Kiss of the Dragon

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Kiss of the Dragon Page 14

by Christina James

  Bianca sat for several moments fuming at the knowledge that she had missed the pleasure of spending the day in Lord Draco’s company. After searching the valley and forest for the hunters she had given up and returned to the castle to retire for the afternoon to her rooms to work on her writing. But her attention kept wandering to the dark knight and her pen remained idle for the most part.

  Now she forced herself to smile and she accepted their offers of the choicest pieces of meat and the best wine and pastries. She had all their attention but she felt empty and lonely even among so many. There was only one man whose company she craved and she had spent the entire meal waiting for him to make an appearance.

  During supper, she happened to glance down the table at her father only to find him watching her intently. He gave her an encouraging nod to let her know that he approved of the attention she received from her young suitors and that she should make the best of it. Bianca smiled weakly at him and then she glanced at her stepmother who sat at his side. She was shocked to find the woman’s face twisted in a mask of hatred as she returned Bianca’s stare.

  It was clear Heloise was very unhappy about something, but what, Bianca had no notion. She glanced around at the young men around her and found them to be handsome each in his own way and pleasant enough. What did it matter to her stepmother who she chose to marry as long as she did? It was what Heloise wanted, was it not? Her stepmother had let it be known far and wide that her stepdaughter was old enough to wed. And she had made no secret to Bianca that she wanted her gone from Castle Neige and her life.

  When she reached the entranceway, Bianca turned back to watch Lord Draco as he moved around the floor with the voluptuous gypsy in his arms, a haunting melody playing on and on. It was worse than being caught in one of her dark dreams because this was real and she could not awake to escape it. Her head began to ache and she felt sick to her stomach. Bianca needed to get out of there before she made a fool of herself by losing her supper there on the dance floor. There was only so much pain and heartache that a maiden could endure and she was definitely past that point.

  She had never considered that Lord Draco would betray her with another woman, but then, he had never made her any promises either. Their relationship was a frail one, and apparently, at this point in it, she was not important enough for him to consider her feelings at seeing him in the arms of another woman, even if it was only a gypsy wench. The baron was a man after all. He could take any woman he wanted and she had no leverage with which to stop him. Sadly, Bianca had only a few more days to get him to commit to her, only until the end of the week, or she would lose him. Now, as she watched him dancing with another woman, her confidence in her scheme faded. How much could she expect of a man who publicly fawned over a gypsy slattern, one who made it obvious that she was only too willing to share his bed if he but asked?

  Of course, Bianca thought bitterly, he had no intention of marrying the gypsy either, but he knew that he could bed her and leave her in the morning with no consequences.

  Bianca was so furious, she did not notice the old gypsy woman standing in the alcove behind her until she nearly tripped over her.

  “Pardon me,” Bianca murmured, and tried to pass, but the old woman sidestepped her and planted herself in front of Bianca, effectively blocking her escape. Looking closer at the woman, Bianca gasped and stumbled back, a feeling of real panic filling her.

  “Pray, do not fear me, child. I mean you no harm.”

  The words were said in a low, soothing tone, which penetrated the haze of fear and calmed Bianca enough that she could catch her breath. “What do you want here?”

  “I came to see you.”


  “Need you ask that, child?” A small, reproachful smile lit up the old, wrinkled face. “I realize that I have not been around in a long while, but we have been on the road a great deal the past few years. You know that a gypsy has no real home except for her family.”

  “Yea. But why have you come back? And why now?”

  “I sensed that you needed guidance. All the signs I have studied pointed to it. You are of an age where you need your own man and to start a family.” The old woman shrugged her shoulders slightly. “I thought that perhaps I could advise you in some small way. Everyone needs a little help from time to time. Do you not agree? Come, let us talk for a while.”

  Hesitant to take the old, proffered hand, Bianca gaze into the soulful bluish-purple eyes uncertainly. But as she considered her words, she saw only trust and compassion and, she gasped, yes, there was love shining in her eyes for Bianca. Was it possible that this old woman, who had popped in and out of her life over the years and who always managed to appear when she most needed advice on a life-changing matter, loved her as well as any grandmother loved her granddaughter?

  In all the years she had known this woman, she had come to no harm. Which made it hard for Bianca to understand her own attitude toward the Rom. They had for the most part treated her as family. It had been the incident when she was a young child that still haunted her in her dreams that had her mistrusting any gypsy who came within any distance of Neige. To this day, she still had nightmares, even if the incident had dimmed somewhat and all the details seemed to blur over the years. It seemed foolish now that it was all in the past, but the tragic happenings at that time in her young life had changed her whole perspective about trusting anyone.

  Taking a shuddering breath, Bianca closed her eyes as she made an effort to push the sadness away. Slowly she offered her hand and felt it clasped by rough, bony hands. A warmth seemed to race up her arm, and she opened her eyes to gaze down at the old woman’s hand. Whether it was her imagination or reality, a blue flame formed a soft aura around their hands and a feeling of quiet enchantment rushed up her arm to warm her body as it settled in her heart. She blinked once and then it was gone and she was left wondering if it were real.

  “Now then.” Her grandmother’s words brought her back to her surroundings. “About this man you care so much about, the one you are going to lose, not to that debauching little dancer doing her best to seduce him, but to your own lack of fortitude. You know your heart, but you are letting your jealousy work against you. He is yours, granddaughter, believe it. Use the knowledge that he cares deeply for you and only you to help you find a way to get the words from him.”

  “That is easier said than accomplished. What do I do, go and dance for him as well?” Sarcasm dripped from her lips as Bianca laughed mirthlessly, helplessness echoing off the cold, stone corridor walls. It was a sound that matched her disposition.

  “Yea, if that is what it takes, do so, but not in the hall where every ravenous male can feast his eyes upon your lovely flesh. No, you must do something for him and him alone. If dancing is what it will take, then dancing he shall have.” Taking Bianca by the arm, the old woman ushered her down the twisting turns of the corridors and up the stairs to her tower chambers.

  “I cannot dance for him, grandmother. I would not even know how.”

  “That is a defeatist attitude, my dear. If your mother had believed that, you would not be standing here today.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are right.” At the mention of her mother, Bianca’s lagging fortitude did an about-face. “What must I do? Teach me the dances that will seduce him and I will do it.”

  “Good, child. That is the attitude you must take. Never do I want to see your lower lip trembling again. It does no good to wallow in self-pity.” The old woman kissed Bianca’s forehead gently and hugged her close. “There, now first things first, we must find something suitable for you to wear.”

  Bianca glanced down at her lovely gown. “What is wrong with this?”

  “It is very beautiful, my child. But you need something more; something that will dazzle him, something that will take his breath away when he sees you in it. A costume he will remember and dream of long after you have performed for him.”

  Swallowing the lump in her throat that threatened
to choke her, Bianca’s eyes widened with wonder, and just a little fear. She hesitated even going so far as to open her mouth to tell her grandmother that she didn’t think she could do it. But then she remembered that last time she had been alone with Lord Draco, in his rooms, and the memory of the gleam of desire in his dark eyes.

  Yes. She would dance for him. This would be her time to seduce the stubborn man.

  “Are you seeing it as it could be, granddaughter? Yea, I can see that you are.”

  With a slight nod of assurance, Bianca let her mind’s eye picture exactly what the old woman spoke of and then her courage wavered.

  “I have nothing so enchanting.”

  “Hmmm… Do you still have any of your mother’s wardrobe?”

  “Yes, whatever is left is stored in those chests in the corner.”

  Not needing an invitation, the old woman moved across the room and opened a chest. She rummaged through it for a moment or two, murmuring quietly to herself.

  Bianca walked up behind her and peered over her shoulder as she shifted through the items that had been so reverently packed away and never again disturbed. The scent that rose from the depths of the long closed chest brought back precious memories of a long ago time. It was like making a journey into the past. The exotic perfume that Marilis de Neige once wore filled the air. Jasmine and myrrh had always been her mother’s favorite perfume. Bianca felt emptiness wash over her. The feelings that had taken her so long to bury arose to meet her in a crashing wave of pain, nearly felling her to her knees.

  It had been nearly nine years since Marilis had died of fever only days after attempting to birth a male child, an heir for her husband, the Duke de Neige. Neither mother nor son survived the birthing. Marilis left behind a brokenhearted young daughter and a husband so wrapped up in his own despair that he nearly forgot about his only child, until that horrible, fateful night, the memory of which still gave Bianca dark, troubling dreams.

  “Ah, child, this is perfect. I knew your mother would not throw all of her costumes away. She had a great fondness for this one. She wore it the first time she met your father. He was enthralled with my beautiful Marilis. I believe it will look just as sultry and ravishing on you as it did on her.”

  Never in all of her life had Bianca laid eyes upon anything as exquisitely exotic as the diaphanous gold and black piece that was held before her.

  * * * * *

  After managing to free himself from the persistent Carmen with her too bold, roaming hands, Draco followed Bianca from the hall. He knew from the moment that Carmen began to dance for him that it had outraged Bianca. By the fierce look she gave him, it was obvious that she was jealous and angry. He just hoped that both emotions were short-lived, and would fade as soon as rational thought returned. Although, he had to admit that having a woman jealous over him gave him an odd sense of arrogance and restored a great deal of his confidence as a man. Being a soldier, a badly scarred one at that, he was unaccustomed to that kind of feminine attention. Women had never been hard to come by if you had the coin, but he had never had a woman show any emotion for him other than revulsion.

  By the time Draco reached the end of the darkened corridor, Bianca was nowhere to be seen, and after squelching an impulse to follow her to her chambers, he decided to retire to his own bedchambers.

  Lighting the candle on the bedside table, he stripped down and collapsed on the mammoth sized bed with a great sigh. He lay there for some time, his arm thrown over his eyes, his mind in turmoil over what he should do about the lovely Bianca. He could no longer deny his desire for her. She enraptured him from the first moment he had laid eyes on her dressed in her outrageous maidservant’s clothing. Still he was not about to admit there was any more to his attraction for her than pure lust.

  If he had any sense left in his muddled brain, he would pack up and prepare to leave Castle Neige at first light as he had originally planned. But that thought no longer appealed to him. The memory of her lush curves pressed against his hard body, and her sweet, kissable mouth came to mind and his body clenched and tightened in response. Damn but he wanted her. He wanted her badly.

  So distracted by his lascivious thoughts, he barely heard the light tapping on his chamber door. He was not sure he had actually heard anything, so he waited and after a moment or two, it came again, a light, timid tapping.

  He swung his long legs over the edge of the bed and pulled on his leggings before padding across the room in his bare feet. He opened the door and the sight that met his eyes had his jaw going slack with amazement. For a moment he thought he had fallen asleep and was in the middle of an erotic dream, but then her soft fragrance enveloped him, settled over him like a caress, and he knew this dream was no dream. She was very real.

  Her face hidden behind opaque golden scarves, Bianca found the courage that she lacked just moments before while standing in the cold hallway, her hand raised to knock on the scarred door. But the hot gaze that swept over her veil-covered body left her flushed with uncertainty and embarrassment. She blushed at her own audacity to come to his room dressed in such a way. Was this a mistake? Had her grandmother been wrong?

  Draco’s eyes lingered over the full breasts before moving down to the tiny waist and over the curve of her hips. The dark triangle at the junction of her thighs showed through the thin layers of shimmering fabric. The sight of such beauty displayed so erotically send his manhood into full-blown arousal, testing the sturdiness of the stitching at his crotch.

  He had been daydreaming of Bianca just moments before as he lay on his bed and here she was in the most wondrous costume possible. As he stood there staring at his Beauty, his heartbeat accelerated and he had to clench his hands into fists and thrust them behind his back to keep from reaching for her and taking her down on the floor right there in the hallway. Thoughts of long hot passionate kisses and sweaty intertwining naked bodies clouded his brain and he had to shake his head to clear it.

  “Yea?” He barked hoarsely, not knowing what else to say at that moment. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her away. He swallowed painfully, his throat was suddenly very dry.

  “I have come to dance for you, m’lord.” Her long black lashes fluttered down seductively. She peeked up through them to gauge his reaction to her boldness and barely controlled the smile of triumph that threatened to tilt up the corners of her lovely red lips as he hastily pulled the door wide and motioned for her to enter. After she stepped across the threshold, he glanced down the corridor to see if anyone had witnessed her arrival and was relieved to find the hall vacant.

  Draco closed the door and leaned against it as he watched in amusement as the feisty little beauty walked across the room to stand by his bed, her hips swaying seductively, tempting him. As she stood there, the glow of the candlelight reflected off the gold threads of the veil she draped around her shoulders and the silver threads in her diaphanous trousers she wore making her look like a goddess. And he could think of no better way to show his appreciation for her existence than worship her body with his own.

  Before he could make a move in her direction, Bianca started to hum a gypsy love ballad. The tune was seductive and as she hummed it low, she began to move. Her hips undulated from side to side slowly; her hands roaming suggestively over her body. Then, with slow, rolling movements, she lifted them above her head with erotic grace. She turned slowly around and around, her small bare feet keeping rhythm as her arms and hips swayed like reeds in the wind, every angle of her lush, little body coming into his view.

  Never had Draco seen anything so erotic, so arousing. That she did this exclusively for him made it all the more significant. His arousal was great and his need to bury himself deep within her soft body nearly uncontrollable. Draco stalked her like a predator moving slowly behind her, around her. His eyes narrowed as he watched her every movement and soon he had only one thing in mind and that was to touch her, to feel her moving body underneath his hands. He wanted to feel her, kiss her, taste her soft, s
atiny flesh that peeked out from beneath the thin veils.

  So caught up in her dancing, Bianca failed to noticed Draco move up behind her and then suddenly his hands were on her hips. He pulled her flush to him and began to move with her, absorbing her. The heat of his nearly naked body at her back excited Bianca and she leaned into him, reaching up and caressing his neck and shoulders. She felt the hard evidence of his mighty arousal prodding into her back as they moved together. The heat from of his body was enormous and she feared she might get burned if they went any further. But she was determined to carry this seduction to its conclusion. This was her best opportunity and she meant to make the most of it.

  Draco slowly turned her around to face him. He lifted a trembling hand to push aside the gold veil that hid her face and tentatively up at him as her hands slid up his chest and she encircled his neck with her slender arms. Accepting her invitation, he gathered her close. She lifted her mouth and whispered, “Kiss me, my Dragon.”

  Needing no further evidence of her desire for him, his mouth descended to capture her soft lips in a passionate kiss that went on and on, his lips, teeth and tongue ravaging the sweetness of her.

  It was no longer just a simple melding of breath and lips as in their first kiss. This time there was great desire and his need for physical gratification was too great to be denied. Bianca could feel his urgency in the way he held her, caressed her body with his great hands and especially in the way he kissed her. Her heart jumped in response, her blood pulsating with pleasure and desire so fierce that she nearly climbed his frame to get closer. She moaned into his mouth as his hands moved down her back and over the curve of her hips to cup her round buttocks and lift her, pressing the junction of her thighs intimately against the heavy bulge of his arousal.

  Draco cupped her full breast and his fingers grazed her nipple through the thin fabric, Bianca nearly screamed with the amazing sensations that shot through her entire body. She arched into his touch wanting more, but not quite sure exactly what it was she was asking for, only knowing that she trusted him to understand her needs. When his mouth left hers, she whimpered at the loss. But then she sighed when his tongue lapped the lobe of her ear. She tilted her head to the side to give him better access to the sensitive slope of her neck. She moaned again at the extraordinary sensations that thrummed through her, not realizing that the filmy scarves that had once covered her body were now lying in a pool of gold and silver silk at their feet.


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