Two Hearts In Accord (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Book 7)

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Two Hearts In Accord (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Book 7) Page 6

by Tamara Ferguson

  “On the water?”

  “Yeah, he was career Navy.”

  “Really? Why the Air Force for you then?”

  “I hadn’t actually intended on a military career, and even though he never said a word, I knew Dad was disappointed when I finally told him. He talked about me following in his footsteps my entire life. I was planning on entering college that fall, and after they were killed I decided I wanted to do more, as well as honor him, and the Air Force offered me a better educational opportunity at the time, so I took advantage of it.”

  Anna nodded her understanding thoughtfully. “I always wanted a military career, but my dad was never too keen on it.”

  Neil asked, “He didn’t like the military? Or was it the fact that you were a woman?”

  “Well, my dad is career Air Force too, you know.”

  “He is?” Neil asked, looking puzzled. “I never realized that.”

  “I guess I don’t ever mention it, since we had kind of a falling out after I enlisted. Although I keep in touch, I don’t talk to him too often anymore.”

  “You know, Anna. I know it’s not my place to say this, but you might want to reach out to him a little more often. I’d give anything to still have my parents in my life.”

  “Yeah, I understand what you’re telling me. Sometimes I really don’t know what to say to him, and he doesn’t seem to know what to say to me either.”

  Before Neil had a chance to respond, Joanie returned, carrying a tray with two salads and a basket of deliciously scented biscuits on top.

  Neil held his nose in the air and sniffed. “Ah, I love the smell of garlic.”

  Anna began to laugh, and Joanie grinned as she laid the salads and biscuits on the table.

  Chapter Seven

  For the next forty-five minutes, Anna and Neil dropped the subject of their families and focused on their meal, discussing some of the problems which would need solving before the active duty program for wounded warriors could officially begin.

  They were aiming for six weeks, for retraining the first dozen men and women, and their goal was to prepare them for passing the required physical tests to be reinstated for active duty. The plan during the next ten years was to become certified for all branches of the service. But the only way that could happen was to add facilities and staff which would of course require lots of additional funding.

  After Joanie returned and refilled their drafts, Neil stood up with his beer and sat down on the piano bench, laying his beer on a tray nearby.

  Anna blinked as he began playing with no hesitation. He was really good.

  “I think you’ve been practicing,” she said, grinning.

  Looking at her, he smiled. “Yeah, well. I have a piano in my apartment. Music’s always helped me through the roughest patches of my life. Hey, I was even in a high school band.”

  Anna laughed. “Just the kind of guy that every high school girl wants. I’ll bet your band played rock?”

  “We did,” he answered.

  Standing up, she sat on the bench beside him, using her right hand to tinker with the keys.

  “We focused on songs by Journey, Foreigner and REO.”

  “Some of my favorites,” she answered, shaking her head in disbelief.

  Neil’s eyes went wide. “Really? I would think you’d be a little young to remember.”

  “Not when my parents played music from those bands all the time.”

  Neil paused, staring into her eyes. “Mine too.”

  Anna laughed. “That’s kind of crazy.”

  And then Neil began striking the chords for a familiar song. “Do you remember Survivor?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Do I remember? Geez, I bet you had girls falling at your feet when you played some of their songs?”

  “You got it,” he answered, laughing.

  And then after banging a few more upbeat chords, he began to sing High On You.

  Anna smiled from ear to ear as she listened for the next few minutes.

  “Oh, wow,” she said, when he took a short break from singing but continued playing the piano. Neil had a fabulous voice, and when Anna joined in, she felt like there were butterflies fluttering around in her stomach because of the way he was gazing into her eyes, emphasizing

  you look so good and feel so right

  They sang for a few minutes together, barely stumbling over the words when she confessed she was

  getting hooked on his love

  “Geez, Anna. You sure as hell don’t sound out of practice to me,” Neil said, continuing to play.

  Anna laughed, and they both sang together.

  you look so good and feel so right

  When Neil leaned over, pressing a kiss to her cheek, Anna blinked, fumbling over the next few words of the song.

  A knowing smile spread over his face as they continued to sing in unison about complete infatuation.

  I’m high on you

  It felt like the most natural thing in the world when Neil reached over and pulled her into his arms when they finished their song. The kiss beguiled her as his tongue touched hers, like no other kiss had done before; the strong movement of his lips over hers opening her mouth to deepen their kiss. And as her hand slid up to grope the back of his neck, awareness flooded her senses, invading her heart and sending her heartbeat racing.

  A warm surge of desire filled her as Neil ended the kiss, keeping his arms around her as they both found balance.

  Startled, Anna became aware of the fact that they’d gained an audience when applause suddenly echoed through the bar. “What the...?”

  Neil began laughing as he reached for Anna’s hand.

  When he stood up and bowed, Anna rolled her eyes upward, noticing Josh, Luke and Nina sitting at a table nearby. A slightly familiar beautiful blonde was seated at the table applauding along with them too, and Anna figured she had to be Luke’s fiancé Kelly.

  Anna glanced around the bar and realized several other people had arrived since she and Neil had begun to sing.

  Luke stood up grinning, clapping harder and yelling, “More, more...”

  At least a dozen other people joined Luke when he continued calling out.

  Neil looked at Anna. “Are you up for a few more songs?”

  “Sure. But let me finish my liquid courage.” She swallowed the rest of her beer. “I’m not used to singing in public like you are.”

  Neil laughed. “I’m not as used to it as you’d think. It’s been at least fifteen years.”

  For the next half hour, the two of them sang several more songs. Joanie mentioned there were music books stashed inside the piano bench, so it was easier to recall the lyrics of some of the more popular songs.

  It was hard for them to quit because several people sitting at the bar kept urging them on, but Anna was suddenly feeling exhausted, and Neil must have noticed.

  “Thanks, everyone. It’s been great,” Neil called out.

  Standing up, he smiled, reaching for Anna’s hand.

  This time she bowed too.

  “That was fun,” Anna said, as she and Neil went back to their booth to retrieve her purse and jacket. “Let’s stop for a minute and say goodbye to Josh, Anna and Luke and meet his fiancé before we take off?”

  “I was going to suggest the same thing,” Neil answered, assisting with her jacket.

  Luke was standing and waiting as they approached. “You two sound like professionals. Want to sit and have a drink with us?”

  Anna answered, “Normally, I’d say yes but I was driving at three a.m. dealing with traffic before arriving this morning.”

  “Oh, no,” the pretty blonde answered, standing up beside Luke. “I know there’s a lot of construction going on along the highway, so you must be feeling exhausted.” She held her hand out to Anna. “I’m Kelly, by the way.”

  “And I’m Anna,” she answered, smiling. “Tell me, Kelly. Why do you look so familiar?”

  “Oh, I used to do a lot of modeling, growing up. Danielle
Loughlin, who owns this inn with her husband Jake, got me started when I was young,” Kelly answered.

  “Yep. That’s where I know you from,” Anna said. “I think I even saw you on some commercials.”

  Kelly grimaced. “I’ll plead guilty. But I’ve retired from being in the spotlight since then. Luke and I are in charge of restarting airport operations here in Crystal Rock.”

  “That sounds interesting,” Neil answered. “You’ll have to tell me about that next time we talk, Luke. You didn’t mention anything about it earlier today at lunch.”

  “Eh, this wedding stuff is taking up so much of our time right now,” Luke muttered.

  Josh mumbled, “Shut up, Luke. Stop pretending you’re not looking forward to it.”

  When Kelly snorted, everyone laughed.

  Kelly turned to Anna. “Instead of the regular shower and bachelor party routine, we’re going to have a huge party for everyone next week at our house. You know, the wedding is only two weeks away. I’ll send you an invitation for the wedding Anna.”

  “How about I make it easy for you and bring her along as my guest?” Neil asked, wrapping an arm over Anna’s shoulders.

  “That’ll work,” Luke answered, grinning.

  “And of course you’re both coming to our party next Saturday night. Right?” Kelly asked.

  “We wouldn’t miss it,” Anna answered.

  “Good. That should do it then,” Nina answered this time, adding dryly, “I think they’ve invited just about everyone in town now.”

  All of them laughed.

  “Goodnight, everyone. We’ll see you all soon,” Neil said.

  As Luke and Kelly sat back down, a chorus of goodbyes sounded out, even from some strangers at the bar.

  When Neil attempted to pay for dinner before they left, he and Anna learned that management had covered their dinner.

  “It’s standard to provide complimentary meals for our entertainment,” Joanie said, grinning.

  Neil and Anna both burst out laughing.

  Neil managed to slip Joanie a nice sized tip before he and Anna walked from the bar into the lobby, and then outside into the parking lot.

  “I’ll take care of the tip next time,” Anna said as he held open the door of the truck and she stepped inside.

  He grinned, sitting in his seat behind the wheel, revving up the engine. “You’re one of those. Huh?”

  “Damn right, I am,” she answered.

  Neil gave her a side glance. “Next time. Huh?”

  Her eyes met his. “Yep.”

  Neil looked pleased as he put the truck into gear.

  Chapter Eight

  They were quiet as Neil drove through town and pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.

  Anna asked, “Want to wait out here?”

  “Nah. I’ll get a few things now, like coffee and some snacks, and maybe come back tomorrow when we’re through for the day.”

  It was around nine p.m. and they were in an out of the store within thirty minutes. Apparently, the store closed at eleven during the week and midnight on weekends, which Anna took note of, since it was the only grocery store in town.

  “I had a great time tonight,” Anna said as they approached the road leading toward the wounded warrior home.

  Neil glanced her way as he drove over the bridge. “I did too.” Turning back to look at the road, he cleared his throat. “Probably the best night I’ve ever had with anyone.”

  The words sent her heart racing. Anna thought she was ready for a physical relationship—but was she really? In a matter of fourteen hours, Neil had come back into her life like a hurricane, and she had a feeling he was capable of completely breaking her heart. He’d most likely be going back on tour after his three month stretch as an instructor, while Anna stayed on as the only full-time recruit. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to deal very well with losing him so quickly.

  Despite her declaration of not looking for a committed relationship, her feelings were already running deep.

  By the time Neil pulled into the driveway of her cabin, Anna was feeling like a nervous wreck.

  Which wasn’t like her at all.

  Neil paused, glancing her way. “Do you still want me to come in?”

  For a moment, she hesitated, looking deep into his eyes. But what she saw there reassured her, so she answered, “Yes.”

  Neil stepped out from the truck with some of the groceries while Anna grabbed her purse, gathering the other few bags.

  Neil opened the passenger door for her, and when they stepped on the back porch, he reached for the bags of groceries she was carrying so she could find her keys.

  Unlocking the door and walking inside the cabin ahead of him, Anna laid the groceries on the table and began putting items away. Neil unpacked the coffee and cereal and slipped them into an upper cabinet before leaning back against the kitchen table and watching until she was finished.

  Seconds later, he was taking her in his arms, and kissing her like crazy.

  She pulled herself closer, settling her hand at Neil’s waist while his mouth hotly, hungrily covered hers, his hands pulling her harder against his body. He tangled his fingers in her hair, devouring her mouth even more.

  A long moment later she was forced to surface for air. It was only a kiss, she mentally swore, but her knees went weak as Neil smoothly gathered her back into his arms, surrounding her with his strength.

  He was obviously turned on, and all thoughts of resistance fled when he covered her mouth again.

  The kiss went on and on. And on.

  As Neil began guiding her toward the hallway leading to the bedroom, Anna’s hand slid up over his chest.

  They were nearly in the bedroom when a knock suddenly sounded at the back door.

  Neil was breathing deeply when he pulled away. “Who in the hell would be stopping by to see you now?”

  Anna laid her forehead against Neil’s, inhaling a deep breath. “I have no idea.”

  She grimaced, sighing deeply when whoever it was began knocking again.

  Neil laughed softly. “I guess you’d better answer that?”

  Anna rolled her eyes upward. “I guess I have to. Huh?”

  “You go on ahead,” Neil said, looking down with a sigh. “I’ll need a minute.”

  Anna grinned, looking him over, waggling her brows at his obvious arousal before breaking away and approaching the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Sarah, Anna. I know that I’m probably interrupting you and Neil, and I’m really sorry about that, but I didn’t have anyone else to turn to.”

  Anna immediately opened the door. “Hi, Sarah. What’s going on?”

  “I’ve been subpoenaed to testify at a secret hearing, which of course I can’t talk about, and I have to be on a plane in a few hours. But I have a dilemma,” Sarah said, glancing around behind her, and motioning with her hand. “This is my friend, Claire.”

  A pretty woman who appeared to be roughly the same age as her and Sarah came strolling quietly from around the corner of the porch, carrying a suitcase in her hand.

  “Hi,” she said, reaching for Anna’s hand. “I hate being such a burden to everyone.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Anna asked, looking at Claire first and then at Sarah.

  Sarah asked, “Is it alright if we come in?”

  “Of course,” Anna answered, sweeping her hand inward.

  When Anna took a closer look at Claire, she realized something was definitely wrong. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was a knotted mess.

  Sarah looked at Claire with what was obviously deep concern. “I need for someone to be able to protect her, Anna. Even though we have a top-notch security system at our house, my house will probably be the first place he’ll go looking for her.”

  “Who?” Neil asked, walking into the kitchen.

  “Her ex-husband,” Sarah answered. “This is Neil, Claire.”

  “Hi Claire,” Neil said.

studied Claire as she gave Neil a wobbly smile. Her smile wasn’t the only thing wobbling though—she really needed to sit down.

  Reaching out, Neil took the suitcase from Claire’s hand. “You look dead on your feet. Let’s get you into the living room so you can sit on the couch and we can all talk.”

  “Just what I was thinking too,” Anna said.

  Sarah sighed deeply. “Thanks guys.”

  “Of course we’ll help.” Anna motioned for Claire and Sarah to follow Neil before quickly locking the back door.

  Claire and Sarah sat beside each other on the couch while Neil closed all the blinds in the living room.

  While Anna eased down into one of the leather club chairs, Neil dropped beside her in the other, giving her what was definitely a worried frown.

  “I’ll be alright,” Anna reassured him.

  “I know, I know,” Neil said in a sing song voice. “You’re someone who knows how to defend yourself.”

  “That’s why we’re here,” Sarah said, sounding sheepish.

  Neil sighed exaggeratedly, and Anna gave him a rueful grin.

  Turning back to Claire and Sarah, Anna asked, “Okay. So what’s the story?”

  “Saying it concisely?” Claire sounded stronger when she answered. “My ex-husband has decided if he can’t have me, no one will.”

  “In other words,” Sarah said, looking grim. “He’s trying to kill her.”

  Chapter Nine

  Neil knew Anna was more than capable of defending herself, but still, he was concerned about her safety. There was a definite possibility that he would offend her if he acted like he needed to protect her though.

  Of course, he couldn’t help feeling totally let down by the fact that he wouldn’t be spending the night. But he wanted their first night together to be special, which wouldn’t happen with someone sleeping in the next room.

  And then there was the fact that he hadn’t been with a woman since he’d lost his leg. It would’ve been way too awkward, and it hadn’t been worth the effort with the few women he’d dated since his divorce.

  Until now.

  Somehow he knew, it wouldn’t be that way with Anna. Not just because she had a prosthetic herself, but because he could be himself with her. He’d be making love with Anna, not just having sex, and he was actually pretty nervous about it too.


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