Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2)

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Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2) Page 14

by Natalie Decker

  “Skylar, we had a deal. No sleeping. Got me, babe? You have to talk to me.” I can hear his smile. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Keep talking to me.”

  I grumble. I need him here now. Thirty minutes is forever long. “Why can’t I be happy? I do good things. I … I help people. And I’m constantly getting slapped in the face.”

  “Who slapped you?”

  “Pfft … no one.” I laugh, probably sounding obnoxious, but I can’t stop myself. “Ugh … I need to sleep. Why am I not sleeping, Caleb?”

  “Because you need to talk to me and keep me awake.”

  “Well,” I point a finger at my phone like he can see it and say, “that’s just stupid.”

  “Babe, listen, I know you’re tired. I’m almost there. Just please keep talking. Okay?”

  I lay back on the couch a little too hard and whimper, “Ow, my head. I don’t feel so awesome. The room is spinning. Caleb, make the room stop.”

  “I will, baby. I promise. I’m coming. Just a little further. Sky, tell me a story, okay?”

  “I don’t want to. Stories suck.”


  “Fine. Once there was a girl who had everything she wanted and she thought nothing would change. Turns out her dad would leave because he wanted to be with his new wife and their daughter, not the one he already had. She didn’t see him after that, but she told herself that he would come back, at the very least on her birthday. So she waited. Counted down the days. Got really excited as the day approached. Birthdays were always the best. But when her birthday came, sure there were presents, cake, and ice cream, but her dad never came. So the little girl decided maybe she wasn’t good enough. The next year she made sure she did everything right. Got good grades. Did her chores without complaint. But birthdays came and went and still her dad never came. The birthday girl cried and cried and hated her birthday for years, until one day she met a gorgeous prince. He gave her an awesome gift that could have reminded her why her birthday sucked so much, but instead it did something better. It helped her see that the prince is right. But he was leaving her forever, too. So the girl became sad again.”

  A knock sounds on the door and I stumble to it.

  “Worst story ever, Fletch.” I fall into his arms and he walks me into the house where he helps me with my coat, mittens, scarf, and hat. Then he helps me to his car.

  Caleb drives us home, but we don’t say much to each other. Of course the very stupid lush part of me doesn’t like this so I decide to confess things. While he’s helping me up to my room, I blurt out, “I love you so much it hurts. I hate you have to marry that stupid bitch. It should be me, damn it! Me!”

  “Babe, how much have you had?”

  “Of what? I don’t understand the question.”

  He shakes his head and helps me over to my bed. “Aren’t you going to help me get into my PJs?”

  I sway a little toward him and he catches me before I face-plant on the floor. “Sky, are you sure you want me to help you get undressed?”

  I bite my lower lip and nod.

  “Okay. I’m going to sit you down on the bed.”

  I let him guide me. My body heats either because I’m overly drunk and embarrassed he’s looking at me like I’m such a complete and utter mess, or because I’m mortified he might not like what he sees. Either way, I close my eyes for a few seconds and let him help me get undressed. He pulls off my jeans first. Then my sweater comes off. I open my eyes when I hear him suck in a breath.

  He walks over to my dresser and gathers up a soft t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. I unhook my bra while he’s doing that. When he turns toward the bed, he drops the clothes he’s holding. “Skylar, are you trying to kill me?”

  “No. I don’t sleep in bras, though.”

  He picks up the clothes he dropped and stops right in front of me. He kneels and helps me into my shorts. Then he starts to stand, but I grab him and pull his mouth to mine.

  At first he doesn’t seem to be in the mood to kiss me, but then he returns the passion. He leans me back against my bed, while his hands stay right in mine, keeping them near my head. His lips trail down my neck and along my collarbone. “Don’t stop.”

  He does though. He pulls back and sighs. “I love you, but I don’t want you while you’re like this. I want you to be able to know who the hell I am in the morning. I want you to remember every single thing I do to you.”

  “But I will,” I protest.

  “Maybe you will but I don’t want to feel like I took advantage of you. I love you too damn much, Sky.” He helps me put my t-shirt on and kisses me. “I don’t like seeing you like this. It kills me knowing I hurt you.”

  I turn and look at him. “I hate that she gets you. I just want it to stop.”

  He squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a slow breath. “She doesn’t have me. She’s never going to have me. You, on the other hand, do have me, forever.” He looks at me and kisses my forehead. “It’ll always be you, Sky. Are you hearing me?”

  “But … ”

  “I wish you’d stop pushing me away.”

  I blink back some tears. His fingers swipe them away. “Sky, I will do anything and everything to show you how much you mean to me. But I will never, ever take it when you’re like this.”

  I nod and turn away from him. How is it possible that I actually feel worse than I did throwing up in front of him?

  His arms wrap around me a moment later, and he whispers, “Good night, babe.” He presses his lips to my temple and I fall asleep.

  Chapter 30


  When she called me, I didn’t know what to think. All I did know at that moment was that I had to get to her. I got dressed, chugged a can of Mountain Dew, and then went to her. I actually had a vague idea of where she was, but I figured if I needed help she could direct me. Even though I was talking to her on the phone, it didn’t quite prepare me for how tanked she was.

  Skylar fumbled into the wall, dropped her keys four times, and almost hit her head on the door picking them up. God, she was a mess. And the only thing I kept thinking is: I’m the reason she’s smashed out of her mind.

  Inside her room, I helped her out of her clothes. I thought I was going to come undone, though, as soon as she undid her own bra. I mean, shit, I’ve seen naked girls before, but none compare to her. She’s just flat-out gorgeous.

  I shouldn’t have slid in beside her, but I was worried she might have an accident, like vomit and choke on it or something. And I really didn’t want to leave her alone just yet.

  As she lies next to me, all I can think is how much I regret hurting her. Sky’s the best damn thing that ever happened to me.

  At four in the morning, I reluctantly move to my own bed. I don’t want to, but I know Erin will be up soon and will probably check on Sky. If she finds me in here, all hell will break loose.

  I enter my room and yawn myself into my own bed.


  Last thing I remember is being in Sky’s room, touching her perfect body, kissing her neck, and making my way down to her breasts. In my dream, of course, I go further, because she’s the girl of my dreams who I want to do everything with.

  I wake up in a good mood, until I notice I’m not alone in my bed. At first I think, Holy shit, Sky climbed into bed with me and I took advantage of her. Because I see a bare shoulder. Then dark hair. It’s not until I look over at the person I realize it’s Danielle.

  I tumble out of bed, and snarl, “What the hell!”

  She stretches and yawns. “Hi, boo. Ready for another round?”

  “What? No! Fuck! How did you get in here?”

  “Back door. It was unlocked.” Son of a bitch, I must have forgotten to lock it when I went to get Sky last night. Still, she shouldn’t be in my bed!

  I’m just about to tell her off when the door to my room pops open and Skylar scratches her head. “Caleb? Did you come get me sometime last night?”

  “Um … yeah.” I try to move in f
ront of Skylar so I can push her out of the room until I hear her gasp.

  “Oh my God. I should have knocked.” And she turns around. I look down and realize I’m totally naked and sporting one. Jesus, this is really bad.

  “Damn straight you should have knocked,” Danielle snaps. “We were busy in here.”

  Skylar whips back around and stares at the bed, then looks over at me. She shakes her head and I can see her swallow. Her eyes begin to water, but she juts out her chin. “Oh, wow. Yeah. Um … I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Sky! It’s not what you—” She slams the door in my face before I can finish.

  “Really, boo, when are you going to learn?”

  “Stop calling me that. And get the fuck out of my bed. Now!”

  “Fine. I can see someone is moody in the mornings.” She gathers up her clothes and slowly puts them on. I snatch a pair of boxers from the floor and cover myself so she stops eyeing up my junk.

  Chapter 31


  The morning light hit my face at just the right angle that I groaned. I turned and noticed my surroundings. Problem was, I had no idea how I got to my room. I collected my phone and started scanning for information.

  Apparently, I called Caleb, so I headed to his room. I heard a thud and assumed he was up. I didn’t bother knocking and opened his door. Of course, as soon as I did this, I was greeted by a very happy Caleb. In the areas that are usually covered. So I shut my eyes and turned around.

  I’d never seen one so up-close and personal before, so it overwhelmed me. A lot. But then I heard her. That stupid tart who’s the mother of his unborn child. And everything I’d felt for him up to that point vanished. I couldn’t believe I listened to all his stupid lies.

  He didn’t love me at all. He just lied to me. Probably to get his one last virgin before he was committed to that snake of a person for the rest of his life. What a prick!

  I ran out of his room so fast, I didn’t care that my head felt like a jackhammer was going off inside of it. I certainly didn’t care that I was still in a t-shirt, short-shorts, and no bra. Grabbing my swim bag, I slipped on my boots, coat, hat, and gloves, and took Caleb’s car to the pool since mine was still at Sam’s.


  I return destined for pneumonia. My mom catches a glimpse of my wet hair, shitty clothing choice, and snaps, “Skylar Olivia Fletcher, what in God’s name are you wearing?”

  “Sleep clothes. Sorry, I gotta change and get ready for work.”

  “You better put on some warmer clothes. This isn’t summer. You could catch a serious cold pulling a stunt like that!”

  I hurry to my room so I don’t have to listen to her rant anymore. I am done. Tired. But worst of all, I’m so broken I don’t ever want to feel this way ever again. Once I’m changed, I head out the door. Caleb is leaning against his car.

  “Are you taking it somewhere again?” he asks.

  “Yes. I need to drop it off in the pits of hell. You can collect it there.”

  He throws his hands up. “Jesus, Sky, I don’t expect you to believe me but—”

  I stick my fingers in my ears and scream, “LALALALALALALALALA!” Yes, I’m that immature. Sue me.

  He yanks my hands away and kisses me on my mouth. I’m shocked and mad at the same time. “What the—”

  “Shut up! Just. Shut. Up.”

  I want to slap him, but he’s restraining my wrists. “Listen, I’ll talk to you when you’re ready to. But I need my car today, so I’ll drop you off at work. Okay?”

  He releases my wrists and I snap, “Fine.”

  Did I mention that sometimes I’m such a child? He tries to be a gentleman and open my door, but I just slap his hand away from the handle and tell him to quit. I don’t want his stupid help. I don’t want to swoon all over him. Never. Again.

  Eventually he gives up. It’s silence between us. And I honestly don’t know what’s worse anymore.


  Coffee usually puts me in a better mood. But this cup of joe isn’t doing shit to help me. I’m pretty sure every customer that has been in my line thinks I’m PMSing, which would be my guess if I were witnessing my emotional spiral.

  Why can’t I forget him? His stupid smile. His damn scent. His kisses. God, those kisses were so freaking amazing. Boys his age should not be able to kiss like him. And while I’m at it, damn his everything! Looks and all, screw him!

  I need a shot! And not a shot of espresso. I mean some liquor! I don’t want to be able to think, let alone feel another thing.

  Lance walks into the coffee shop with Kayla and Derrick following. Derrick nods. “What’s up?”

  Kayla runs up and hugs me. She’s the first person I texted about Caleb and Danielle this morning. She told me she’ll beat them both for me. Normally I’d break down in big, fat tears, but I think I cried Caleb all out of my system.

  “Do they know?” I whisper.

  Kayla glances back at the boys and then shakes her head. “Derrick came to give you a huge hug, and he wants to take you out to dinner.”

  “Why?” I ask as I peer around her at Derrick.

  “Well,” he interrupts. “Thanks to you, I got an interview with Boston University and Florida State for wrestling. I wanted to thank you with some dinner.” He approaches the counter and looks over at Kayla. “Step aside, it’s my turn.”

  She sidesteps toward Lance. Derrick pulls me into a bear-style hug and it honestly leaves me gasping for air. It’s definitely different from Caleb’s comforting, gentle … Blah! What am I saying? I don’t want to think about his hugs!

  Derrick releases me, and I stumble a little toward the coffee machines.

  “Sorry. I’m just really excited. So when do you get off?” Derrick asks. “What kind of food do you like?”

  “I get off at four. I don’t care where we eat, I’m down with anything, but you don’t have to take me out.”

  “Um, yes, he does! Consider it a belated b-day present,” Kayla says with a smile.

  “Oh no, shit, it was your birthday? When?” Derrick asks.

  “Yesterday, right?” Lance answers.

  “I’m still hung over if that helps.”

  Derrick laughs. “Right on! Well, we should go grab some food. We can invite Cabs.”

  “No!” Kayla and I both say at the same time. Both the boys jump back like we’re snakes with venomous, ready fangs.

  “All right. No Caleb,” Lance says, then he shoots me a look that says I need to explain later.

  Not happening. I don’t want to relive that memory anymore. It’s my own fault. I should have bailed on him and his stupid pleas for me the moment Danielle told me she was having his baby. I would have saved myself all the trouble of caring. Or at least thinking that maybe I was being ridiculous and could be with him. Pfft. How stupid of me.

  “So we’ll be back for you at four. Unless you want to go to your house and get changed?” Derrick asks. “We can pick you up there.”

  “Yeah, you can come by the house. Five thirty sound good?”

  “Sounds great,” he says. Lance and Kayla order some drinks to go, and then they all leave together.

  Once they do, it dawns on me. Oh man, I’m going out to dinner with Derrick. I hope he doesn’t think this is a date or hits on me. But I do hope Caleb sees him pick me up and gets really upset. Because, honestly, I want him to suffer. I want him to be as crushed as I am.

  It’s near closing time when Alex comes toward the sink area. He gets two soapy rags ready and tosses me one while he takes the other. “You’re off today,” he notes.

  “Um, okay.”

  He smiles his boyish grin that makes girls like me melt. He’s really a hot piece of … hello to look at. Oh, and he so knows it. He winks at me and wipes a table. “Sky, I’m serious, there is something really wrong. No flirty comments when I wink at you. No sassy talk about soaping up your rags. What’s up?”

  “Nothing. Just not in the mood.” My heart has been crushed. I don’t want
to talk about it. Not to my super hot boss, who’s only a few years older than me. Still, this is a conversation I will never have with him. Ever.

  “Seriously! Are you not going to tell me?”

  I wipe a table that I believe has been cleaned twice now and avoid his question. He doesn’t let it go, cornering me at the next table and locking his gaze with mine. “What’s going on?”

  “Dude, I’m not telling you my problems. Go be a Dr. Phil to someone else.”

  He shakes his head. “Nope. Can’t push me away today. Tell me. Whatever it is, I’m sure I can help.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s solved. My issue. This is just the aftereffect. It will be gone tomorrow.”

  He shrugs. “Okay. But if it isn’t I’m going to get it out of you.”

  He wishes. I nod and continue cleaning up the shop. As soon as I’m finished, I punch out and head home. By the time I get there, I’ll have exactly twenty minutes to get ready. Not enough time to be super sexy—not that that’s the look I’m going for. But I’ll have enough time to look decent.

  Chapter 32


  Skylar walks right into the house, up the flight of steps, and boom, slams her door. Yeah, she’s still upset with me. I don’t blame her. Fuck. I feel like an ass. I know it’s not my fault, I mean, I sure as hell didn’t let Danielle into my room. And to find her naked next to me scared the shit out of me.

  After a few minutes, Skylar emerges from her room, wearing a skirt, thigh-high boots, and some sexy sweater that shows off her small bit of cleavage. I almost nut in my pants at the sight of her. She’s so gorgeous. Wait, what the hell is she dressed up for?

  A horn blares outside, and I narrow my eyes. “Where the hell are you going?”


  She turns the knob to the front door, and I’m off the couch so fast, I’m like The Flash! As I place my hand over hers, the horn sounds off again, and I look out the window to see who is so impatient and such a total asshat he can’t come to the door to get her. I nearly storm out of the house and pull him out of his car as soon as I see his Mustang. That no-good motherfucker.


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