Love Under Two Montanans

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Love Under Two Montanans Page 20

by Cara Covington

  A familiar nicker, a beloved black coat and white star, and wise equine eyes—the images hit him all at once, and Parker actually felt a sob escape before he could stop it. “Apollo.”

  On shaky legs, he went up the ramp until he was inside the large box. On the wall of the trailer hung a pair of leads. His beloved Apollo wasn’t the only horse that had just arrived from Montana.

  Parker grabbed one of the leads and clicked it to his gelding’s halter. As he unfastened the safety chains, he crooned softly to the animal, who nuzzled him, moving his head up and down—telling Parker in horse language that he was happy they were together again, too.

  Then he led his horse out of the trailer, making room for his twin to go and get his own horse—a painted gelding named Einstein.

  Parker looked at the assembled family. Grandma Kate came over, her smile pure, sweet sneakiness. She opened her hand, revealing an apple that had been cut in quarters. He took the fruit and gave it to his horse. Apollo daintily ate the treat.

  “Say hello to Grandma Kate, Apollo.”

  Apollo nodded his head then stretched his neck and lowered his head.

  “My, you’re a handsome fellow, aren’t you?” Kate said as she stroked his neck. Apollo nickered in response, equine agreement.

  Ari approached Dale, who’d led his horse out of the trailer after taking a moment to rest his forehead against the paint’s nose. She had the same sweet treat in her hand, a welcome-home gift that Einstein happily devoured.

  Dale looked as emotionally rocky as he himself felt.

  “I don’t understand. How…” Parker felt his throat tighten. He hadn’t thought he’d ever see his horse again. He’d actually been worried that Marcus would have sold him off to be slaughtered.

  “Grandma Kate arranged for this,” Jackson said.

  Parker turned his attention to her. “I don’t have words…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. It just burned my butt when I found out what had happened. That’s not the way you treat family.”

  “No, ma’am,” Dale said. “But that was family life as we knew it.”

  “We both know better now,” Parker said. “So, thank you. Not just for the horses. But for being you. For showing us what grandmotherly love feels like.”

  Parker kissed her left cheek, and Dale kissed her right.

  “You’re both good boys. I’m so proud of you. I’m looking forward to watching you both become the wonderful husbands and fathers you were meant to be.”

  Jackson led them into the second barn and the two stalls he’d had prepared for Apollo and Einstein. It took them a little while to see the horses were settled, and they used some of that time, getting reacquainted. They introduced the animals to Jenny, as well.

  “Apollo is the better trained of the two,” Dale said. “If you’d like to learn to ride, he’d be the one to start out on.”

  Jenny lavished love on both animals. “I think I’d like that.”

  Once the horses were bedded down, they all trooped back inside the house for dessert.

  “It must have been expensive to ship them here, Grandma Kate. We’d like to pay for that,” Parker said.

  “Oh, there’s no need for that.” Grandma Kate’s eyes twinkled.

  Jackson and Cord both chuckled.

  “Apparently, your dad didn’t realize that Marcus had refused to let you load your own horses.” Jackson grinned. “According to our dad, your oldest brother caught royal hell for that.”

  “When I called and spoke to your father, he assured me that he would look into the matter, and then he called me back the very next day. Your father promised me the horses would be arriving, and that Marcus insisted on paying for the transportation himself.”

  “I think that’s the first time in a long time our oldest brother has been forced to accept the consequences of his actions.” Parker shook his head. “I don’t know why some people reach out and others just act out. It’s a question I’m going to think on a lot because we hope to someday have a family. And neither Dale nor I want any of our children to grow up selfish.”

  “Setting the right example is important,” Grandma Kate said. “Loving is important. But in the end, people make their own choices and their own decisions—sometimes even despite the way they were raised.” Then she looked from Dale to him. She nodded and smiled at them, at all three of them.

  “Tomorrow, Jake will call you and set up a meeting. There’s something you don’t know about, you three. I think you’ll find what he has to tell you welcome news, indeed.”

  What a difference a few weeks make. If he’d been told that by any of his family back in Montana, they’d have been on tenterhooks. Often, some of the Montana Benedicts’ actions didn’t quite mesh with their words.

  But this was Grandma Kate, and this was Lusty. Parker wasn’t going to worry about tomorrow one little bit. He’d wait and see, confident that tomorrow would take care of itself.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Thank you for saying yes, sweet Jenny.”

  Still damp from their shower, and with a hint of steam still permeating the air, Parker eased Jenny into his arms.

  Behind her, Dale pressed close, his flesh flush with hers. Jenny closed her eyes and reveled in the reality of her men cocooning her. The sensation of their hot, hard cocks on her skin was one of her favorite things in the world.

  She wound her arms around Parker’s neck. “You’re welcome. Thank you for asking me.”

  “My, my we are so polite,” Dale said. He ran his hands down her sides, underarms to hips. With his hands splayed just that way, the tips of his fingers graced her nipples, turning them from soft skin to hard nubs.

  Moisture gathered inside her pussy as her body readied itself to receive her lovers’ cocks.

  He brought his hands back up and slipped them around her waist. She eased back just a little from Parker, giving Dale room to put his hands any place his little heart desired.

  Apparently, he desired to splay them on her abdomen so that his fingers rested just above her mons. So near, yet so far.

  “What do you want, sweetheart? What do you need?” Dale’s question bathed her ear with his hot breath. His tongue snuck out and tasted her there.

  Jenny’s heart was so full it amazed her she didn’t explode. I never dreamed I could be this happy.

  “I want you both. I want you as many ways as I can have you.” She looked over her shoulder, her gaze meeting Dale’s. Then she looked at Parker. “And I want you both inside me at the same time. Our first ménage. Tonight especially, I need that.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll have,” Dale said. He turned her head gently and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

  Parker guided her to face him, and then he duplicated his brother’s gesture. “Trust us, baby?”

  “Always and forever.”

  Dale stepped away from her, and Parker lifted her into his arms. She wrapped herself around him as Dale whipped the top sheet and comforter down. Then Parker carried her onto the bed, his knees moving them until he laid her down in the middle of the large mattress.

  His mouth covered hers, and Jenny sank into his taste. Their tongues danced, a sultry, sexy glide and slide that aroused her and pleasured her in a way she couldn’t put into words. She loved this man, loved everything about him. She loved his kisses, the way he suckled her mouth, as if needing that force to ensure she didn’t slip away from him.

  That, of course, would never happen.

  He lifted his head and grinned at her. She understood his euphoric expression. They were going to spend the rest of their lives together. “I love you so much, Parker Benedict.”

  “I love you, my Jenny.”

  Parker began to kiss his way down her body, even as Dale moved up. He laid his lips on hers, and Jenny gladly surrendered to the slide and swirl of tongues and lips, to the foreplay of their mouths as they tasted and reveled in each other. She loved this man just as passionately as she loved his brother. Ne
ither alone was enough for her. She was made for these two men, together.

  She weaned her lips from his. “I love you, Dale Benedict. I love you more than I ever thought I could love.”

  “You’re my woman.” In his eyes she saw a fierce pride, a hot possessiveness, and she read his love. “I’m going to love you forever, and beyond, my Jenny.”

  Parker moved down and stretched out between her open thighs. He used his tongue to deliver a broad stroke on her slit.

  Jenny’s hips rolled, pushing her pussy closer to Parker’s mouth. Then she reached down and fisted Dale’s cock. She pumped the shaft twice. “I want this.” Then she licked her lips so he could have no question what she wanted to do.

  “It’s yours. Only yours.” Then he moved closer and angled himself so she could do what she needed to do.

  Jenny took a moment to nuzzle Dale’s cock, to rub her nose in the nest of curls surrounding it. His scent here was the most alluring of all scents. Jenny felt Parker’s gaze on her. She took just a moment to look down her body at him.

  “I can’t believe how much you enjoy us,” he said quietly. “You give yourself completely and take so generously what we give you. That makes us the luckiest men in the world.”

  “I’m the lucky one. I get to suck one lover’s cock while the other lover eats my pussy.”

  “Oh, such dirty talk,” Dale said.

  “Balances the earlier politeness,” Jenny said.

  They were all three grinning. This, right here, was her miracle. Not that they loved and were loved. But that they rejoiced in it. Because here was joy, and here her eyes beheld the smiles of her men’s full hearts.

  “Less talk. More action.” Jenny punctuated her demand by sucking Dale’s cock right into her mouth, taking him deep.

  She closed her eyes and hummed, the taste of him so did it for her. She heard his curse, the way he sucked in a breath, and reveled when his cock pulsed and grew larger and hotter in her mouth as she sucked on him.

  Parker set his mouth on her, giving her another languid lick. And then he became voracious. With lips and tongue and teeth, Parker feasted on her. Jenny couldn’t think. She could only give and receive. Her tongue lapped along Dale’s shaft as her mouth sucked, as she swallowed those precious little drops that promised so much more.

  Her clit quivered and her body shivered as Parker lapped and licked and drank her down. His tongue stroked her clit, sending her arousal soaring toward the heavens. She needed more, and her hips rocked, celebrating this passion, this gift she never thought could ever be hers.

  “Send her over, brother.” Dale’s command startled her, the words sounding as if they’d been pushed through clenched teeth, wrapped in desperation.

  Fingers delved, fucking in and out and stroking her channel as lips surrounded her clit and suckled. Her climax exploded, and Jenny screamed as she came, releasing Dale’s cock as the hot lava of orgasm boiled her blood and pounded through her soul. Wave after wave bathed her in such pleasure it amazed her she could take it.

  Parker placed sweet kisses on her thighs then gained his knees. Dale met her gaze, his expression impassioned.

  “I need to come inside your cunt.” He stretched out beside her and reached for her, lifting her then bringing her down to straddle him.

  She kept her gaze locked with his, humbled by the struggle she witnessed. Dale was fighting for control, and Jenny couldn’t deny her pride that she’d made him get to that point where he nearly lost it.

  Parker left the bed but was back moments later.

  “For our first ménage, I want us to come together.” As her usual more easy-going lover, Dale could be demanding when he wanted to be.

  “It’s important to us, baby.” Parker kissed her shoulder.

  “Then it’s important to me, too.” So she waited, lowering her head so she could give Dale a sweet kiss. He closed his eyes for just a moment then opened them. His smile was so full of love. She mentally framed the image. This moment would live in her heart forever.

  Who said men were only interested in the physical aspect of lovemaking? Their desire to make this moment special—this first ménage, yes, but this first night of the rest of their lives, was as emotional as it could get. This day, she’d given them her promise. But they were already husbands and wife, in their hearts.

  “Hands and knees for a moment, baby,” Parker said.

  Jenny obeyed then moaned when he began to stroke her anus with lube-covered fingers. She shivered as he teased her pucker, as he pressed against it. Her clit awakened, eager for another orgasm. Her nipples grew hard, and her pussy became even wetter than it had been.

  He tented her, and she inhaled the scent of Eros, smelling herself on his face. Angling her head toward him, Jenny heard an inarticulate mew escape her throat. She sighed when Parker, understanding her craving, kissed her. His mouth opened wide over hers and shared her flavor. Their tongues danced.

  Beneath her, Dale exhaled then reached up and tweaked her nipples.

  Parker kissed her shoulder, and she turned to face Dale. Her lover looked calmer, now, more in command of himself.

  “Ride me, love. Take my cock inside your hot little pussy.”

  Jenny moved, nearly euphoric when she felt Dale’s hot, hard cock slide into her. He brought her down so that her head lay on his chest. His hands smoothed over her back, and he thrust gently within her.

  Parker coated her with more lube and began to press his fingers in. Jenny shivered, the burning sensation akin to pouring gas on a fire. She moaned as her arousal flamed.

  “Our woman just drenched me,” Dale said. “Are you close, Jenny?”

  “Yes.” She began to move a little, trying to fuck both men at once. Then Parker took his fingers from her. He moved, and in the next heartbeat, she felt the press of his condom-covered cock against her anus. Need swelled, and a shivering, demanding desperation began to grow within her. Burning became pain, a pain that tingled and then spread arousal to her clit and, she was sure, even her G-spot.

  “Please… please, Parker!”

  Parker pushed his cock into her, a slow, steady, and inexorable thrust. She whimpered and pushed back, pushed down, her body showing her how she could fuck both men at once.

  “Holy hell.”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Her lovers gave only two words each, and she had none. All there was inside her was a hungry greed, a force all its own that demanded and surrendered in the same instant.

  They moved, these lovers of hers, taking, giving, even as she moved. This dance thrilled and lifted and ignited, and Jenny was caught within its thrall.

  Cocks moved inside her, a see-saw motion as one lover thrust while the other retreated. New and exciting spasms and sizzling snaps traveled every inch of her body, setting every nerve ending ablaze.

  Sweat and heat and a passionate kind of frenzy exploded, and their dance evolved, a whirling ceremony without words, without thought, a hot, heaving state of being that was everything and all.

  Rapture ignited and consumed. Their shouts and grunts, their whispers and pleas, and the flowing, enveloping ecstasy that fed and soothed and devoured transformed them in one instant. Not three lovers, but one love. Not three people, but one heart.

  Changed. Forever changed and new and perfect in their trinity.

  “Baby?” She heard Parker’s concern in his one word.

  “Oh, yeah.” She didn’t know if she could manage more than that. It was enough. She felt his smile against her shoulder.

  He kissed her there. “Don’t move. Be right back. Maybe.”

  He groaned as he left her. She could see the way he stumbled on rubbery legs to the bathroom and grinned. Oh yeah, indeed.

  Dale’s hands trembled slightly as he caressed her sweat-dampened back. Parker returned, a little steadier. He used a warm damp cloth to care for her.

  She closed her eyes and let herself sink into satiation. She heard the shower come on and was content to wait, draped over one love
r until her other lover returned.

  “Good?” Dale asked.

  “Best.” She sighed.

  Parker returned, took a moment to pull up the covers, then climbed into the bed. He reached for Jenny, lifted her off Dale, and laid her on her left side. She rested her head on Dale’s chest and smiled when Parker spooned her.

  “We are going to have such a good life together, sweet Jenny.” Parker’s words, just above a whisper, sounded like a vow.

  “We’re going to take such good care of you, and of any children we have.” Dale’s words, a sacred promise, wrote themselves with his brother’s in her heart.

  “I’ll take very good care of you both, too. Never doubt it.”

  “We don’t,” Parker said.

  She needed to see them both so she moved, and they adjusted. Flat on her back, she could see both their faces because her lovers not only cocooned her they both rested their heads on their hands and looked down at her.

  “I never dreamed I would fall in love with two men—two Montanans at that.” She grinned. “I never believed I’d fall in love with one because no one had ever reached me the way you two have. No one ever really saw me the way you both did, right from that first moment.”

  “You’re not alone, sweet Jenny.” Parker reached out and stroked the side of her face.

  “We came here for a vacation, and that’s all we thought there would be,” Dale said. “But we wanted and needed so much more. We were wounded, I guess, when we left Montana.”

  She understood. “Of course, you were. But you had to go through that. Just as I had to go through the trials I did. Everything that’s happened in our lives, to date, has brought us right here.”

  “When you look at it that way,” Parker said, “you have no choice but to let go of any grudges. How could we resent this miracle we’ve been given? There’s only one way to feel, and that’s grateful.”

  “That’s it exactly,” Dale said.

  Jenny knew they had plenty of reasons to be bitter about the way they’d been treated by those who were supposed to have had their backs. But no bitterness lingered in either one of these men.


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