To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 21

by John Buttrick

  Leah’s eyes shifted from the speaker to Daniel and back again. Her eyebrows widened at whatever she concluded or suspected. “If Simon was here, I am sure he would tell you the Maestro’s schedule is full and ..,”

  “And I would tell him to work such a trip into my list of doings,” Daniel interrupted her. “While studying in Aakadon I was able to see depictions of various creatures that live in the oceans. It would be good to finally see them living in their natural surroundings.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” Leah replied, and then took a deep breath before adding, “However, please do not use Accomplished Glader’s invitation as an opportunity to go and study the source of the High Powered spell.”

  She clearly did not trust him to stay out of the search for facts. “My son has already decided to hold off going himself,” Ronn found the perfect place to enter the conversation and at the same time remind Daniel to let other people do the chores. “Occurrences like what we recently experienced are one of the reasons the Atlantan Guild has the Department of Internal Security and Information Gathering. Over a hundred Accomplisheds have joined the ISIG, which means Conductor Cresh does not have to personally hunt down every fact and neither does the Maestro.”

  “My father is correct. The resources are in place for a thorough investigation into what has occurred. Joel, I truly do wish to take a trip with you in the near future, but I must soon return to Shantear to receive donations,” Daniel replied, and paused as if in thought. “My vat is fuller than it was before the casting of the Grand Symphonies, but I promised Conductor Obenport to continue the infusions of potential until my reservoir is completely full.”

  The snap-crack of displaced air caused Ronn to quick draw his daggerlance in the direction of the sound. A young woman stood on the dock and was wearing blue silks. Long tresses of sand-colored hair flowed forward and down from her hooded cloak and she held a sapphire baton in her hand.

  “Accomplished Tell, I expected to see someone from the ISIG a little sooner,” Leah told her as the female Aakacarn approached.

  “First Accomplished, I wanted to finish verifying some facts before coming here to make my report.” The girl replied smoothly and with confidence.

  “Verification of the facts is always good,” Leah accepted the response and then arched an eyebrow as if to say, get on with your report.

  “The harmonic waves of a High Powered spell originated in the kingdom of Demfilia. I and several other Accomplisheds of the ISIG have sent animal scouts into the region and we will soon be able to see what is going on there. Conductor Cresh has ordered us to send scouts to Kelgotha. He wants to be sure the Dark Maestro is where we think he is,” the agent declared. Ronn figured that to be a wise notion. Always know where your enemies are.

  “Bonny, I want a timely report on what you learn at both locations,” Daniel insisted. He turned to Leah. “The creatures in my swirl are clamoring in my head for attention, eager to show me what they are witnessing, and I will learn what is happening one way or another. Just as I did with Samuel last night, I will be watching and show up in the middle of your chores, and Sherree’s as well as those of the department heads.”

  The announcement had Ronn worried. Daniel had a tendency to jump into solving a problem, taking up the responsibility to act, and sometimes without regard for personal safety. “Son, you appointed people you trust to do those chores,” he reminded him.

  “Do you think we are incapable of doing our jobs?” Leah asked him eye to eye without blinking.

  “You and everyone I have appointed are all highly capable of carrying out your duties. The only thing I question is how much information will be kept from me for my own good. I did not holler at any of you for trying to keep me ignorant, but that doesn’t mean I have brushed the incidents off as unimportant. Anyone who keeps vital information from me in the future can expect me to make up for that lack with my own resources. That person needs to know their action is not for my own good if I am forced to do the chore assigned to them,” Daniel explained in a soft tone of voice, a simple statement of fact rather than a rebuke.

  Ronn had wondered why Daniel treated the withholding of information from him so lightly and this statement showed the incidents had not been set aside as unimportant. The boy he raised to manhood knew this response to their failure would be more effective in correcting the problem than shouting or raising a fuss. His method would not work with some folks, but he clearly knew these individuals and the best way to motivate them.

  Leah glanced down at the dock and then up again. “I will not tolerate Conductors withholding vital information from me and agree it should not be kept from you.”

  “Well enough,” Daniel said and focused on the young agent. “What facts did you need to verify before coming here?”

  “Ships from Pentrosa, Battencay, and Fon Kay are refusing to allow Ducaunan fishing boats to venture more than seven spans from the coast and appear to be building up forces capable of taking the ports from Ducaun. The navies are divided into four large armadas about forty spans apart. The private ports, docks and fishing villages are all vulnerable to attack while the Ducaunan Royal Navy is patrolling the waters off Keffer Greens, Freeport, Port Valeen, and the entrances into the Tollus and Hirus Rivers. I have spoken with fishermen in the region and have verified what my animals scouts showed me. I believe an attack is imminent,” Bonny reported.

  “Those are the only cities we have on the Taltin Sea,” Tim Dukane entered the conversation and he was not smiling at the news. “I can see why the navy is concentrating its power in those areas.”

  “Until a few days ago you have had at least one boat patrolling the sea at all times. The entire reason the Queen sent her navy is because of the buildup of naval forces a hundred spans out from our coast. When did the threat move so close to our shores?” Daniel asked, perhaps wondering if more vital information had been kept from him.

  “It had to be within the last two days,” Gina answered. “I stood on the command deck of the Wager and saw the armada floating where it has been for months with supply ships coming and going to sustain them,” to which Daniel nodded and a slight tension seemed to fade from his face, perhaps relieved these two friends were not among those guilty of keeping vital facts from him.

  Ronn gazed at the twenty-seven patrol boats in their slips. “People along the Hirus River and on the Taltin Sea and at Port Valeen have seen one or two of our boats, but none of them know the capabilities of our fleet. If the combined navies of Fon Kay, Battencay, and Pentrosa attack, we can punch back mighty hard.”

  Daniel took an amulet with an emerald in the setting and placed it against his forehead, held it there briefly, put it back within his cloak, and then nodded his head as if he had just come to a decision. “I have ordered Accomplished Meado to inform the Queen of the naval armada ninety-three span within the territorial waters of Ducaun. Accomplished Obennen, you are to assign an Accomplished to each patrol boat, both to help with the defense and to monitor and refill the vats of the crew as necessary.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” Marsha replied and turned to her fellow Aakacarns. “Karen, you are assigned to the Wager,” she began the task given her.

  “Tim, Gina, I want twenty-six boats patrolling the Taltin Sea just as soon as you two and Captain Tarpon can certify our twenty-one new crews to be combat ready. We may have to discourage an amphibious landing on the undefended shoreline,” Daniel ordered and then looked at the lanky fellow standing about ten paces away. The man had a neatly trimmed beard. “Yes, I know, Captain Van Etter, that you and Captain Isly, once commanded dreadnaughts and have experienced many ocean battles, and expect you will share your knowledge with Admiral Dukane and the other captains. It is you and your crews’ understanding of the speed, maneuverability, and weapon systems of the Wager-class patrol boats I want to have certified.”

  Van Etter gave a salute. “I understand the need and am confident the certification will not take long. I also
look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with both Admirals. Battles at sea and in the oceans are different than those fought in rivers. Tactics and joint maneuvers are essential to victory and ignorance of how to navigate through huge waves and storms will sink a vessel just as surely as losing a battle.”

  “What about the RiverDancer?’ Miriam asked. She obviously did the math and knew one boat had not been included.

  Marsha turned from her group. “I am assigning myself to your boat.”

  “For that I am grateful,” Daniel replied, and then addressed his mother. “Sherree told me before leaving to welcome our kin that Queen Cleona is having difficulty convincing Lord Sharmine and Lord Tamkin of the danger to the realm and the legitimacy of her call to muster. Accomplished Meado has been keeping the First Lady informed. Sherree and I have decided to ask a favor and Bonny’s report reinforces the need. Mom, Dad, I request that you go to the capitol and transport Sharmine and Tamkin back to their jurisdictions so they can see the threat to their cities. Take them seven spans out from the coast and give them a good look at what is about to assault their ports.”

  Ronn looked to his wife, she nodded, and he was once again pleased by the courage and fortitude of the woman he married. “We will depart within the mark. I see no reason to delay our journey south.”

  “Thanks,” Daniel said with a slight smile. “Accomplished Meado will meet you at the port and I am sure Cleona will have convinced the two lords it is time for them to go home.”

  Ronn turned to the Lieutenant Commander. “How soon can you have the RiverDancer ready to launch?”

  “Supplies have been rotated and are fresh, the crew is assembled here in the yard, and we can be under way when you give the word,” Duncan Hawk replied.

  Ronn switched his gaze to Miriam. “I am ready when you are.”

  The sudden snap-crack of displaced air did not provoke the slightest flinch in Ronn, it was possible to get used to almost anything. He calmly turned in the direction of the sound. Three quarters of the sailors had their daggerlances aimed at the new-comer. Jeremiah Lassiter stepped forward briskly and stopped in front of Daniel and Leah, giving each a respectful nod. The Defense Conductor glanced at Bonny Tell and arched an eyebrow at Joel Glader before explaining his reason for the personal appearance. “I see you have been briefed by the ISIG and Research, so I will skip over Mount Filia being the epicenter of the High Powered spell. My feathered scouts have seen a flotilla consisting of fifty vessels leaving the port at Aakadon even as we speak. Twenty-eight ships have their sails filled by Accomplisheds of the Zephyr Guild and the rest are the new waterwheel-driven ships of the Willow Guild. They are heading north up the Hirus.”

  “How many Accomplisheds are on board those ships?” Leah asked.

  “Anywhere from two to three thousand is my estimate,” Lassiter replied.

  Miriam’s eyes flashed with a fierceness and determination Ronn had seen many times over the years. “Have they learned about this facility, are they making a move on Ducanton, or my son’s estate down south?”

  Lassiter did not hesitate to answer her questions. “My belief is that they are being sent to investigate the source of the High Powered spell. If that is so, the quickest way to Demfilia is up the Mighty Hirus, through the Taltin Sea, and then for them to take the Kayen River in Fon Kay out into the Serinian Channel and up the west coast. However it is also possible the Grand Maestro is blaming us for the disturbance and may well have his forces disembark at or near Ducanton,” he paused and looked Daniel in the eyes. “Their intention might well be to attack the Benhannon Estate, therefore I recommend the Atlantan Guild go on Amber Alert until the flotilla moves beyond this facility. I do not believe the existence of this base has been discovered, but my belief does not mean we can be lax about security. As I stated, it is my opinion the Accomplisheds of Aakadon are on their way to investigate the source of the High Powered spell, and yet prudence dictates that we be ready for all possibilities,” which made good sense to Ronn.

  Ronn noted the same fierce and determined look he had seen in Miriam’s eyes was being reflected in Daniel’s. “We are now on Amber Alert, ready the defense forces, and be prepared to defend Ducanton and the Benhannon Estate,” he ordered.

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” both Leah and Lassiter replied.

  Daniel acknowledged them with a nod but clearly was not through issuing commands. “As for this facility, all personnel are to hold here until the flotilla passes. All crews are to board your patrol boats, batten down the hatches, seal the airports and arrow slits, except the Equalizer and the Barracuda. We need to have a presence on the Taltin Sea as quickly as they can get there,” he paused and his eyes darted to Sheen and Glimmer, then back to his audience. “The Accomplished assigned to each of the remaining vessels is to cast the spells, Freshen Air, and Hidden Shield. Those spells are already at work on the six levels beneath our feet, but I now order that all doors and windows of the bungalow be sealed and the spells be cast on it and the docks.”

  Leah leaned closer to Daniel. “That will keep the Accomplisheds of Aakadon from sensing our naval facility through spell-casting, but would do nothing to keep them from entering the canal and seeing the bungalow and our patrol boats with their naked eyes.”

  “Thank you for that timely reminder to us non-Aakacarns of the benefits and limitations of the spell my son composed,” Ronn spoke up. The newer recruits knew little about spells beyond the ones contained in the crescendo-powered amulets used on the patrol boats and water faucets.

  Joel entered the conversation. “I have sent Wally and Katy to the river entrance. The Accomplisheds of Aakadon will not be able to catch us unaware.”

  Daniel placed his hand momentarily on the researcher’s shoulder. “I appreciate your efforts to help,” he said and then addressed everyone in hearing distance. “The ships from Aakadon will be in the vicinity of Ducanton long before they reach this far north and we will learn their intention. If Jeremiah is correct, and I hope he is, the flotilla will bypass us all and move into the Taltin Sea. My previous orders and request for the disposition of the patrol boats still stand and are to be carried out after the ships from Aakadon are well north of our river entrance. Conductor Lassiter, how long do we have before the flotilla reaches Ducanton?”

  “Given their current rate of travel, I say approximately ten marks,” Jeremiah replied, matter-of-factly. The man was highly competent but showed little emotion.

  Daniel rubbed his chin. “That means if they don’t stop at the capitol then they will pass this base in about fourteen marks.”

  “I agree,” Lassiter stated.

  “That gives us plenty of time to prepare,” Gina concluded. “Thirteen marks from now this facility will go on lock down as Daniel has ordered and the rest of us will board the patrol boats. In the mean time we will begin the certifications.”

  Daniel’s eyes shifted to her. “I agree and while you make preparations here,” he began to say and then his gaze took in Leah and Lassiter. “We will convey back to Shantear where the First Accomplished and the Defense Conductor can make ready to convey our forces wherever needed.”

  “That we will,” Jeremiah affirmed.

  Ronn watched as Miriam moved to stand in front of their son. “Make sure you take the time to see Conductor Obenport. You will need the infusion of energy, seeing as we all know you will not stay out of the fight if Aakadon does attack us. Sero can assist you and Carlos will also be at your side, so let them do their jobs.”

  “It will be as you say,” Daniel replied, wisely choosing not to argue with his mother. “Carlos, will you convey us to Shantear?”

  “Certainly, Maestro,” the Three-bolt Accomplished said, and moments later, he Daniel, Sero, David, and Silvia vanished in a flash and whip-crack of sound.

  Joel eyed the people around him. “Seeing as twenty-seven Accomplisheds will be aboard the boats, I volunteer to remain in the bungalow with the other three, and the Benhannon Guards

  Jaxon Green, dark of hair and eye, who had participated in one of the Grand Symphonies in the Great Crystal, smiled at the researcher. “I welcome the help of the team leader who worked to cleanse the Serpents out of the Crystal Chamber.”

  Leah and Lassiter vanished in a flash while Tim and Gina ordered everyone under their command to get started on their chores. Ronn faced his wife. “It appears our trip south is going to be delayed by about fourteen marks.”

  Miriam nodded her head. “Yes, and we will get underway the moment those ships from Aakadon are up the river and beyond sight.”

  “My thought exactly,” Ronn agreed. As fast as a falcon can fly, he added in his mind, and was pleased his son had the forethought to assign Accomplisheds to each patrol boat.

  With Marsha aboard to replenish the life force energy of the driver, sustaining a high rate of speed might be possible. The idea to test the theory reminded him of where Daniel likely inherited the trait of jumping into action with little regard for personal safety, except Ronn would not be alone and he cared about the safety of his wife and crew. Still, the RiverDancer is well built and the danger not so much with an Accomplished on hand, perhaps a little test of speed would be safe enough and result in them reaching the port at Ducanton much sooner.

  Chapter Nine: We May Experience Some Difficulty

  Daniel restored forty Condemneds over a period of five marks while waiting to see if the flotilla from Aakadon would move beyond Ducanton without incident. Giving people back their humanity occupied his concentration and kept him from worrying about the possible attack on his estate or the capitol. With another five marks to fill, he wanted to busy himself for most of that time before meeting with Sherree, Chas, Marcus, Leah and Lassiter, who were off making preparations and did not seem to need their Maestro for the moment. Sero had faithfully replaced the energy used in the restorations, but his efforts did not increase Daniel’s vat, which was why they were waiting in wardroom ten in the newly created Health Department facility deep within Mount Shantear, and not getting any more chores done. The sterile white room with six glowing spheres on the ceiling that provided illumination had twenty chairs and twenty smaller rooms, each with an empty bed. The former Condemneds who had been in here were now in private chambers and resting peacefully.


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