath, I wrapped a cloth around me. It felt good to be clean. I walked to the cabinet area and opened it. I pulled out what looked like the same clothing that I saw human females wearing in the village below. Brightly colored strips of cloth were in the form of loincloths, like little miniskirts. There were strips of cloth to be tied around my breasts and then long dresses to go over it.

  “I guess when in an alien village, dress like the aliens,” I said to myself as I pulled out a soft pink material to wear as a breast cover and loincloth to match. I picked a white sheer dress to go over it. I got dressed and then sat on the bed. I laid down for a few minutes and felt my body get heavy. I had not slept in a long time. As I lay there, I thought about the human females in the village. How long had they been on this planet? Obviously several years for them to have children.

  I could not wait to have conversations with them. It felt good to know that I would have more humans around to talk to try to understand this place and what was going on. I hoped that the captain would be able to successfully plead our case. I wanted them to go back and find Camilla as soon as possible. Every minute she was probably in agony, possibly even being tortured by those creatures. I thought about how they were able to control my mind, and that was very frightening. As I thought about all of this, I became overwhelmed, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. It had been a very long and tiring adventure.



  “You were right about the Aeriwanas,” I said as I stood in front of the king.

  “How many?”

  “My guess would be a hundred, at least. I could not get a good enough look,” I said to him.

  “Then we prepare to protect our village. They might be planning an invasion,” he said.

  “Yes, double the security and the patrols outside the planet. It is a good plan,” I said to him.

  “Good work, Captain. Keep me informed on the status of the commander. I hope he makes a full recovery,” he said.

  “There's one more thing. I would like to request to prepare a rescue mission for the human female that we lost on Tiok, to depart immediately.”

  “I cannot grant such a thing right now,” he said.

  I could not defy the king. It was up to him to grant the mission. I could only think of one more thing to say. “The human female that we lost did mate with a commander. It is possible that she carries his offspring.”

  “Hmm, that does change things. I will think this over. But if what you say is true about the numbers of Aeriwanas, rescuing her could be a trap. They will expect us to; she is bait. We must be smart about it. Let me think this through and how it can possibly happen, if it can happen. “You are dismissed.”

  “Thank you, my king,” I said with a quick head bow and left.

  Alexandra was not going to like this news. I really wanted to get a mission going to get the other human back for Alexandra, and the commander. I was not looking forward to telling either of them, but the king had decided. I went straight from the king's palace to check on the commander.

  “How is he doing, Jrarka? I asked the healer.

  “He is stable. He was badly beaten, but he is going to pull through just fine. No major damage was done,” he said.

  “That is good news. Find me as soon as he wakes up, and do not let him leave,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” he said.

  After I visited the commander, I went to my home in the trees. I wanted to check on Alexandra as well. And it shocked me that I felt that way. She was supposed to be a human female for carrying my offspring and instead I was thinking about her at all times. She had infected me. It was not what I expected when I left to Earth to find a human female mate.

  An hour later, I flew to her hut in the trees. I found her sleeping soundly in her bed. I did not want to wake her. I watched her beautiful f
ace for a few minutes before leaving her to rest. This was the way I spent the next week. I became very busy for one reason: the Aeriwana threat was real on Tiok and since I had seen it first-hand, the king put me in charge of it. This meant every single hour of my day was in the military compound looking for intelligence and setting up a spy network to find out more. There was a lot of work involved, not to mention the preparations for a possible invasion; because of this, I had no time for Alexandra.

  I had planned to show her around the island as well as the village, but I was not able to do any of that. I had sent a human female named Lisa to help her. I was disappointed that I was not able to do it myself. But I knew that once this was over, there would be plenty of time for us to spend together; right now the number-one thing was the safety of the village and possible plans to return Camilla to my dear Alexandra. But because I was spending so much time working, the only time that I got to see her was when I visited her at night, when she was already asleep. I would take a few moments to watch her beauty, then I would leave to get the few hours of sleep that I had allowed myself.

  This went on for many nights. But I knew that the more information I could gather for the king on the Aeriwanas, the sooner he would allow me to take a rescue mission to get Camilla. It was all part of the work and part of my plan.

  One morning as I walked from my home to the military barracks, I crossed paths with Lisa and Alexandra.

  “Captain Shun,” Alexandra said.

  I smiled. It was good to see her beautiful face and smiling face. She had taken on the clothing of the Draqua, and she looked stunning.

  “Alexandra. It is a pleasure to see you,” I said.

  “Yes, I was hoping to see you this week,” she said timidly in front of the other human.

  “I am sorry I have been very busy with my responsibilities, but I do—”

  “Captain! We have just received information. You are going to want to see this!” a young warrior flew down and landed between Alexandra and me.

  “Yes, right away,” I said as I shifted into dragon form. I gave Alexandra a nod. There was so much more that I wanted to say to her, but I did not have the time to do it. Not now. Any information on the Aeriwanas could not be sat upon for very long; it could mean life or death for Camilla. I followed the young warrior to the military installations.

  “What is it?” I said landing in the communications room.

  “One of our spies has overheard information on Commander Harkin. we have learned why Harkin leads this group of Aeriwanas. He hates what he is, and Aeriwana. He feels he is a mad scientist experiment and he wants to do away with all Aeriwanas, and all Draqua so that no more Aeriwanas can ever be made.”

  “That is complete madness. How can anyone negotiate with such a thing?”

  “I don't think it is possible,” the young warrior said.

  “That is very good information. At least we now know where this Commander Harkin is coming from and what his goals are. This can't be good for anyone. Let us stay on top of it. Have that spy stay as close to Commander Harkin as possible,” I said.

  “Yes, captain.”



  Two days had passed. Commander Vrerkin was no longer with the healers and was on his way to mending. But he was very depressed. I was also very saddened by the king's decision to not launch a rescue mission for Camilla. But the captain assured me that there was hope and that the king was thinking it over, but there was just too much danger involved with going to find her. I hoped that any day the king would allow the mission to happen.

  I tried many times to console Vrerkin, but he wanted to be alone. Finally, I found him on the beach alone at sunset.

  “There you are,” I said as I took a seat next to him in the sand. We were far from the village, about a mile or so down the beach. The isolation was nice.

  “Sometimes I come here to think,” he said.

  “Yes, I can see why. It is very quiet and away from everything,” I said.

  “Want a drink?” he asked as he handed me a large container, like a big flask made of leather.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Hiwa. I am drunk. It is the only way I can be right now,” he said.

  “That sounds like a plan,” I said as I grabbed it and took a small sip, testing the strength. It was good but strong. Then I took a longer chug, then another. “Thank you,” I said, handing it to him.

  “Go ahead, keep it. You have some catching up to do. I can barely see straight,” he laughed.

  “All right,” I said, taking another drink.

  “The wait is just getting to me,” he said.

  “Tell me,” I said.

  “It is ridiculous to have to wait this long. I miss her,” he said.

  “I miss her too,” I said putting my hand on his back. I rubbed it up and down, trying to console him.

  “I am sorry you are going through this too. All of this must be hard for you,” he said.

  I turned and looked at him, really looked at him. His blonde hair was long and a bit shaggy. His blue eyes were filled with sadness. I wanted to take his pain away. But I felt a sort of comfort being with him. It was comforting to know I wasn’t the only one missing Camilla. He was the only one I could talk about it too who really understood. Ineq was sort of on the outside of it all, and I had not seen him since he showed me to the hut except once in the village. He had been very busy, and a part of me thought that he felt he had planted his seed in me, and that was enough. Now he was sort of ignoring me, and that made me feel lonely on this alien planet. Being with Vrerkin gave me the comfort I needed to not feel alone.

  “Thank you, Vrerkin,” I said.

  I could smell the Hiwa on his breath. It mixed with the salty sea air.

  “We are going to be all right and we will get her back. I know it,” I said as I began to cry a little bit. I didn’t know why I was suddenly crying. It must be the Hiwa getting to me.

  “It’s all right, Alexandra. It is good to let out all your frustration. Don’t let it build up,” he said, rubbing my shoulder.

  “Yes, you are right. I just feel so alone right now,” I said.

  “You are not alone. You have the captain,” he said.

  “No, I do not. He has not spoken to me since we arrived. I am alone,” I said.

  “You have me. I am here,” he said.

  I turned to him and felt his tenderness. He was so different than Ineq. He was gentle and sincere, and as I looked into his blue eyes, I got lost in them. At that moment, he leaned over and kissed me.

  I don’t know what possessed me, but I let him. I just felt so vulnerable and depressed, and I needed his touch. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pushed me back gently onto the sand as the sunset, and the sky grew darker. Vrerkin rolled his strong body on top of mine and settled between my open thighs. Feeling his manly body press on mine was intoxicating, and I realized that I was intoxicated as I felt a bit of a spin when I closed my eyes. I opened them and allowed his kiss to make me feel better. Then he kissed down my body, kissing every inch. He moved his mouth down the length of my body and pushed up the loincloth. He plunged his face directly into my aching center and moved his tongue up and down my slit.

  “Oh god, yes,” I moaned. It felt good to be desired again.

  He groaned between licking.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  His long tongue pressed against my clitoris and he flicked it back and forth while his large hands massaged my breasts.

  I felt like a wild woman. I was losing myself in him and this experience. Then I felt sweet release flood me. “I’m cumming.”

  Vrerkin groaned and grunted like a beast as he licked me. The pulsing moved from my center through my whole body leaving me so sensitive.

  Vrerkin moved back up my body and kissed me on the mouth hungrily. I felt his hands working on the loincloth around his waist. Then I felt the tip of his large cock press against my slit. I wr
apped my legs around him, and he entered me. We both moaned loudly. All of my problems had faded away as he gave me pleasure and drunken distraction.

  Then he lunged forward and entered me deeper.

  “Oh yes,” I sighed. It felt good. He slowly filled me with his rigid shaft.

  He was perfect and physically fit. I ran my hands down his back and felt strong and toned muscles with my fingers.

  The ocean waves crashed close to us, and a bit of water licked at my feet. The thick scented sea breeze caressed my skin.

  Vrerkin’s biceps and forearm muscles flexed. I moved my fingers up and down them, wanting to feel his strength.

  “Harder,” I whispered.

  He began to pound me faster and faster. His fat cock moved with ease in and out of me. The throbbing in my center was powerful. Then pulsing shot through me while my orgasm exploded inside of me. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming,” I could barely get the words out.


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