The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid Page 6

by Peter Green

The High King Antiem had departed this mortal coil. His soul had moved through the veil and joined the enlightened ones. He always fought the good fight. Sceine felt his presence looking on the gathering of family, friends and yes, foe.

  The provinces of the island of destiny now had ruling princes and a princess … Sceine of the Western Province, and High Priestess of Tuatha and representative of the enlightened ones, The Guardians of Light.

  The princes, her brothers, knelt in deference to the High Priestess, their partners beside them.MacCuacht with Eiru, MacGreinne with Fodha, and MacCuill with Banba.

  The mortal representatives of the Sidhe prayed for her and blessed her with the magical powers of the spirit world. Antiem looked on from beyond the veil and smiled…

  The cooling mists in the valley seemed to part as a last gesture of the day. The distant views beyond the mountains and to the infinite ocean began to colour with reflective golds and deep rich ambers. Nature commemorates the passing of a great king and a good soul.

  The new day would see a new order, a new regime. How would the new way be without the steadying hand of Antiem? MacCuacht felt the power in the new blood coursing through the veins of Tuatha.

  Sceine was conscious of change, and the darkness rising…

  The royal gathering travelled to the east this day, across their lands and to the spiritual home, the Temple of Xhara. This would be an investiture of Sceine as High Priestess of Tuatha. The word was out…

  The road to the Temple was lined by a joyous populous, Priests in religious regalia, warriors in full armour, children waving flags, everyone cheering Sceine on.

  Prayers were given, sacred incantations offered by the earthly representatives of the Sidhe, clad in white linen, their faces covered by the cloaked hoods, mysterious and otherworldly. Once more Sceine could feel Antiem’s presence, guiding her and welcoming her to this sacred place. Here the veil between the mortal realm and the spirit world was so thin as to be almost nothing.

  Sceine was dressed in a beautifully elegant white linen dress, decorated with gold thread. She felt empowered, strengthened, wonderfully alive and energetic. Her priesthood walked with her as she climbed the steps to the Temple, and was taken to an ornate chair at the entrance to the Temple, the gateway to the spirit world. The priesthood, her family and her people knelt before her. She was conscious of MacCuacht, she knew he resented her father’s decision to give her the Western Province, and more vehemently resented that she was High Priestess, and the powers that gave her.

  However, he knew he was next in line…

  Sceine felt her powers growing the longer she was at the Temple of Xhara, the veil was so close…

  She listened intently to her brothers acclaiming her as the High Priestess. Her powers of insight and clairvoyance so heightened now, she knew from this moment that she will never be able to trust MacCuacht again.

  The Priests of Xhara raised a silver chalice, filled with the purest water from the holy well, to her lips. New powers surged and coursed through her body as she sipped the sacred fluid.

  The priests chanted in unison, “Is she welcome!?”

  The gathered throng replied, “Yes!!!”

  “Is she the High Priestess of Xhara!?” the priests questioned the crowd.

  “Yes!!!” answered the excited gathering, strongly, loudly and clearly.

  “And so it shall be!!” with this the priests circled Sceine, each one anointing her forehead with the purest holy water.

  Sceine closed her eyes. She could sense a spiritual and energetic connection with the spirit world.

  She could feel her dear departed father looking serenely down on her.

  She could feel the connection with the divine Guardians of Light. Sceine had become a conduit to the spirit world. She felt the life giving force and the power of goodness flowing through her.

  Overwhelmed and overcome, she steadied herself, and sat in the ornate ceremonial chair.

  An exquisite amber pendant on a long, graceful silver chain was placed around her neck. “The Pendant of Xhara!” she exclaimed. The pendant reflected her rich amber eyes.

  She noticed a fleck grew in the amber pendant, a mirror image of the endearing and beautifully shaped fleck in the iris of her right eye.

  Sceine also noticed as her gaze fell upon her brother MacCuacht, the fleck in the pendant grew in size, and deepened in darkness. The Pendant of Xhara confirmed her suspicions that MacCuacht did indeed channel the dark Sidhe through the veil.

  The Priests of the Temple of Xhara joined Sceine in prayer. They prayed for the people of Tuatha.

  They prayed for an eternal equilibrium to be maintained between the mortal realm and the spirit world.

  The High Priestess and the Priests of Xhara were the mortal representatives of The Guardians of Light.

  The Guardians of Light journeyed from the spirit world through the veil bringing life giving radiant light to the mortal realm. They were the pure ones, the good Sidhe.

  The Priests of the Temple of Xhara were only too aware that events, natural or manipulated could unleash the dark power of the Sidhe. The annals of the Tuathans were interspersed with periods of dark and light. Cyclically and periodically there were dark ages where the veil had been thinned and breached. These cycles were growing more frequent, the dark ages longer. With each dark cycle civilisation, culture and heritage were affected. Morality, creativity and spirituality were all threatened.

  The priests warned of an event that could irretrievably breach the veil and place the enlightened world in darkness and despair.

  The priests took Sceine deep into the Temple, away from earthly distractions. This was a time for contemplation and meditation. The Guardians of Light came through the veil and accompanied her to the inner sanctum where her induction continued. Amazingly, deep in the Inner Sanctum grew a beautifully formed tree, The Tree of Life, a universal symbol of truth and enlightenment found in most earthly religions and cultures. Here in The Temple of Xhara, the Tree of Life was the conduit between the mortal realm and the spirit world.

  Sceine was guided to a natural hollow in the midst of spiralling roots. The Priests of Xhara gathered around her chanting, calling all enlightened beings from all the provinces to unite together in the common cause. The cycle of life was turning. The enlightened ones must be united in thought and spirit.

  Sceine and the High Priests communed with the Guardians of Light across the veil. Together they sent a message warning of a dark nemesis that threatened the way of the light. They called upon all the enlightened beings to face this nemesis, to confront the dark forces, before it is too late.

  The cycle of life turns remorselessly and time is of the essence…



  A roseate tern skimmed and soared, chasing the updraught of each cresting and surging wave, dipping occasionally without hesitation to pluck a briny morsel from the ocean larder, skimming, soaring, dipping to the northern horizon. Amergin watched this plucky, hardy yet delicate and fragile sea bird in total mastery of the elements as it skilfully winged its way over the vast ocean, a lone messenger, daring to confront the forces of nature with total confidence and acceptance.

  “This is the way!” shouted Amergin, “Xomas call the Council of Elders together. I believe I have found a way!” The conches sounded across the raft of vessels, still gently drifting in the Southerly breeze and ocean currents.

  Each captain of each vessel, the tribal leaders, the royal party of Scota, Milidh, Eiremhou, Eimbear, and the representatives of the Chapter of Mystics, including the sinister High Priest Gonne, and Terese of the Xantha, leader of the amazonian warriors, made their way to the deck of the flagship.

  Terese stood next to Bith, one of the representatives of the Chapter of Mystics. She sensed in him a good being, one of the enlightened ones. They acknowledged one another and turned to watch Amergin as he arrived at the helm.

  Amergin embraced his family in turn. All were full
of gratitude and thanks for having survived the challenges this far. Scota spoke quietly to Amergin, “My son you are proving to be the true champion and the bravest of leaders. You must be aware of the messages and warnings that are permeating through the veil. Be wise and be sure of your next move. We are being summoned by the Guardians of Light. We are being beckoned to the promised land.”

  “Mother I know this, and in answer to this call, I propose to send an emissary to meet the representatives of the Tuatha in the promised-land. Their response and actions will guide us along the right path, giving us time to regather our strength and resources.”

  Amergin turned to his loyal subjects, greeting them and hailing their success so far, “My loyal and brave people, you have endured grave and testing challenges. Your resolve and courage is immeasurable. You must be aware that the greatest challenges are yet to come. For this reason I have decided to send emissaries to test the way for us. I ask for volunteers to go deep in to world of the Tuatha and assess the forces of dark that are gathering…”

  Terese of the Xantha and Bith of the Chapter of Mystics stepped forward immediately, in unison. Amergin smiled, recognising in these two a powerful and synergistic combination.

  Terese’s powers of clairvoyance and finely tuned senses would complement and enhance the magical and spiritual powers of Bith.

  Bith, a longstanding priest with the Chapter of Mystics had the foresight and vision to undertake such an arduous journey. He had witnessed and learned much as he journeyed with the Milesian tribes, on a course of invasion through successive Mediterranean countries. It is said that his ancestry goes back to the original tribes of Noah. His bloodline is so strong that his fellow priests have declared over time that he is a living manifestation of the prophecy. Amergin knew that Bith was a perfect choice. He had total confidence in him.

  Terese of the Xantha was also an ideal choice. Her powers had been refined and strengthened over time by the best teacher, Scota.

  Amergin addressed the gathering once more, “If you are all in agreement then Bith and Terese will lead the way for us. They will take our vanguard to the promised-land, to our island of destiny. Please support them and give them the crew and resources they need. We will adjourn and meet at sunrise to send our brave ones into the unknown, may the Great Spirit bring them back safely!”

  Amergin instructed Eiremhou and Eimbear to help select the crew and make the vessel ready for the journey.

  Scota, Milidh, Bith and Terese joined Amergin below deck. Amergin was disturbed to see the Machiavellian high priest Gonne, talking to Eimbear. Instinctively the hackles on the back of his neck rose. He wondered how they were conniving and conspiring?

  Amergin knew the powers of the dark Sidhe were gathering…

  These before him are the purest of the pure. They all knew the urgency of their quest.

  They were being called by the Guardians of Light, messages sent through the veil, to come soon, and at all costs. Scota and Milidh were deep in conversation, “You are aware of the imminent threat my son. Our tribe, our nation and the promised-land are all in grave danger. If Bith and Terese fail in their mission, then you must be prepared for the onslaught to come. You and I must go deep in to the earthly portals, join with the spirit world, journey beyond the veil, and commune with the Guardians of Light.”

  Amergin looked in to his mother’s eyes. He studied the countenance of this magical and inspiring woman, “I am resolved to do this dear mother. By the will of the Great Spirit I will be ready!”

  Amergin reinforced this, “I have felt the connection through the veil already. I have been called by an enlightened, beautiful being, a kindred spirit who I feel I am destined to be with. The Guardians of Light will bring us together. Only then will the prophecy be fulfilled!”

  Scota held her sons hand, sensing the power and strength of will coursing through his veins, “Good my son! We will go now to meet the others, to ensure the best are being selected for the vanguard. After this we will pray together. We will commune with the Guardians of Light and travel deep beyond the veil!”

  A strange sort of democracy was at work in the selection of the vanguard. Each named five, the brief being to blend marine skills with those of the warrior. The vanguard would have to be the most potent force. The vanguard needed to represent the enlightenment of the purest Milesian, and have the strength, courage and wisdom to face the dark powers of the spirit world.

  Eimbear and Gonne chose the same crew, the outcome already being influenced by the dark Sidhe.

  Scota pointed this out to Amergin. He responded by saying, “Better the devil you know!”

  Bith and Terese will have the wisdom to use this knowledge to their advantage. They will be able to see the workings of the dark Sidhe first hand.”

  “A calculated risk” Scota retorted. Decisions were made and Bith, priest of the Chapter of Mystics and Terese of the Xantha were informed of their crew. They were satisfied that they had a potent force.

  “Tomorrow at sunset!” declared Amergin, “Your journey commences!”

  He studied the gently heaving, glistening ocean… A roseate tern skimmed, soared and dipped… a lone messenger heading north confronting the unknown…

  The chosen few, the emissaries of Milesia, would reconvene on the vessel “Fintan” at sunset, in readiness for a dawn sailing.

  The Chapter of Mystics performed a ceremonial blessing of the vessel to prepare them for their sojourn into the unknown. Bith, as a priest of the Chapter of Mystics, and now as the messenger for his nation, led the ceremony, chanting sacred verse, welcoming the spirits of the ocean to be one with the vessel Fintan and her crew. “Give them safe passage, and find sanctuary in the new land.”

  Terese and her Xantha looked on, and chanted in chorus with the priests from the Chapter of Mystics, and those assembled, “Great Spirit hear us, defend us from evil, lead us safely to our destiny, bring peace to our people and the new world!”

  Bith and Terese knelt before Milidh and Scota to receive a royal blessing. Milidh pronounced “Go safely and go in peace!” Scota continued, “May the Guardians of Light look over you on this perilous journey.” Amergin embraced both Bith and Terese. “Go now. Be ready and may the Great Spirit protect you both!”

  He knew how important they both were to the cause of Milesia.

  They looked at each other and then to Amergin… They sensed a powerful connection to the spirit world and the Guardians of Light. They were being called. They were fighting for the cause of the Light.

  Amergin inspired them with the words, “You will be like an arrow shot from the light, to penetrate the veil and enlighten a darkening world. Go my brave ones, go!”

  Bith and Terese boarded the ship. Amergin watched, his gaze drawn to the horizon.

  As they disappeared into the gunnels of the vessel, a gust of southerly breeze wrapped around him, seeming to whisper, “Amergin I am with you, I await your emissaries… be patient we will soon meet…”

  Sensing his destiny, he was visibly shaken. He came back to reality… as the first of many shooting stars that night flashed across the northern horizon…

  Under the clear starlit sky, Amergin sat in quiet meditation on the prow of the flagship. Minutes blurred in to hours. Scota sat next to him. She began to chant in the language of the ancients. Strange guttural, hypnotic tones, combined with the steady slow undulations of the ocean, drew Amergin deeper and deeper into a world of constellations, deeper and deeper into a heavenly cosmos. Dimension upon dimension, sliding, warping, weaving, morphing… He became aware of his hand being held… Who!?...

  Scota continued to chant… trance inducing, taking him deeper… the gentle Southerly breeze wrapping sensuously around him… a hand caressed his, guiding him, taking him… away from the ship, high above the ocean.

  A soft, glowing, amber radiance from another dimension … a veil of mist, of spectral energy… gossamer soft, sensuous and caressing… His heart, head and soul were energised… taken to
a blissful, overwhelming, orgasmic state… his body sensuously wrapped by a veil of pure, radiant, loving and enlightening energy . His hand caressed once more, being guided and drawn into a dimension beyond the veil…”My love, I am your destiny. The Guardians of Light give us their blessing… We will be together soon… and so it is written… and is in the stars…”

  Amergin felt his hand being squeezed tightly. This time it was Scota. Scota realised the affinity that Amergin had with the Guardians of Light. She also sensed the sacred feminine entity that called him over the Northern horizon.

  Scota was reminded of her own life journey, and how she was destined to meet Milidh, “You have found your spiritual soul mate Amergin, the bond is so strong, the draw irresistible. I can sense that. But now, this morning, you must send your brothers and sisters to meet their fate!”

  Amergin arrived at the Fintan just as the mooring ropes were being untied. Sails unfurled, the vessel straining to break free from its tethers.

  Amergin gave a hearty encouragement to Bith, Terese and the crew, “May you have fair weather and the good grace of the sea gods.” He embraced Bith and Terese, “You will be in our hearts and the Guardians of Light will be watching over you.”

  For all the bravado of this impressive, if rapidly assembled crew, the tension was palpable. The time for planning done, each went about their tasks. Mariners, warriors, side by side, all for the cause, the fulfilment of the prophecy…

  Amergin helped to untie the gangplank … they were away! The vessel set free, unleashed. The sails filled, Fintan soon leaned in to the freshening breeze. Amergin raised his hand to salute them, “Farewell my brave ones… to a safe return…”

  A lone roseate tern soared and dipped in the cresting wake of the vessel… they would have company while they headed north…

  Bith checked their bearings, making sure the heading was correct, navigating by the sun and the stars.

  The sun was now risen and warming the faces of the crew. Encouraging them onwards, they were all transparently clear about the nature of their journey. They were the pioneers, the adventurers, the explorers.The vanguard venturing in to the unknown.


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