Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 10

by Maia Starr

  “Vrerkin? What happened?” I ran to his side. He was holding a cloth to his head.

  “You tell me,” he said.

  “Ineq did this?”

  He was quiet. He did not answer.

  “Here you are. Take this as a tea, just as before. You will be fine. Just minor bruises and scratches from this incident. Not like the last. Go rest take a hot salt bath. Drink the tea every hour. It will help to heal you faster,” Jrarka said.

  “Thank you,” he said, walking out. He gave me an angry look before he left. He had every right. After we had sex, we promised that we would keep it our dark secret. We would not tell the captain, and we would not tell Camilla. We knew that it was a one-time mistake and that we didn't have feelings for each other. But the guilt was too much for me. I did not know that he would go so crazy and hurt Vrerkin, though I should have. These were alien dragons; dragons had tempers.

  “Humans, what can I do for you?” Jrarka asked.

  “I have come for a test. I have been feeling nauseous, and I think that I may be…”

  “Carrying offspring? Well, congratulations to you if you are. Come, we will test you quickly.”

  I took a deep breath and did as the healer asked. It was a quick blood test with just a drop of my blood. A few minutes later, I had an answer: I was pregnant.

  But I did not know who the father was.

  I thanked the healer and left. I had to push Lisa out of my hut. She was full of questions, and I didn't have answers. I couldn't tell her that I was questioning who the father was because word would travel fast in the village. I needed to keep this a secret for now. I needed to speak with Ineq. I hoped that he had cooled off and we could have a real conversation. I needed him to forgive me.

  I don't know what I expected from him, but I knew that I had feelings for him, deep feelings. If he was the father of the offspring I carried I would be very happy. He was the one that I was magnetically attracted to. He was the one I was always thinking about. I wanted him. I did not know if you would ever give me a second chance. It scared me to think he wouldn't, and that I possibly carried his child.



  She had betrayed me. He had betrayed me. I was now alone, and I could trust no one. There I was trying to work my ass off to get his lover back and her best friend back, and they were going behind my back and fucking.

  The thought of it drove me insane. The amount of distraction that it took amounted to me waking up and going straight to deal with my responsibilities as a captain and not stopping until I was about to drop. Then I would return home and sleep and do it all over again. I could not have any free time; I would kill Commander Vrerkin if I did. I was not over this yet; I did not know if I would ever be over it.

  But what shocked me was Alexandra. I did not see it coming from her. I could never trust her. It was the end for us, I would have to find a new human mate, but I would give myself a year at least to do so. I did not trust human females at the moment.

  Now I could concentrate on the Aeriwanas. We were getting closer to figuring out what Commander Harkin was up to. I knew the king was on the verge of sending us to Tiok to deal with him once and for all. It was possible that it would turn into the biggest battle that the village of Pacu had ever seen. I hoped for it. A good battle was just what I needed. I was feeling restless again; it was time for a dangerous mission. It was the only thing that would calm my blood. I needed to calm the dragon inside of me.

  On one night of my routine of going to do my work early and coming, home late only to sleep, I found a surprise waiting for me in my hut. I opened the door ready to crash on the bed.

  “What are you doing here? I said I did not want to see you,” I said feeling my anger return to me.

  “Ineq, please. This has gone on long enough,” Alexandra said as she sat on my bed. Seeing her sitting there brought an urge to me, and ache. My body wanted her. My heart wanted her. But my head was making me turn her away.

  “This will go on forever. I don't want anyone's sloppy seconds, especially not the commander’s. Now get out of here,” I said to her. As soon as I said it, I regretted it. It was a harsh thing to say, but in my anger, it felt good. Her face turned into a frown and tears rolled down her cheeks. She stood up and began to walk toward the door.

  “I understand. I understand you are not one to give a second chance. You are not emotional and only think of mating as a responsibility to keep your race alive. Fine, that is fine. I just thought you should know; I am pregnant.” Then she walked out the door.

  I stood there frozen. It was not what I was expecting to hear from her. It briefly brought happiness to me. If things were perfect, it would be exactly what I wanted; I wanted Alexandra to give me offspring. But I also wanted us to be together and in love. She was right in what she said about me: I only thought of mating as a way to keep the race alive and thought of it as a responsibility, but that had changed after I met her. After I was with her, I experienced deep feelings for her and craved her love, but she betrayed me.

  Then it hit me: who was the father? She had been with myself and the commander. I stomped out the door after her. She was crossing the bridge. I caught up with her.

  “Is that true?”

  “Yes, I have been to see Jrarka.”

  “And is it mine?” I asked.

  She cried. “How am I supposed to know that? It is impossible to know. I am so confused.”

  “Come inside my hut. I will get you some water. You should not be out here in distress, not in your condition.” I said, suddenly feeling the need to take care of her. If she were carrying my offspring, then I needed to be responsible for her.

  “Okay,” she said.

  I watched her walk into my hut. I followed her and closed the door behind me. She looked so fragile. I restrained the urge to scoop her up in my arms and lay her on my bed. I wanted to take care of her. I wanted to give her nutrition and drink and make sure she got enough rest. I had to remind myself that she betrayed me.

  I poured a tall glass of water and put some fruit on a tray. I carried it to her where she sat at the table.

  “Thank you. I am hungrier than ever these last few days,” she said taking and eating some fruit.

  “It is because you have a dragon growing inside of you,” I said sitting at the table.

  “We must find out who the father is. The sooner you know, the better,” I said, not wanting to tell her the reason for that. It was because I did not want to grow attached to the idea of thinking I was the father, then turning out not to be. The sooner I knew, the better for myself.


  “I see you did not tell Jrarka that you were questioning,” I said.

  “No, I did not. Lisa was with me, and I did not want to start rumors. I got the news that I was pregnant and then left.”

  “I understand that. But had you told him you were questioning, he would have told you there is a test to tell. I will go with you first thing in the morning. He will be able to tell us immediately if it is mine or if it is…” I could not complete the sentence. She looked at me with shock, waiting for me to erupt into anger. I swallowed hard. I stood up and poured myself a large drink of Hiwa.

  “That is great news that Jrarka can do such a test. I will be relieved to know,” she said.

  I looked at her sitting there eating the red fruit. She looked stunning. Then it hit me. What if the child was not mine? What if it was the commander's? Then she would be his forever. I would never ever be with her again. She would marry the commander and have his offspring and the time we shared together would be a distant memory that would keep me in anger for the rest of my life.

  But now, this one night, we were ignorant. We did not know if she carried the commander's child. So I could take her. Tonight she was mine. Tonight she was carrying my child and I was going to indulge in the ignorance. I chugged the Hiwa. Then I poured myself another and drank it down. I was ready to go.

stomped over to her.

  “Alexandra, tonight you are mine. In the morning, you might find out that you carry the offspring of the commander, and because of that you will no longer be mine; you will be his. Tonight I am going to make love to you like it is the last time I will ever be able to touch you.”

  She gasped. “But I do not want the commander. I do not want to be his even if I carry his offspring. I want to be yours,” she stood up and placed her hands on my chest. Feeling her hands against me set my skin on fire.

  “You won't have a choice. That is the Draqua way, and the king will see that it is done. You will belong to the commander no matter what.”


  “No, that is the way of it. But tonight, you are mine. I will take you,” I said pulling her to me and placing a hard kiss on her mouth. She moaned and put her hands behind my neck, pulling herself up to me. I picked her up by the hips and brought her to my height. Then she stopped kissing me.

  “If this is to be our last time together, then I have one favor to ask,” she said.

  “Anything,” I said breathlessly.

  “I want the dragon to make love to me. Will you shift?” She was embarrassed to ask.

  “I can do that,” I grinned. I put her down on my bed. I stepped away from her and shifted into Dragon form. She bit her lower lip as she watched me. She wanted the dragon, and the dragon she was going to get.



  I was so happy that I was there at that moment with Ineq. He was on the verge of giving me a second chance, but it all depended on the results of this test we were going to take. I hoped that the child was his, but I would love it all the same if it was not.

  I would pretend that the child in my belly was his and that we were together because we were celebrating that moment. It was all that I could do to calm my nerves and the anxious feeling that I was getting knowing that in the morning everything could change once we found out for sure. This was the last night of us being together. It was a bittersweet way to make love, but I was going to indulge in it. It could be the last time that I got to kiss Ineq and have him inside of me. The thought made me quiver just a little.

  “You are shaking,” he said as he stood in front of me, naked in dragon form.

  “I am scared this is the last time I will have the chance to be with you,” I whispered.

  “So am I,” he said stepping toward me. As he walked, his large wings folded behind him. I sighed. He was such a sexy sight. I could hardly stand it. His large thick cock stood straight out, rigid as a pole. I wanted it in my mouth. Watching him prowl toward me like a creature made me feel filthy. I was a wanton woman that desired this alien dragon shifter, and there was something dirty and wrong about it, yet it made me feel so good. The fact that he was a strong alien warrior is what I liked about him. It was what attracted me to him, and I knew that I should not be ashamed of that, but somewhere deep inside me, I knew that it was a shameful thing.

  But this planet was full of human females that had given into that shame, and I was no different. I was now among them, these humans that wanted to breed with strong alien men that shifted into dragons and looked like island warriors.

  “What are you thinking? You are staring at me, more than usual,” he whispered as he stood in front of me.

  “I am thinking that you are the most exquisite creature I have ever seen,” I said.

  “Dragon. I am a dragon,” he grinned. My heart filled with passion and joy at the sight of that grin. He had been angry at me for so long that it was a relief to see him being happy.

  I reached my hand out as he stood in front of me. I wrapped it around his strong cock. He growled and sighed at the same time. I looked up at him to see him watching me. I put my other hand on it and began to stroke him slowly with both hands. The moans and sighs that escaped his mouth turned me on. I wanted him inside of me, but first I needed to memorize every inch of him, in case this was indeed the last time.

  I stuck my tongue out and licked the tip of his cock. He moaned again and pushed his hands into my long brown hair. Then I licked him up and down. I looked up at him just as he extended his wings out. They stretched out to his sides, and I was aroused even more. This alien dragon shifter had me mesmerized, and the more I thought about him being a dragon, the more I wanted him.

  I pushed his cock into my mouth and let the warmth envelop him. He was groaning and grunting like an animal. I moved back and forth on him, wanting to please him. I ached to please him.

  I put my hands on his strong hips, feeling the muscles there. He sucked in a sharp breath of air as I began to move faster and faster. But I did not want to bring him to climax, not yet. I wanted him inside of me, and I did not want to have to wait for it. I pulled him out of my mouth and once again began to lick his cock slowly, taking my time.

  “What are you doing to me? You are going to make me lose my mind,” his voice was thick.

  “I just want to memorize you. Just in case…”

  “Don’t say it,” he said with a frown coming upon his face. It made him sad to think of us not being together, and it made me feel some sort of bittersweet relief that it bothered him just as much as it bothered me.

  “For now, for tonight, you are mine, Alexandra. You are my human and no one else’s. We will not think of a time when you will not be. We will ignore that. Is that understood?” he ordered me like he was ordering one of his warriors. His dominant ways and confidence made me feel wetter between my thighs. Tiny pulsations began to develop there in anticipation of this creature inside of me. I could not wait.

  “Yes, Captain. That is understood. I will obey your orders,” I said looking up at him. He was so damn tall, almost nine feet, and he looked like a giant hovering over me as I sat at the edge of the bed.

  “Now lay back and open yourself to me,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Captain,” I said, pushing myself up the bed and opening my thighs to him.

  I couldn't stop my body from quivering because of the circumstances; this could be the last time we made love. The sadness and passionate energy surged between us. I was shaking so much that it made me feel like a teenager about to lose her virginity.

  This was real and meant so much more than any drunken one-night stand or puppy-love boyfriend I’d had before. He folded his wings behind him. Ineq crawled on the bed hovering over me. “I don’t want to crush you. You carry a child inside of you. You must remind me if I lean on you. I might lose myself in the moment,” he said as he placed a soft kiss on my belly. Damn, I so wanted this child to be his. He was being so caring and delicate, and it must hurt him to know that there was a chance that it was not his.

  His strong hand moved over the soft purple fabric of the sheer dress I wore, igniting a trail of fire in its wake. When he squeezed my nipple, butterflies developed in my stomach. A thin film of sweat formed all over my body like I was in the middle of a desert.

  "Why are you shaking so much still, Alexandra?" Ineq asked. His dark voice went through me in vibrations as he hovered.

  "Because of what I already told you, Ineq. I am scared. I am scared this is our last time together," I whispered.

  His large alien hands stroked my body up and down, and heat flowed through me. It helped to stop my shaking.

  “Does that feel better?” he asked.

  “Yes, it does,” I said smiling.

  “Good. I only want to give you pleasure,” he whispered.

  He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. I tasted his sweet-salty mouth and the lingering taste of the strong Hiwa drink. He was exactly as I had remembered. It felt like it had been years since we were together on his ship.

  The raw, delicious scent of his masculinity filled me and made me tingle. It made my thighs clench around his legs. There was nothing more enticing to me than the raw male scent, and this alien dragon was unique in that sense.

  The nervousness I'd felt began to lift, replaced with a deep longing for Captai
n Ineq Shun. This dragon was like a natural aphrodisiac, more powerful than anything you could ever get on Earth.

  His hand continued to play with my nipples, rubbing and rolling them between his large, thick fingers through the thin fabric until I was squirming beneath him. I liked the way he pulled at them gently.

  Then he growled in frustration and grabbed the hem of my dress. He pushed it up my body and over my head. Then he removed the tube top cloth around my breasts, setting them free. He opened his mouth over them, making my body tremor as his tongue twirled around first the right, then the left.

  I wrapped my legs around his backside, pulling him tighter to me, but he stopped me.

  “The baby, remember? Don’t pull me to you like that,” he whispered.

  “Oh yes. I forgot in the moment,” I said, releasing my legs.


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