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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Abigail Davies

  I lift my head, groaning at the ache in my neck. My eyes spring open when I feel a hand resting on my thigh and I look around, spotting Charlie next to me.

  I look over at him, we’re both still in a sitting position at the top of the motel bed, fully clothed and the TV still blaring.

  His soft snores sound throughout the room and for a second, I just stare at him. He’s kind of perfect looking, with that All-American, boy next door kind of look but with an edge. The gun still clipped to his belt makes that even more prominent.

  Stubble lines his cheeks and jaw, and my fingers itch to touch it, to feel the roughness against my soft palms and fingertips. My eyes linger on his lips for a second and I squirm, wondering what they would feel like against mine. Would they be soft and gentle? Or firm and hard?

  “Stop watching me,” he whispers, his voice rough from sleep.

  I gasp, my hand flying to my chest and my eyes darting to his. He cracks one eye open and lifts his lips into that smirk that is both charming but insufferable at the same time.

  “I… I wasn’t,” I croak back.

  “Mmmhmmm,” he says, pushing up off the wall and stretching his arms above his head. I feel the loss of his hand on my thigh and frown. “You were staring, just admit it.”

  “I was not!” I huff, pushing off the bed and walking to the bathroom. I turn the shower on then go back into the main room to collect some clothes. “You’re still here?” I ask, the bitchy side of me coming out in full force.

  “Got a problem with that?” He smirks.

  “Ugh!” I stomp back into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and stripping my clothes, jumping straight into the shower and hoping he’ll get the picture.

  I hate the feelings he emits in me, I don’t like being out of control and that’s exactly what happens with him, he makes me feel like I have none at all.

  After washing my hair and body, I switch the water off and pull the shower curtain open, reaching out for the towel that I put on the vanity. I can’t feel it so I open one eye, not being able to see very well because I don’t have my glasses on or contacts in.

  “Here you go, Kitty Kat.”

  My hands fly to my body, trying to cover myself. “What the fuck!”

  “Calm down,” he says, placing the towel in my hands. “I was just coming to say bye and noticed you searching for your towel.”

  “So you thought you’d have a good look at the same time? Huh?” I wrap the towel around me and step out of the tub, pushing against his chest. He looks down at me, a fire in his eyes that I haven’t seen there before.

  His hands move toward me, cupping my face and I try not to let it show how much he affects me, but I do a shit job of it because my eyes flutter closed as soon as his hands make contact with my skin.

  “I’ll be seeing a lot more than what I just did, that’s a promise, Kitty Kat,” he whispers.

  I open my mouth to say something but his lips touching mine render me speechless. It’s a soft kiss, no tongues, just a simple kiss that sends tingles all the way down to my toes. I desperately want to grab hold of him and fling myself at him, but I don’t, I stand there, as still as I can as he pulls back and says, “Catch you later.” And with that, he’s gone, leaving me a trembling mess and wondering what the hell I’ve let myself in for.

  I lift my hand, banging on his window, an evil smirk stretching on my face. “Hey, asshole!”

  His head springs up, his eyes wide, looking all around him. I hear his curse from inside the car before he turns the engine on and presses the button for the window.

  “Erm… hey.” He looks guilty, like he’s a child who’s been caught taking cookies out of the jar just before dinner.

  “What are you doing, Charlie?” I ask, hands on my hips and a frown on my face.

  He scrubs his hands down his face and blows out a big breath. “Making sure you’re safe.”

  My stomach bottoms out as I meet his eyes. This man is so fickle, one minute he’s looking out for me then the next he’s ignoring me. I never know whether I’m up or down with him and it’s driving me insane.

  We stand there, locked in a stare until we hear a commotion.

  “You have to go,” I say, looking around and seeing Joel talking to someone. “I’m fine, I promise. I have a plan.”


  “No,” I say, holding my hand up. “Just go.”

  I move away from the car, pressing play on my cell and letting the music blast through my ear as I take off into a run.

  The music blares throughout the club as one of the dancers is on stage doing her thing. I watch her leap at the pole that sits in the middle, her legs wrapping around it as she falls backwards.

  I’m always in awe watching the dancers, the way they move their bodies to the rhythm of the music, the stamina that they have. They may look like blond bombshells with bodies to die for, but I know for a fact that the one on stage right now is actually at college getting a master’s degree.

  Before I came to work here I had an impression of the kind of women that would dance for men, how wrong I was. These are normal women who are living in crappy circumstances and all they’re trying to do is better themselves.

  A commotion by the doors gains my attention and I turn away from the stage, frowning when I see Joel trying to fight his way through the men guarding the entrance. I can’t hear what he’s saying but from the look on his face, I guess he’s pretty angry right now.

  “Kitty, booth four,” Garrett rumbles from behind me and I spin around, getting the drinks that he’s made and taking them to the booth, all the while trying to keep my eye on Joel who has now been let inside.

  He storms his way through the door that leads to the staff only space and Jonny’s office, not caring when someone tries to stop him with a hand to his arm. He just shrugs them off and pushes them away, pointing at him before pushing the door open.

  I walk back to the bar and worry my lip. I need to go and see what he’s come to see Jonny about, I need more information about what goes on here and by the look on Joel’s face, I’d say he’s about to confront Jonny about something.

  “Break time,” I tell Garrett, not waiting around for what I’m sure will be a grunt in reply.

  I make my way down the back hallway, already hearing raised voices before I get to the break room. I try to be inconspicuous and listen to what they’re saying but the bass of the music that starts playing back in the main area muffles their voices.

  Taking a look around to make sure no one can see me, I inch closer to his office.

  “You can’t fucking cut me off!” Joel screams, and I frown, wondering what he’s talking about.

  “I can and I fucking will,” Jonny growls back. I hear movement as I lean closer to the door. “You’re taking a cut of my money, brother or not, I don’t do business with people who think they can rip me off.”

  “Unbelievable!” Joel shouts. A loud bang echoes from the room and I imagine that he’s just punched a wall or something like that. What is it with men thinking that punching walls is a good idea? All they’re going to do is hurt themselves.

  “Watch yourself, little brother, you’re testing my patience.”

  Joel’s deep booming laugh vibrates through the door and I hold my breath when footsteps get closer, taking a few steps away and turning back around so that it looks like I’m only just now coming down the hallway.

  “You think you’re so fucking clever, but I know exactly what you’re doing! You’re cutting me out so that you can get close to the cartel, so that you can get her back.”

  I swallow, the tension radiating from that room almost stifling me.

  “Don’t you dare—”

  “Gianna. Poor, little, innocent, Gianna. Bet she’s not so innocent now, is she?” Joel laughs and then grunts when the unmistakable sound of flesh meeting flesh rings out. “You always did think she belonged to you,” he chuckles, pulling open the door and making me halt my steps. “Shame you could ne
ver have her.”

  He spins around, wiping the blood that trickles from his nose, his eyes widening when he sees me.

  “Well, hey there.” He smirks.

  “Hey,” I whisper back, my eyes moving behind his and connecting to gray ones. “I was just coming to see if I could get a ride tonight?”

  Joel walks toward me, stopping a couple of inches in front of me and lifting his hand to the back of my head, gripping my ponytail and yanking it as he pushes his face into mine. “Better watch where you’re walking, sweet Kitty, wouldn’t want you to hear anything you’re not supposed to.”

  The threat in his eyes doesn’t scare me and knowing that Betty is firmly attached to my ankle makes me feel even more secure, but I’m meant to be undercover and any normal woman would be scared if he was gripping her the way he was me so I try to school my features into a pained expression.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Jonny growls, coming to stand beside me and wrapping his hand around Joel’s arm. “Before I rip them the fuck off.”

  Joel licks his lips suggestively, raking his eyes over me before pulling away and winking at me.

  “See you back at Wayward.”

  I don’t answer him or even dare move until Jonny’s eyes move to mine when the door bangs shut.

  “You okay?” he asks, concern swirling in his eyes.

  “I… erm... Yeah, I’m good.”

  He nods once and spins around, not saying another word as he walks to his office and shuts his office door behind him.

  I wipe the bar down then turn to stock up the fridge, getting ready for tomorrow night. Garrett is out back doing stock intake and Jonny has been gone most of the night.

  It’s been two days since Joel came in shouting the odds and I thought things could get tense between me and Jonny after they found me in the hallway, but they haven’t. Things between us are easy and I’ll admit, he isn’t who I thought he was. He’s funny and sarcastic but also protective. I haven’t seen him once be the violent person that I thought he was.

  I’m starting to realize that you really shouldn’t judge a book by a cover, or a guy by his reputation.

  I almost feel bad for what I’m about to do, what I’m about to look for, and there’s a small part of me that hopes I don’t find anything.

  Garrett walks out, grunting at me as a way of saying goodnight and I throw the cloth down on the bar, preparing myself for what I’m about to do.

  Jonny will be back around four to take me home after his meeting finishes and it’s now half past three which means I have thirty minutes to have a look around and try to find something on him, to find out what he’s up to.

  I walk through the back hallway, my senses on high alert. The last thing I want is to be caught snooping.

  Pushing through to Jonny’s office, I close the door behind me with a soft click and rush over to his desk, opening up his drawers. The top two open easily, but apart from pens and blank paper, there’s nothing in them. I pull on the bottom drawer but it won’t budge, crouching down, I take a good look at it, cursing when I see the lock.

  Shooting up, I look around the room for anything I could use to pick the lock. If only I had my kit with me, I’d be able to get into it within seconds.

  My eyes zone in on a cupboard next to the black sofa that sits against the wall. I hop over to it, pulling the doors open and hoping that there’s something in here. My eyes widen when I see all of the folders that are sitting there, just waiting to be read.

  I pull the first one out and open it, scanning the pages for anything out of the norm. I see countless bills for alcohol and food, so I render that one useless and put it back then pull the next one out.

  By the time I’ve looked through ten of them, I start to get aggravated, my eyes wandering back over to that locked drawer. Jonny wouldn’t keep incriminating evidence in a place that anybody could get to. He’s too smart for that, there’s only one reason you have a locked drawer, to keep people from seeing whatever’s inside.

  I shove the folder back, closing the doors and crouching back behind the desk. I lie down on my back and try to see if I can get to it from underneath, looking for a panel that I can break free.

  “Kitty?” I gasp at Jonny’s deep voice and freeze. “What are you doing?”

  “I… erm…” I slip the ring off my finger and shuffle out from under his desk. I didn’t even hear him come in. “I dropped my ring,” I say, standing up and flashing him a smile.

  He frowns, probably trying to work out if I’m telling the truth. “Why are you in my office?”

  He shifts slightly and I know he’s not happy that I’m in here alone. His body language says it all.

  “I was waiting for you,” I whisper, slipping the ring back onto my finger. “It’s been a busy shift and my feet are killing me, I just wanted to lie down.” I tilt my head to the sofa and his eyes flick to it and then back to me.

  “Your feet are hurting?” He frowns.

  “Yeah.” For added effect, I sit on the sofa and slip my foot out of my shoe, rubbing it and closing my eyes briefly before opening them back up.

  Jonny shifts closer, pulling his jacket off and slinging it over the side of the sofa. He sits down next to me, leaning back and pulling my foot into his lap.

  I try to pull it back but he smirks and runs the pads of his fingers under my arch, making me squirm. I start to panic even more, knowing that Betty is strapped to my other ankle, if he feels it, he’ll know that something is going on. I try to stand up but I don’t get very far before he pulls me back down.

  “Relax,” he says, his voice dropping an octave.

  I don’t want to relax, I shouldn’t want to relax but it feels so damn good. His fingers massage the ball of my foot and I can’t stop the groan from slipping free and my eyes closing of their own accord.

  My mind blanks out as his fingers work magic on my foot. What was it I came in here for?

  He pulls my other foot up, slipping my shoe off and doing the same to that one. Resting my head on the arm of the sofa, I bask in the feel of his long, strong fingers.

  His hands wander up one of my calves and starts to massage there as well. I should tell him to stop before he gets to my other leg or pull away but I can’t. Something stops me from doing just that and when he shifts positions, lifting on top of me, I don’t say no, I welcome the weight of his body on mine.

  His stubble rubs against my neck as he whispers, “I want to touch you.”

  I squirm, opening my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out.

  “I want to see what you taste like.” He brings his lips to mine, only millimeters separating us. “Here… and here,” he says, tracing his hand down my stomach and cupping my pussy.

  “Oh, God.”

  His lips crash down onto mine, hard and forceful. He groans when I touch his tongue with mine, the sound so guttural that it has me squirming closer to him, wanting to feel more. He shifts between my legs and I can feel just how much he wants this too.


  We both still, neither of us moving. I open my eyes, my breath catching in my throat.

  I shouldn’t have done that.


  Jonny huffs and lifts up off me, his hardness obvious through his suit pants.

  “What do you want, Gio?” he asks, going to sit behind his desk before tilting his head to me. “You need to sit up, darlin’.” His smirk stretches as I sit up too fast and almost go toppling off the sofa.

  The door creaks open and in walks Giovanni, a grim expression on his face.

  “The—” He looks at me and grimaces. “Meeting… didn’t go down very well.”

  “Fuck!” Jonny slams his fist down on the desk and stands up. “I’ll take Kitty home and meet you at the house.”

  “Can’t she get a cab?” he sneers.


  “I can get a cab,” I say, slipping my feet back into my shoes and standing up.

  “No,” Jo
nny grits out, looking to Gio and then back at me. “I’ll take Kitty home and meet you at the house.”

  If looks could kill, I’m sure Gio would be dead right now.

  Gio nods and slips out of the door but looks back when Jonny calls him. “Don’t ever question me again, if you do, you won’t live to see another day… Got it?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  My eyes widen at the threat and my stomach bottoms out. “It really isn’t a problem for me to get a cab.”



  “Go get your shit, let’s go.” His words are a complete contrast to his tone and the look on his face, his eyes squinting with laughter and his lips spread into a grin.

  I sigh and pull the door open, making my way to the locker room.

  I wander through Ma’s house, waiting for her to come home. I never should have left abruptly like I did the other day, but I had no other option, I had to check on Kitty. Fat lot of good that did me though, all it left me with was a sore neck from falling to sleep in my car and a bruised ego.

  I was stupid, so stupid to let my guard down, it could have been anyone banging on my window, and at Wayward of all places. I’m letting her get under my skin, letting her affect how I do my job and putting myself in danger. It has to stop.

  My eyes drift to the photos that Ma has on her wall, then zone in on the one in the middle. My breath catches as I see Emmy’s face, me standing behind her, my hands on her swollen belly and Ty standing beside us in his special forces uniform. It feels like just days have passed since then, not years.

  Every time I come home, I purposely don’t look at the photo, but today, I move closer, taking in all of her soft features and her wavy blond hair. I can almost feel the roundness of her bump in my hands.

  Emmy’s leg bobs up and down as we wait to be called in by the doctor. This is our twenty-six-week scan and I’m a mixture of nerves and excitement. Her bump has grown considerably since we were last here and my hands are always touching it in one way or another.


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