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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Abigail Davies

  I walk to my car, opening the door and driving out of there, making my way straight to the precinct. When I get there, I straighten my coat as I get out of the car, making sure none of my goodies are showing and then heading inside.

  “Hey, Geena. I’m here to see Charlie.”

  “I’ll buzz you up,” she says, not even bothering to look away from her computer screen.


  I wait until the buzz sounds and pull open the door, taking my time walking up the stairs. The sound of the stilettos echoing through the empty space.

  I walk past all of the people at the desks, recognizing their faces and waving at them. Charlie’s door opens and I freeze on the spot at the sight of Jonny. My nerves jump and I can’t move as his eyes connect with mine.

  “Kitty?” Charlie’s voice breaks through but I ignore him as Jonny swaggers toward me.

  He comes so close to me that if I swayed just the tiniest bit, we’d be touching. My body shivers at the thought of him being in that office with Charlie, possibly talking about me. What if—

  “Don’t worry,” he whispers in my ear, pulling back slightly and smirking. “I didn’t tell lover boy that you came to see me.”

  “I… I…”

  “You’re finished here, May. You can go,” Charlie grinds out, his voice booming throughout the room.

  I see all the detectives stand up in my peripheral vision and my heart kicks up, beating so fast that I think it’s going to come out of my chest. There’s only him, Joel, and Evan that know about the pills, and as far as Evan knows, I stopped taking them. But I’m under no illusion that Joel told Jonny that he’s my supplier.

  “Nice to see you again.” He smirks, pulling at his suit jacket cuffs and stepping back.

  My mouth opens to give him a smartass reply but I close it, deciding that it’s probably better not to say anything at all.

  He winks and walks past me just as Charlie grabs my forearm and pulls me into his office, closing his door and shutting his blinds before turning back to me.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks, shoving his hands onto his hips.

  I swallow past the lump in my throat and close my eyes, collecting myself. Pretend he wasn’t here.

  “Well, I came to show you something.” My voice is soft and I know that I’m not fully here and in the moment yet.

  “And?” He raises a brow, walking to this desk and leaning on the edge of it.

  I take a breath and shake my head a little, lifting my hands to the buttons on my coat and undoing them one by one, watching as his eyes widen and watch me with intensity.

  “I got kind of sick and tired of waiting, so I thought I’d take things into my own hands,” I say, letting my coat slide down my arms and onto the floor, feeling more like me again and determined to stick with my plan.

  His hands grip onto the desk causing his knuckles to turn white. “Fuck.”

  I step forward so that I’m so close I’m nearly touching him and put my hands over his, lifting them off the desk and placing them on my hips.

  “I need you, Charlie. I need you to touch me... here.” I lift his hand to my breast and then his other to my pussy. “And here.”

  “Jesus, you’re soaking wet.”

  I moan as his fingers pull the lace material aside and his finger swipes up my slit, touching that sweet spot and circling my clit.

  “We shouldn’t do this yet, but fuck, I can’t stop now,” he growls.

  His hand pulls away and reaches around the back of my bra, pulling it open and letting it drop to the floor as he frees my breasts. His hands move up and he cups them, rubbing his thumbs over my nipples which has my head leaning back and my eyes closing as I let out a small moan.

  He runs his hand down my arm and to my hand as he stands up, leading me around his desk.

  He sits down in his chair and tilts his head to his desk. “Sit.”

  I lift up and open my legs so that they’re either side of him as his hands whisper down my legs, leaving goose bumps in their wake and down to my heels, lifting them up and placing them on his thighs as he pushes my legs apart. He hooks his hands inside my panties and rips them straight off my body.

  “You won’t be needing those.” He smirks, placing his hand on my stomach and pushing me back on his desk.

  I lean back on my elbows and watch as his tongue licks across his bottom lip. Moving forward, he places his hands either side of my pussy and dips his head, sucking on my clit then doing one slow, long lick.

  “Fuck me,” I groan.

  “Oh, I intend to,” he chuckles.

  He dips his head again, sucking and licking until I can’t take it anymore and I grab his hair, widening my legs to try and get him closer.

  He all of a sudden pulls back, standing up and pulling the fly down on his jeans, lining his dick up to my entrance and pushing inside me, deliciously slow. I groan so loud that he covers my mouth with his hand, bringing his face down to mine.

  “Shhhh,” he chuckles, lifting back up and pulling me back up with him. “Fuck, I’ve missed your pussy.”

  “Fuck me,” I grit out, needing more of him, more of this.

  His jaw clenches and he pumps inside me harder, pistoning his hips in a bruising rhythm before reaching down and circling my clit with his thumb.

  “I’m close,” I gasp, starting to feel the tingles shoot through me.

  “That’s it, baby. Come on my dick.”

  I moan at his words and close my eyes as the sparks fly through me, the intensity and force of my orgasm causing my back to bow and my chest to lift right into Charlie’s face.

  His mouth closes around my nipple and he sucks so hard that it has me shouting his name, only being muffled when he slams his hand over my mouth for a second time, groaning along with me as he releases inside of me.

  Our chests heave as we try to catch our breaths, coming down off our high, Charlie’s head burrowed into my neck.

  “Well, that wasn’t what I thought would happen today,” he chuckles, pulling out of me and doing his jeans back up.

  “You’re welcome.” I smirk, jumping down off his desk and putting my bra and coat back on. “You can keep these,” I say, picking up my ripped panties off the floor and throwing them at him. I do the buttons up on my coat, watching as he smirks down at the lace in his hands and then I pull open the door, taking one last look at his stunned expression. The grin on my face widens and I walk out of there and past all the detectives, completely sated and feeling better than I have in a long time.

  I stand here, staring at the door that Kitty walked through, my eyes wide and my mouth open. I can’t believe that just happened. I’ve never done anything like that in here and certainly not with a room full of detectives on the other side of the door.

  Not that I care because fuck me, that was the best experience of my life.

  Seeing Kitty standing in the middle of the pit as I showed Jonny out had my heart beating out of my chest and when he walked to her, so close that he could touch her, I couldn’t stop my anger roaring to life.

  I wanted nothing more than to go over to him and physically move him, but I knew that wouldn’t do anything but cause more trouble.

  He had come in unannounced, walking into the pit like he owned the fucking place. I wanted to swing my fist at his face then and there, but the first words out of his mouth were, “I’ll help you bring down the cartel.”

  Turns out that he was trying to get in close with them to bring them down anyway. Only he wasn’t going to do it legally. He didn’t go into detail but he said that he would help us under one condition, that MAC work the case with us.

  Don’t get me wrong, we’ve partnered on cases before, but with him specifically asking for them, I knew that it was because of Kitty. I’ll never forget the way his eyes watched her in that club, the way they shined when they met hers.

  I wanted to stand up and pound on my chest like a goddamn caveman and scream that she’s mine, but instead, I just
nodded my head and told him that I’d have to run it past my superior and speak to Ty about it, and that’s when he left, seeing Kitty as he went.

  “Sarge?” Leroy asks.

  My head shoots up and I close my hand around the lace panties that I’m still holding. “Yeah?”


  I clear my throat, looking around the room. “I’ll be out in a minute to fill you all in,” I tell him, spinning around and straightening everything on my desk.

  I’ll never be able to look at that desk the same way ever again.

  I wrap the towel around my body when I get out of the shower, catching my reflection in the mirror on the wall as I hum along to the song that’s playing on my playlist as I towel dry my hair, deciding that I’ll leave it to dry naturally, wanting a wavy look. I pull all of my makeup out, sitting on the lid of the toilet as I start to apply it, shuffling my body to the beat of the music.

  I always sit here to do my makeup because it’s the perfect placement, right next to the vanity with the mirror above it. It’s like whoever originally built this cottage knew that it’d be the perfect setup for primping and priming.

  Today will be the first time that me and Charlie will be around all the guys as a couple. I’m more excited than nervous. I want them to be able to see me and Charlie together because I know that they’ve all made up their minds about our relationship and the history that we have, but none of them have actually seen us together.

  Once I’ve finished applying all of my makeup, I hang the towel up and walk into my bedroom and straight to my closet so I can decide what to wear. It’s warm out today so I’m thinking jean shorts and my cowboy boots.

  I pull out a bra and panties set, putting them on and spinning around.

  “Ahh!” My hand flies to my chest as I spot Charlie leaning against the doorframe, watching me with a grin on his face. “What are you doing?” I gasp.

  “I had a little extra time so I thought I’d come early.” He takes a step inside my room, his tongue tracing his bottom lip as he watches me. His eyes flare up as he gets closer, reaching out and trailing his hand down my arm. “I’m glad I did.”

  I swallow at the intensity in his eyes, getting caught in his gaze.

  “I was just getting ready,” I tell him, my voice husky and betraying me.

  “Mmmhmm,” he murmurs, stepping closer and placing his hand in the middle of my back, pulling me forward.

  My breath catches as he lowers his face to mine, and when our lips touch, I moan. His kisses are never just kisses, they’re so much more than that. He pours everything into every single kiss and I can never get enough of it.

  His hands come down to my thighs and he lifts me up off the ground. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he steps back, turning around and pushing me against the wall.

  “Charlie,” I whisper as his hand trails over my panties, making me shiver.

  “Hey! Come on, we’re gonna be late.” We both stay silent at the sound of Evan’s voice coming through the cottage door. “I know you’re both in there, I’m not moving until I see you coming!”

  I chuckle at the innuendo and Charlie groans, letting me down as he adjusts himself in his jeans and shakes his head.

  “This ain’t finished.” I smirk as I pick up my jean shorts and pull them up my legs and over my hips. “Not by a long shot.”

  He watches my every move as I put on my cowboy boots and then pair it all with a tank top that has thin straps. Patting his chest twice as I walk by, I head straight for the door.

  “Really, Evan?” I punch his arm and walk past him, heading straight for the trail that leads up to the clearing where we’re all having a family afternoon.

  “What did I do?”

  I turn around, walking backward and raising my brows. “I’m not moving until I see you coming?”

  He frowns at me and then goes bright red when he sees Charlie come out of the door.

  I throw my head back and laugh, spinning back around and heading up the trail between all of the trees that back onto the edge of the compound.

  The clearing was originally made for outside training, Ty had all kinds of outdoor equipment up here, but when Kay moved onto the compound, it started to get used more for barbeques and family days. It’s now become a monthly thing, although I haven’t attended one since I went undercover.

  Charlie catches up with me and wraps his arm over my shoulders as we walk up to the clearing in companionable silence, listening to the birds singing in the trees.

  “Uncle Charlie!” Eli shouts as soon as we break through the trees and into the clearing, his dog, Monty, trotting beside him. He runs at him and Charlie catches him, swinging him around in a circle before placing him back down.

  “Hey, buddy, how’s it going?”

  “Good!” he says, throwing his fist up in the air. “Want to race on the ropes?”

  Charlie looks at me and I smile, waving my hand and telling him I’m going to help Kay get the food ready. He places a kiss on my lips before he chases after Eli and I turn to Kay, seeing her watching us.

  “How you feeling today?” Kay asks when I join her at the picnic bench.

  “Good,” I tell her, shaking my head when she hands me a bottle of beer. I don’t want to risk drinking with the tablets. I may be taking more than I probably should but somehow drinking a beer resonates with me that it would be going too far.

  I shake the thoughts from my head, knowing that I’m good for at least two hours before I’ll need to head back down to my place and take some more painkillers.

  “He looks happy,” Ty comments when he comes to stand next to Kay. “I haven’t seen that smile on his face for a long time.”

  “Yeah,” I answer, turning around to watch Charlie climb the rope with Eli and laughing when he gets to the top and shouts that he’s “king of the world.”

  “You did that,” he says, tilting his head to me and then looking down at Kay, flashing her his own grin. “Love is all us Mackenzie men need.”

  I snort at him and widen my eyes when he kisses her, I really don’t want to see that.

  Eli shouting at me and asking me to join them gains my attention and his hopeful, bright green eyes coupled with both of their boyish grins has me jogging over to the bottom of the ropes and taking a couple of steps back before I dive for it, making it up to them within seconds.

  “I’m queen of the world!” I shout, standing on the top bar and spreading my arms out wide just like Charlie did.

  The view up here never gets old, the trees and the sky as it bursts with oranges and reds, the sun starting to set in the background. I’ve never seen anything like it and it still amazes me just as much as it did when I saw it for the first time years ago.

  “Food’s ready!” Luke shouts up to us, waiting for Eli at the bottom of the rope. Eli hollers and fist bumps the air before climbing down and racing Luke to the table where all the food is laid out.

  I turn to Charlie and then to the guys. This right here is all I’ve ever wanted, people who love me for me and not for an ulterior motive.

  What Ty has created here is unlike anything else and I know that I’m lucky to be a part of it, but I can’t stop that little voice in the back of my head that whispers, “you’re not good enough for them.”

  “Kitty Kat? You coming?”

  “Huh?” I look over at Charlie, his hand extended toward mine. I move my eyes to his, watching as the light hits the chocolate brown causing the lighter parts to twinkle at me.

  “You coming to eat?” he asks, grinning at me.

  “Oh, yeah.” I clear my throat and spin around, climbing back down the ropes to join my family.

  Stay calm, Kitty. Stay calm. It’ll be okay, you’ve met them before. But not as his girlfriend.

  My knee bobs up and down uncontrollably as we drive to Charlie’s ma and dad’s, and I’m sure that I’m gonna throw up any moment now.

  “Chill,” Charlie tells me, resting his hand on my thigh, but it does nothing
to stop my nerves from exploding throughout my body.

  “I can’t,” I moan, resting my head in my hands.

  He’ll never understand what it’s like because he’ll never meet my parents.

  The trees go by in a blur as he pulls up to the huge house with a wraparound porch. I’ve been told stories about this place but I’ve never been here and I’ll be the first to admit that it’s intimidating.

  His ma stands on the porch, waving frantically as Charlie brings the car to a stop. I wipe my sweaty palms down my thighs and jump down from the SUV at the same time that Charlie does. He walks around to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “Stop panicking,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Kitty! I’m so glad you’re here!” His ma runs down the steps and wraps her arms around me.

  I stand there, static and not able to move as she squeezes me harder.

  “Ma, let her go.”

  “Oh, shush!” She waves him away then takes me by the arm and leads me into the house. “So, Kitty. You work for Tyson, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,”

  She snorts and says, “None of this ma’am stuff.” Walking me into the living room with Charlie on our tail. “It’s Elena.”

  “Right, sorry.” I clear my throat. “Elena.” God, I sound so awkward right now.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Water please,” I say, my throat dry. I can’t do this, I can’t do this. “Can I use your bathroom?”

  “Of course, you can! Down the hall, third door on the left.” She points the way.


  I give Charlie a quick smile and rush down the hallway, opening the door and locking it behind me, pressing my back against it and trying to catch my breath.

  I’ve thought about this day for years now, wishing it would come and now that it’s here, I can’t handle it. It’s too much, it’s too real.

  My hand flutters to my pocket and I pull out my bottle, my shaking hands making me drop it on the floor. I gasp and scramble down, my knees smacking on the tiles as I pick it up and pop the top, pouring the last two pills into the palm of my hand.


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