Girl Next Door

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Girl Next Door Page 10

by Erik Schubach

  God I can be such an ass sometimes. Why do I have to do stupid things all the time? Why can't I be more like Less and... a smokey voice was in my ear as I was starting to breath faster, “Bran, breath deep, it is ok... look at me.”

  I looked at her, she was smiling softly at me, I started relaxing and trying to normalize my breathing. She hugged my arm and said, “Better.”

  I smiled at her as I calmed down. I found some nice seats about a third of the way up the rows and in the center. Once we got situated, she just leaned over and cutely munched on popcorn with her head on my shoulder. I put my head on top of hers as the trailers started playing.

  I don't think I have ever felt so content in my life. Damn, if I were ever to believe in relationships, I knew Robin would be my first stop. I knew I could love someone like her. But I knew we had to stay friends, I'd hate to lose her because all relationship's end, it was safer this way.

  We didn't say a word during the trailers, I think we were just soaking in each others presence. Then the movie started and she pulled her headset over her ears, I followed suit. There was a woman's soft voice on them describing the action in an unobtrusive manner as not to speak over the actors. I found it fascinating and was sometimes zoning out on the movie as I listened to the descriptions.

  I had no clue that theaters did this. No clue that production companies did this. I wonder what other accessibility devices they had for others like hard of hearing or deaf people. I'd have to ask Kylee when I went to work tomorrow after school. Then I pulled the headset off for a minute and just stared at them, thinking about the ones at the gallery too. I had an epiphany, I'd have to bring this up with Tim the next chance I got. I smiled and put them back on and laid my head on Robin's again. She sort of smiled and snuggled in as we cracked up at some of the sarcastic dialogue in the movie. Gawd, Kylee, was a great writer.

  We almost giggled until we peed by the end of the movie. This had to have been one of the funniest and campiest movies I had seen in a very long time, where in the heck did the idea for this story come from?

  We spent the rest of the afternoon just walking through Pioneer Park and toward the stadiums. She was so excited about the art Mia had given her. I understood, it was the same excitement I got when Robin gave me a piece of her art.

  I really didn't want the day to end even though I felt guilty not volunteering at the shelter or the hospital that day. Robin says I need to do it more often that I deserve some “Brandye Time." As I pulled into the garage and parked, I asked, “Pizza?”

  She grinned and nodded as she got out and then shut her car door, saying, “My place.” I nodded though she couldn't see it. She reached out and opened the door into the kitchen and an over excited Daisy bounded out. Robin flicked out her cane and scooped up Daisy. I grinned and grabbed the artwork from the back and followed them out and across the lawn to Robin's. I hit my key fob and the garage door closed behind us.

  We spent the time waiting for the pizza, trying to decide where she should hang the artwork. She really wanted it in her bedroom, but then she felt guilty not letting people see it... “Artwork should be shared.”

  I convinced her to put it in her room. “It was a gift, it is personal.”

  After dinner and lots of me saying “oops” as I flicked pieces of Canadian bacon off my pizza for Daisy to hoover up, we sat on her couch and just idly chatted while she laid down with her head in my lap. She was only half listening to her book as Daisy curled in on her belly and went to sleep.

  I was just smiling and running a hand through her hair as I surfed the web on my tablet. She snorted. “We're like an old married couple.”

  I giggled. “Old married couples only wish they were this hawt.” She lightly slapped my leg, with a sly smile on her face and shaking her head at my antics.

  She whispered almost too low for me to hear, “Thank you for today Bran. You are amazing.”

  I just leaned my head down and kissed the top of her head. After Lessa's midnight call, I don't know when we fell asleep like that, but that became our new normal. I spent more nights on her couch with her head in my lap than I did in my own bed. But you will never hear me complaining about it.

  Chapter 9 – Plus One

  The weeks flew by like the end of the school year approached. The high resolution 3D scanners were completed and a proof of concept prototype was completed for our project. Robin was always asking what I was working on with Tim in all my spare time. I kept telling her, my art catalog. Well, it was the truth... mostly. I was dreading presenting the proof of concept to the college to see if I could use this as my final project for my senior year.

  I had just got back from the hospital with Daisy in her official “therapy dog” bib and raced her to Robin's. I kissed Goldilocks' cheek as I passed by her on the porch and popped into her place. A minute later she followed with her current canvas and her art supplies. She put them in their place and disappeared into the kitchen to start the coffee. Daisy followed her, to no doubt eat some kibble in the dish we kept in there for her. I'm sure she was hungry after being all cute with the kids tonight.

  I switched on the TV I got for Robin's place and started watching the news. She came in a couple minutes later with two cups of coffee and a couple cold cut sandwiches that she placed on the coffee table and she curled into the couch snuggled into me and Daisy hopped up and curled in on our laps.

  Robin chuckled. “You know little girl, most dogs aren't allowed on people's furniture.”

  I giggled. “I don't think she got the memo.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Because you spoil her.”

  I retorted quickly, “WE spoil her.”

  She nodded. “Guilty.”

  The front door swung open and Less stepped in, “Knock knock.” Daisy jumped off our laps to greet her as she came over to the couch and flopped down on my other side. “Oooo sandwich.” She grabbed the sandwich out of my hand and took a bite before putting it back in my hand. I'm not sure how, but she had a shit eating grin on her face as she chewed.

  I chuckled. “Help yourself Less.”

  She started reaching for a sandwich as a reply and I held it away from her and took a big bite. I tilted my head in a neener neener gesture. Robin was just grinning at our antics. “You want one Less?”

  My sister just grinned. “Nope but thanks, I already ate. But I could go for some coffee,” she said as she jumped off the couch and headed to the kitchen.

  I had to grin, this felt freakishly like family to me. Robin was so ensconced in our lives now that this was just routine in the few short months we have known her. Her place was like our “clubhouse." Lessa popped over whenever she needed time away from Devon and his testosterone fueled buddies over at their place.

  When she returned with her coffee, she said, “So, what about it sis?”

  I rolled my eyes, she had been trying to set me up with Tay again. She wanted me to take him as my date to her wedding. I swear she was up to something the way she said it. She only talked about it when Robin was around. “You really need to find someone or you'll wind up a crazy cat lady without cats. I worry about you. He can be your plus one at the wedding.” Her eyes were on Robin when she spoke.

  I shook my head. “He's already going Less, he's the best man. Besides, Robin is my plus one.”

  Robin smiled and Lessa rolled her eyes. “Secondary sis already has an invitation.”

  Robin crinkled her nose at being Lessa's honorary sister and said, “And Bran is my plus one.”

  Lessa chuckled a bit. “Aaargh... you two drive me batty. The first lesbian relationship with no sex. Either seal the deal or find someone that makes you happy. I'm talking to you too Robin, you deserve something better than this self-imposed limbo you two have with each other.”

  I rolled my eyes. “For the last time Less, we are not a couple, she's my best friend. I'm just not interested in dating anyone at this point, my life is too hectic. Besides, all relationships just end in heartache, so why start o
ne knowing the outcome?”

  Lessa placed a hand on my cheek. “What happened between mom and dad doesn't define all relationships.”

  I was defiant. “Oh yeah? Before you found Devon, just how many of your relationships ended well? Or mine?”

  Robin was holding my hand now, I calmed to her touch. I looked down and realized I was fussing with my silver dollar. Lessa's eyes flickered down at our hands and a small smile played on her face. Robin said with the tone of a mother chastising her children, “Let's drop it you two. Agree to disagree and lets talk about the wedding! Next Saturday Less! Are you excited?”

  Lessa grinned. “More like terrified.” Then we got lost in the conversation, going over the planning for the five millionth time. I loved the look of love in her eyes when she spoke of Devon. I only wish one day I could love someone unconditionally like that.

  We were all excited when she shared that Mom had finally convinced Leo to attend.

  Grandpa Callahan finally confirmed that he could get time off to fly in with his family and give the bride away. We snorted at that. He was a workaholic. He earned every penny of the fortune the Callahan Shipping empire gave him. We knew that grandma Callahan most likely slapped him around until he agreed to take time off. But then again, he had a soft spot for Mom and us girls.

  Robin swung her feet up over our laps as we spoke, Less played with her socks as I rubbed her legs absently. Yes... this felt like family.

  I had to laugh when Lessa had finally come up with her colors. She, of course, would be in a white gown, Devon would be in a matching tux. The wedding party would break all tradition and wear black. She encouraged everyone in her wedding invitations to wear black to the event as well. This way all the focus would be solely on her and Devon.

  Robin came to my fitting for my maid of honor dress, it was a strapless satin black sheath and had these fingerless satin black gloves. Robin loved running her fingers through the fabric. Then in typical Less fashion she said, “Oh, by the way Robin, you're being fitted for a bridesmaid dress today too. Oh yeah, and you're one of my bridesmaids.” Robin took it like a trooper and just chuckled at my sis.

  I have to admit, I did heat up in some interesting places when I saw Robin in the open lace black dress that Lessa had picked out. I was really starting to enjoy this crush I had on her. The other bridesmaid, Rose, had already had her fitting.

  It was just before midnight when Lessa hopped up and stretched and headed out the door. We all mumbled goodbyes then shut the door as the cuckoo clock started chirping... then my cell started buzzing. I swear Robin snorted as I grinned and answered. “Hi Less.” We fell asleep on the couch a few minutes after I hung up. I remember smiling at a sleeping Robin just before sleep overtook me.

  The rest of the week flew by. I had a meeting with the lead art instructor of the college, the Dean, and the board of the art department. Tim and I presented my project, outlined my ideas and hopes for it and mostly, my reasons for attempting such a daunting project and how I hoped it would help revolutionize an almost ignored segment of art patrons. They were skeptical that it could even be accomplished until we demonstrated the prototype to the astonishment of the people gathered.

  I told Robin that the school had accepted my art cataloging project. Which meant I would be spending a lot of the next three years traveling to museums across the globe. She was excited for me.

  I hated hiding parts of the project from her... but it was.... for her.

  I knew that some places and a lot of art I wouldn't be allowed to get close to. That's where the other prong of the plan came in. If I couldn't convince them to allow me to scan the works I needed, Tim and I would provide them with a 3D scanner at no charge that they could do it themselves and forward the data to us. In exchange, every participating museum would get one of our finished units to display in their museums and galleries at no cost to them. Then more people could experience their exhibits like never before. It was a win-win situation for all parties involved.

  Finally, Saturday morning rolled around. I can't possibly describe here how excited I was for my sister. And to be honest, a little jealous too. But mostly excited! She deserved happiness more than anyone I knew.

  Robin came walking in the back door. We had installed a gate between our two fenced in back yards. The gate was always open to allow Daisy to claim both yards for Daisy-opolis. Robin had put a dog door in her back door as well. Daisy is so spoiled having free range of two houses.

  Robin was holding a garment bag that had her dress in it, she patted around the wall and hung it on a coat hook. She wordlessly made her way over the fresh pot of coffee I had brewed and poured herself a cup then closed her eyes and savored a sip. Then she smiled and said, “Ahhhh.... much better. Now, good morning Bran.”

  I giggled, she smiled, and I said, “You and your caffeine, Goldilocks.”

  She smiled back at me. “My drug of choice.” She paused. “Speaking of, have you taken yours this morning? You know how often you forget.”

  I snorted. “Yes mother. Of course, I did.” Crap, I forgot. I snuck off to the bathroom to take my anti-depression meds. I swear she was gloating when I returned with my garment bag, but that look was too cute to comment on.

  I bumped her shoulder. “Ready to rock?” She grinned and grabbed the leash off the wall and stomped her heel lightly, Daisy came rocketing over and sat while Robin clipped her up. Robin grabbed her cup of coffee on the counter and downed the last of it, shooting a grin in my general direction. I said, “You're incorrigible.”

  She was nodding as she grabbed her garment bag and started moving toward the garage door in the kitchen. “Yes. Yes I am.”

  I followed her out, and like a smart ass as I closed the door I asked, “You driving or me?”

  She didn't miss a beat as she opened the passenger door and lifted Daisy in. “I just did my nails this morning, you better drive, I don't want to scuff them up.” I giggled and she smiled like she had just won a prize. Dammit, I have to save that giggle for her for special occasions. I rolled my eyes at myself, like I could withhold my giggles if I tried.

  We bantered back and forth as we made our way out of the city, heading toward the mountains. Why the hell was she so much fun to talk to? We exited in Issaquah and went under the overpass and past a little airport. There were signs everywhere along the road with directions to the wedding. We turned right and headed up into the mountains.

  We turned onto a dirt road that brought us into a huge clearing with a huge white tent where the reception would be held. It looked like something out of a King Arthur tale. I saw the trailers behind it with rustic signs reading, “Valentine's Cascade Experience.” I loved the Valentines. They were good friends of our family. And Silent Bob herself was one of the most amazing women.

  There were already dozens of people milling about, and a mountain man looking guy directed us to the part of the field that was being used for parking.

  A squealing Lessa came out of one of the trailers as we unloaded ourselves. She almost physically dragged us to the trailer. Stopping at a large fenced in area where she put Daisy with all of Mom's dogs and Lessa's bulldogs. Thumper and Belle were happy to see Daisy and they all started playing together right away.

  Less was dragging us along. “Come come come...”

  I giggled. “Calm down sis.”

  She grinned as she backed into the trailer, lifting Robin's arm slightly saying, “Two steps.” Robin navigated the steps and I followed. We closed the door to see my mothers, Rose, and grandma Callahan as Lessa started jumping up and down so fast she was almost vibrating. “I'm getting married today!”

  I'm embarrassed to admit how much squee-ing went on after that. We are all grown women for god's sake. Fine whatever, I squeed just as loud as everyone else. Once it was out of our systems we all started getting ourselves and Lessa ready.

  We spent the time getting ready, just gossiping about everything and anything. Less noticed Robin just sitting back and not engag
ing much so she prodded. “So Robin, I hear tell that your bowling season is over. How did your team fare?”

  Robin shook her head with a knowing grin. “You know damn well how it went since you were at the final game. You aren't as smooth as you think you are Less.” She smiled and looked around the room sightlessly to include everyone, “The Heat Seekers finished third in the league.” Then she grabbed my hand. “And Brandye is our honorary spotter now that Randy's eyesight is deteriorating more.”

  My mothers gushed over the news, congratulating Robin, who just blushed. Lessa opened her mouth and started another question and Robin swatted toward her with her hand until she slapped her on the arm. “I get the hint, you are less than subtle, I'll participate more.”

  Lessa grinned and said, “My work here is done.” The conversation and laughing kept us all smiling.

  Once we were all ready Lessa shooed everyone except me out of the trailer. Mom took Robin to show her where to stand for the ceremony. Lessa closed the door to the trailer and stood there with her back to me for a moment then turned around and put her arms down, palm out and she shrugged. “Taa daa?”

  I smiled, all I had were warm feelings of love inside for my sis. “God Less, you look stunning. And so... grown up?”

  She gave a nose crinkling smile then said, “You think so? Gawd I'm so nervous. Am I doing the right thing little sis?”

  I rushed to her and hugged her and said softly, “You know how I feel about relationships, but I just know it is the real thing with Devon and you. I see it you know... when you two are together. You just... click... like Mother and Mom. You two were meant to be together. Plus, his ebony smile... yum.”

  She chuckled. “Eyes off the merchandise Bran. Besides, you got Robin.”

  I made sputtering noises trying to deny her implications... we were just best friends! Lessa looked sad and said, “You really need to decide. It isn't fair to either one of you. She can't be your plus one with no commitment forever. You need to find someone that you can be yourself with. Promise me Bran, that you will at least take a chance on a relationship, I don't want you to be alone. At least date someone, Taylor, Robin, I don't care... just give someone a chance.”


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