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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

Page 36

by Peter Green

  Gerridh felt his pain, knowing there will be many lost in the Canyon of Sorrow that night...



  The word has travelled to MacCuacht that the “destined one” has sailed south and journeys through the forbidden realm. He grimaced pleasurably at the prospect of them venturing through the Canyon of Sorrow...“more recruits for the dark army!”

  His dark deeds done at the Temple of Xhara.The Waters of Life contaminated and spreading his foulness... now he marched for the Western Province. He will muster his forces at the mountain fortress of Hawardden and then march for Sliebh Mis...

  MacCuacht had cut a swathe through the Eastern Province. The plague of darkness was upon the tribes of the Eastern Province. As he returned to the distant Mountains of Iveare, lost souls swelled the ranks. By the time they reached Hawardden they were thousands strong. MacCuacht schemed,

  “I will send the demons and denizens of the dark to intercept the Sea Druid Amergin. He will never make it out of the Mountains of Iveare!”

  The next day, the army of lost souls marched in to the Western Province… stronger than ever… the sacred Woodlands of Derwydd fall to the dark Sidhe. MacCuacht felt invincible... the plague of the dark spreads west...

  Erhombu and the spirits of the Woodland of Derwydd had to retreat to the Quarry of Izion, the purest source of Bluestones on the Island of Destiny. They will make a stand there with Endinou, the Guardian of the Quarry of Izion and the cyclopic quarrymen. They will wait for the Sea Druid Amergin and the Milesian forces and ultimately fight to retake the Woodlands of Derwydd and protect the great Portal of Machlleth. They feared for their survival, but their faith was strong,

  “The Guardians of Light are with us!” encouraged Endinou, “Amergin marches to meet his destined one, Sceine, at the mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis!” Both of these powerful Guardians knew that the fate of their sacred island hung in the balance...

  Sceine, the Princess of the Western Province, High Priestess of Xhara, returned to the high mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis in the south of the magnificent Iveare Mountain range.

  She and her entourage of priests had survived the encounter with the raven haired Witches of Hawardden. They were escorted from the Portal of Hushinish to the mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis by Terese of the Xantha and her amazonian warriors...

  Returning along the Ridge of Thormond, Sceine looked out over the glorious Western Province, the setting sun sending shimmering reflections over the infinite Northern Ocean, the Light of the Divine gently bathing her realm in life-giving energy. She found a moment of transcendent peace, while all around her was in chaos!

  The emissaries of the dark were all around her. The three Witches of Hawardden skulked in the Valley of the Mad, waiting for their chance. The dark one MacCuacht had already taken the sacred Woodlands of Derwydd and threatens the great Portal of Machlleth. Now he marches to Sliebh Mis!

  There, Sceine will wait for her beloved Amergin... she prays to the Great Spirit that he comes safely to her!

  The impressive fortress perched high in the Iveare Mountains was a sight for sore eyes. Sceine breathed a sigh of relief as she and her escort scaled the steep mountain track and soon arrived at the massive portcullis bridging the yawning precipice between them and the safety of the battlements. Her beloved father Antiem had turned Sliebh Mis in to the most impregnable bastion, during the years of his reign.

  Sceine smiled up at the heavens. She felt his presence guiding her. “The defences are going to be tested like never before!” she spoke in to the ether as if he stood next to her. “We will fight to the last! I wait for my destiny! The Western Province and the Island of Destiny shall find its salvation! The seeds of the Enlightenment shall spread throughout the Promised Land! The Guardians of Light shall prevail!” She blew a kiss out in to the ether and smiled to the universe. Looking out over the southern peaks of the Iveare, she sensed Amergin was near, “Come to me! Journey safely! I am waiting for you!”

  Beyond the Canyon of Sorrow, on the descent to the Lake of the Dead, on the extremities of the Eastern Province, Amergin looked up to the heavens, towards the distant peaks of the Iveare Mountains. All his senses were heightened... he felt Sceine guiding him, comforting him...

  This was as far as Gerridh and the Diventii guides would go. At dawn they would return to the “forbidden realm” on the Southern shores of this sacred island. They must protect their lands and the culture and heritage of the ancients. Gerridh dipped his hands in to the cool pristine waters of the lake, fresh water from the southern mountains of the Iveare range. Free from the poison oozing in to the Waters of Life further to the north and east.

  As he splashed his face, Gerridh explained to Amergin, “Here we send the souls of the departed Diventii to the spirit world to join the Guardians of Light.” He went on to vividly describe the ritual ceremonies. The funeral pyres on the rafts made of the most ancient Oaks. These rafts were floated out in to the Lake of the Dead. Burning with such intense heat, the bodies were cremated and their ash descending to the depths. The inscribed tablets of lead and bronze melted, together with the weaponry and armour placed on the raft, and they too sunk in to the depths of the Lake.

  The messages on the tablets and the ceremonial rituals of the Druids of the Diventii, summoned the Guardians of Light from the spirit world. The Guardians then took the souls of the departed beyond the veil safely in to the spirit world. Amergin cupped his hands and washed his face with the pure water. He could feel the veil was near! He sensed the life giving properties of the water. This was a holy place indeed!

  Through the evening and in to the night, the Milesians arrived at the lake. They were shocked and traumatised by the experiences in the Canyon of sorrow. Many had been lost to the Banshee. Some of the unfortunates were killed trying to escape the terrifying entities. The bodies of a few hapless victims were carried to the lakeside. Amergin, with Gerridh, organised a funeral ritual for the fallen.

  They all gathered by the lake. Milesian and Diventii chanting sacred verse and performing ancient rituals, sending their souls beyond the veil...

  With the first rays of dawn filtering over the mountain tops, Amergin and Gerridh made their farewells. They were both on the same mission now, to protect the Island of Destiny! Amergin was so thankful that his chosen path had brought him to the realm of the Diventii. Gerridh and the ancestral Druids had revealed many truths. The one certain truth was that Amergin must go to find Sceine!

  The Milesian mariners began the ascent up the high mountain pass. Soon the Lake of the Dead was a shimmering reflection, hundreds of feet below them. The smouldering embers of ancient Oak rafts sending wisps of white smoke wafting around the mountain sides. The Diventii made their way back through the Canyon of Sorrow, safe in the broad daylight.

  Before leaving, Gerridh had warned Amergin and his tribesmen not to venture off the path. The high pass was notorious for ambush. The bandits of the Aganti tribe preyed on any strays or stragglers.

  According to Gerridh and his Druids the Aganti tribe had fallen to the horrors of the dark plague, and they along with the demons and denizens of the dark Sidhe had been sent by MacCuacht to intercept and slay the Milesian Sea Druid and his tribes...


  Over the high mountain pass in the southern peaks of the Iveare Mountains... Sceine surveyed the Western Province from the allegedly impregnable battlements of the fortress of Sliebh Mis. She had called her priests to her chambers... the situation required collective minds and the wisdom of the ages. They were ushered in to the room by her Captain of the Guard. Sceine was a virtual prisoner in her own domain... guarded day and night. The priests sat around a magnificent, carved, ancient Oak table. Sceine took her place in an equally impressive, ornately engraved Oak chair... the same chair Antiem had conducted his affairs of state and war. The atmosphere was palpable, tension in the air, “The situation worsens my lady!” Sceine did not need to be told this by
her priesthood, “I need solutions, not statements of the obvious! We can only fight the dark one MacCuacht from our strengths!” The reprimanded priests offered the positive news, “The Sea Druid Amergin is on the high mountain pass to the South of the Iveare Mountains. He comes to you. He is a day’s march away from Sliebh Mis!” Sceine had sensed his coming, but it was good to hear the confirmation of his progress. The priest continued, “We hear that the Guardian of the Woodlands of Derwydd, Erhombu is at the Quarry of Izion with the wizard Endinou. The spirits of the Woodlands and the Cyclops of Izion stand with them to protect the source of the Bluestones and the great Portal of Machlleth.”

  This was the news that Sceine wanted to hear. The Guardians of Light were with them! They must have faith! The priests continued to give advice, “We have word from the Guardians of Light too, that there is a gathering of Milesians at the ancient Portal of Sceilge on the Magine Islands... they wait for a sign from the Sea Druid Amergin!”

  This was even better news! Sceine was heartened at this... so far the great portals of the Western Province remain in tact. Not even MacCuacht knew of the power that could be unleashed when the portals are connected! She implored her priesthood, “Go now! Send your messengers to all those guarding the portals! Tell them the Secret of the Alignment. Tell them of the power that can be unleashed at the commencement of the Cycle of Xustra!” The secret was traditionally given only to the High Priests and Priestesses. To reveal the Secret of the Alignment to the uninitiated was deemed as sacreligious in the extreme. However Sceine and her priesthood recognised these apocalyptic times and recognised the measures needed!

  Sceine walked out on to the balcony of her chamber, high in the battlements of the fortress.

  She was more focussed than ever. The meeting had galvanised all. Surveying the Western Province in the bright light of a new day, all appeared normal, but how deceptive were appearances! Her mind was consumed with dark thoughts of her brother MacCuacht. He marches for Sliebh Mis now!

  His army of lost souls had taken the Woodlands of Derwydd. The great Portal of Machlleth could be next! Then Sliebh Mis! She feared for her beloved, her destined one, Amergin, on the high mountain pass at this very moment...

  The terrifying prospect of MacCuacht overwhelming the Western Province crystallised her thoughts. In the cold light of day, the dawning of the realisation that she must return to the Portal of Hushinish one more time! This time she would travel with full military guard. She now knew that the Witches of Hawardden lurked somewhere in the hinterland.The day of reckoning had arrived! The dark one marches! The Cycle of Xustra commences! The enlightened ones must prevail!

  Sceine marched for Hushinish. She intended to meet the Sea Druid Amergin on his route from the high mountain pass. Together they would go to the great Portal of Hushinish! Together they would summon the Guardians of Light through the veil! Together they will bring enlightenment to the Island of destiny!

  So it is written....and is in the stars...


  The high mountain pass zig zagged endlessly. No sign of the bandits or the demons and denizens of the dark... yet! Amergin was concerned that his warriors should stay close, stay compact. From previous experiences, the more stretched they became the more vulnerable they were to attack.

  Amergin let Xomas and Eiremhou lead the way. He dropped back to liaise with his map maker MacCuill. They would need all the local knowledge available in this treacherous terrain.

  MacCuill concurred with Amergin... another day’s march... they would reach the summit in daylight and descend in to the Western Province as the sun sets...

  He gave Amergin a further warning about the Aganti tribe, “They are a fierce independent tribe, worshipping ancient gods. They believe the spirits of their ancient ones are in the very rocks of the mountains. The Aganti hail from the Shadowlands of the Eastern Province and are battle hardened mountain men! Word has it they are in league with the dark Sidhe now!”

  Ahead, Xomas and Eiremhou had halted. They peered in to a gorge that ripped through the steeply ascending track. Amergin caught up with them, just as they began to traverse the steep sided gorge... “Mariners to mountain goats!” he mused. He did not like the situation at all... loose scree and giant boulders perched precariously... a perfect place for an ambush! They had no choice! They must press on!

  Amergin stepped up his pace, he took the lead again. They must move more quickly! Stand still and they were easy targets! This was easier said than done... the more Milesians that descended in to the gorge, the more bottlenecks formed... Amergin urged them on, “Move quickly! Spread out!”

  Even as the words left his lips, he saw a movement way up the mountain side, “No!”...his worst fears were being realised! He watched as shadowy figures prised and levered massive, teetering boulders in to a freefalling, deadly avalanche of granite and sandstone... “Look above! Get out of there!” he frantically yelled, “Climb for your lives!” The Aganti had waited for the greatest bottleneck to form. A group of frightened and desperate Milesians became a helpless human target.

  Amergin had to look away as a crushing wall of fractured rock and bombarding boulders swept straight through his paralysed and stultified fellow mariners... the granite and sandstone avalanche purged the gorge of any living flesh, leaving behind a pall of dust and a river of blood. Bodies were strewn everywhere. But this was not over! From the shadowy northern slopes of the mountains came the demons and denizens of the dark Sidhe, emissaries of MacCuacht! Rolling in with a cold condensing mist, they came to scavenge. A dank, all consuming mist that Amergin and his mariners had come to fear and loath. The lifeless bodies of the fallen Milesians now became prey to the dark Sidhe... awful pickings and converts for the army of lost souls...

  Stunned and shocked, in absolute silence, Amergin watched the granite and red sandstone dust settle. The macabre battlefield revealed itself, as shell shocked stragglers picked their way through the debris and carnage, to join them on the other side of the gorge. The Aganti assassins disappeared from view, melting in to the high mountain side as quickly as they had appeared. The rolling darkness of demons and denizens of the dark Sidhe receding to the shadowy northern slopes, from where MacCuacht and his malevolence marched ever nearer to Sliebh Mis.

  Amergin and his fellow Milesians were all deeply traumatised! Even his faith was being tested!

  Amergin looked to the heavens... he needed a sign! The high mountain pass zig zagged before them…

  The prospect of a further ambush daunted him...

  From the point where the high, mountain pass met the ridge leading to the Western Province, a flash of gold! A golden eagle bathed in the late afternoon sun. The ultimate symbol of freedom! Circling higher and higher over the southern summits of the Iveare range, here was the sign! Free wheeling and free spirited! The sheer beauty of golden wings, feathering in the updrafts, gave Amergin heart…

  His spirits soared with the King of the air! Here was the Divine in nature! The golden eagle was the embodiment of the truth that Amergin sought! The Guardians of Light had shown him the way! Without a glance back he led the way once more. They followed the flight path of the golden eagle to the place where the high mountain pass met the ridge descending to the Western Province...


  On the familiar but now daunting track to Hushinish. Sceine paused for a moment... she felt his presence... her destined one was nearing the Western Province... she scanned the peaks and ridges of the southern peaks for any signs...

  The Portal of Hushinish was a familiar place of pilgrimage for Sceine, a place of sanctuary, a place of refuge. The route had taken on a sinister dimension. Out there were the raven haired Witches of Hawardden. Lurking, lingering, predating...

  Sceine’s entourage bristled with armed warriors. All her priests travelled with her for this ceremony to summon the Guardians of Light.Safety in numbers. Then why did she feel so vulnerable? What was this sense of awful foreboding?

  The glorious Western Province
stretched out before her. The late afternoon sun dipped and chased through the ever thickening belts of rain clouds and showers. She prayed for a clear evening conducive for their ritual at the Portal of Hushinish.Estuaries and lakes reflected in the silver light, mountains dark and brooding then illuminated and verdant green. Far, far to the west, the mighty ocean, a streak of liquid silver, dotted with distant islands. The sheer beauty, the Divine in Nature... the veil so close...

  On they marched, her priesthood close by. Sceine went to her loyal friend and priest Diarmuid, “Do you feel his presence?! I feel joy at his coming, but I have a deep sense of foreboding too ...”

  Diarmuid empathised with the bitter sweet emotions.The joy of the knowledge that the Sea Druid Amergin was close, yet the agony of the closeness of the dark one and his army of lost souls.

  They climbed higher up the narrowing and steepening Ridge of Thormond. The slanting searchlights of the late afternoon sun touched and illuminated the summits and high passes of the southern Iveare Mountains. Sceine’s gaze was drawn to a golden speck bathed in the radiant glow of the setting sun, “A golden eagle!” Her spirits soared with the eagle! This was a sign... She was as one with the eagle, gliding, swooping and soaring... she saw what the eagle saw...Below! A flash! A glint of light on armour! A reflection!

  “My loyal priests watch the horizon! The Milesian Sea Druid! He comes!” Sceine was so excited she nearly lost her footing on the narrow track. Her priests gathered around her, to protect her from her own exuberance and to confirm what she was seeing. Sure enough, in the low slanting light, a line of armour clad warriors descending from the high mountain pass! “We must go to meet them!!” cried out Sceine in her joy and anticipation, “We will go to the valley below! There we will wait for them! We will light a beacon to guide them and we will celebrate!” Sceine was overcome with emotion. She exuded joy and delight... her destined one arrives!!!


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