Enchanted Immortals Series Box Set: Books 1-4 plus Novella

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Enchanted Immortals Series Box Set: Books 1-4 plus Novella Page 62

by C. J. Pinard

  “Hey, you boys here for just drinks or something more?” said a sultry voice behind them as they were taking their seats at a back table.

  They both turned around to see a very pretty blonde standing there holding a tray. She wore a black ruffle skirt and a lime-green Pole Cat tank top and high heels.

  Jason eyed her head to toe, then said, “Just drinks, two beers.”

  She nodded. “You got it. I’m Charity, by the way.”

  “Thanks, Charity,” Tyler said, then took his seat.

  As she walked off, Jason said, “I’d like to donate to that charity.”

  Tyler shook his head and laughed. “You’re crazy, man.”

  “Oh, come on, she was hot. And you’re a doctor. You could get a chick like that with no problem.”

  “Not my type.”

  Understatement of the year.

  Jason jerked his chin toward the stage. “She more your type?”

  “That body paint is messy and causes skin rashes by clogging the pores. The metallic base causes skin irritation.”

  Charity returned with their drinks. “You boys need anything else, find me.” She walked off with a wink.

  Jason looked at Tyler. “You think too much.”

  Tyler sipped his beer and looked at the stage. “So I’ve been told.”

  They were quiet for a few minutes and Tyler thought about how different his life was from a year ago, when he was a quiet intern at the county hospital in Oakland. He thought he had a pretty good life back then, but as he looked back on it, he realized it was empty. He had a bright future but not much in the way of a personal life. No love life, and his family was pretty distant. He never knew much of his African-American father, and his mother, a white woman, was also a loner, living one step up from poverty level. She was proud of Tyler getting accepted into medical school, and he vowed he would take care of her always. Once he got moved to Portland because of the vampire incident, he had to tell her a half-truth about doing his medical residency up here. He still had plans to move her to Portland, but he wasn’t sure how it would be accepted. Her health wasn’t the best, and he was hoping to convince Jonathan and the sylphs that she wouldn’t be around long enough to notice his lack of aging. She was only in her fifties, and he hoped she lasted into her eighties, but knew she probably wouldn’t.

  “So what is the plan of attack here, doc?” Jason asked.

  “Huh?” Tyler asked, getting jerked from his reverie.

  “We are here to find out who the owner is, right?”

  Tyler nodded. “Yep.”

  “That’s the boss over there, isn’t it?”

  Tyler followed Jason’s line of sight to a large young man in a suit, who was speaking to Seth and Malachi.

  “Come on, let’s go listen,” Jason said, getting up. Tyler followed him.

  They stood about six feet away with their backs to them, pretending to watch the two brunette twins in hot pink who now ruled the stage. Tyler could hear everything and had to relay most of it to Jason.

  “No, Seth, that’s not true. I own that trailer park on Winchester Bay. I’m telling you, my manager said she saw three people kill Sheena.”

  Seth’s arms were folded. “How?”

  “Shot her, then decapitated her, so my manager said,” the club owner, whose name was apparently Mr. Barnes, replied.

  “Mr. Barnes, I was told her travel trailer exploded, that’s how she died.”

  Malachi was listening to the conversation curiously but said nothing. He was thinking that what Mr. Barnes was saying made more sense than what the Immortals had told them while they were in the island jail.

  Mr. Barnes scoffed, pulling the toothpick out of his mouth he’d been gnawing on. “Exploded, yes, but it didn’t just spontaneously combust.”

  Seth measured him with a stare. “Okay who were these people that decapitated her?”

  Mr. Barnes shrugged. “Two dudes and a chick.”

  Just then someone let out a loud yell and Mr. Barnes turned around to see two men punching each other, knocking down tables. He swore and ran over to help break it up.

  Seth looked at Malachi. “How far is Winchester Bay from here?”

  Malachi shrugged. “I don’t know, man. I got a GPS thing on my phone here though. Road trip?”

  Seth nodded. “Oh yes, road trip.”

  Chapter 15


  Los Angeles – 1933

  After spending ten good years in Phoenix, Kathryn was inexplicably drawn back to Los Angeles. Andrew was still the coven leader and was happy to have her back. She moved to a small suburb of the city with two new Immortals, a man and a woman, and fell back into the swing of her job.

  On New Year’s Eve, 1934, the sylph queens were throwing a party for all the covens of the Western U.S., held in Los Angeles. Kathryn was excited about the party. She really wanted to meet some new people, as she was pretty lonely. She missed David like crazy, but told herself she needed to move on.

  She bought herself a new dress, and an hour before she was to leave for the party, she carefully dressed and primped. When she was ready, she stood in front of the full-length walnut scroll mirror and admired herself. The short black dress showed off her legs nicely, which were accented in black pumps. She wore her blonde waves down and finished off the look with bright red lipstick. Ensuring she had cigarettes in her clutch purse, she made her way outside and got into the car with her two companions.

  After about an hour at the party, a sit-down dinner was served. During the meal, the sylph queen of the Western U.S. made a speech about the new divisional lines the council had drawn up. She then dismissed everyone to mingle and enjoy the festivities. Kathryn found her way to the bar of the large ballroom and watched people dance, drink, and laugh.

  A very tall, good-looking man walked in wearing a navy blue suit and a derby, and her breath caught in her throat. She sat and watched him speculatively as he pounded down two scotches, and when he ordered a third, she sauntered over to him.

  “Hi. I noticed you earlier while we were having dinner,” she smiled, batting long eyelashes over flirty blue eyes. Smoke spun into the air from the cigarette dangling between her fingers.

  She could see him eyeing her legs and she bit back a satisfied smile that the dress had done what she’d intended.

  “Well, did you now, um…?”

  “Kathryn Jones. But you can call me Kat.” She tapped an ash into a heavy glass ashtray that sat on the bar. She was trying to remain calm and relaxed but she was a bundle of nerves. This man was very attractive and she couldn’t believe how bold she was acting.

  He chuckled. “Kat? Well, me-ow. Name’s Jonathan Murphy. You staying at the hotel here?”

  Kathryn thought she detected a slight strange accent when he spoke, and she became even more determined to get to know the handsome stranger and get his story.

  “Yes. Are you?”

  He smiled at her before throwing his drink down in one gulp. “Yep. Which coven you belong to?”

  “Well, I’m originally from here in L.A., but moved to the Phoenix coven about eight years ago. Just moved back here to L.A. You?” She wasn’t about to get into her early years in Chicago.

  “I’m kind of from all over, but I moved here a few years ago, to join this coven. Getting a bit bored of L.A., though,” he answered.

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “Bored in L.A., really? What do you like to do for fun?” she asked, moving the smoldering cigarette to her other hand.

  He eyed her for a long minute. He knew flirtation when he saw it. “Wanna get out of here and I’ll show you, Kitty-Kat?”

  She wanted to scream inside. She couldn’t believe it was this easy. And here she thought her flirtation skills were rusty. She wanted to squeal with delight, but instead, she casually crushed out the cigarette, blowing smoke out of her crimson lips. Stepping away from the bar, she extended her hand to Jonathan.

  They spent the entire night and all the next day in his hotel ro
om. They would make love, talk, then make love again, eat, then talk. He seemed so easy to talk to and she poured herself out to him. He also opened up to her and she almost felt relieved being with him, like she had finally found someone she could open up to be herself around. However, she held back about her past life in Chicago, leaving that part vague, as she had learned that this had worked with David, too, deciding that what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

  She also kept wondering when the guilt was going to kick in. She hadn’t been this easy since her pre-L.A. days back in Chicago, but the guilt never came. She knew she was in love with Jonathan Murphy from the moment she’d laid eyes on him.


  Portland, Oregon – Present Day

  Jonathan, Thomas, Kathryn, and Tyler were waiting on the dock of the Tomahawk Bay Marina. Jonathan was pacing.

  The sky was shrouded with dark gray clouds that were weighty with rain. The wind was beginning to pick up and the slate gray water was getting choppier by the minute. Multiple fishing and leisure boats were bobbing on the water, lined up and anchored to the dock. There wasn’t anyone else around.

  “What are we doing out here?” Thomas asked, looking around the marina.

  Jonathan sighed. “Why the hell do you ask me that every time we get our dose? How many times do I have to explain to you, the sylphs don’t like the city.”

  Thomas looked down. “I know they don’t.”

  “Damn. Man, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I don’t need to tell you what sylphs like and dislike, do I?” Jonathan asked.

  Kathryn had her arm around Thomas’s shoulder as Thomas nodded.

  Just then, Serina appeared out of nowhere, a soft shimmer behind her dissipating as she stepped onto the dock. Thomas didn’t even try to hide the look of disappointment.

  “Hi. I’m here for Malina. I have your doses.” She looked up to the sky, then out to sea. “We should probably make this quick.”

  “So you’ve spoken with her then,” Thomas said, more than asked.

  Serina nodded and pulled four vials out of the pocket of her pink sundress, which looked wildly out of place, considering the weather.

  “Am I getting another dose? I had mine in 2011,” Tyler said.

  Jonathan nodded. “Yes, you have to get on the same schedule as us.”

  Tyler looked concerned. “Okay. It won’t do anything to my body chemistry or anything, will it? I’m not going to overdose or something, right?”

  Jonathan chuckled. “Calm down. If anything, your little gift will be even more enhanced.”

  Tyler nodded. He was secretly trying to get out of it, the pain of the first dose still a fresh memory.

  Thomas was not paying attention to their conversation. His eyes were locked on Serina’s. “Are you going to answer me?”

  Serina stared at Thomas’s too-long hair and the dark circles under his blue eyes, which seemed to have less light. He never once smiled and Serina felt like crying. She had never seen someone so distraught before.

  “Yes, I have, and I can assure you,” she placed a hand on Thomas’s arm, “that she is perfectly fine. She needs some time to think.”

  Thomas pulled his arm away and raked his hand through his hair. “Think about what! She is about to have my child and I have no idea where she is or if she’s safe!” He stopped pacing and looked at her. “Please, Serina, please tell her to come home. Or at least pick up her phone. It’s been weeks and I am sick. I love her so much, why won’t she come home?”

  Serina’s eyebrows furrowed together. “I will relay your message, Thomas.” She pulled a needle from her pocket and pricked her finger, dripping three drops into each vial. She looked around to ensure nobody was around and handed a vial to each Immortal. Each raised theirs up and said, “Ad vitam longan!” But as they looked at each other, they noticed Thomas was not participating.

  “Tom, what’s wrong?” Kathryn asked, the vial lingering at her lips.

  He looked at Kathryn, then back to Serina. He paused a long minute, looked at his vial, then turned around, tossing it overhand into the water where it landed with a silent splash. They all gasped.

  “I’m not taking that until Malina comes home. That’s the message you can relay.”

  He pulled his car keys from his pocket and tossed them at Jonathan. He then flashed off the dock and disappeared out of sight before any of them could say a word.

  “Oh, my,” Serina said, slightly chagrinned. “Now you three drink up, then go find him.”

  Jonathan shrugged, then downed the liquid. The other two did the same. Jonathan and Kathryn knew to breathe through the pain but Tyler was on his own, dropping the vial and falling to his knees, clutching his head to his lap. He growled deep in his throat. Thankfully, the burning pain of the serum racing through his veins dissipated quicker than he had remembered. He swiftly regained his composure, standing up to find Kathryn and Jonathan watching him with concern.

  “You okay, kid?” Jonathan asked.

  Tyler nodded, breathing heavy. “Yes. Sorry about that.”

  Kathryn laughed. “No worries. It totally sucks. But totally worth it. Right?”

  Tyler laughed and nodded, but deep down, he wasn’t so sure.


  Thomas reached the Murphy Architecture building after about twenty minutes of running. He was out of breath by the time he got there, but he felt better. Nothing like a good run – flash – to get the blood pumping and the head clear.

  He took the elevator to the penthouse floor, and as he exited, he gasped as he saw Angel leaning up against the doorjamb with her arms folded. In no mood for her, he asked, “What do you want, bloodsucker?”

  She plastered on a fake smile and said, “Not you, cop. Where’s your sylph?”

  Chapter 16


  California – 1940

  Jonathan and Kathryn became inseparable from their very first meeting. In true Jonathan fashion, he grew tired of southern California, and when the leader of the San Francisco coven died, Jonathan quickly took the position. Gleefully, he and Kathryn packed up and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area.

  Kathryn was very excited about the move. She had travelled to San Francisco a couple of times on vacation and loved the area. She felt truly happy again for the first time in a long time, and she knew putting all her eggs in Jonathan’s basket wasn’t smart, but she had little else to cling to.

  Once in San Francisco, they settled into a small house near the water and eventually, Jonathan found the Hyde Street bank building. After much deliberation, he ended up buying the building outright and renovated the top floor as a large flat for them to live in. They moved out of their small house on the water and into the top of the high rise. This was a different type of living for Kathryn, but she embraced the change.

  “So, what do you think about setting up a large desk in the lobby and you can greet people when they come in? People will be pleased to see such a pretty face when they enter the building,” Jonathan said as he was unpacking dishes and putting them in the new kitchen’s cupboards.

  She smiled. “You think I have a pretty face?”

  “As I’ve told you on several occasions. Of course, your backside isn’t too bad, either.”

  “Jonathan Murphy!” she scolded. She grabbed a box and carried it to the small bathroom to unpack towels. Truth is, she already knew how he felt and what he thought, as she had tapped into his thoughts a few times.

  “Well, what do you think?” he asked.

  She paused with the box in her hand. “Oh, about the desk? Sure, that sounds good. Then I will be able to spot any vamps or shifters that try to enter the building, too.”

  He crushed the now-empty box into a small cube with his bare hands and tossed it basketball style into a pile on the living room floor. “My thoughts exactly.”

  After working and unpacking the apartment most of the day, Jonathan quickly set up the bed and they both lay down, tired.

  It was
dark outside, barely a visible moon, so the room was in almost complete darkness, despite the lack of curtains. They could still see fairly well in the dark, however.

  Jonathan rolled onto his side. “Thank you for coming to San Francisco with me,” he whispered, smoothing her hair away from her face.

  She looked up into his gray eyes. “Of course. Where else would I go? I can’t be without you. Plus you need me.”

  He smiled at her. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

  “So are you,” she murmured.

  He kissed her softly and gently ran his large hands through her hair. She moved her hands around his bare shoulders and down his back. He lined kisses down her jaw, to her throat, and down to her chest. Pulling the strap of her nightgown down, he kissed her shoulder, then, trailing kisses back up to her mouth, he said, “I love you, Kat,” into her lips.

  “I love you, too, John.”

  For the next six months, they spent their days attracting rental tenants for the building and setting up the décor exactly as they wanted it. Jonathan worked to get architectural clients for Murphy Architecture. By night, they patrolled the streets, searching for shifters and vampires, learning the locations they lived and worked, and kept detailed notes on what they found.

  One summer night, they decided to patrol on foot. They walked a few blocks, when Kathryn spotted three individuals under a building’s awning. There was hardly any light but they could clearly see that two of them appeared to be in an intimate embrace. They crept across the street and slithered around the side of the building so they could get a better view. Sure enough, vampires. One was feeding on what was most likely a human girl, while the other watched, his eyes black, his fangs out, clearly thinking he was going to get a turn.

  Jonathan looked at Kathryn and nodded towards the non-feeding vampire. “You get him. I’ll grab the feeder. Ready?”


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