“It will be as you say, Maestro,” Samuel replied and then the connection ended.
“Sir Daniel, is there something about Minister Raven’s report that troubles you?” Cleona inquired.
He had missed four reports, so took a few moments to focus in the little compartment in order to catch up on what had been said, and found nothing objectionable. He must have spent way more time with the Sasquatches than he realized. “No, Majesty, it is the report I just received from my Conductor of Internal Security and Information Gathering.” They did not need to hear about the fight between the sasquatches and the yetis.
“Even though the Generals and several of your brother Knights are ahead of you, I admit to being made curious as to what dire news caused your face to flush red, if only for a moment before you swallowed your apparent anger.”
Daniel wished he had not mentioned the message from Samuel. Oh well, as they say on Tannakonna, the mouse has gotten away with the cheese and there is no getting it back. “Bella Sander, Senior Soarer and Scholar of Aakadon, has requested a meeting. The leaders of Aakadon, after suffering huge losses, have decided they need me in order to win this war. The Accomplished has also expressed a desire to meet with you.”
Cleona smiled. “This is good news, we need Aakadon, they need us, and together we can prevail in the War of the Champions. I fail to see why this would anger you.”
“Virtually every move Efferin makes is another attempt to neutralize me, it has been so in the past and I have seen nothing to indicate this time will be any different,” Daniel replied.
Each person, beginning with the Queen, felt the need to explain in detail why he should trust the leaders of Aakadon, ending with Sir Tomas saying, “Powerful as you have become, you are still a young man and your blood runs hot. Our success with the help of your muster and the Aakacarn innovations you provide us is impressive compared to the string of losses Aakadon and its allies have been sustaining. That fact alone has probably convinced them you are the Champion and we must all work together. It is the only way to defeat Tarin Conn and his allies. I am sure after careful reflection on your part you will see this is so.” He and the other knights often reminded Daniel of his youth and inexperience, usually starting with the praise of his skill and ending with whatever correction they felt he needed to make.
Cleona fixed the royal gaze upon him. “Sir Daniel, it would please me if you contact Conductor Cresh and have him bring Accomplished Sander here to the palace. The presence of a representative of Aakadon at this meeting could at the least result in a truce between us and the Aakacarn leadership.”
Her words although phrased as a request were nothing short of a royal command. “It will be as you say, my Queen,” he replied.
“Sam, Cleona wishes to see Bella just as soon as you can get him here,” Daniel sent through the array.
The whip-crack sound of displaced air came from outside the door and ahead of the words, “Is this fast enough?” The smart mouth did not deserve a reply.
Bella and Samuel were escorted in under heavy guard. “I wish all of my commands could be carried out so swiftly,” Cleona remarked. “It would please us, Scholar Sander, if you would take a seat at the table and state your business,” and to Samuel, “We give our thanks to you, Conductor Cresh, for your help in this matter.”
The former Teki gave a respectful nod and said, “It is my pleasure to be of help to you and fulfill my duty to the Maestro, so no thanks, although appreciated, need be expressed. My chores are not finished so I beg your indulgence in allowing me to get back to them.”
He definitely directed those last words to Cleona; Daniel knew his old friend never used that kind of language when addressing him, “begging indulgence.”
“Your chores involve the security of my realm and so we certainly approve of you continuing with such responsibilities. After all, it is your department that most often goes after the raiders,” the Queen replied.
Samuel exited while a tall man with stooped shoulders and a long white beard approached the table. His garments were red on black silks with a hooded cloak. On each sleeve was a golden lightning bolt. The medallion on his chest had a silver bird of prey and on the belt buckle was the letters SA, Scholar of Aakadon. “I am pleased and encouraged by your agreeing to see me so soon, Majesty. Although it seems my young friend does not seem as eager. Thanks to you, Daniel, I am two hundred ninety-nine years old with the body of a two hundred ninety-eight year old,” he said with a smile.
Daniel realized he was grinning in spite of his mixed feelings. He did like this old fellow. “When you make the comparison a hundred years from now it will sound more impressive.”
Bella chuckled and sat down beside Minister Raven. “My reason for coming is simple. Daniel Benhannon has been acknowledged as the Chosen Vessel of the Creator in a unanimous vote of the seven Maestros of Aakadon,” that had to be Terroll’s work, Daniel reckoned while listening to the rest of what the elder had to say. “The Grand Maestro has also expressed his acceptance of the fact. This news is being published even as we speak. Maestro Terroll Barnes has proposed a meeting here in Ducanton to discuss terms of unification, and how we can work together on defeating Tarin Conn and his allies. Grand Maestro Efferin Tames desires this meeting to occur in ten days.”
“I do not trust him,” Daniel stated plainly.
Bella’s left eyebrow arched up. “That feeling places you on an even footing because the Grand Maestro does not trust you either. Efferin Tames has not set foot outside of Aakadon since before your mother was born and he will be at this meeting. The fact that he is willing to come here shows good faith on his part and he will require a good faith gesture from you as well.”
Here come the conditions and demands that will make any failure appear to be Daniel’s fault, he well knew. “What kind of gesture?”
“You and the First Lady will be the only Accomplisheds of the Atlantan Guild in the palace during the time of the meeting and neither of you is to have a crescendo.”
“That is not an unreasonable request, seeing as my Knight can call and have a thousand Accomplisheds here in the blink of an eye,” Cleona gave her approval, which meant Daniel had to accept it whether he liked it or not. “Clearly, there must be more to the proposal.”
Bella gave a slight nod of his head. “Emissaries from Cenkataar, Aczencopa, Serinia, Taracopa, Lobenia, and King Jaim will be included. The delegates from Aakadon will be Grand Maestro Efferin Tames, Maestro Talmon Reese, Maestro Terroll Barnes, Instructor Jason Renn, and me.”
Daniel had to admit, his nemesis chose three trustworthy men to be in on the negotiations.
Prime Minister Xan DuTobin cleared his throat, clearly to draw attention. “Majesty, no monarch has ever been so honored as to host such distinguished guests from Aakadon, and in the presence of so many world leaders. I recommend you agree to this meeting.”
It seemed too good to be true and Daniel’s mountaineer instincts were screaming, warning him of a predator on the prowl. The other ministers and his fellow knights voiced their approval and so did the Prince. “My Queen, this opportunity may not come again. For months the Grand Maestro has been making demands of us and now he acknowledges publicly that one of your Royal Knights of the Realm is the Creator’s champion, and requests a meeting with you. I too recommend that this conference take place,” Collin told his wife.
Cleona merely glanced at Daniel before focusing completely on Bella. “Scholar Sander, I accept the proposal of the Grand Maestro, and agree the meeting shall take place in ten days.”
“I will inform Maestro Reese of your consent,” Bella replied, and then stood up. “If you have no other questions, I will retire from the room and make my report.”
“Feel free to do so. Chamberlain Bercassie will assign you guest chambers here in the palace and see to any needs you may have.”
Bella nodded again and walked out the door. The Queen focused on where she left off before speaking to Daniel. “Sir William, we
will hear your report.”
Daniel sent the knight’s report into the compartment containing the other reports and thought about what just happened. Everyone but him had expressed their eagerness for the admittedly historical conference. Even with the meeting being Terroll’s idea and people Daniel trusted in the delegation, he wanted to turn down the offer, and might have if not for a certain Teki Seer. Silvia’s revelation stated that he must place his trust in the Grand Maestro. Perhaps the Vessel’s swirling of events was setting up the way for that to happen.
Chapter Twenty-one: The Biggest Mistake
Rorie closed his eyes the moment he hit the bed and found it remarkable how easy it was to fool Ersa into thinking he was going to sleep. Bedtime always came shortly after dark and for most of his life it had been a struggle of wills for him to stay up just a little bit longer. She and his parents believed his sudden willingness to go to bed without protest had to do with the excitement involved with their fleeing to Bethel, and then, within days of settling in, traveling to Ducanton for the big conference. The journey across Cenkataar had been tiring and scary but seeing this palace and knowing who all would be here filled him with curiosity, that and his discovery only added to the excitement.
“Sleep well my Prince,” Ersa spoke in his ear and walked out, leaving him tucked under the covers.
Rorie counted to one hundred and then threw the covers off, just like he had done for the last five evenings. His family had been the first to arrive for the conference and this was the big night. The meeting started a few marks ago but he could do nothing about that, other than to be glad it was supposed to last a few marks more. He remained in his night clothes, figuring he could always pretend to be sleepwalking if someone caught him out.
On the wall to the left of his bed was a vent just big enough for him to fit into. He pried the cover off and crawled inside. This palace had vents on every level, some near the ceiling and others near the floor like this one, and he had a fine time discovering where a whole lot of them went. The first day he had only gone a short distance beyond sight of his entrance, but after five days of exploration no longer feared the dark or the thought of being unable to find his way back. He knew exactly which ducts to take to get to the conference room. The prince-sized tunnels he crawled through were not completely dark, once his eyes adjusted, and he could see by the faint glow of light coming from the many other vents. He crawled through the intersections, including one where he had to drop more than half the length of his body to the next level.
He heard voices before seeing the glow as he approached the covering and then shoved a dust ball out of the way before settling into position. Peering through the grid allowed him to see most of the people seated at the table. Queen Cleona sat at the head, although Rorie could only see her from behind and the Grand Maestro of Aakadon sat at the other end. Father and mother sat to the left of the Queen, beside fat King Jaim of Ecoppia whose cheeks were puffy. Skinny Prince Kelvin of Aczencopa had a beard like Father and Prince Luther of Serinia had shaved off the hair on his light brown face since the last time Rorie saw him. The four Aakacarns to the left of the Serinian wore their scarlet on black silks with the hoods down.
Father had told him the white-haired man was a Scholar of Aakadon and almost three hundred years old, and the balding man next to him with hair the color of sand was an Instructor. After them, were the Maestros, Terroll Barnes of the Zephyr Guild and Talmon Reese, wearing a gold crown. The Talmon Reese, Maestro of the Eagle Guild and the Accomplished Rorie always pretended to be whenever playing Eagles and Rogues. How could anyone expect him to sleep when some of the greatest spell-casters in the world were seven turns to the left, eight to the right, and just one floor down from his room?
To the right of Queen Cleona sat Prince Collin, Prime Minister DuTobin, Queen Clarees of Lobenia, and thirteen year-old Prince Lauren Van Efery of Taracopa, third in line for the throne, and beside the Taracopian sat a gray-haired minister, serving as his advisor. His big brothers were probably off fighting the war and so the King sent him, even though his smooth cheeks did not need a razor, no more than Rorie’s.
The woman with the yellow-gold hair and wearing blue silks was Sherree Jenna, First Lady of the Atlantan Guild. The man beside her confused him. Daniel Benhannon was wearing the uniform of a Ducaunan Royal Knight of the Realm and a gold circlet on his head, as did his wife. Rorie did not understand how the man went from being called the dark Maestro to being declared the Chosen Vessel of the Creator by the leaders of Aakadon. Even more remarkable and confusing, the man actually went out of his way to greet an eight year old boy and a little girl earlier in the day, especially since all of the other adults mostly ignored Rorie and Briella.
Everyone was looking at Efferin Tames and listening to him. No one was smiling or showing any sign of pleasure. He had the kind of voice that made a person want to sit up and pay attention; one that promised a scolding to anyone who failed to do so.
“Therefore, we must be united in this effort. One way or another, this night, we will settle our differences. You have explained the departmental structure of your guild and I can see where some of your members can easily make the transition to working under the authority of the seven legitimate guilds of Aakadon, after teaching them proper discipline. Surely you see the need for a unified command?” The Grand Maestro stated as if only a baby would fuss over what he just said.
“I thought we were here to discuss how we can work with you, not for you?” the First Lady of the Atlantan Guild replied, without a trace of the nervousness Rorie was feeling.
“You and your husband have broken so many laws of Aakadon that I am not surprised you would subscribe to such a ridiculous notion. An orchestra can have only one conductor,” the Grand Maestro told her in the same tone of voice Rorie received whenever Father or Mother determined he had said or done something foolish.
“It is only right that you submit to the leaders of Aakadon, and make for us those Aakacarn weapons you created, that way we can battle the Serpents on a more even footing,” Prince Kelvin gave his opinion, although he directed his comment toward Daniel rather than Sherree.
“The kind of weapons that can shoot down those confounded skyships,” Father added, which Rorie also thought would be a good thing. Those flying melons were scary.
“After submitting to the leadership of Aakadon, your expertise will be essential in winning back Ecoppia from my brother and his unholy allies,” King Jaim stated in a deep resonate voice.
The Grand Maestro stared directly at Daniel Benhannon, ignoring what was said by the King, Prince and Father, whom Rorie had never seen anyone ignore. The ruler of Aakadon spoke only to one person. “It has been decreed that the Chosen Vessel must work with us and in a manner befitting an Accomplished of Aakadon. Surely you did not expect we would tolerate your unconscionable behavior. I am giving you this one opportunity to dissolve your illegitimate guild and submit yourself to our laws. Of course this also means resigning your commission as a Royal Knight of the Realm of Ducaun, and the annulment of the indecent relationship you now have with Sherree Jenna. Your status as the Chosen Vessel is the only reason you will not be imprisoned for your crimes.”
His statement brought protests from Queen Cleona, Prince Collin, and surprisingly Queen Clarees. The Ducaunans did not want to give up their spell-casting knight, and the Queen whose mountain was supposedly stolen was on his side. Oddly, Prince Luther also argued against the Grand Maestro’s ideas.
The First Lady’s hand shot out as if she was about to throw something but was grabbed hold of by Daniel Benhannon. Rorie was sure the seven-bolt Accomplished was going to yell, and so was surprised when the man started laughing. He regained his composure and spoke calmly. “I can see why you allowed Scholar Sander, Instructor Renn, and Maestro Barnes to do most of the talking in the first few marks, giving all the pretty speeches about cooperation and defeating the Serpent Guild. And I like how Maestro Reese spoke of the responsibilities that go wi
th my being the Chosen Vessel. If you had spoken first this meeting would have been over almost from the start. Unlike many of the distinguished individuals seated at this table, I have no talent for diplomacy, so I ask, is this the starting point from which the true negotiations are to begin? If it is not, then you have just wasted the time of every person in this room.”
“I came because only a fool fights more than one war at a time. I am not in a position to overcome the Serpent Guild and its allies, so resolving our differences must come first. I assure you, coming here is not a waste of my time, and I do not intend to return to Aakadon until this matter between us is settled,” the Grand Maestro replied.
Rorie was unsure whether or not Efferin Tames answered the question. Was his reply to Daniel a yes or a no?
The Maestro of the Atlantan Guild shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll take that answer as a definite maybe. You have stated your position and so now I will state mine; the Atlantan Guild will not be dissolved, my people will not be subject to you, I will not resign the knighthood bestowed upon me by Queen Cleona, and my marriage to Sherree is for life. We can work together in the same way I worked with Maestro Reese to achieve victory at Mount Shantear.”
Efferin Tames chuckled and shook his head. “Daniel, Daniel, you amuse me. I remember how that arrangement worked out well for you and not so much for Maestro Reese. You claimed the base and sent him back to Aakadon as a lord dismisses a workman after the job is finished and not even with a gratuity for the services rendered.”
“He did so because you broke the arrangement by ordering Maestro Reese to arrest him,” Sherree Jenna responded in a tone that sounded like a scolding.
King Jaim and Prince Kelvin began shouting at her while Father and Mother silently exchanged glances, and Queen Clarees gave up speaking when it was clear her voice could not be heard over the others. The Maestro and First Lady of the Atlantan Guild were totally focused on the Grand Maestro, so did not notice when the Maestros and the Instructor suddenly had batons in their hands. Bright beams of light shot out from the tips and those from the Zephyrs wrapped around Daniel and Sherree like ropes, binding their arms to the sides. The light from Maestro Reese split between the two captives and they began to glow in the classic way an Eagle shields off the Potential of a Rogue. While the two were staring open-mouthed at the breaking of the truce, the Grand Maestro also cast a spell from his baton, the beam split, shooting into the foreheads of the couple.
To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 55