The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid Page 26

by Peter Green

  The High Priestess Sceine was able to go beyond the veil, travelling to all the portals at one and the same time. All the enlightened beings saw her ephemeral form emanating from the portals across the realm...

  The rhythmic beating of the ceremonial bodhran called them to prayer and to commune with the High Priestess. Across the realm they joined in with the chanting chorus... Sceine spoke to them from beyond the veil... the Guardians of Light were amongst them...

  As the sun slipped over the horizon, a hundred shades of roseate red and crimson pink exploded in to the heavens and over the ocean. They heard Sceine’s words, “My loyal and enlightened subjects. My brothers and sisters, my priests and my brave warriors... I speak to you in the name of the Guardians of Light... I come to you with a message from beyond the veil... I urge you to be strong and faith ...the Guardians of Light are with you all. Be strong, be courageous! Use your wisdom and your powers to take on and defeat the dark forces that surely will arrive from the Eastern Province. I give you my love. I will be with you all as you battle for the cause of the Light! The Western Province shall prevail! The Guardians of Light will endure!”

  Sceine inspired and motivated all her realm. That night the veil will remain close. The spirit world will be amongst the mortal realm.

  The bodrhans continued to beat into the night. The turf fire burned brightly and intensely, generating heat and light and an occasional cascading galaxy of sparks in to the darkness of the clear, cool mountain air, the priests chanting their sacred verse to the enlightened world. The bodrhan beat hypnotically. One by one, the gathering fell in to a shamanic trance, communing with their ancestral spirits, seeking their wisdom and Divine guidance.

  A mischievous gust of wind scattered sparks and turf ash high in to the night sky, momentarily a new constellation that drifted rapidly in to space. Sceine looked to the western horizon. The vestiges of the clear day that had gone, lingered there... a pale light in the sky. Now, a wall of grey cloud encroached towards them, imperceptibly at first, but steadily growing, steadily increasing in altitude and crabbing diagonally towards the north east. She was all too aware that this weather front was heading directly in to Amergin’s path as he sailed around the outer islands.

  Sceine stepped from the fire and into the darkness of the mountainside. She sensed a presence, but could not place it... a few more strides in to the darkness... there it was again! A powerful down beat of air... an indeterminate shape high above the radiant glow of the portal and the cascading sparks of the turf fire. Then a flash of white and further powerful down beats... an avian form disappeared in to the darkness... a white-tailed eagle?!

  These high mountain ridges were the home of the magnificent white-tailed sea eagles, often seen cruising the thermals and the updraughts forcing up the mountain sides from the ocean. They would plummet to the earth in a violent high speed stoop, opportunistically grabbing their prey, an unsuspecting rabbit or scavenging on carrion.

  Occasionally they would descend to the coast, particularly at the time of the salmon run, plucking the silver scaled kings of the ocean out of the blue.Viscious talons grabbing and never letting go.

  Sceine had observed these splendorous birds of prey for a life time, but had never seen one at this place at night! Strange behaviour!

  Stranger than even Sceine imagined... this was Eiru in search mode ...and she had found her prey!

  Sceine was right, no normal White-tailed Eagle would venture here at night... but the shape shifting Witch of Hawardden would! Eiru soared at great speed along the Ridge of Thormond and soon alighted in the Valley of the Mad. Here her sinister sisters Fodha and Banba waited for her return.They heard her before they saw her.The pulsing beating wings and then a flash of white tail. Flesh ripping talons gripped a branch. Piercing eyes of the raptor flashed in the moonlight, a glimpse of the threateningly hooked beak and now a burst of photonic light transforming in to “human” form.

  The three Witches of Hawardden were back together in their treacherous raven haired beauty.The three, clad in their cocooning silver dresses had intended to infiltrate the defences of the high mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis... this was for the better! Sceine was isolated with very few guards.This was surely the opportunity to take her!

  Sceine’s sixth sense warned her of the intruders... the avian incursion, “This must Eiru and her witches!” Unimaginable! Here so soon!

  Sceine went to her loyal priest Diarmuid, stepping back in to the fire light, flickering forms still chanting in time to the hypnotic beat of the bodhrans. Diarmuid was transfixed in his shamanic trance, the veil between mortal realm and spirit world still merging and warping around the portal.

  She must talk to Diarmuid! This could not wait! He was disturbed from his trance state, “My lady, why so anxious?!” He was still only half alert, he beckoned her in to the fire light. He had never seen her so troubled! “Sit, tell me please...”Sceine appreciated the concern of this good man, “We are in dire trouble Diarmuid!” She explained clearly and succinctly, “You will no doubt have heard of the Witches of Hawardden, the dark coven related to MacCuacht by blood.”He nodded worriedly, as she continued, “This night they have tracked me down! Eiru in her shape shifting avian form was here! Only an hour ago I saw her! I felt her wing beats! She has surely gone to tell her raven haired sisters!”

  This prospect scared Sceine, “We have been found Diarmuid! We are all in grave danger!” Sceine confided in Diarmuid. “In retrospect it was foolhardy and rash to come to Hushinish... at a time when so much is in the balance... when so much is at stake! To be caught here, away from Sliebh Mis and its mountain defences, how could this have happened!?”

  Diarmuid comforted her, placing his hand on her shoulder, “Do you know if they are on their own? Have they come with the army of lost souls?”

  “I sense only the three witches, but they are clever, they are cloaking their thoughts! Their magic is strong... there may be more of them... I cannot determine!” Sceine informed Diarmuid, “Now they have discovered us, they will send for the dark forces! They will realise this moment of weakness, while away from Sliebh Mis... they will come to take me!”

  “Come with me my lady, you are the High Priestess of Xhara! You must pray with us at the Portal of Hushinish. We will commune with the Guardians of Light. They will surely come to your defence!”

  Sceine realised this was her only chance! Without reinforcements, these few elite guard, and a few priests would be vulnerable to the dark forces that confront them. She remembered again the earlier confrontation with MacCuacht. At that time she was able to mobilise all the defences at her disposal. She had caught MacCuacht offguard and was able to drive him away from Hushinish. This time she had been caught offguard. She felt the awful presence of the dark one getting closer and closer...


  The raven haired Witches of Hawardden, Eiru, Fodha and Banba, contrived to take advantage of this weakness. Eiru told her witches of the lake known as Dubh on the Northern side of the Ridge of Thormond, “The lake Dubh has been used by the ancients to summon the pagan deities of this land.” She continued, “Deities of the Light during summer and harvest time. However, once the equinox has passed, the lake is in perpetual shade, and its deep, dark, lightless waters become the source of foul demons that bring only death, disease and destruction! The equinox is in two days time. We must go there and prepare for the time when the sun does not rise above the Ridge of Thormond. We can then release these harbingers of death upon Sceine and her loyal priesthood!” Pleased at her demonic plan she took the witches to a place where a rushing mountain stream carved a steep sided valley. This gorge led them to the lake known as Dubh, this mythical lake where the mirrored reflective surface was known by the ancients as a place where the veil was thin and easily manipulated. Depending on the season and the moods, either forces of the Light or the dark could be drawn through it…


  That night, the night before the equinox, Sceine prayed and meditated with
the priests. They descended in to an induced trance state, the veil between the mortal realm and spirit world surging back and forth. The Guardians escorted her through the portal. She travelled to be with her beloved and destined one. She saw him sailing for the protection of the outer islands, the encroaching weather front now begun to whip the tops off the cresting waves. She witnessed Endinou standing guard at the Quarry of Izion and Erhombu at the great Portal of Machlleth. There were other beings waiting offshore at the mysterious Magine Islands, Milidh and Scota waiting for the signal from Amergin. Others were defending the Temple of the Sun. Terese of the Xantha and her fearless warriors had been sent by Amergin to warn her of the oncoming Witches of Hawardden...

  She journeyed back to Hushinish... the Witches of Hawardden were most certainly among them now.

  She must commune with Amergin... night time now and he will soon be dreaming... he will soon descend in to the all familiar amber cosmos... she will guide him, caress him... she went to him beyond the veil... once more they shared a moment of blissful communion... their bodies wrapping, surrendering, giving, loving... this was their destiny... “Amergin my love!” in breathless rapture, “I come to you now! I need your wisdom!” Amergin stared in to her rich amber eyes... he was with her... “You have sent warriors to Sliebh Mis to warn me and help me. I fear it may be too late! The Witches of Hawardden are already here! They have me trapped! I am away from Sliebh Mis, at the Portal of Hushinish. We are nothing compared with the powers of the Witches of Hawardden and the forces of the dark.”

  Amergin understood, “I have sent Terese of the Xantha with a troop of amazonian warriors. Terese has magical powers of untested strength. She and her warriors possess unrivalled battle skills and guile and immense physical power. They have the element of surprise! They will surely tip the balance for you!” Sceine, comforted by this, returned to Hushinish, once more in the mortal realm …


  The amber cosmos dissipated... a voice from the mortal realm intruded... “My lord Amergin, the weather front arrives! We need your assistance! We are navigating through the islands and our watchman has seen a twin masted vessel with red sails on the horizon, and it closes on us all the time!”

  Amergin began to come back to the mortal realm... thankful for the connection with Sceine... she now knows there is hope... Terese of the Xantha will be there soon! He returned back through the veil, back in to the mortal realm, he fell deep in to the amber cosmos, deeper and deeper in to the fleck in his beloved’s eye... for the moment the connection broken...


  Sceine was back at Hushinish... Where was Terese of the Xantha? Would their combined powers be sufficient to thwart the Witches of Hawardden?

  Diarmuid gripped her hand tightly... the Portal of Hushinish glowed gently in the radiant Light...

  Sceine had journeyed beyond the veil... How long had she been gone? It felt like an aeon, but the fire still burned brightly. Showers of sparks cracked and crackled in the gusting breeze. The priests still chanted sacred verse. The bodrhans beat on...

  She unclasped her hand from Diarmuid’s. The trance state was broken... Diarmuid could see she was somewhat reassured, but was still nervous and anxious... “You must tell me all, my lady! You have been beyond the veil for only seconds!” Sceine sat by the warming fireside, the strengthening breeze waffed a cloud of pungent and evocatively scented turf smoke in her and Diarmuid’s direction. The weather front that disturbed Amergin from his dream was arriving here too! She covered her watering eyes with her hand... then she gripped Diarmuid’s hand, “I have much to tell you!”...



  Amergin’s decision to take shelter in the relative calm of the leeward side of the islands was the right one. The notorious Northern Ocean was living up to its reputation. A storm of significance headed their way... the open ocean would have been too perilous.

  Amergin studied the Milesian fleet as they safely navigated the channel between the islands. He sent his blessings to his comrades lost at sea. His emotions running high, he tearfully turned to his helmsman, “We have lost many brave souls already on this journey Xomas... how many more, in the name of the Great Spirit, how many more?” Amergin pointed to the twin masted, red sailed vessel now entering the channel. “Even now the threat continues!”

  “I have been watching them for a good while my lord,” replied Xomas supportively, “They are tailing us, but making no headway. I think the Pirates of Grannh wish us no harm now. They have learned a salient lesson. I believe they are over seeing our safe passage now.” Amergin was gratified to hear this. Even the Sea Druid’s nerves were raw and exposed after what had befallen them. Only last night Sceine had come to him, distraught and fearful for her life. The distance across the Northern Ocean widened between them, when it should be narrowing!

  Xomas deliberately interjected, breaking his leader’s train of thought, “We require provisions my lord, fresh water at least,” pointing towards the waterfall tumbling from a high escarpment in to the sheltered bay, “this would make for a perfect anchorage.”

  Amergin agreed, this place was very beautiful, soothing on the eyes and the mind. His mindset had been changed. The mission must continue and they must eat and drink! He thanked his helmsman Xomas for his constructive thoughts...

  Amergin picked up the conch, giving three short sharp blasts. A message to the fleet that they were dropping anchor here, “We must take some time here Xomas. We must rest for a few hours. We will fish, hunt, collect water, recharge and rejuvenate. I will ask for the representatives of the Chapter of Mystics to hold a ceremony in honour of our comrades lost at sea. I will ask them to bless our fleet and pray for our safety on the journey to come.” The fleet safely moored, Amergin noticed the red sailed vessel again, patrolling at a safe distance. Were they waiting for a moment to attack? He barked an order for the crew to make for the shore to gather provisions. Xomas helped in organising the landing parties. They were soon rowing away from the flagship. The word was spread. Soon many boats rowed to the shore...They would feast, meditate and pray that night. Watchmen were kept on high alert, just in case!

  No sign of the Pirates of Grannh, Amergin began to relax. He joined his priest Xesu in meditation that evening. He was joined by the other priests of the Chapter of Mystics in the blessing of the boats. They all gave thanks for a plentiful source of fresh, pure water and a plentiful catch of mackerel.They all prayed for the souls lost at sea and prayed for distant friends and loved ones.

  Amergin reflected on the situation, asking searching questions. The fiery embers of the newly lit fire sparked in to the night air. What of Eimbear and Gonne, the Machiavellian duo that would no doubt be forging a strong alliance with MacCuacht? He wondered at his decision to leave them at the Temple of the Sun. What of Scota and MIlidh at the great Portal of Sceilge on the Magine Islands? What of Endinou at the the Quarry of Izion? What of Erhombu in the ancient Woodlands of Derwydd? How far had MacCuacht marched on the path to the Temple of Xhara? He was consoled that his beloved Sceine would soon be joined by Terese of the Xantha and her amazonian warriors. So many questions, so few answers!

  Xesu, the priest of the Chapter of Mystics took Amergin to one side. Amergin’s perturbed expression told its own tale, “My lord, Sea Druid of Milesia, you must calm your thoughts, gather yourself and focus on your mission. You must have faith in your powers and faith in your fellow enlightened ones! The Guardians of Light are with you on your mission. The Island of Destiny relies on you being strong! The tribes of Milesia believe in you and your cause!”

  Amergin smiled at Xesu, the priest doing what he was naturally able to do, “Thank you Xesu! I have been distracted!”They prayed and meditated together in silence, kneeling to face the ocean and the journey to come. The infinite Northern Ocean awaits them and beyond that the unknown perils of the Eastern Province…

  The meditative silence was shattered by a yell from one of the watchmen perch
ed high atop one of the masts of the vessels, moored in the gently undulating swell of the bay.

  Xomas spotted the next vessel, “There my Lord! Another pirate approaches!” Sure enough, a second twin masted, red sailed ship appeared out of the gloom on the eastern side of the bay. Amergin and Xomas launched in to action, “Man the boats, return to your vessels! Make battle ready!” Within seconds the crews were launched and rowing furiously for their respective vessels. Amergin and Xomas were on the first boat to leave the beach, rowing as if their lives depended on it. Then something strange occurred... the incoming pirate ship took down their sails. They dropped anchor and raised a white flag... a universal symbol of peace. Amergin turned to Xomas, “They come alone. They are not attacking! They appear to be coming in peace!” Amergin was dumbstruck, the Pirates of Grannh! In peace! The encounter off the islands must have affected them. The presence of the Guardians of Light must have transformed them, questioned their whole belief system. But they were here so soon?! There has to be more to this...

  They watched from the Milesian flagship as the pirates lowered a boat in the water... Amergin responded, “Come with me Xomas, select four rowers, we will go to rendezvous with them!” and he added advisedly, “wear armour, bring weapons, we must be prepared for treachery!” Xomas agreed, the reputation of the Pirates of Grannh was fiercesome. They are legendary for their trickery and guile.

  In the quiet of the bay, the two clinker built row boats dipped their oars, silently sliding closer and closer to their rendezvous. Amergin too, had a white flag flying on the single mast of the rowing boat. Too much was at stake to let this unbelievable moment of appeasement pass by. Only a few hundred yards now... Amergin stood on the prow. He was barely able to make out who it was... Who were these people? Why do they make peace now?


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