Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 68

by Maia Starr

  "So where is this that we are going? Where can we go to be safe?” she asked me.

  "It is not a question of being safe. There will always be danger in the far reaches of the galaxy. It is more a question of about blending in. Where can we go where a human female with a Corillion warrior is not something that is unusual? I think you know the answer because you have already been there," I said to her.

  Her eyes opened wide, and she said, “Do you mean the outlaw planet? The planet where there is so much trouble and chaos, Etora?” she said to me.

  "Yes, that is exactly what I mean. It is the only place that we can get lost amongst the millions of different alien races living there. Don't worry, we do not have to live in the city of Ceta. There are plenty of places for us to go on the planet. You will see. We will travel the planet and find the perfect spot, whereever you want. You may pick our home,” I said to her.

  A tear fell down her cheek, and I was confused.

  "Why do you cry? Does that not make you happy?” I said as I wiped the tear away from her cheek with my thumb.

  "These are tears of happiness. I am crying because I am happy. I am crying because you said our home. I am glad that you think of it in that way. Because soon there will be more than just the two of us," she said.

  "What do you mean? I don't understand?” I asked her.

  "I am with offspring. I am going to have your child,” she smiled at me.

  I had no words. I picked her up and spun her around and planted a kiss on her.

  "This is true? I cannot believe it. Why did you not tell me before?” I asked her.

  "Because it is hard to tell someone that you are pregnant with their offspring when they are ordered to kill you,” she said as she arched an eyebrow at me.

  "Yes, I understand. That is all behind us now. Let us start new. Let us start fresh. We, the three of us, will be happy in our new home.”

  "How long will it take us to get there?”

  "Five days from now since we are in hyperspeed,” I said to her.

  She smiled and said, “I wonder what we can do with our time?”

  I smiled at her I knew exactly what she meant. I kissed her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I wanted to ravage every part of her. I pressed her against the wall and then pulled away.

  “I do not want to hurt you, or our child,” I said as I put my hand on her belly.

  “Then you better be delicate with me,” she whispered.

  I groaned and carried her to a room and laid her on the bed. One item after another, I took off her boots, her jacket, and dress. Now she lay before me naked.

  “Your turn,” she said.

  “Yes, anything for you, my mate, my love,” I said to her.

  I pulled off my boots, belt, and trousers and stood naked in front of her. She sighed and said, “Now take me, my Corillion warrior. We have cheated death, and we must celebrate.”

  I smiled and said, “Spoken like a true warrior.” I moved over her naked body and touched every inch of her with my hands. I cupped her breasts and kissed her neck and her cheek. “I will never let you go. I will always protect you. I will protect you with my life, my Saramina.”

  “And I will always love you, my Viqer Krillis.”

  I kissed her mouth and pressed the tip of my cock into her opening. I pushed inside her warm center. I groaned and growled with delight. I never thought I would feel her again. She wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me to her forcing me to moved deeper in her and faster.

  “Patience, my Saramina, we have all the time in the world now,” I whispered to her.

  She smiled and kissed my chest, placing soft kisses against my scales. I moved in and out of her, enjoying the sensation of being inside of her as her hands roamed over my body. We were finally together, with no secrets and no orders between us. We were free to be who we were, and it was a great feeling.

  For the rest of the journey to Etora, we hardly left that bed. I checked on the flight path and did ship checks when I could, but then I would return to her in the bed and indulge in the fact that we were together and no one could stop us from doing that.

  “How much longer?” she asked after days in bed.

  “We will be arriving in three hours. Maybe it is time to get dressed,” I said to her as I moved from the bed.

  She moaned. “Oh, do we have too?”

  “Yes, but just until I put us in a suitable home and then we will be able to lay in bed as much as we want.”

  “But how? How can we buy a home?” she asked.

  “I will show you,” I said as I held her hand and led her out of the room.

  Chapter 13


  I had never felt so happy in my life. Everything that I had been through was worth it just to be in this moment. Just when I thought that Viqer had betrayed me, there was something much more complex going on. He was saving me. He had confessed his love for me.

  Now, we were three hours away from our new home planet of Etora. It was completely unbelievable to think that after trying to stay on Earth for so long, I was going to spend the rest of my life on a planet that I had never even heard of until that day in the slave market.

  Viqer held my hand and led me to a small room that had weapons and a locked box.

  "What is it? Are you going to sell these weapons so that we can buy a home?” I asked him.

  "No, we are going to use this,” he said as he opened the box and pulled out several bags of money.

  "Is that what I think it is?” I asked as I opened the bag.

  "Yes, it is gold coin. I was to use it to buy guns on Etora during the mission when we first landed. But that purchase did not go as planned. It has been sitting here waiting to be used to buy guns. I chose our escape ship well.”

  I laughed and hugged him. He was a brilliant warrior; everyone had been right about that. “Well, I don’t think we will have a problem finding a home now.” I kissed him on the mouth, and he pulled me close.

  “Yes, it will be whatever you choose it to be. Now let’s go get dressed so that we can start our search,” he said as he patted me on the bottom.

  “Yes, and maybe I can get some new clothes too,” I said to him with a laugh. I had been in only two outfits throughout our whole ordeal, and I needed to be in some new clothes.

  “Yes, clothes and jewelry and anything you wish,” he said.

  We both dressed and prepared to search Etora for a new home. He landed the ship on the other side of the planet away from the city we had landed in before. I was astonished by its beauty. It was not the green planet of Krillis, but it was a red-stone hills planet with plenty of water features and beautiful landscapes. The sun shone brightly on this planet, but not too hot, and I knew that I could be happy in an environment like this.

  “I will show you my favorite place. It is a small village called Clox, and it is mostly families, and it is safe. It is over here,” he said as he moved my attention to the other side of the ship.

  “Oh we are so close,” I said as I turned my attention to the small village. We had landed just outside its beautiful stone gates. Viqer locked up our ship, and we were on our way to the village to search for our perfect home.

  Months later, we were settled in Clox and into the most gorgeous place I had ever seen. It sure beat my Brooklyn apartment. We had chosen a home in the natural setting of Etora far away from the trading cities. Clox turned out to be perfect, just as Viqer thought it would. There were all kinds of alien races living in the village, and I had never felt so stimulated by what every single race had to offer. I would never grow bored in this setting.

  Our home was a nice and luxurious one with a beautiful view of rocky sandstone mountains and a lake in the distance. It was absolutely perfect, and when we welcomed the arrival of our child, Syqer, we knew that it was the perfect place to raise him.

  "I have never been this happy. I thought that fighting and battles was all that life had to offer me. You sho
wed me differently, Saramina. Now, our small child is showing me that living for him is what life is all about,” Viqer said as he placed a kiss on my forehead as I held our child in my arms.

  "I feel the same way. I thought that I could not have a life unless that life was on Earth. I had no idea that out here was a much bigger universe and that I could find happiness anywhere as long as I was with the right love. Thank you for showing me that. Thank you for giving up everything for me, and for him. It means a great deal to me, and I know that it will mean a great deal to him when he is older and knows the truth.”

  "I would not have it any other way,” he said.

  "Are you sure? You know, if you would've stayed on Krillis, you would be the leader of an entire planet. That is a lot to let go of, especially since it is all that you have ever known,” I said looking at him.

  "Yes, at some point maybe that is what I wanted, but not after meeting you. I cannot live a life without you, that is not what I want. I would give up ruling a thousand planets to be with you.”

  I smiled and walked over to him. I sat in his lap, and he put his arms around me. We both looked down at the face of our beautiful child in my arms.

  "Then I guess we have it all,” I said to him.

  "Yes, a beautiful life, a beautiful wife, and a beautiful child. This is everything to me,” he said.

  And so Viqer, Syqer, and I lived on Etora. There was more adventure for us to come, but we took it day by day, enjoying each other's company. It was all that we wanted, and it was exactly what we got. I had my Corillion warrior that I had dreamed of, that I didn't even know I wanted so badly until I was faced with certain death. Then I knew, and now I had it, and I couldn't be happier.

  THE END (Flip the next page to read Book #6 “Zian-Corillion Mates!)

  BOOK 6: Zian-Corillion Mates

  (Corillion Mates)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I had one mission, stop the Corillion at all costs. The war between Earth and the alien warrior race known as the Corillion was at its peak. I was the youngest director of the Earth embassy and barely in my late 20s. But I had earned the position with hard work and learned a lot from the previous director, my father. He had died in the battle against the Corillion several years ago, and that only motivated me more--motivated me to fight them with every fiber of my being. So when I finally came face-to-face with a Corillion of power, I directed all of my hate toward him. I wasn't expecting to give him more than my hate. But how could I have known what was going to happen between us, and how it would change everything between Earth and the Corillions?

  "We are 10 minutes out, Director,” the pilot said to me.

  "Thank you,” I responded. We were on a transport from the capital city to an underground bunker in the mountains to have a special meeting between nations on Earth. Our small transport was not a spaceship like the ones we used for deep space travel; it was more of a flying car.

  "This meeting is very important. We have a lot riding on this,” Kyle Richardson said as he sat next to me in his expensive gray suit.

  "Yes, I am very aware of that. Why else would they gather all of us together?” I said.

  "It's because of the message,” he said to me.

  "What message, Mr. Richardson?” I said, looking at him and wondering why he knew about this message and I did not.

  "The message we intercepted yesterday from a Corillion transmission,” he said in a condescending manner.

  "And why was I not aware of this? Why do you know this and I do not? I rank higher than you do in clearance,” I said, shifting in my seat.

  He smirked and said, “and yet I am head of the security council, it is my job to know more. It is my job to know such things as soon as they happen. Then we let the rest of you know and let you deal with it.”

  "Mr. Richardson, I don't care who you are or what position you have. I order you to tell me about this transmission now. I don't need to wait for this meeting. These days, every second counts,” I said, as I stood up and crossed my arms.

  He sighed and opened his briefcase. He pulled out a black folder and handed it to me. I grabbed it and sat down, placing the folder on my lap. I opened the report and scanned the documents.

  "It looks like a countdown of sorts. But for what? What could this mean?” I asked Mr. Richardson.

  "Our analysts are going over the information as we speak. They will have another report when we arrive at the meeting. They have been pouring over the data and trying to crack the code of the transmission. They are the best at what they do. They have been intersecting and interpreting Corillion messages for years. My team will not disappoint you, Director."

  “That is good to know, Mr. Richardson, but the problem is time. We don’t have it. This looks like a countdown of sorts, which means that while your analysts are doing their fun science experiments trying to figure out what this is, the Corillion are actively doing something that can happen at any second. I need to get my team on it too,” I said, as I picked up my communicator.

  “I can assure you, Director, that I am on top of it. No need to bring in your team,” he said sternly. It was his ego. He wanted his team to have the glory of finding out this secret message, but I didn’t give a shit about glory. I didn’t need my team to solve it so that they could feel accomplished and gloat, I needed them to solve it because I needed the information for the safety of everyone.

  “I have a report in my hands that I want you to look at. Mr. Richardson and his team have been analyzing an intercepted message. It looks like a countdown of sorts. I want you all over this,” I said into the communicator to Dr. Waldrorf, my lead scientist on everything Corillion.

  “I said I have it handled!” Richardson shouted at me.

  I ignored him and kept talking over the communicator. “Yes, we are almost there. See you soon,” I said, hanging up. I buckled myself into my seat and pushed the report into my briefcase. Mr. Richardson glared at me. “Director… Director, did you not hear me? I said…”


  The transport shook violently and starting falling out of the sky. There was smoke everywhere, and I could hardly see anything as I choked for air. Loud beeping sounds filled my ears, and I knew that we had either crashed or some other violent thing, like a bomb, had gone off. But I was bombarded by the chaos of smoke, sounds, and fear. Then there was a feeling of weightlessness. I felt the transport jolt, but I could not see anything. The black smoke was filling my lungs, and I was choking for breath. Then I passed out.

  When I woke up, I heard deep voices. I heard shouting, as the sound of blaster guns filled the air.

  “Check that one! She might be in there!” I heard the distinct Corillion voice shout.

  “Shit!” I scampered to unbuckle my seat belt. I did and fell out of the seat onto the wall of the transport. It was now on its side, and the entire front end was missing. Mr. Richardson lay dead at my feet. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming at the sight of him. I could hear the Corillion warriors getting closer. I looked around for a way to get out, but there was only one way, the ripped open end of the transport. I quietly made my way to it. Maybe I could sneak out before they came in.

  When I moved out of the wreckage, I paused in complete shock. It was as though the transport had landed in the middle of a battleground. There were bombs going off yards away from me. I ducked down, squatting on the ground. There were Corillion warriors, dominating the landscape like ants, busy firing their weapons. But they were not firing at the Earth army. Instead, they were fighting the general street cops of a small town that we had been passing over to get to the bunker. These cops were no match at all for the skilled warriors, that were twice their size in height and 1000 times more fierce. I filled with anger at the sight of it. I hated the Corillion aliens. They were nothing but alien scum, and they needed to be defeated in any way possible. They were nothing but locusts coming to pray on Earth a
nd its people. Earth was rightfully our planet, not theirs. In my rage, I forgot that I had heard a group of Corillion outside the transport when I had been inside of it, but now I could now hear them coming around to the side that I was on. I didn't have time to think, so I ran straight ahead! I ran straight into a shootout, but I didn't care. I had to do something, and in my black heels I couldn't move very fast.

  "There!” I heard a Corillion shout from behind me. My shoe fell off of my foot and it tripped me. I fell onto the ground.

  "Cover me!” the deep voice shouted.

  "No! Sir, you are running straight into enemy fire! Stop!” another voice shouted.

  "Cover me, dammit!”

  I had scrambled to my knees and was now on all fours, trying to stay low enough to avoid the bullets whizzing by me, but also trying to get away. I turned over my shoulder to see who the hell was coming after me. The smoke was gray and thick, like a wall, and through that wall emerged a Corillion warrior. He was massive, at almost 8 feet tall, and broad with blue scales down the right side of his body. Long dark hair moved when he ran in the wind. He was running fast and running straight toward me. There was a massive blaster gun in his hand, and he was shooting his way through to me. My mouth was wide open, and I could not believe that this Corillion warrior was coming after me. Why? Why me? Something told me he was not just trying to help a damsel in distress. I suddenly came to my senses and started to crawl in the opposite direction. But I wasn't fast enough, and soon he was right on top of me.


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