To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 59

by John Buttrick

  “I have absolutely no hard feelings towards you, my old friend. Sherree and our daughter were never in danger,” Daniel replied.

  “What?” Efferin blurted, evidently he was still under the misguided belief he had succeeded in stopping the pregnancy.

  Daniel merely glanced at him. “Be glad, it is the only reason you are alive,” and then looked up at the vent. “Prince Rorie, it is safe to come down now.”

  The cover popped off and a face appeared just as the grill clattered to the tiles. “It is too high for me. The one in my room is by the floor.”

  Sherree summoned potential and levitated him out of the vent and down onto the floor. “My spell is not actually touching him. Daniel, you threw a shield on him,” she correctly surmised.

  Rorie’s eyes widened “You protected me?”

  Daniel bent down on one knee. “Everyone else heeded the warning Maestro Reese gave about aggressive spells being focused here. He was correct and you should have listened.”

  “And miss watching Eagles and Rogues being played out for real?” Rorie asked without a trace of concern.

  Prince Collin entered first and then Queen Cleona, who was followed by the other delegates. “Rorie Kadeem KaTaar, what are you doing in here?” Queen Berona demanded of her son, triggering concern in his eyes, especially as her tone sharpened. “What have you been crawling in? Your bed clothes are filthy.”

  The Queen of Cenkataar quickly ushered her boy out and down the hall while the King remained in the conference room. Cleona eyed Efferin, Terroll, Jason, Talmon, and Bella. “I did tell you, Scholar Sander, when I accepted the Grand Maestro’s terms that Sir Daniel would still be able to call in the Atlantan Guild.”

  Bella gave a nod of agreement. “You did and I took note of the fact, which is doubtless why I am the only one from the Aakadon delegation who is not currently being held captive.”

  Daniel gave a quick report of what was happening, including the battles at New Oben, the Benhannon Northland Holding, Shantear, in the streets of Ducanton, and ending with, “Maestro Reese cooperated in ordering a cease to all hostilities here and at the mountain. Accomplisheds from the Health Department will be here shortly to restore the injured and members of the Design and Development Department will be assigned to repair the damage to the city.”

  By the time he finished his report, Leah and Chas entered the conference room along with Silvia, David, and Carlos. “Maestro, the Accomplisheds of Aakadon are holding their positions in the streets leading to the palace. I hope your influence extends to persuading Talmon to order a complete withdrawal of forces, otherwise evicting them will be costly on both sides,” the First Accomplished told him after a quick visual assessment of the captives and a nod of satisfaction. “All commerce and civic activities in the city have ceased and people are wisely staying wherever they were when the invasion occurred, but that does not guarantee their safety should the battle resume.”

  Cleona walked over and stood in front of Efferin. “Grand Maestro, you violated the terms of the truce, have invaded my capitol, and brought harm to my subjects. Your presence in Ducaun is no longer welcome and I insist you vacate Ducanton tonight and be on your way out of my realm at dawn.”

  She turned to the other monarchs and representatives. “You are all still guests of my kingdom and welcome to stay and negotiate how our realms can cooperate with each other in the war effort, apart from the Accomplisheds of Aakadon. Sir Daniel, we are pleased by how you once again overcame and prevailed against our foes.”

  Queen Clarees walked up to Leah. “First Accomplished, I give you thanks on behalf of Lobenia for repelling the raid on my capitol,” she stated and then glanced at Efferin before continuing. “The Atlantan Guild has been a great help, unlike the Aakacarns we originally placed our trust in.”

  Leah gave the traditional nod of respect. The focus of her eyes flicked from Silvia, to Daniel, and then back to the Queen. “Thanks are not necessary. Earning your trust is reward enough.”

  “Queen Cleona, our compliance with your insistence that we withdraw from Ducanton will only be honored when your Knight releases us,” Efferin stated, rudely interrupting the conversation.

  She turned. “Sir Daniel, I believe the First Lady can represent the Atlantan Guild in this meeting. You are to escort these Aakacarns out of my palace and see to it they depart from this city.”

  Daniel smiled. “Majesty, it will be as you say.”

  “I did not mean only from his custody. I also meant from the shields he has placed on us and a reversal of the Silencing,” Efferin added as if he actually had the upper hand.

  Cleona smiled at the Grand Maestro. “I believe it was you who decided Silencing to be the best method for eliminating a rival. My order stands and he will carry it out as he see fit.”

  Efferin’s brows drew down in anger. “Then the Eagles and Solars will not be leaving this city.”

  Energy flowed from Leah and the Grand Maestro’s jaw locked shut. “Maestro Reese, since Efferin Tames has no more to say in the matter, what do you say?” the First Accomplished inquired.

  Talmon looked to Daniel, who casually lifted the diamond-bladed knife in his direction, before making his reply. “I say enough damage has been done and it is time for us to go back to Aakadon.”

  “Come this way,” Daniel said to his captives while lowering the knife and waving his arm towards the door.

  Sherree sat back down at the table along with the other delegates and Daniel exited the room. Bella and Leah walked by his side, followed by David and Silvia. Chas, Carlos, and Sero took up the rear behind the soon-to-be-released captives.

  “When will people learn? Daniel Benhannon is the Chosen Vessel and the choices are to join him, step aside, or be ruined.” The Teki Seer’s voice carried up and down the hall.

  “I suspect when the war is over, at least for the ones walking behind us,” David replied.

  Daniel pondered the question and answer as they proceeded through the halls and out into the courtyard. “Silvia, I can think of no set of circumstances that will allow me to ever trust Efferin again, revelation or no. It looks like I have no choice but to oppose Tarin Conn without the help of the Accomplisheds of Aakadon.” He called back, not caring the captives heard every word.

  The Seer came forward, momentarily taking hold of his hand to get his attention, even though he could not feel it through the shield, his or hers. “I know it seems impossible at the moment and yet my revelation cannot be ignored,” she insisted.

  He was in no mood to continue the discussion, not with members of his association still locked in battle. Daniel stopped, “I have not forgotten what you have seen and what must be,” he assured her and turned, facing Leah. “My chore here is done. Bella can be our guest at the Benhannon Estate if he chooses, but I want you to be sure Cleona’s order is carried out.”

  “It will be as you say,” Leah replied. “Chas and I will meet you in the morning, after the Accomplisheds of Aakadon set sail for home.”

  Daniel nodded and stepped away from the group. Silvia, David, Sero, and Carlos went with him. A whip-crack of displaced air announced the arrival of Simon. “Sherree filled me in on what happened in the conference room and I am seeing the results all over the city. What would you have me do?”

  “You’ll see. Carlos, will you convey us, including my Chief Aid, to the Northland Holding? We have some friends who need help and healing.”

  The three-bolt Accomplished gave a respectful nod of the head. “I will,” he said and then cast the spell, taking them into the void between here and there.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: A Revelation Fulfilled

  Terroll Barnes had hoped to be alone on the evening of the tenth day, figuring it was within Daniel’s power to decide the punishment for betrayal should last longer, and a failed attempt to focus potential beyond the shield was better experienced in private. Instead, Terroll sat in the conference room in the ruby pyramid, hoping the Del Segno would negate the Da Capo, whil
e the Grand Maestro and all of the other Maestros stared at him. No one but an Aakasear would or could compose a Melody that included a Del Segno, since it had never been done before, according to the extensive historical archives of Aakadon, and so everyone was curious.

  Jason Renn sat off to the side, his presence being tolerated only because of the part he played in the delegation, and his having been shielded. Bella Sander could have been here if he hadn’t chosen to visit the Benhannon Estate. Terroll had not yet decided whether acceptance of the invitation was the Scholar’s idea or Talmon’s, either way it provided the means to communicate directly with the Atlantan Guild. The invitation might have been Daniel’s way of signaling his willingness to give Aakadon another chance. But knowing him, the gesture could have been made because he respected Bella, and the opportunity for future communications with Aakadon was merely a side effect.

  “Maestro Barnes, what are you going to do if the shield on your potential still remains?” Runyen inquired. “It is possible the champion has trapped the four of you in the same way he did Tarin Conn and the only way of escape is death.”

  “I will resign in favor of Rondara Kapes. She will exercise better judgment and wisely not challenge the Creator’s champion,” Terroll replied without saying, no matter who orders her to do so. “Daniel was within his right to do far worse to me and I accept my punishment as being no less than I deserve. My question is has what we have done ruined any hope of our earning his trust again?”

  “The Chosen Vessel is responsible for the deaths of eight Accomplisheds of the Stone Guild, him and his policy of using lethal force,” David Svennar stated.

  Lena Beyers looked him in the eyes. “They drowned after tunneling into a huge spell-formed lake and without a single spell being cast at them. Their deaths were tragic to be sure, but not a result of hostile Melodies. Hundreds of my associates were injured at Shantear and then offered healing after the ceasing of hostilities. Many of my Coronas reported severely wounding members of the Atlantan Guild and causing deaths. Maestro Reese has reported the same concerning the Soarers who fought in Ducanton. Blood has been shed on both sides and consequently, trust will be hard to come by. Repairing the breach between us and the Creator’s champion will be difficult under the current circumstances and quite possibly beyond our ability to mend at all.”

  “I did warn about this possibility, that following the Grand Maestro’s plan could lead us to battling the Chosen Vessel,” Runyen did not resist reminding everyone. “We should all probably resign after the way we handled Daniel Benhannon from the start. We failed to recognize him as being the champion and were relieved when he was Silenced by Efferin. We, with the possible exception of Maestro Barnes, were more concerned about the powerful young Accomplished choosing one of our guilds and challenging us for the leadership. My fellow Maestros, we agreed to practically every measure the Grand Maestro proposed to restrain him after breaking the Silencing. Maestro Barnes is not the only one among us who exercised poor judgment.”

  Efferin had remained perfectly still the entire evening, not even so much as tapping his fingers on the table, and spoke only when asked a direct question, until now. “Maestro Cransur, I am gladden by the fact you remember one of the very few times you disagreed with my policies toward Daniel Benhannon and recognize your own fault in what has taken place. Tell me, will you be resigning before or after Maestro Barnes, who has at least made preparations to do so?”

  “Talk of resignations is premature,” Talmon spoke up before Runyen could give an answer. “If Daniel Benhannon is a man of his word, Maestro Barnes will soon be free of restraint, and I may be as well.”

  Jason’s fate had been left up to Sherree Jenna. She only promised to release him after her fury abated and Terroll had no idea when that would occur.

  “Well said,” Lena gave her approval.

  “Have the Atlantans released our Accomplisheds at Shantear who went to them for healing?” Janna Barroon asked.

  “Yes, those who have been healed are now with our people and on their way up the Joren River. We anticipate no trouble while within Lobenia or on the final leg of the journey through Ducaun on the Hirus. The challenge will be traveling through Battencay and the Taltin Sea where our Accomplisheds may potentially have to battle Serpents every span of the way,” Talmon verified what Terroll suspected.

  Janna gave a small smile, clearly pleased about the release. “Maestro Benhannon’s willingness to allow them to leave unconditionally is a good sign. I suppose it is too much to hope his guild would provide help through those dangerous stretches.”

  This was the first time any of the Maestros referred to Daniel as being a legitimate Maestro deserving of the title and it was bold of her to speak of him so in this meeting and in front of Efferin.

  Geran DuSorin choked out a laugh. “The Atlantan Guild, by all I can learn, is battling the Serpent Guild on many fronts, and is unlikely to draw resources away from those areas to help another enemy, which is what we have made ourselves out to be,” he paused, closing his eyes, and then looked directly at Terroll. “Maestro Barnes, it has been exactly two hundred forty marks since Daniel Benhannon imposed his sentence upon you. This would be a good time to make an attempt to cast a spell.”

  Terroll closed his eyes while thinking of the Melody, Potential, playing the notes in his mind and focused outward. “Clearly, Benhannon is a man of his word,” Talmon stated, alerting Terroll to the success before opening his eyes.

  Each person in the room was glowing in potential and Terroll was surprised at the powerful sense of relief that suddenly filled him. “Daniel has forgiven me,” he spoke softly.

  “But apparently not I,” Talmon said grimly and yet with no sign of being surprised.

  Jason floated up off his chair. “Sherree is no longer angry with me. Up until she overcame my shield, I had no idea how formidable that young Accomplished could be.”

  Terroll had a feeling the crescendo she used did more than resemble the one possessed by Daniel. “I am pleased she has relented. This would be a good time for you to share your joy with our fellow Zephyrs.”

  “Of course, Maestro, I will go immediately,” the Instructor replied and quickly exited.

  Terroll knew that Daniel proving to be a man of his word gave Talmon hope to believe he would eventually be released from constraint, yet it boded poorly for Efferin. The man’s future was at stake and the odds were against him. Terroll released the potential for the spell and wondered who would be the first to propose what had to come next.

  Lena’s gaze settled briefly on the Grand Maestro. The set of her eyes and brow reflected sadness, which vanished after she took a deep breath and focused on her peers. “Efferin Tames is unable to perform the duties required of the individual holding the office of Grand Maestro. I propose we, the Maestros of Aakadon, vote to remove him from office and select a new Grand Maestro from among us. ”

  Efferin glared at her. “Moments ago you agreed with Maestro Reese that talk of resignations is premature.”

  Lena nodded, acknowledging the fact. “That was before Daniel Benhannon proved to be a man of his word and removed the restraint on Maestro Barnes. Sherree Jenna has removed the restraint on Instructor Renn and Maestro Reese can be confident he will also be freed in the near future. You, however, have no such hope. We are at war with the Serpent Guild and you have been Silenced and unable to remember your repertoire. Aakadon needs a strong leader who can conduct the kinds of Grand Symphonies that will be required in the days and months to come. Someone must be able to wield the spells restricted to your office.”

  “Benhannon said Maestro Barnes has the ability to reverse the Silencing. Terroll, you can free me,” Efferin said, while extending a hand in his direction.

  Terroll decided to answer in spite of the fact it was considered impolite to inquire about the specific Melodies in the repertoire of another Accomplished. “It is the first spell he composed and the one that reversed the Silencing imposed upon me by G
erard DeCamp. The problem is I can only wield four bolts of potential, eight with my most powerful crescendo, and I am sure Daniel used fourteen.”

  Efferin turned to the other Maestros. “Benhannon needs Aakadon to achieve victory and he must know this. Within the terms of cooperation can be his reversing of the Silencing and lifting of the restraints upon myself and Maestro Reese.” The man included Talmon as if he actually cared about him, and perhaps he did.

  Runyen began shaking his head before opening his mouth to speak. “The amulet given to Accomplished Galloway by Daniel Benhannon stopped working some short time after the Battle of Shantear, but the one given to the Senior Forester by Simon Trenca is still active,” he said, revealing yet another means of communicating with the Atlantans. “Barnabas has been in contact with the Chief Aid every day since you returned to Aakadon and the answer is always the same; The Shield on the Grand Maestro’s potential will remain indefinitely. Simon Trenca interprets that to mean for life and I believe the same is true of Maestro Benhannon,” Terroll was pleased by another Maestro referring to Daniel by title and nodded while Runyen continued. “I will refrain from the rest of Trenca’s commentary and make my point. Releasing you is nonnegotiable. The fact is we really cannot win this war without the Chosen Vessel and so we would be foolish to make liberating you a prerequisite to an alliance. He cannot trust you to deal in good faith. He cannot trust any deal negotiated by a Maestro, because you could nullify it the way you did the agreement between he and Maestro Reese. After you compelled Talmon, Terroll, and the Instructor to attack him, I doubt Daniel would even agree to meet with any of us so long as you hold the office of Grand Maestro.”

  “I second the proposal made by Maestro Beyers,” Janna Barroon ended the debate and made the vote inevitable.

  “You cannot go through with this,” Efferin insisted. “No Maestro has challenged me and I call on rule thirty-two, subsection three.”


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