To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 16

by John Buttrick

  “It will be as you say, Sir Daniel,” Marcus replied with perspiration saturating his brow, and well it should. He gave a quick nod of his head and was clearly ready for the next person to speak.

  Daniel fixed his gaze on the Account Keeper and Jared stood up as he often did when called upon to speak at such gatherings. A lean frame made his slightly above average height seem greater than it actually was. The thick dark hair on the sides and back of his head was neatly trimmed and the bald area on top gave him an aura of dignity. His coat and trousers were brown wool and tailor-made, immaculate as his white silk shirt with a touch of lace at the cuffs, each of which were linked by a golden falcon.

  “All of the estate and guild accounts are well funded due largely to the replication spells being cast by Accomplished Reginald Bercop, the Benhannon Estate Provisioner. I agree there is a need for better communications and apologize for my part in keeping information from you; it was my business contacts that provided facts from abroad. That said I have some concerns regarding the members of Benhannon Guard and the Chosen’s Sentinels. Some of them have families and are worried about them, particularly those who have been recruited from Taracopa and a few from Battencay. Marcus knows about these concerns and can affirm that this is a small but growing problem. That is what I think you and everyone in this room should know,” Jared stated, nodded his head, and then sat down while wiping his brow.

  Daniel had been so caught up in the responsibilities of being a Royal Knight of the Realm, a Lord of the Land, the Chosen Vessel, and countering the moves of the Serpent Guild while avoiding the seemingly never ending obstacles placed in his way by Efferin Tames, that the question of what to do about the families of his followers had not occurred to him, until recently. He had briefly spoken with some of the Condemneds restored to humanity before going on to the next patient and most of them expressed concerns about the welfare of their families. The brief interviews made him think of the people already in his service who might share those concerns and spurred his creative thinking on how to solve the problem.

  “Apology accepted and I am glad you brought up the subject of families, Jared, and I have thought of a way to help,” Daniel replied. “We can build a town on the southern side of Lake Benhannon and any members of the Guard or Sentinels who desire to do so can bring their families to live in my jurisdiction. It is not yet possible for us to protect every family scattered across Atlantan.”

  Jared smiled, no doubt relieved by the acceptance of his apology and pleased by the response to the problem. “That would be a welcome solution. I know of several hundred men who would be eager to bring their families to live within your jurisdiction.”

  “I agree,” Marcus was quick to add his voice.

  Simon cleared his throat to gain attention and half the people widened their eyes as if they had forgotten he was there. “I volunteer to see that the town is created, a place where your tenant farmers can sell their crops, and buy whatever is available. As it is now they either make what they need, come to your estate for the item, or must travel a day to buy the product in Ducanton, and then another day to return home. This could work out well for everyone involved. I will also go to Cana and work out something to expand the settlement into a town where any Sentinels here who are so inclined can move their families.”

  “That is a splendid idea,” Chas agreed so quickly Daniel figured the man was worried about his relatives still living in Pentrosa. If so, he had reason to be concerned.

  “It is worth doing,” Leah added her opinion.

  “At the rate this guild and the muster are growing, Cana and Lanta will end up being cities before long,” Sherree stated while at the same time naming the new town.

  She is the Lady of his estates and so Daniel had no problem with her choosing what to call the town, although he was curious. “Is there a reason you have chosen that particular name?” he asked.

  Sherree nodded affirmatively. “Yes, it is a derivative of Atlantan, but since that is the name I gave our guild, I thought Lanta would do nicely.”

  “So be it. The town shall be called Lanta. Simon, your project is approved,” Daniel stated for the record.

  Franklin brought his hands together, interlocking his fingers. “I will see if Accomplished DeSuan is interested in helping with this project. The young man has some interesting designs in architecture and has made extensive use of your Crescendo-Powered Amulets.”

  Daniel could only agree. “Jerremy would be perfect for the job,” he voiced his approval and focused his attention on the next person in line to speak.

  Jeremiah Lassiter eyed everyone at the table and then said, “I am glad you see the need for a winning strategy. We also need reliable information in order to make solid plans going forward. Some of our Accomplisheds shy away from linking with the minds of animals, yet those nonhuman allies are the best spies we have. I believe you should require each Accomplished to have a minimum of one hundred furred and or feathered scouts. That is what I think everyone in this meeting should know and my recommendation to increase the scouting capability of the Atlantan Guild.” He gave the traditional nod of respect, which Daniel returned.

  “Jere, that is fine for someone like you, who is probably linked to thousands of the beasts by now, but I prefer not to link my mind with that of an animal,” Daria Copa spoke up. “That is what I want everyone at this table to know. Maestro, as always I will do as you command, but ask that you not require this of me.” She added the nod of respect at the end so it really was meant to be her contribution to the meeting

  Daniel already had plans that would increase the gathering of information and intended to see them implemented before the end of the current get together. “I will soon address the issue of information gathering, among other things, and my solution will not require you to link your mind to that of an animal,” he assured her.

  Daria gave a nod of satisfaction and leaned back in her chair. Lassiter’s face was unreadable, neither approving nor disapproving, which was the way he usually reacted when his advice was not immediately acted upon. He knew Daniel listened and might come around to his way of thinking, which occasionally did happen. The man made no mention of keeping information from his Maestro, a failing that would soon be corrected.

  Samuel sat smiling like a child with a special object cupped in his hands that he was eager to expose to his friends. It was the former Teki’s turn and he did not hesitate to speak up. “I brought in ten Condemneds earlier today. They must have been struck by Balen Tamm because they are hideous to behold and smell worse than a pack of yetis. I also located four Potentials, Buck Duadams, a mountaineer, Sorel Benrider, a farmer, Laurence Laterren, a barber by trade, and Ned Bartimus, a bartender. They are all men in their fifties from Arend and the Serpent Guild somehow failed to discover them.”

  “Are you sure? They could be Serpents in disguise,” Lassiter was first to respond to the news.

  “They willingly subjected themselves to Truth Speak and I assure you all they are not members of the Serpent Guild, know not a single spell, and the only Aakacarn they have ever encountered is me,” Sam replied with certainty in his voice and demeanor.

  The news was good and probably the Vessel’s swirling of events is what had led those men right to the holding. Their presence confirmed a theory that had been nagging at Daniel’s brain ever since old Bella Sander explained about one in fifty births usually resulting in a person being born with extra life force energy. If what he stated was true, and Daniel believed his old friend, then there should be way more Aakacarns in the world.

  “From what I was taught in Aakadon and information given to me later, there are a little over half a million people in the world known to possess extra life force energy, and that means in a population of just over seventy-five million, the world, according to the math, should have around nine hundred thousand Potentials yet to be discovered. We need to make a special effort to find the Nephilim,” Daniel stated, deliberately using the ancient n
ame for the Aakacarns.

  Everyone in the room began speaking at once, Leah and Lassiter trying to explain to him the recruitment process, Franklin explaining the difference between mathematical equations and physical realities, and others in the room requested to know why he wanted to locate Nephilim and what exactly they were. All but one, the oldest person in the room, seemed to know precisely what Daniel was talking about.

  Martin stood up and everybody quieted as each eye focused on him. “Maestro, you must have received information from a Scholar of Aakadon to have knowledge of our original name. That being the case, you must also know we are all one race; the Anakim. Let this be the thing everyone in this meeting should know. One in fifty Anakim births results in a Nephilim. We from Aakadon, and I suppose the Serpents as well, have traditionally searched for Potentials among the young, and both they and us are taught to conform to traditions. Neither side looks for Potential in older people because it has never been done before and because we are all so arrogant the idea of us missing one among the children and teenagers is inconceivable. The tradition states one in fifty, so it is taught, even though the actual number of Potentials discovered is not supported by the math. The four men Samuel Cresh has recruited today show us our mistake and arrogance. I agree with the Maestro, we need to make a special effort to seek out Potentials, whether they are children or grandparents.”

  He sat back down and order was brought to the meeting. Daniel gave everyone else an opportunity to share what they believed to be important, ending with Leah. “Maestro, there is a certain amount of confusion concerning myself and the First Lady. People are unsure of what problems to bring to me and what should be taken to her. A clarification of our positions is in order,” she stated.

  He looked to Sherree. “Go ahead and reveal your plans. I am with you all the way,” she told him and squeezed his hand.

  He had spoken briefly and in general terms with Leah before the meeting so she would know changes were coming. She looked at him now and gave a nod of encouragement, not that he was nervous in any way. She and his wife wanted him to know they were with him and it felt good to have their support even though his mountaineer stubbornness would have caused him to proceed either way. The changes were necessary.

  “Among the two thousand people I restored are four hundred twenty men who were captured by the Serpents during the fall of their base in Port Joppa to the rebels in Taracopa. The two dreadnaughts they served on were destroyed at anchor and each of those experienced seamen has joined my muster. So, Gina you are a hound pup,” he began. The fact that those sailors had been Condemneds proved the rebels in Taracopa had an alliance with the Serpent Guild, which made sense given Silvia’s revelation.

  “That’s not fair, you made the bet knowing you already had twice the numbers,” Gina protested. She smiled because that sometimes happened back on Tannakonna. One of them would make a challenge knowing the outcome ahead of time.

  “I knew you were up to something,” Tim said, and he smiled. “Four hundred twenty experienced sailors are now under mine and Gina’s command and you owe us twenty-one Benhannon Wager-class patrol boats.”

  Daniel nodded his head. “I certainly do. The First Accomplished has agreed to make the boats and I am hoping Accomplished Togan has time in his schedule to help her. I want to be there, but she and the First Lady are of the opinion that making boats is a chore I should not take on any longer. I will have to settle for watching.”

  “I will assist the First Accomplished,” Franklin confirmed. “There is plenty of room for creation at Shantear, but the rooms for the restored patients are complete, and we do not know what more creation you want done. Consequently, I have the time.”

  “By the end of this meeting you and everyone here will know what more needs to be created in Shantear, in addition to the defensive capabilities you have been discussing with Leah, Chas, and Jeremiah.”

  His words had each person at the table leaning slightly forward, consciously or not, and he decided not to draw out their anticipation any further. “Queen Cleona raised me to Lord of the Land and gave me authority over a jurisdiction. She also issued an order for all Lords of the Land and Royal Knights of the Realm to raise a muster in preparation for the coming war against Tarin Conn and his forces. Sherree is my wife and as such is the Lady of my lands here on this patch of ground and of my jurisdiction in the south. The entire household staff, the Benhannon Guard, and the Chosen’s Sentinels are under her authority.”

  Chas, Marcus, Jared, Tim, and Gina all nodded their heads, being non-Aakacarns and more accustomed to the social order regarding a Lord and Lady of the land. “The Atlantan Guild is a broader organization of which my estates and muster are a part. The estates are well organized by highly competent people, Jared, Marcus, and Chas, to name a few, and it is time for the Guild to do the same,” Daniel made clear his intention.

  “From this day forward the Atlantan Guild is going to consist of eight departments, each headed by a Conductor. The First Lady and First Accomplished are equal in rank; both are one step below the office of Maestro. Four departments will report directly to Sherree and four will report directly to Leah,” Daniel issued the command.

  “Will these departments be like a guild within a guild, each with their own secret spells and agendas?” Jeremiah inquired, and wisely so, because the answer will show the difference between the way things are done in Aakadon and the methods employed by the Atlantan Guild.

  “I am glad you asked,” Daniel replied. “Each department will have a specific function, yet we are all one guild, and so there will be no specialized spells limited to a particular department. All of us will work together, sharing information in a timely fashion,” he gave that last fact deeper emphasis, “lending our skills, and assisting each other in order to accomplish the goals of the guild.”

  “What are the eight departments and who will be the Conductors?” Samuel asked a good and relevant question.

  Daniel smiled. “The Department of Health, the Department of Education and Research, the Department of Seekers, and the Department of Emissaries will be Sherree’s primary responsibility. The Department of Defense, the Department of Design and Development, the Department of Internal Security and Information Gathering, and the Department of Communications will be Leah’s responsibility. The First Accomplished and First Lady report directly to me, and I am responsible for all of you.”

  Martin gave a firm nod of his head. “I believe the service divisions you have named will better define our roles within the guild and provide a solid structure upon which to build. I would like to have greater specification as to the function of each department.”

  Daniel looked him in the eyes. “I am appointing you Conductor of the Department of Education and Research. You will be responsible for instructing the Talenteds. Your department will begin and maintain a library open to all members of the Atlantan Guild.”

  “The word, Research, added to the title implies something beyond teaching,” Martin stated with widened eyes as if anticipating something dear to his heart.

  “You are correct. With the Symphonics I have composed, we have the tools to explore and learn things about our world,” Daniel replied. “I have questions such as; can the recipes strands be altered to the benefit of the person? Is Atlantan the only continent on the planet? How vast are the oceans? Can the aging process for a non-Aakacarn be stopped? I want you and your department to ask questions and seek out the answers.”

  Martin nodded enthusiastically. “I am honored by the appointment and eager to increase knowledge, particularly of the oceans.”

  “I too have wondered about the recipe strands and other health related questions,” Jennel stated, apparently for the record.

  Daniel focused on her. “I am glad you are curious because you are the Conductor of the Health Department and cooperation with Martin’s department will benefit both divisions and the guild in the expansion of knowledge.”

  She glanced at Bernard. �
�I have six Accomplisheds in my department, but look forward to recruiting more staff now that I have official standing to do so.”

  Daniel needed to correct her. “You have five Accomplisheds. Bernard Kleopis, early in his career, served Aakadon as the Accomplished to New Oben for three years. Bernard, I am appointing you Conductor of the Department of Emissaries.”

  Bernard’s eyes widened and seemed on the verge of popping out of their sockets. “I am honored by the appointment and the confidence you are placing in me. My bedside manner has often aided me in diplomatic situations and I am eager to employ those skills in service to the Atlantan Guild.”

  “You and I will have to meet the emissaries we currently have in the field,” Sherree was quick to say.

  “We certainly do, First Lady, and work to form lines of communications with as many nobles, lords, and ladies as we can. We should spread the word about Vance Cummin being a leader, possibly the Maestro, of the Serpent Guild. The information you shared today concerning the reaction to our annexation of Shantear will make our jobs more challenging, but not impossible,” Bernard replied. The man was a realist and optimist, which were good qualities. Appointing him to be the Conductor had been the right choice.

  Daniel focused on Sandra, whose stone face was unreadable. She was probably still wondering why she was at this meeting. “Accomplished Treena, I am appointing you Conductor of the Department of Seekers. The chief responsibilities of your department are to continue seeking Condemneds lurking in the kingdom of Ducaun and to locate and recruit Potentials no matter how old they are. Your search for Potentials is not limited to this kingdom, find them wherever they may be, but use caution if the area is under the influence of the Serpent Guild.”


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