Ramagos, Tonya - Logan's Lessons [Sunset Cowboys 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Ramagos, Tonya - Logan's Lessons [Sunset Cowboys 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Неизвестный

  Jaelynn tossed her head back and laughed, a heated and thoroughly amused sound that brought a smile to his own tingling lips. Her hands smoothed up the front of her body, a finger dipping inside her belly button and then moving up her abdomen to the valley between her breasts as her body slithered and moved to the beat of a song only she could hear.

  There was something he should say, something he should do. It niggled at Logan's mind but couldn't make it through the sexual fog hampering his very soul. He could only watch and want as her hands glided down her front to the white lace still awaiting her attention. His cock pulsed and his balls cried out from the sheer torture of the fantastic sight of her touching herself.

  "I've never stripped for anyone like this before." Her voice took on the tone of smooth Southern honey, and he felt himself drowning in the sticky sweet essence. "I thought you should know that."

  Logan gulped, his gaze following her fingers as they dipped inside the lace, traveled along the front edge and then eased it down to reveal more wickedly tempting flesh. "I'm honored to be the first."

  Her head came up, and she met his gaze, a world of emotions swirling in the depths of her eyes. "You know, Mr. Cartwright, I'm inclined to believe you mean that."

  "Oh, baby, I do."

  She peeled her panties down her hips and thighs.

  Logan's breath came out on a whoosh. "Sweet Heaven." He actually felt faint as his gaze landed on the smooth bare flesh of her pussy. Not a single hair covered her pouty lips. His concerns shifted as did what he wanted. "Kick off those boots and jeans and come to me, darlin'."

  He moved to the padded bench seat sofa but didn't sit down. Instead, he waited for her to join him and then yanked her into his arms.

  He took her mouth in a kiss that was savage and hungry, a primal demand that poured from his body without any thought of holding back. He needed to taste her, had to, or he would go mad from the desire. But her mouth wasn't the only thing he needed to feed from. His hands moved to her sides, guiding her down to sit on the edge of the sofa. He kneeled in front of her.

  "Spread your legs for me, sugar. It's my turn to taste."

  The sounds she made, soft little whimpering sounds of unadulterated pleasure, as his mouth closed over the tender flesh of her pussy went straight to his head…both of them. His mind scrambled, and his cock gave a spasm just this side of pain. He ignored both in favor of the best delicacy he'd ever tasted. "So warm," he whispered against her folds. "So wet. Jesus, sweetheart, you're nearly dripping with it. I have to taste it. I have to drink."

  * * * *

  Like she had any intentions of stopping him. Hell, no. Jaelynn's head fell back on the sofa, her hands finding purchase in his hair as his tongue slipped between her sodden folds. It felt like a feather gliding over the most sensitive flesh of her body, his tongue a silky strip of warmth to her already flaming need.

  Her hips came off the sofa at the first plunge of his tongue into her aching channel. "Logan!" His name felt wrenched from her throat as the onslaught of rapturous pleasure swamped her. Her legs attempted to close around his face of their own accord, but he put his palms on her inner thighs and held them spread as he worked the tender flesh of her inner channel. His tongue thrust inside her, circling, lapping, and drinking at her juices even as his actions caused her body to produce more.

  He angled his shoulders between her thighs, using them to hold her legs open as his hands joined his tongue. He found the swollen bud of her clit with the pad of his thumb, circling it in a pressured massage that nearly made her come. She was close, so very close, but she didn't want it to end yet.

  "Please." Her shameless plea came on breathless cry.

  He drew back only enough to catch one of her pussy lips between his lips, the delicate nip an erotic slice of ecstasy. "You taste so good, so thick and sweet. Come for me, Jaelynn."

  "No," she gasped as he drove his tongue inside her opening. "I want you inside me when I come."

  "Oh, baby, I will be." He leaned back, his lips set in a cocky smirk even as he replaced his tongue in her channel with two fingers. She writhed against his hand. "Do you think I'm only good for one time, one orgasm?"

  Jaelynn didn't say anything to that. He wouldn't be the first man she'd had sex with who'd only shown her one release. Hell, sometimes if she achieved even that she considered herself lucky.

  She would be lucky with Logan Cartwright. She'd known it almost the moment he first touched her. The way her body responded to the simplest brush of his cock against her thigh back at the bar had barely fallen short of full-blown orgasmic bliss. Pleasure stood now only a lick away, and the foggy gleam of sexual awareness in his eyes promised it wouldn't be the last.

  "You better not be," she finally told him and watched his too sexy glistening lips curve into an amused grin. He stole what remained of her breath with a movement of the two fingers still inside her and sent her galloping through the surf of a vicious orgasmic ocean. She came in a blinding rush, her hands balling into fists, one in the sofa cover and the other in his hair. The release ruled her body, the pleasure tearing out of her in spasm after spasm of white-hot relief.

  "That's it, darlin'. Jesus, that's amazing."

  Somewhere among the ringing in her ears, Jaelynn heard his quiet voice, caught the amazement mixing with the desire in his tone. Then she felt his lips on her once more, closing over her pussy, his tongue dipping between her pulsing folds to join his fingers in a drinking dance that gave her insurmountable ecstasy. Slurping sounds permeated the air, mingling with the cries slipping from her throat, drawing low guttural groans of male appreciation from him as he devoured her, drank her dry.

  Dimly, Jaelynn registered when he pulled away, when his tongue and fingers left her still convulsing channel. She closed her eyes, her heart racing, and her breath erratic. The feeling of absence came slower than she would've expected, her body so used and sated from that single act of his oral expertise. Had she thought to accuse him of only being good for one orgasm? Damn if he hadn't made her eat that thought even as he dined on her. As satiated as she felt, she'd be lucky if she could go another round.

  He shifted in front of her, and she opened her eyes to find him looking at her. Not her face, though he did focus there too, but her entire body. His gaze danced over her flesh with the same sensuality of his moves on the dance floor and, despite the explosive release he'd given her, despite the exhaustion that swept through her a mere half second before, she felt her body awaken anew.

  She reached for him, needing to feel, wanting to be close, dying for that skin-to-skin contact she'd desired to start. "You're full of surprises, aren't you, cowboy."

  Though she made it more statement than question, he answered her with a grin that reached all the way to his stunning melted eyes. "I'm just getting started, sweet thang. Consider that lesson number one if you like."

  "Hmm, that works for me." Jaelynn laced her fingers together at his nape and pulled his mouth to hers. He tasted of sinful promise, anticipation, and the juices he'd consumed from her body. "It really works for me."

  His hands found her breasts, molding the tender orbs with his palms. She arched into that touch, moaning as his tongue did the same truly delicious things to her mouth that it had to her throbbing channel.

  "This doesn't work for me." She plucked at the collar of his shirt with her teeth, tugging it out of the way so she could reach the warm, hard flesh of his neck and throat with her tongue. She alternated kisses and licks, loving the sounds that rumbled from him as she explored. "You still have on all your clothes," she complained when her travels became hampered by the buttons of his shirt. "I'm up for lesson number two, Mr. Cartwright." She dropped a hand between them and covered his stiff cock with her hand. The mere feel of his impressive bulge drew a moan of anticipation from her that sounded just this side of begging. "And I don't want to have to fight with clothes to get it."

  * * * *

  Logan chuckled and pulled back, albeit reluctantly. Pu
tting any amount of distance between himself and this incredible woman proved to be a test of his resolve. She looked, he decided as he got to his feet, like a very sexy, beyond gorgeous, wicked offering leaning back on the sofa, every delicious inch of her creamy mocha flesh bare for his appraisal. And she was delicious. Oh, man, the taste of her essence as he'd lapped it up like a man encountering his first stream after far too many days and nights stranded in the Sahara had been nothing short of delectable.

  "Undress for me, Logan." She chose her words purposely, taking him in with a leisurely heavy lidded gaze. He'd used those same words on her, likely looked at her that same way too as she'd started to strip for him, as she'd driven him mad exposing each smooth and tempting morsel of her body at a pace slower than a country love song. "Will you do that, darlin'?"

  His words again, but said in her sweetly sinful voice, they squeezed at his cock and kicked his blood pressure high enough for him to orbit the moon. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, if words had hands his clothes would've been ripped from his body without his ever lifting a finger to help.

  "I will, but it won't be slow, and there won't be a show involved." God save him, if he had to strip for her as she'd done for him there would be a show alright. A very embarrassing one where the highlight of the event would be him coming like a crazed bull before he ever made it inside her succulent pussy. He was that goddamned turned-on.

  Logan kept good on that promise, as he intended to do every other one he'd made to her tonight. He made quick work of kicking off his boots, shucking his jeans and boxers down and off his legs, and removing his shirt until he stood before her as naked as the day he'd been born.

  "Dear Lord," she gasped, her eyes no longer heavy lidded but widened slightly as her gaze landed between his legs. She licked her lips, the vixen, and his cock gave an involuntary leap at the sight. It made her grin. "You should probably know that all ability to formulate coherent thought has now left me. As a matter of fact, the only words springing to my mind at this moment are damn and will that fit and please, please, please."

  Logan bit back a smile and reached for her, catching her hands in his and pulling her to stand upright in front of him. Finally, finally, he was skin-to-skin with her. No clothes remained between them, no late-night fantasies he had to worry about waking from. She melded against him, the hard wall of his body fitting like a glove to her soft curves and delicately firm angles. The sheer reality of it threatened to bring tears to his eyes.

  She tipped her head back to look up at him, and he couldn't help himself. He nipped her bottom lip then soothed the bite with his tongue before delving inside her sweet mouth to lose himself in another kiss.

  "Mmm, I could kiss you for hours," he said against her lips between nips, licks, and tonsil-touching dives that left them both breathless and writhing. "I would be happy with that. If that's all you decided you wanted from me, I would be okay with that." He would, too, he realized as her hand fisted in his hair and she pulled him back for another kiss, this one of her control that rocked him to his toes. Yes, his cock throbbed like a bitch. Yes, his balls screamed with the agony of a release he threatened to hold from them. Yes, he'd spent more nights than he wanted to admit dreaming of fucking this woman blind. But if she decided to pull back now and say no, if she elected to tell him she wanted nothing more than a few hours of depth exploring tongue dancing, he'd be okay with it. More than okay. He'd walk away a smiling man.

  "I sure as hell wouldn't be happy with that." She broke the kiss long enough to say the words on a string of ragged breaths. Then she crushed her mouth to his again, hooked her arms around his neck and leapt into his arms, locking her legs around his waist.

  Logan stumbled back a step before he caught his balance at the same time he enveloped her tight little ass in his arms to hold her. She'd very nearly impaled herself with that brazen move. He had only to shift her body a fraction of an inch, ease her back slightly and he'd be inside her.

  Christ, he couldn't wait to be inside her. Forget being okay. Forget walking away smiling. He wanted to be superb. He wanted to walk away grinning like a fucking idiot come morning. Come being the operative word, because above all else that's what he wanted most…to make her come again and again and again.

  "Whoa! Condom, sweetheart." He let out a surprised laugh when she dangled a foil wrapped package in front of his face. "Where did you? How did—?"

  Jaelynn grinned at him, a wide mouthed smile that seeped through his skin and wound around his heart. "Looks like there are a few lessons I can teach you, too."

  "I'm all for sharing in a relationship, darlin'." He saw the swirl of alarm move through her gaze, knew he'd sent up a red flag in her mind by using the word relationship, and thought quick before that single word ruined the mood. "Are you going to do the honors? Or shall I put you down so I can?"

  She had the condom unwrapped and started sheathing his cock before he even had the word honors out of his mouth.

  He drew a slow breath through his teeth as her hands, a devious mix of delicate and calloused, gripped his shaft at the same time unrolling the latex over his length. The act took longer than necessary, and he knew she was dragging it out for his pleasure. Hers too, he hoped as she explored his length, reaching farther down to fondle his balls until he growled and gave her bottom a little jerk.

  "I'm good for more than one ejaculation too, but men do need a few minutes to recover. Unless you want to spend the next half hour with my face between your legs again, you should put those wicked hands of yours back on my shoulders."

  She pursed her lips as if considering the options he'd given her, but finally splayed her hands on his front and grazed them over his pecs and chest to his shoulders. "There's a bed in the back if you prefer…"

  "I don't think I can make it that far."

  "Oh, am I too heavy?"

  He'd gotten distracted by her breasts, her hardened nipples brushing enticingly against his chest, but his gaze snapped up to meet hers at that. "Not a chance, sweetheart. But I want to be inside you so badly right now I might start to cry if I have to wait another second. It will surely embarrass us both."

  She laughed, a truly musical sound that stopped on a note when he shifted her weight to one arm and reached between their bodies to guide his cock inside the sweet heat of her pussy. "Wait! Logan, there's umm, something I should tell you."

  Logan stared at her, disbelief combining with the desire in his veins to create a mind-numbing denial of what he felt suddenly, fearfully certain would be her next words. When she simply stared back at him, he had to ask. "Jaelynn, sweetheart, don't tell me you're a virgin." She couldn't be. Not with her reputation. Except, how often did a woman gain the reputation of being sexually active when they were in fact as sexually inexperienced as they came? Lots.

  "Not exactly." She blushed, her mocha skin gaining a hint of red, and Logan thought stupidly of sharing a box of chocolate-covered cherries with her naked under the tree at Christmas.

  "How can you not exactly be a virgin, baby?"

  "I'm not a virgin but, well, it's been, um, close to three years since I've, um…" She trailed off, her gaze searching his for what he wasn't sure.

  "You haven't had sex in three years?" The astonishment in his question only succeeded in making her blush more. But damn, he was astonished. This woman had the reputation of being a hard ass, yes, but a sexy as hell hard ass that could get any cowboy in any state with barely a crook of her finger. Word had it she'd done them all too. And that's what he got for believing the word, as it were. He should've known better. His own experiences with reputations and rodeo grapevines should've been enough for him to dismiss everything he'd heard about Jaelynn-Sue Murphy.

  "Almost three. Look, it's no big deal." She stiffened in his arms. "I only told you because, oh, hell, I don't know why I told you." Her spunk died, and her shoulders slumped.

  Logan steadied her in his arms, holding all of her weight with his left arm as he reached up with his right hand to cup the
side of her face. "The why doesn't matter, Jaelynn. I'm glad you told me." And he did see it as a big deal. He kept that part to himself as she met his gaze again, this time her eyes full of embarrassment and something very akin to shame, but beneath that he saw hope too and gratitude.

  Christ, he didn't want her to thank him for fucking her. He wanted to know why she'd decided to end three years of celibacy tonight with him.

  She nodded, a slow, almost imperceptible movement of her head. Then those incredible lips curved in another of her wicked siren smiles, and she found his cock with her hand. "Mmm. I was afraid I'd spoiled the moment. Doesn't feel like it to me, though."

  Logan pushed all questions and concerns aside and focused on the woman in his arms, the one who currently had his cock in a grip of ball-bursting pleasure. "Honey, you didn't ruin anything at all." He released her face, caught her wrist and brought her hand back to his shoulder. He replaced her hand with his own, fisting his fingers around his cock as he guided the head to the eagerly awaiting opening of her pussy.

  He entered her, only the head of his cock, stopping at the fold of skin, and closed his eyes as the pleasure ripped through him. Despite the orgasm he'd given her and the river of her essence he'd drank from her body, she was sopping wet again. The lubrication would help because she was tight. Three sexless years might not have returned her to virgin status, but it came damned close.

  "Why did you stop?" Her question came on a whispered breath that penetrated the sensations spiraling in his mind and body.

  "Because I don't want to come yet. Because you're so tight." Because he suddenly feared hurting her. He had a big cock. That wasn't male ego talking but a simple fact. She knew it, too, judging by her 'will it fit' response. And it would fit, of course. Woman had been made to mold to a man, to take him in and become one no matter what the size. But that didn't stop the pain that sometimes came with the act. He never wanted to show her pain.

  He didn't have to say the last. She read it in his expression, must have seen it in his eyes. "You aren't going to hurt me, Logan. The fact that you care is very gentlemanly of you, but stop worrying and give me what I want."


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