The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid Page 19

by Peter Green

  Scota called Jansis, one of her lead crewman, to her side. They both peered in to the gloom at the cave wall. Huge red sandstone slabs and massive blocks of igneous granite were jumbled and heaped at the base of the cave wall, the result of a recent rock slide. The fault line responsible for the resultant land slip had taken away half of the cave wall and any obvious access point.

  Scota instantly instructed Jansis to select a group of the best climbers to scale the rock slide. They took torches with them, shedding light into the high cave. Pointing into the gloom, “Go there… I see a passage way! The smoke disappears!”

  Jansis and his climbers tackled the shattered rock and jumbled slabs. They were dwarfed by the scale of the land slip. Their torches began to flicker in a strengthening updraught, the light picking the deep reds of the sandstone, and now the crystalline reflections of a vein of igneous granite. An ethereal glow emanated from the vein of quartz, “Milidh, see there! The legendary Bluestone! This sea mount must have a rich vein running through it!” The climbers went higher and the flickering torches penetrated deep in to the darkness, “There! A stairway! We are not the first to be here! These workings have the hall-marks of the ancients ..!”

  Jansis and the climbers now stood on the first carved step. Milidh yelled up, “Go... show us the way! We will follow!” The flickering torches soon disappeared up a narrow winding passage, ascending in to the unknown...

  Milidh and Scota led the following contingent. Scota had a powerful sense of destiny. Just as many years ago she followed her path, intent in the knowledge that she would find and meet her own destined one. Now, as before, she followed a path of the ancients, the enlightened ones, who were calling her and she knew were calling Amergin...


  Far to the east on the mainland, Amergin was released from the talons of Eiru, in avian form, as she alighted at the entrance of the Quarry of Izion.

  Momentarily his mind was distracted. He caught a vision of Scota, and then a vision of Sceine! Something of this place was connecting him to his beloved mother and his destined one Sceine...The Bluestones, the lay lines all connecting... The message of unity indelibly ingrained on his mind, “Together we will be as one... We will fight the dark Sidhe!”

  Terese of the Xantha brought him back to the moment. She hurled herself at Amergin, emotions over riding decorum, “Amergin! My Prince! You are here!” Her Amazonian hug nearly squeezing the life breath from him. “Good to see you Terese! Good that you are still with us!” Amergin returned a heart felt embrace and looked deep into Terese of the Xantha’s eyes, giving a knowing nod of acknowledgement at the ordeal she had been through at the hands of the dark Sidhe.

  Amergin sensed she was still in shock after the experience. He had faith in her steely resolve. She was still the fearless, resolute, battle ready Xantha that Amergin knew and admired, when he sent her with Bith in the vanguard to the Promised Land.

  Eiru had now totally transformed from the winged beast of the air to the raven haired, silver cocoon clad beauty. Energised photons zipped and zapped around her body and soon were gone. She stepped forward to greet her kindred spirits. Endinou held his hand out in the gesture of the sage... the Guardian of the Bluestones and the Quarry of Izion in alliance with one of the infamous Witches of Hawardden, the bitter sweet irony both pleased and amused him! Eiru was pleased at his acceptance of her. She sensed a powerful, magical being with the undying allegiance of the Cyclops quarrymen. His frail, white haired, ageing appearance did not deceive her. She knew the wizard had powers to match her own. His timeless wisdom alone made him a priceless ally.

  Amergin, now released from the crushing embrace of Terese of the Xantha, turned his attention to Endinou. He too sensed Endinou’s wisdom and purity of being. He gripped the extended hand, “My friend we are here to fight for the enlightenment, to protect the Bluestones, and go to the great Portal of Machlleth!” Endinou wisely agreed, “Together we have a chance to confront the dark one MacCuacht, who approaches Machlleth now! If we fail, the Quarry of Izion, source of the purest Bluestones will be next!”

  Amergin could not countenance failure, “We will go to Machlleth! We will release MacCuill and his cohort! Together we will fight the dark Sidhe!” A rallying cry ringing in their ears, they all looked to Amergin, the Milesian champion, the Sea Druid and poet warrior to lead them on their path of destiny.

  As they walked on the path to the Portal of Machlleth, the towering, boiling, blackening thunderheads clouded the horizon. Amergin felt his belt pouch for the brilliant white pearl he retrieved from the deep water oyster of Rodiles. The pearl had magical properties of clairvoyance.

  Disconcertingly, a darkening veil covered one hemisphere as he held the pearl towards the eastern horizon. The tipping point where the dark would overcome the light was close at hand... Amergin kept his observations to himself...

  They walked into the night, resting only occasionally, catching fleeting moments of sleep.

  Time was of the essence. A thin silver crescent of a new moon emerged from behind scudding clouds... disappearing and re-emerging, casting only the faintest moonglow on the path ahead.

  A strange silver-blue halo circled the lunar crescent... a poignant symbol of the approaching storm.

  They rested in a glade bathed in the faint lunar glow. Amergin kept guard, he gestured for Endinou to sit beside him on a rocky vantage point. Amergin spoke in quiet understated tones, while Eiru and Terese slept fitfully on the uneven ground. He remained calm, but underneath, anxiety and worry festered. He was unsure of the effectiveness of this disparate group of beings against the legions of the army of lost souls. He was soon reassured by the Guardian of the Bluestones, “Look yonder, Prince Amergin!” he gestured towards the muscular Cyclops of the Quarry of Izion, “These quarrymen carry the purest Bluestone keystones. Only an enlightened being such as you can use these keystones to open the portal. Mac Cuill and the cohorts will be freed from the under world and will fight the dark Sidhe with us.”

  Amergin looked again at the giant quarrymen. They carried leather panniers, each one containing the purest of Bluestones hewn from the Quarry of Izion. Keys that can regenerate compromised portals.

  Endinou’s wisdom, insight and knowledge will be essential, thought Amergin, together with his insight and sense of the place and his connection to the Guardians of Light. Endinou sensed Amergin’s concern, “Whenever a portal is infected we can send one of the giant Cyclops with a pure Bluestone to rejuvenate it. We will act swiftly! We will avoid any portal staying under the influence of the dark Sidhe for long!” Amergin was reassured at this. He added advisedly, “We must use our insider knowledge of MacCuacht to counter his dark powers. Eiru will be the key, as will MacCuill when he is freed from Machlleth!”

  Amergin went to Eiru and gently stirred her from her fitful slumber, “Eiru come and sit with us!”

  He and Endinou agreed that the raven haired Witch of Hawardden, the estranged wife of the dark one MacCuacht, will be a powerful player in attempting to undermine him. She could be his nemesis! Even MacCuacht will be vulnerable to her beauty, guile and magical powers. Surely no red blooded male could resist her. The question was how many red corpuscles remained in his blood? How black, how dark, how cold is the malevolence that is MacCuacht?

  Amergin spoke quietly and calmly to Eiru, “We will send you ahead in your avian splendour. You will reconnoitre and appraise the way ahead to Machlleth. Once you have signalled that the way is clear for us, you will continue to the Woodlands of Derwydd. You will meet with Erhombu, the Guardian of the Woodlands. He can summon the spirit beings of the woods, to at least slow MacCuacht and the army of lost souls, while we go with the Cyclops of Izion to open the Portal of Machlleth and free MacCuill and Thiorn and the defending cohorts.

  Eiru smiled, pleased that Amergin had such faith in her... This was tempered with the knowledge that she would be returning to MacCuacht’s realm. She was only just able to resist his powers at their last meeting. Now! He woul
d be wise to her...

  “There is just one more thing!” he trod warily, “You must go to MacCuacht! You must convince him that you are turned, converted to the dark Sidhe! You must risk all to become an insider again. You will plant the seeds of deception, the seeds of doubt. Give him disinformation about our intentions.”

  Eiru’s smile was long gone, swept away by a wave of reality. She was being sacrificed! She was to become a martyr for the enlightened cause. She knew that this was the final throw of the dice for her. She enters MacCuacht’s realm on a mission of persuasion and bluff. Eiru’s eyes met Amergin’s. They both knew that in reality she would ultimately be turned to the dark. The probability, no certainty, that the next time that they met they would be mortal enemies...

  Amergin grasped her hand, “You are the only one able to do this. You are the only one who knows MacCuacht’s weaknesses.”They embraced in the poignancy of the moment. Eiru stood proudly before the Sea Druid Amergin, champion of the Milesians.

  Terese of the Xantha stirred now, Amergin sensed her confusion and explained, “Eiru is the key to our survival through these testing, dark times. I have asked her to return to MacCuacht, to use her guile and magical powers to deceive him. We will not see the enlightened Eiru again. When she transforms and flies to reconnoitre the way to to Machlleth, from that moment on she will be gone from our lives forever!” he went on to make it clear to Terese, “As the woman he once loved, only she can hope to distract MacCuacht. There is no doubt that once in his company again, she will not be able to resist. His power is so strong now she will be lost, unable to turn as you once did...”

  Terese of the Xantha understood. Eiru’s heart and power will be the key. Amergin held Terese’s hand in his, “You too are a key to our success! Your strength of will and physical prowess brought you through unimaginable adversity. You have been in the presence of MacCuacht. You have seen how he operates. You will fight by my side. You will warn me of dangers that I may not be aware of... dangers from a realm that I have much to learn about!”

  Terese was motivated by the Sea Druid’s words. She went over to the now subdued and sanguine Eiru... nothing could console the raven haired witch. She embraced and kissed her ivory white forehead, “I am resigned to my fate Terese. I do this for the cause of the Light. I go now. I have my instructions from Amergin. Remember me well Terese, for the next time we meet I may well try to kill you! Fight for Amergin Terese... defend him with your life...”

  She stepped away from Terese. The silver cocoon of a dress began to shimmer and transform. Light particles exploded and collided, the physical becoming metaphysical, the changeling turning from human to avian. From a vortex of light, giant wings beat powerfully downwards. This magnificent feathered creation rose into the air above Amergin, Endinou andTerese. The Quarrymen of Izion watched in one-eyed mute amazement. “Go safely Eiru, may the Great Spirit guide you and be with you!”

  Amergin had given her instructions to fly high, and when reaching the Portal of Machlleth, if all was clear, for her to fly high towards the crescent new moon, circling three times. If all was clear she would fly on to Derwydd. Erhombu the Guardian of the Woodlands awaits her.

  She would see a pale green aura in the Woodlands, go to him. In the ensuing conflict with MacCuacht she will be captured... Eiru will sow the seeds of confusion and doubt...

  “Go Eiru! The cause of the Enlightenment relies on you!”

  A few more wing beats and Eiru was gone... silhouetted against the crescent moon...


  Eiru flew on alone. She flew higher than she had ever flown before, to see the lay of the land.

  Even in the diminishing light, with the faint moonglow and her sharpened sense of sight, she could clearly see from horizon to horizon. She flew even higher, to a height where the atmosphere thinned. She could see the entirety of the majestic Western Province. She saw the faint glow of the Milesian camp fires on the coast, where they guarded the Temple of the Sun. She could follow the geography of the rivers, and the path where Amergin, Endinou and Terese awaited her signal.

  Eiru looked to the far western horizon where the magical, mystical Magine Islands floated like shimmering mirages. Just a glimpse of these islands raised her spirits. Instinctively she knew these were sacred places and would be one of the last bastions in the battle against the dark Sidhe.

  At this height she was keenly aware of the alignment of the Magine Islands, the Temple of the Sun and way below her the great Portal of Machlleth. Beyond this nothing stirred, no light shone. No encampment, no fires, only dark. A darkness noticeable in the Western Province as usually an ethereal glow radiated from the portals. From beyond the Portal of Machlleth another world prevailed. The encroaching storm front, hiding MacCuacht and the army of lost souls, had rolled insidiously over half of the Woodlands of Derwydd. Eiru began to feel the high altitude turbulence of the storm. Her wing tips feathering in the increasing winds, she began her descent, soon to give the signal to Amergin. Eiru stooped in a wide arcing dive. She saw the pale green aura in the heart of Derwydd. Disturbingly she could also see the lifeless and lightless banks of all consuming mist rolling through the Woodlands, crabbing to the North and South in a deadly pincer movement.

  Erhombu and the wood spirits must be warned! Firstly she had to signal to Amergin that Machlleth was clear...

  Eiru swept down into the thickening atmosphere. She sensed the oncoming storm and dense, dank carpeting mist. The visibility was reducing as she made three circular flights in the eyeline of the crescent moon. The sharp eyed Terese spotted Eiru first, gesticulating to the others...

  “Good our way is clear, we must act swiftly!” and with this Amergin asked Endinou, “Who is the swiftest, fastest and strongest of the Cyclops? He will come with me and Terese of the Xantha, carrying the purest of the Bluestones with him. We will be moving quickly and stealthily to the Portal of Machlleth. The path is fraught with danger, our return is not guaranteed!”

  “Him, Sethse, he is the one you need!” pointed Endinou, “May the Great Spirit be with you and guide you safely! We will follow. We will join forces with MacCuill, Thiorn and his cohort once they are released from the spirit world.”

  Sethse, the strongest of the muscle bound Quarrymen of Izion took up the pannier with the weighty keystone, as if it were a featherweight. He slung the pannier on his back and strode out along the path. He was fully aware of the danger of the mission. He lengthened his stride and quickened his pace. Amergin and Terese of the Xantha had to hurry to stay with him. Sethse was like a rampant bull Elephant crashing through the low undergrowth on the rarely travelled path. Amergin and Terese broke into a steady jog. They estimated two hours to Machlleth. Terese went before the Sea Druid Amergin. She was there to defend him. Her vigilance would be crucial. She sensed the dark Sidhe were near. Her spiritual, warrior senses told her that they were not the only ones targeting Machlleth on this fateful night.

  Eiru saw Amergin and the others moving towards Machlleth. She knew her job was done here.

  She flew low between hillock and meadow, over crags and down ravines, following rivers and streams coursing their way to the ocean. She flew upstream to the source, and finally into the Woodlands of Derwydd.

  The woods were ancient and mysterious, wrapping and enveloping the foothills of the distant mountains. She could go no further these were the lands overwhelmed by the dark Sidhe. Their malevolence was in evidence as the rolling storm front gathered and brewed...

  Fleetingly, Eiru flew high again, she needed to find Erhombu. Sure enough at the heart of Derwydd was a pale green aura shining forth from the deepest and most inpenetrable swathe of Woodland. Her sharpened avian senses detected the aura in the dwindling light of day. The aura was formed by light reflecting from an oasis of green iridescent, lush, verdant vegetation surrounding a river, forcing over a mighty waterfall, sending clouds of spray high into the air. The light was trapped and reflected as the river reformed, filling a shallow lagoon, then refracted
and reflected again by a vein of crystalline bedrock veined with the purest Bluestone.

  “Bluestone!” exclaimed Eiru, “The heart of the Woodlands of Derwydd is another portal!”

  Ambient light came deep from within the Bluestone, from the other side of the veil between the spirit world and the mortal realm. Here was Erhombu’s realm! Erhombu was the Guardian of the Woodland of Derwydd, leader of the wood spirits, the beings who channelled the very life energy into the Woodlands!

  Eiru alighted at the side of the pool where the crystal clear water fell from a great height in a roaring, deafening crescendo, eventually flowing into and quietening in the shallow waters of the lagoon.

  Still in avian form she sipped the water, noticing how clear and how calm the pool was.

  In the rippling reflections Eiru caught sight of an ephemeral being. As the ripples cleared, so the being disappeared! She surveyed the thick vegetation surrounding the lagoon. An ancient Oak grove and ancient limestone rock formations covered in pale green lichen, dripping wet in the moisture laden air. There again! A movement, and in an instant was gone! It was virtually impossible to distinguish shapes and forms against a backdrop of contorted and twisted trunks, branches and roots. But she knew she was being watched! Whatever they are, whatever realm they are from, they were studying her... “Who are you?” A loud resonant voice came from the other side of the lagoon, “What do you want here?” A magnificent, muscular red deer stag, camouflaged against the roughly textured bark, now postured and posed in the open, presenting pointed antlers that would put the fear of the Great Spirit in to any interloper, “Answer quickly, before it is too late!” The stag strutted threateningly into the shallows, evidently coming straight at her... “I am Eiru, sent by the Sea Druid Amergin, to warn you that you are in grave danger!”


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