Kansas City Shuffle

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Kansas City Shuffle Page 13

by Talya Bosco

  And she had no doubt in her mind it was love. She couldn't think about them without getting horny, true, but it was more than that. She was happy when she thought of them or was with them. They made her feel good, protected, wanted. She felt as though she could tell them anything and they'd never judge her, that they would accept her no matter what.

  She wanted to be with them. She enjoyed them. And her heart broke every time she envisioned a future without them.

  But no promises had been made. None asked.

  She didn't know what they wanted. This had started as a fun roll in the hay. She had no right to expect it had turned into more for them as well. Despite them having taken her home to meet their parents.

  And why the hell had they done that anyway? It made no sense. Yeah, once they got here they'd explained it was a family get-together they hadn't felt they could miss, but they could have come alone. She'd have been heartbroken and lonely in the city, but she'd have survived.

  Denise said that they'd never brought a girlfriend home before. What did that mean? Should she believe them that they wanted to show her more of the state?

  That was the problem. She didn't know what to believe. After all that talk earlier in the week about something more being there, nothing had been said since.

  And part of her had been glad. But now she wasn't so sure.

  Larissa climbed out of the shower and got dressed once again. The guys had said something about going to the fire pit as soon as everyone arrived for dinner. Apparently the entire family, including extended family members, were going to be here tonight.

  She wasn't sure if she should hope the rest of the family was or wasn't like Denise. Not that she didn't like the woman; she loved her already, but she—hell, all of them—was intense.

  Larissa snorted. Intense. That was one way of putting it. At least they weren't insane like her own relatives. One meeting with her family and Jared and Devon would go running in the opposite direction. A couple of hours every few months were just about all she could handle with her own mother. She couldn't imagine a family as close as theirs.

  Her world was different from theirs in so many ways. She knew this, but she also knew it wouldn't be difficult to meld them together. She could be an accountant anywhere. It wasn't like she had any real ties back in Pennsylvania. But again, no one had asked her to change. And she wasn't about to offer it. No matter how much she thought they wanted her, she wasn't up to opening herself to that kind of rejection.

  “Come on, slowpoke. Everyone is waiting for you.”

  Larissa looked up at Devon standing in the doorway and felt like weeping. Despair washed over her in a wave so strong she felt her stomach wrench. The pain was so real, she wrapped her hands around her waist tightly. Oh, shit, leaving was going to be harder than she thought.

  “Larissa? Sweetheart, what's wrong?” He turned at the door and yelled, “Jared, get up here, now!” before coming into the room and taking her into his arms.

  She couldn't help it; the tears started down her face, and she couldn't stop them.

  “Baby, come on, tell us. What's got you all upset?”

  “Rissa? Talk to us, honey.” Jared's voice came from behind her as his arms wrapped around her as well. A fleeting thought, wondering how the hell he had gotten here so fast, was gone before she could process it. The two of them cuddled her in their arms, stroking her as she tried to calm herself. Damn her and her emotions.

  Larissa sniffed and shook her head. “Stop it. Both of you. I'm fine.”

  “No, you aren't fine. If you were fine, you wouldn't be crying in the middle of the bedroom.”

  “That look on your face told me you aren't fine at all, woman. Now tell us what the hell has gotten you so upset.”

  Larissa broke out of their hold and reached for a tissue on the side of the bed. How the hell could she tell them that she was crying because she didn't want to leave? No, out of the question.

  She shook her head again. “It's nothing. I'm sorry. Hormones. That time of the month. I always get emotional like this a few days before I start my period.”

  “Bullshit.” Jared wasn't going to accept her excuse. “Was it earlier? Did we scare you? Did we go too far?”

  Larissa looked up at him with a watery smile. “No, you fool.” She reached out and cupped his face in her hand. “Earlier was beautiful. Exciting, creative, and a hell of a lot of fun. It isn't anything you've done. I promise.”

  Please let them believe her. She didn't have it in her to tell them what she was really feeling.

  “Come on, let's go. I don't want your family to be kept waiting.” She started to move away, but his hand held her back.

  “I don't know what you're trying to hide, Larissa, so I'll let it go this time. If you insist you're okay, I'll drop it. But don't lie to us again.” He let go of her arm and walked out the door.

  Larissa's mouth opened in shock. Jared was angry at her. And she had no idea why. One minute he was all concerned, and the next, well, damn.

  “He's worried about you, Larissa. And we both know you're not telling the truth.” Devon gently took her in his arms again. “The last thing in the world either one of us wants is to cause you pain. And if anything we did hurt you, it would tear us apart.”

  How much could a heart break from loving someone? Two someones? She was wrong; it wasn't going to break when she left them. It was breaking now.

  “Believe me when I tell you that you did nothing wrong. Nothing at all. This week has been perfect. Even today, coming here without warning, has been a pleasure. I wouldn't trade a minute of my time with either of you for anything in the world.”

  Devon nodded, seemingly accepting her explanation. She could only hope Jared would accept it as well. She didn't want their last days to be marred. She would need all the good memories she could store up for the long, lonely nights ahead.

  Jared watched Larissa laugh as she walked by his sister Caroline's side down the pathway that led to the fire pit. She seemed fine now, but earlier there was something seriously wrong with her, and he couldn't help but think it was them.

  He knew she'd enjoyed their afternoon; it couldn't have been that. He would have smelled fear or uncertainty on her, but she'd only smelled of arousal and excitement. She'd enjoyed what they had done.

  Then what was it? Was it meeting his family? Had his mother said something to her earlier to upset her? No, it couldn't be that either. His mother knew what was at stake here. She wouldn't jeopardize the future of the pack. Or her sons' hearts.

  Devon walked beside him, both of them far enough away from the women to keep from being overheard.

  “Did she tell you anything?” Jared felt like cursing.

  “Nothing. It's possible she was telling the truth, but there's something more to it; there has to be.”

  “Are we gonna scare her off tonight, Dev? Are we wrong about her?”

  Devon didn't say anything for a long moment. “I don't think so. But does it matter? I'm not willing to let her go through any more, and I know you aren't.”

  Jared nodded. “It ends tonight. Have they all agreed to give us the time?”

  “Mom's not overly happy about it, but she's agreed to wait until we're ready for her and the others.”

  Jared and Devon increased their pace until they had Larissa bracketed between them. The nervous look she shot Jared had his stomach coiling with acid over his reaction to her in the bedroom. He'd almost lost it earlier, but his beast hadn't liked being lied to. Hadn't liked not being able to make it all better for his mate.

  He knew how hypocritical he was being too. He and Devon had spent the last week lying to Larissa on one level or another. But this seemed different. This time she'd prevented them from helping her. And he found that hard to handle.

  “Are we okay?” Her soft words sent a shaft of pain through his chest as she reached for his hand.

  He squeezed her fingers slightly and pulled her hand to his lips. “We're fine.”

Her smile convinced him that maybe they were right. Maybe this would work after all. He noticed Caroline had disappeared into the shadows, and the three of them were alone on the path. When they came upon the clearing where the fire pit was, he waited for Larissa's reaction.

  Michelle had described this area in each of her books. The area where the pack met to celebrate, discuss, and decide on pack politics. Every mating ceremony for the last hundred years and more had been performed here, as well as the less important events in a werewolf's life. She'd described it in minute detail. There was no way Larissa wouldn't recognize it.

  From the stone benches around the outside, to the unique statuary and nearly ancient drawings on the far cliff wall, there was no mistaking this place for anything other than what it was.

  “Larissa, we have something to tell you, and we need you to really listen to us.” Devon tugged her toward the middle of the clearing, where a trio of chairs awaited them. Once she was seated, he and Jared sat facing her.

  Jared stood up almost immediately and started pacing before he turned and faced her. “We've been lying to you the past week about who and what we are.”

  “Lying to me?” She looked from him to Devon.

  “Don't get Jared wrong, we are Devon Caldano and Jared Morrison, but we're more than that.”

  “Our parents own Canid Publishing.”

  Larissa sat there for a moment as though processing the information. When it finally registered, she scooted away from Devon as far as she could go. “Oh my God. This was all a setup? All part of the contest? Come, have the time of your life, get fucked by two gorgeous men, and go home a happy camper?”

  “No! It's not like that.” Devon's raised voice surprised even Jared. Devon reached for her hand, but she pulled away. She stood up fast enough to knock her chair down and took a couple of quick steps back. Shock and pain ran across her face.

  Devon stood up just as quickly. “Larissa, hear us out, please. If the time we've shared means anything to you, please let us explain.”

  She looked at him for a long moment before turning to Jared and then back to Devon. “Fine, explain, but don't come near me. You both stay over there, and I'll stay here.” She hugged her body tightly, much as she had in the bedroom earlier. Jared felt a shaft of pain pierce his heart at the sight.

  Devon nodded and moved to stand beside Jared.

  Jared spoke first. “Before we go further, I need you to know that I love you, Larissa.”

  Her sharp bark of laughter interrupted him. It was no more than he'd expected. But he needed to tell her that up front. Before he tore her heart apart any further.

  “It's true, my parents own Canid Publishing, and I knew you were the winner of the contest before I even met you. But what happened between us wasn't part of the contest.”

  She snorted.

  “My mother vetted the entries for the contest and picked the winner based on a number of factors. Mostly who she thought would be my mate.” He glanced at Devon. “Our mate.”

  “Your mate? Come again?”

  Devon took up the explanation. “Larissa, you've read Michelle's books. You know all about the Ozark wolf pack and how they mate. Look around you. You've seen this place before. Michelle has described it countless times.”

  “What the hell does that have to do with the price of rice in China?”

  “Think about it, Larissa. Two men who fall for the same woman. Men who will do anything to protect her, who love her no matter what she does or who she is. Don't you think that's kind of unusual?”

  “Yeah, well, of course it is. But they're freaking heroes in romance novels. Of course they'll do all that.”

  Jared nodded. “You're right. Where else would you find a pair of men who fall in love with a woman at first sight? Who not only want to share the woman but will do anything in their power to keep her, even if that means one of them has to give her up?”

  Larissa took a minute to respond. “And you're werewolves too? Jesus Christ! What is this, some kind of torture for the sappy, fat chick who reads erotic romances? Who the hell came up with this?”

  “It's not torture. It's the truth. We never intended to hurt you.” Jared tried to explain. “Michelle started writing about our pack years ago as a way for us to find mates who would accept us and our world.”

  “Really? And you both believe this?”

  Jared smelled her fear, sharp and bitter it was so strong. But even without that, he could see the way her gaze darted around the clearing, trying to find an exit. He thought quickly. He needed to keep her from bolting. He stopped himself from taking a step forward in entreaty. “Larissa, you trusted us five minutes ago, just trust us for a bit longer.”

  “Five minutes ago you weren't telling me that you are a pair of creatures that don't exist.”

  Jared said nothing. He realized that nothing he could say would convince her. In fact, he knew it coming into this. He moved a few feet away from Devon, trying to keep her attention on him as Devon moved closer to her. “I have something to show you, Larissa. I promise you I won't hurt you, but I need you to see this.”

  Larissa backed away as he removed his shirt. Her fear increased exponentially, coming off her skin in rapid waves. It hurt to know he was the reason behind her near panic. He cursed and glanced at his best friend. It would be up to Devon to stop her from running.

  He had to trust Devon to do what was needed. He had other things to concentrate on. Quicker than he was sure Larissa's mind could process, he was as naked as the day he was born.

  “I love you, Larissa.” He said it once again.

  And then he shifted.

  He'd been asked once before what it was like to shift. He hadn't been able to describe it, other than it felt incredible. Liberating was the best word he could come up with for shedding his human form and becoming a two-hundred-pound black wolf.

  The change was almost instantaneous, at least to anyone watching. But he felt his bones and muscles shift, changing shape from an upright human male to the four-legged animal that lived inside of him always.

  This was the part of him that he was afraid that Larissa would not be able to accept.

  “Holy shit!” Larissa yelled and stepped back quickly. Devon was behind her and caught her when she stumbled.

  Jared approached her slowly in his wolf form.

  Devon's arms were still wrapped around her. “It's true, Larissa. We're both werewolves.”

  “No, that's not possible.” Larissa shook her head even as Jared nudged her hand with his head. She snapped her hand back, but the sharp stench of her fear wasn't as strong as it had been seconds ago.

  “You can touch him, Larissa. It's still Jared, only in a different form.”

  “Can he understand us?”

  “Yes. We retain who and what we are when we shift. The only changes are physical. We can see farther, hear better, run faster. Things like that.”

  “But why? How?”

  Devon shrugged. “I'm not the best person to ask. We have a pack historian who can answer more of your questions. I can tell you the pack has been around for thousands of years. We came to America a few hundred years ago and settled here in the Ozarks.”

  “We?” Larissa's voice rose a notch, and Jared moved closer to her in hopes of comforting her. When he nudged her hand again, this time she didn't take it away, but he didn't think she realized he was there either.

  “The pack. Not we as in me and Jared. We aren't immortal, Larissa, just something different than human. Our life spans are pretty much the same as yours.”

  Jared hadn't taken his gaze off Larissa the entire time Devon explained who and what they were. He could hear her heart beating faster than normal, her breath more rapid than it should have been, but the fear continued to recede.

  He whimpered softly, needing a conscious recognition of his presence. She looked down at him with confusion-filled eyes.

  She looked back to Devon. “You too?”

  He nodded his head. “Y
up. But I'm brown.” He tugged a lock of his own hair.

  “This is impossible, you know.”

  Devon smiled and shook his head. “Sorry. It is possible. You have the evidence right there.”

  “Jared?” She looked down again before dropping to her knees and taking his head in her hands. For long moments she stared into his eyes, as though trying to divine the truth. “It really is you?”

  He sat on the ground and nodded. He pushed through her hold and licked at her face, eager to reassure her. She leaned back from him and laughed, although it was half forced. Even so, it still lightened the pain in his heart just a bit.

  His shift back was just as quick as it had been the first time.

  “Yes. It's me.”

  “Shit.” She looked around. “I need to sit down.”

  “You are.”

  She looked down at the ground. “Oh, I am.”

  “That's not all, Larissa.” Devon sat with them on the ground and laid a hand on her leg.

  * * * * *

  “There's more?” Larissa shook her head, more confused than she'd ever been in her life. What more could they possibly tell her after the bombshell they'd just dropped?

  “What do you remember about Michelle's wolves' mating habits?”

  Larissa sighed and thought. Michelle's wolves mated in triads, especially the alphas. Legend had it that an alpha male had been killed in an ambush during a time of conflict with another pack, and it had thrown their pack into chaos.

  There had been no true ruler, no one beta who was trained or able to take over the pack. After years of problems, two alpha males emerged, ready to share the responsibility of running the pack. And the woman they both loved. It had been tradition ever since.

  “They tend to mate in triads, they are always faithful, and they mate for life.”

  Devon nodded, turning her hand in his to hold it securely. “When a male werewolf falls in love, he's in love till the day he dies. And I have to say that I am most definitely in love with you.”

  Jared squeezed the hand he held and repeated the statement he'd made earlier. “I love you, Larissa Myles.”

  “No. That's not possible.”


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