Kiss of the Dragon

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Kiss of the Dragon Page 6

by Christina James

  “Trust me, Modesta. This is for the best. I have been summoned, and if I do not make an appearance, the duchess will become suspicious and she could possibly discover what we have done.”

  Modesta put her arms about Bianca’s shoulders and kissed her cheek before reluctantly making her way to the door. “I will go and find Jabulani and send him to you. If the Black Dragon tries anything inappropriate, you need only call out and he will brave the Dragon’s den to your rescue.”

  “Do you think I will need rescuing from the Dragon?”

  “He is a dangerous man, Bianca. I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Chapter Three

  Bianca stood in front of the heavy wooden door of the Dragon’s lair. Her purpose for coming was to confront the great man in his own territory. But now doubts plagued her about the scheme she had come up with. What in the world had she been thinking? Or perhaps that was her problem. Had she been thinking at all? That she even considered coming here proved just how much the dark knight fascinated her. The memory of his hard body pressed against her soft bottom as she lay across his lap in the Great Hall left her breathless even now. His large hands had been gentle as he handled her in her moment of embarrassing clumsiness.

  She had never felt desire before but she was certain that what she felt in that moment had sparked a need in her. A need she could not ignore. Still, as she stood in the dark hallway chewing on her lip, she remained uncertain how to proceed. If her stepmother or her father ever found out she had come here, they would be shocked at best, disappointed and shamed at worst, by her actions. She was a gentle born lady, after all. Not some light-skirted woman looking to spend time in a stranger’s bed. The thought that she could be so wanton brought a fierce blush to her cheeks. Her hand trembled with excitement and dread as she raised it to rap on the door. She hesitated. No matter how bold and liberal she pretended to be, she knew she was not quite free-spirited enough to deliberately seek out a naked man in his chambers and help him bathe. She wasn’t certain that she could do it.

  She stood in the corridor outside Lord Draco’s door shaking like a leaf caught in a brisk fall wind, rethinking the wisdom of her scheme. Her nerves coiled, her stomach clenched in a painful knot. It was not the harsh reputation of the Black Dragon that worried her. She was about to see a naked man! The realization had not hit her until she was halfway to the west tower where Lord Draco was lodged.

  Now that she was finally here, she could not bring herself to knock on the last barrier that stood between them. Her hand poised, frozen in its course, but she had no courage left to make the final endeavor. Perhaps it would be best if she just returned to her chambers and sent Leia to attend to the Black Dragon’s needs. Her maid was known to have a hardy appetite for carnal pleasures when it came to mighty knights. It was from that quarter that Bianca had gleaned much of what she knew on the subject. Yes, sending Leia to Lord Draco would be the intelligent thing to do.

  But even as she made her resolve, the door opened, taking the decision completely out of her hands. A young man with piercing gray eyes stood in the open doorway, looking at her expectantly. From his black attire, she recognized him as one of the young soldiers in Baron d’Ensoleille’s entourage. A hot blush of embarrassment stole up her neck and over her cheeks as he leaned against the doorframe, staring at her with open admiration. A slow smile spread across his face causing the delicate blush to flare to a hot flush over her skin.

  Bianca took a step back, retreating slightly, discomfited by his blatant admiration. It seemed that she had been misinformed as to which chamber Lord Draco occupied. But when she opened her mouth to apologize for intruding, a strange expression crossed the young man’s face and suddenly he sneezed and then reddened in humiliation at his uncouth action. Bianca could not stop the smile that tilted up the corners of her lovely mouth and her anxiety immediately melted away with the young man’s misplaced shame.

  “A thousand pardons, mademoiselle,” he mumbled, ducking his dark head so that she could no longer see his intense gray eyes.

  “But of course, monsieur. Are you unwell? If you are, Galen, our healer, can most likely find some concoction or other to help you. He is very good at what he does.” She smiled when he looked at her again, seemingly amazed by her concern.

  “I thank you, mademoiselle. But I am afraid my sneezing has nothing to do with an ailment, it is just something that I always do. I am sensitive to many things, especially a lady’s fine perfumes. Potent scents irritate my nose, thus I sneeze.”

  Bianca grew very still as her mind registered his words. Then she silently cursed her absentmindedness. How could she forget such an obvious thing? Her favorite perfume was made from the oils of myrrh and jasmine. If she had thought about it earlier, she would have bathed to remove it. Now all she could do was hope that Lord Draco would not notice the expensive scent. She was, after all, playing the part of a lady’s maid.

  “You should see Galen; he is quite helpful, really.”

  “Maybe I shall. I thank you, mademoiselle. You are too kind.”

  “Perhaps you could return the favor. I seem to have been misinformed as to which chambers belong to Lord Draco d’Ensoleille. Do you know?”

  “But, of course, mademoiselle. These are, in fact, Lord Draco’s chambers, and I am Cynric.” He bowed at his introduction. “I am his brother, as well as his squire.”

  “Oh.” His identity surprised her. “I do see some resemblance.” In truth, Bianca was startled to find that the great Dragon had a younger brother. It had never occurred to her that the mighty knight had kith or kin. This young man had the same blue-black hair but his eyes were a soft gray whereas his older brother’s eyes were so dark, they looked to be black. Cynric was tall and slender, showing the promise of maturing into a strong, muscular man, just like his brother. He would perhaps follow Draco’s footsteps and become a great knight and warrior.

  At that thought, Bianca anxiously glanced over his shoulder into the darkened chamber behind him, but she could see nothing. “I am pleased to meet you, Cynric. I am here to aid his lordship with his bath. Is he within?”

  “Yes, he is waiting inside for you. I was just on my way out.” He winked at her. “Do take your time.” His gray eyes held a hint of laughter as he passed her and moved down the corridor. Another fit of sneezing took hold of him even as he turned the far corner of the corridor.

  Craning her neck, Bianca peered into the Dragon’s darkened chamber, uncertain she had the courage to cross the threshold. Tapestries on the windows had not been pulled back and the only source of light came solely from the blazing fire in the large hearth. The chamber was cast in pale gold glitter of light that flickered unsteadily, not quite reaching the shadowy corners.

  It took her a moment or two to put one foot inside and a great deal of courage to push the door firmly closed behind her. The sound of the metal latch catching echoed throughout the chamber, causing her to jump nervously and she took an involuntary step backward. But the closed door brought her up short, stopping her escape and she found her back pressed against it as she took several deep breaths, fighting to control her stampeding heart.

  As her eyes adjusted to the dimness, she gazed cautiously about the room. In the flickering light, she saw the large canopy bed, which took up a better part of one wall, its hangings made of deep blue velvet with gold roping and tassels decorating the corners. A coverlet of the same velvet covered the bed while fat pillows sat high against the rich cherry headboard. Set into the far wall was a small shadowy alcove containing a wide window seat beneath the tall, covered windows. But it was the large hearth set into the third wall that drew her attention. The fire blazed high, giving the room warmth and what little light there was. Before it sat a large bathtub filled with steaming water, waiting to be used. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of it and she had to force herself to move to the center of the room, her eyes roaming everywhere as she tried not to look at it.

  “My lord?”

  Her voice was a whisper of sound but it seemed to echo in the large room.

  Bianca had been in the chamber many times when she had been assigned to housekeeping duties by her new stepmother. But viewing it in the faint light of the fire, she appreciated the well-furnished apartment. Absently, she considered that Sir Draco should have no complaints about his accommodations. It was a room worthy of a king. Thinking of the man, she remembered she was not alone and she searched the room for the illusive Dragon.

  “My Lord Draco?”

  “I did not think that you would actually come, little one.” His deep voice permeated the darkened room as a low rumble, nearly causing Bianca to jump. She whirled around to face him.

  “Why would I not come? Her Grace sent me, my lord.”

  “Her Grace or the young Lady de Neige? Which one sent you?”

  She hesitated to respond.

  “I must confess that after meeting the young Lady de Neige in the hall this morning, I was a bit disappointed.” He moved closer to her.

  “What do you mean, my lord?”

  “Oh, I found the Beauty de Neige lovely enough, with her golden hair and emerald eyes, but she is naught at all what I had expected. The tales we heard throughout our journey praised her exquisite beauty, and Baron Servais is more than pleased that they were true. But I expected something…more.”

  “More, my lord? Perhaps it is the color of a maiden’s eyes or the curve of her hip that attracts a man such as you?” Her voice rose. “I find that men are very fickle when it comes to the fairness of a maiden, not her intelligence or the sweetness of her disposition.” She challenged him, her chin held high, looking him squarely in the eye. She believed that the true points of beauty were more than skin deep; that beauty of the heart and soul were what counted, and they lasted a lifetime.

  It was at that point when she remembered her position. She lowered her eyes. She expected him to rebuke her for her outspokenness. But as she waited for him to bodily eject her from the chamber for her impertinent words, she became aware of where her gaze had fallen. She found herself staring at his bare, furred chest and heat immediately suffused her face. She was not accustomed to seeing a man’s bare skin. Not knowing where to look, she glanced toward the large canopy bed, but that brought about all kinds of images of him lying on it, naked, and she had to quickly look away. She was relieved when he turned away.

  “Certainly a woman’s looks cannot be held against her, but to answer your question honestly, if I were the one looking to marry, I would want a maiden with fire in her blood and spirit in her soul. Someone who would not faint away at her first examination of my scarred body. It would take a courageous maiden to face down the Dragon and tame him, if she dared.”

  His words stunned Bianca and she could only stare as he moved toward the tub. She was so engrossed watching his every movement that she forgot to avert her gaze when he slipped the black velvet robe he wore from his shoulders and dropped it to pool at his feet.

  Bianca stared in wonder at his broad bare back. All of it! A truly magnificent back! He was solid, rippling muscle from his wide, massive shoulders, down his back, tapering down to his sculptured buttocks and muscular thighs. A gasp of shock and wonder escaped her lips. He was sculpted like a magnificent Roman statue! His body all hard planes of muscle that danced in the firelight; shadow and light played across his body, like a caress, leaving little to her imagination. Scars marked the bronzed skin of his wide back. A particularly ragged one ran over his left shoulder, across his chest and disappeared under his right arm. He looked so masculine, so inviting that Bianca had to tamp down the urge to reach out and touch him, to see if he was as cool as marble or if his skin was warmed by the fire in his blood.

  His movement into the tub disturbed her bold stare and Bianca nearly protested in her disappointment when he slid his large body down into the steaming water.

  “Come and scrub my back,” he commanded, glancing over his shoulder. Mindful that she was about to touch this man’s splendid body and knowing that that was exactly what she wanted to do, Bianca felt hot and bothered. It was fortunate that the chamber was dimly lit or she feared he might have noticed the excitement in her eyes and the high color on her cheeks.

  Bianca walked slowly toward the tub and the large, naked man who sat in it. She rolled her sleeves to above her elbows as she approached and reached for the linen cloth he offered her. At the contact between their fingers, a bolt of lightning jumped from his fingertips to her and ripped through her body, leaving her stunned and breathless.

  Draco looked questioningly at her startled expression.

  Feeling suddenly fainthearted, Bianca lowered her gaze and focused on the cloth in her hand and his broad, naked back before her. Tentatively, she dipped the cloth in the bath water before smoothing it over his skin. His muscle felt like granite beneath her fingers as she slid the wet cloth gently between his shoulder blades and up his neck then out over his shoulders and back. She took the ball of scented soap from the stool and wiped the cloth over it, building a great lather before applying it to his back and lower. She scrubbed most vigorously, splashing water over the side of the tub, wetting the front of her gown in her movements. Silently cursing her clumsiness, Bianca prayed that in the dimness of the chamber and her nearness to the tub, Lord Draco would not notice her now soaked bodice.

  Draco noted that she worked diligently, in a rhythm that had her hands moving over him in a sensual manner of which he was very appreciative. It disturbed him somewhat that he had started this. It was apparent that he had not put enough thought into the results of his manipulations. But now he wondered if he had not perchance made a great error commanding her presence here. At the touch of her delicate fingers, he experienced a feeling so unforeseen, so amazing and for a moment, he could do little more than keep breathing. Though her hair was still covered with that ugly kerchief, and she wore that threadbare gray gown, even those deterrents would not have fooled a blind man.

  Suppressing a low groan, as a wave of pure lust hit him; Draco cursed himself for his lunacy of letting this beauty into his chamber, to help him bathe, to play chambermaid to his lord of the castle. What had he been thinking? Perhaps that was his problem; he had not been thinking at all. He could have conceived a different, less dangerous means to teach the little wench a well-deserved lesson. Now he found himself playing with fire and if he were not careful, he would end up burnt to a cinder.

  The feel of her small, soft hands moving over his body aroused him to a painful proportion. He shifted to ease his heaviness, his hands fisting so tightly, his knuckles were white from the strain. It was evident that he would be riding out to the river Garonne to cool his lust and relieve his discomfort when she was gone.

  “I think that spot is cleansed.” He spoke more harshly than he meant when her hand moving across his neck became unbearable torture to his heightened senses.

  Without being bidden, Bianca moved around to the side of the tub. She leaned over his arm to swirl the wet, soapy cloth over the sculpted muscles of his massive chest, her hand moving down over his rippling stomach and dangerously lower. Draco had to restrain himself from shooting to his feet at her touch and startling her with the sight of his throbbing erection. Years of self-restraint helped him to act nonchalant as her hands wreaked a magic of their own across his sensitive nipples buried in the mat of dark hair of his chest. He did not know if he could take much more before he would either order her to cease, or he would end up pulling her into the tub to make love to her. It would be a close thing, indeed. His body screamed for release but he knew he could never give in to his lust. He had been a fool to lure the Lady Bianca to his chamber and put himself through such torture.

  When the cloth slipped from her hands, Bianca tried to catch it, but lost it in the soapy water. She stared down into the depths and hesitated only a moment, as if unsure of what to do. Leaning farther over the edge of the tub to retrieve the cloth, her cheek was a mere breath away from Draco’s lips
. A low moan escaped his mouth just before his hand clamped over her wrist, startling her.

  “Do not!” His harsh whisper effectively stopped her movements.

  Bianca raised her eyes to become lost in his intense dark gaze, which held an expression of scorching desire. Breathlessly, she studied his face and helplessly watched as his perusal dropped to her breasts. Her nipples pearled under his gaze, straining against the thin, transparent fabric of her water-soaked gown, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her breathing became labored, her breasts tightened and felt heavy and her stomach began to do odd things. She could not begin to describe the effects his nearness was having on her senses because she had never experienced the like.

  Her gaze flew to his mouth and she found herself wondering what it would be like to be kissed by those full, sensuous lips. What would he do if she turned her head and pressed her lips against his? Would he think her too forward? Wanton? Would he realize she was trying to seduce him here in his chambers? For that was what she was doing, was she not? Dear God in Heaven! Where had that thought come from? Shocked at her sinful thoughts, Bianca froze.

  The washcloth was completely forgotten. All her senses became engaged in the slow seduction of her suddenly sensitive body as the heat of his breath caressed her cheek. She shivered delicately. His scent intoxicated her. Her senses were assaulted from all sides as she breathed in the smell of him, felt the warmth of his skin and listened to his breath whoosh in and out as his breathing accelerated. She was so distracted that she forgot about her precarious position as she leaned over this naked giant. Mostly she did not take into consideration that she was completely at his mercy. She was where she wanted to be.

  Kiss me!

  His lips were but a whisper away. His eyes hot with desire and Bianca knew instinctively what was to come. Her senses began to whirl with thoughts of her first kiss, and the man who was about to gift her with it. She watched, mesmerized, as his hand moved up her arm to her shoulder to her head where he proceeded to push off the old kerchief. He loosened her silky black tresses from the thick plait, which held it captive and spread her hair down over her shoulders, running his fingers through the silky softness. Finally, he fisted his hand in the soft hair at the nape of her neck and held her captive as his eyes moved over her face and hair.


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