Ramagos, Tonya - Logan's Lessons [Sunset Cowboys 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Ramagos, Tonya - Logan's Lessons [Sunset Cowboys 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Неизвестный

  "You do and I'll have to spank this pretty ass of yours."

  His threat sent shards of excited glass exploding through her sated body. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn't go for kinky shit like that. The response that left her lips shocked her to her booted toes. "Promises, promises."

  He chuckled, his breath a hot wash of ecstasy to the side of her neck. "This wasn't exactly why I came to see you this morning. Not that I'm complaining, but I'm wondering are you making up for lost time, Miss Murphy?"

  Jaelynn managed both a shrug and what she prayed would be the truth. "Nope, I just wanted you. I've gotta take it while I can so I can get you out of my system before the rodeo pulls out of Sunset next week."

  * * * *

  You don't have to leave.

  Logan tasted the words on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed them, knowing them to be false. She did have to go. Traveling with the rodeo was what she did, what had brought her here to start. But she didn't have to get him out of her system before she left. That much he wanted to tell her, and very nearly did, before he realized it would likely scare her.

  Hell, he was scaring himself with the desperation flowing through him to find a way to keep her in his life. He'd had her for less than twenty-four hours and already he couldn't fathom losing her.

  He swallowed those words too and stepped back, slipping out of the comforting warmth of her body. He pulled off the condom, tossed it in a nearby trashcan, and shoved his sated cock back in his jeans while she straightened her own clothes.

  She didn't turn to face him until she'd set to rights her jeans and blouse, but her disheveled hair and the satisfaction gleaming in her eyes screamed of a woman who'd just had amazing mid-morning sex in the tack room. At least, he hoped it had been amazing for her because, boy howdy, it had been bronco-bucking fantabulous for him.

  Logan reached out, hooking an arm around her waist and yanking her to him. She let out a breathless chuckle that turned to a moan as he silenced her with a kiss. By the time he let her go his balls ached and his cock flexed for another round.

  "We better get out of this room, cowboy." Jaelynn stepped around him, putting more distance between them as she shoved a hand through her wavy locks. "If we don't, we'll end up staying in here all day having sex."

  "I can think of far worse ways to spend a day, cowgirl." Logan bent to pick up his hat where he'd dropped it on the ground at his feet in favor of holding her. He grinned as he straightened, meeting her gaze and catching the amusement dancing in her eyes. At his cowgirl reference or his agreement to a day of sex, he wasn't sure. They both sounded like winners to him.

  She shook her head, a little giggle escaping as she walked to the door and opened it. "Out." She gestured for him to exit first.

  He did, passing so close to her on his way that his arm brushed her breasts. In that fraction of an instant, he heard her quick intake of breath and felt her nipples bead beneath the material of her shirt. Christ, the woman was insatiable!

  She followed him out, pointing toward a horse trailer to the right of the tack room. "That's Betsy's trailer, the horse you saw me riding when you got here. She's in the stables now with Roscoe. He'll take care of her until I get back."

  "What time do you have to ride tonight?" He wanted to be there, wanted to see her perform, to root for her from the crowd, but he had to be at the bar by five.

  "The rodeo starts tonight at seven. Betsy, Rosco and I will go on at seven-thirty. Why? Are you planning to watch?"

  Logan hoped he wasn't misreading the hope he saw in her eyes as she glanced at him. "I am." He nodded. "And since you have until seven-thirty, I'd hoped you would come back to the bar. I've got a class from five to seven again." He leaned in closer, lowered his voice. "I could use some help if you might be so obliged."

  Her eyebrows shot up. "You want me to help you teach a dance class?"

  "You said I needed a partner," he reminded her.

  She stopped, planting her fisted hands on her hips and studying him with a long, leisurely gaze that made his skin craw with renewed hunger. "So I did. Alright, Mr. Cartwright. I'll help you with your class tonight. Who knows, maybe I'll even teach you a few lessons."

  Logan felt the heat of that promise settle in his groin. "Oh, baby, I can't wait to start learning."

  Chapter 4

  Jaelynn had always been a fast learner, but when a woman had a good teacher, she could catch on to anything. Logan Cartwright was a phenomenal teacher. She'd never seen a man dance like him, all fluid moves and easy grace. Each step, grind and turn exhibited a calculated measure of skill and talent with enough sexuality to drive her wild.

  The same students were back for another night of bumping and grinding their way over the dance floor. They began with the dance she'd seen Logan teaching last night, his own adaption to the C. C. Shuffle. Tonight's difference? He had a partner and, boy, did his students get a kick out of it.

  Jaelynn blushed to the roots of her hair as whistles and whoops drowned out Billy Ray Cyrus's country twang. The gay couple proved to be the loudest, rooting them on as Logan gyrated Jaelynn to near orgasm in the first verse of the song. Hugh and Maria Rowell joined in the fun, attempting to copy the seductive grind with hip action of their own that made Jaelynn chuckle even as it warmed her heart. Logan, she decided, knew his stuff when he told her he provided a place for the married couple to get the heat started.

  He certainly didn't fail to start a fire within her. By the time Billy Ray's voice faded, her body hummed a rhythm of its own. Her panties grew so wet she considered a trip to the ladies room to wring them dry, and her nipples, whew, lord, they ached something fierce, pulsating for his touch, his tongue, to simply brush against his naked skin.

  "By George, I think you've got that one." Logan's arms wound around her, and he tightened his hold, rasping his groin against her buttocks as his lips brushed featherlike caresses to the side of her neck.

  "Hey, Logan, have you taught her your dance yet?" Bobby and his partner exchanged winks and knowing glances that had Jaelynn wondering.

  She tipped her head back and looked up at Logan. "Isn't what happens in my private lessons privileged information?"

  Logan grinned, all mischief and invigorating promises. "You bet your sweet ass, but the dance our little gay friend is referring to happens to be a line dance of my own choreography. Fitting, I assure you, for a crowd."

  "I'm not sure many crowds would see the dances you've adapted as being fit," Jaelynn teased. She covered his hand on her waist with hers and took the lead, twirling out from his embrace only to have him snatch her back. She slammed against his rock-hard body, and her breath caught in her throat.

  "I suppose I can let you be the judge."

  "Lead on, teacher."

  Logan stepped around her in a move worthy of Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey as Kenny Chesney's “Out Last Night” started to play. Jaelynn stood still, letting the beat move through her, feeling the building rhythm of music and arousal as Logan's hands glided over her body. He stopped with the hard wall of his body pressed to her back and covered her hands with his on her hips, lacing his fingers through hers.

  "Right first, then front, then left." His instructions would've been drowned out by the song had his lips not been moving at her ear. The warmth of his breath, the featherlike caress of his lips to her flesh sparked memories of last night, of his mouth on her most sensitive parts. "Follow my lead." He nipped her lobe in a tender but pressured bite that sent her insides trembling with pure, carnal lust.

  She could only nod as he started to dance. His hands guided her own up her front as he did a sexual glide to the right that was more shift than step. Their bodies rubbed, his groin snuggled firmly in the crack of her ass. If not for the barrier of his jeans, of hers, he would've been inside her throbbing pussy. The way his body led hers to slither and pump, anyone watching might have thought he was.

  The song had a faster than Billy Ray, the choreography brisker and headier even t
han Logan's adaption of the C. C. Shuffle. His hands moved all over her. Or rather her hands moved all over her as his grip on hers didn't change. He controlled the movement of her hands, her hips, her steps and her hormones. Glory be to God, his command over her very essence felt unswerving and masterful.

  Jaelynn dimly registered the other couples joining them to complete the line dance. Her intent and focus locked on Logan, on the ridged muscles that held her tight, on the permeating heat that left her light-headed with desire.

  His skill on the dance floor as both dancer and teacher could not go unnoticed. Neither could his huskily spoken words in her ears as the song drew to a close.

  "You won't get me out of your system, Jaelynn. I won't let you." He released one of her hands, changing his clasp on the other and whirling her around as the final note of the song played.

  She didn't have a chance to respond to his comment, didn't know what she would've said if she had. Applause and whistles ripped through the bar from both students and the scattering of onlookers who'd arrived for the evening's happy hour. She felt his possessive squeeze to her hand though and caught the intent spark in his eyes before he turned to his class.

  "Whew we, Logan, you're the man." Bobby slapped Logan on the back of the shoulder even as he pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead with his free hand.

  "No doubt now why you're the teacher," Bobby's life partner chimed in. "We bow to you, oh glorious cowboy."

  "Cut it out, fools." Jaelynn could've sworn she saw the tips of his ears turning red before he snagged his Stetson from the nearby table and slapped it on his head.

  "You added some new moves, Logan," Hugh observed. "When are you planning to teach us those?"

  "I don't know. They're kind of hard to teach without a partner."

  "You've got one now," Maria gestured to Jaelynn.

  Logan pulled her into the crook of his arm. "It seems I do. Maybe she'll stick around and help me awhile."

  Jaelynn's breath caught in her throat even as a wash of uneasiness mixed with the desire that flooded her mind and body. She didn't miss the underlying meaning to his words. The man was playing for keeps. He'd started a new dance sometime between walking into her trailer last night and out of the tack room that morning and he expected her to follow his lead. If only she could.

  The thought had her swallowing her breath and nearly choking on it. What was she doing? She didn't want anything for keeps. She only wanted her beloved rodeo. A keeper, definitely, but one she already felt slipping from her grasp no matter how desperately she fought to hang on.

  "We've got the dance-off next Wednesday," Bobby reminded Logan. "Sure would be cool if you had a partner for that for a change."

  Logan looked at her, a world of hope, desire and possession in his expression. "Yeah, it sure would. Maybe I can manage to keep her around until then."

  Jaelynn winced and looked up at him through apologetic eyes. "Sorry, darlin', no can do. I'll be gone by then. We pull out Monday morning."

  A collective "Damnit" came from the couples that watched on, but the intense determination in the gaze staring back at her held her attention. He didn't say it, but she could see the "Not if I can help it" etched in his expression as plain as the laughter lines around his eyes and the corner of his succulent lips.

  He wouldn't make it easy for her. That much was becoming abundantly clear. She would be the one to have to walk away. How to do that would be one lesson she'd have to learn on her own pretty damned fast.

  * * * *

  Logan determined the last thing he intended to do was to let Jaelynn-Sue Murphy out of his sight. He wanted her, and by God, he meant to have her. She didn't mention the conversational exchange back at the bar and neither did he. Let her stew on it a while, he decided, and in the meantime he'd give her reason upon reason to stick around.

  "I need to change clothes," she told him with a quick glance over her shoulder as she headed for her trailer. "Then we'll catch the show before I have to go on if you like."

  "I'd rather help you change." He caught her waist as she stepped into the trailer and spun her around in his arms. God, he loved doing that and appreciated the way her lithe body collided with his much harder one in a fit beyond perfection.

  She laughed up at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief and excitement. "Hmm, a better proposition than mine. Can you do it in twenty minutes?"

  "Darlin', I can do it in ten if that's all the time I've got."

  "It's all the time I've got."

  "Then we better quit wasting it talking." He surprised a squeak out of her as he hoisted her into his arms and carried her down the short hall to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed, going down with her and silencing her laughter with his mouth. God, he loved making her laugh, loved more tasting that laughter, as sweet and smooth as warm honey. By the time he broke the kiss, she had his belt unfastened, his jeans unbuttoned, and had already started working them and his boxers down around his hips.

  "Clothes. Off. Now." She panted the words, making each a sentence of its own as he rolled them both over until they lay on their sides, each working feverously to shed the garments preventing them from being skin-to-skin. And then, "Oh, yeah," she sighed in pure bliss as he moved over her once more.

  Logan settled his hips between her wide-spread legs and thrust inside her pussy. She was wet, soaking with an essence he already knew tasted better than paradise, the feel of it covering his cock as he pushed all the way inside her a decided slice of heaven. The realization made him freeze. He lifted his upper body, resting the bulk of his weight on his hands on either side of her shoulders and stared down at her.

  Jaelynn's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing a glassy glaze of pleasure even as confusion flittered through their depths. "I like the idea of going slow now and then. We'll have to try it sometime, but we're on a time limit here. Or did you forget?"

  Logan gulped and tried to pull out, but she'd locked her legs around his waist, the strong muscles in her thighs holding him like a vise. "You've got to let me go, Jaelynn."

  "Uh ah, not until Monday." She tightened her legs even more, pulling him deeper still inside her.

  Logan groaned, closed his eyes and tried to breathe through the riot of ecstasy fogging his sanity. "What I forgot is a condom, Jae. Darlin', I'm inside you without protection."

  Fear flittered across her expression, but disappeared just as instantly. She swallowed visibly, pursed her lips, but through it all never loosened her legs to let him pull free. "Well, now, I guess we have a dilemma, don't we? I can let you pull out and you can go for that condom, all of which will waste another precious minute, at least, or you can promise me on your dear sainted grandmother's grave that you're clean and we can get on with this because I'm about two seconds from coming all over you."

  "Jesus," he breathed and damn if his arms didn't wobble at that revelation.

  "To make it fair, I'll tell you that I'm clean and on the pill."

  Logan found it difficult to speak around his heart now lodged somewhere in his throat. She trusted him. He saw that plain as sunrise in her gaze, felt it even more in the easy hand that glided up and down his back. He finally found the wherewithal to nod, but when he opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out.

  "That's close enough," she told him, her voice turning as soft as her touch. She loosened her leg lock enough to urge his hips back with the grip she now had on his sides, and pulled him back inside her pussy.

  That measured thrust done completely by her control brought him back. The feel of being inside her, Christ, it had been incredible enough before, but without the barrier of latex between them there was no longer anything left to protect any part of him. He thrust inside her pussy, deep, long, a calculating move that brought her back arching off the bed, positioning her so that he went deeper in her heated channel than before. And in that move, in that moment, he knew she'd positioned herself securely deep within his heart.

  Jaelynn came. She hadn't been kidding about ho
w close she was to losing it. Her body jerked, her legs closing around him and holding him hostage as she broke apart beneath him. The convulsions of her inner muscles upon release milked him to his own climax, and his arms went limp. He collapsed on top of her, still moving his hips, still pumping his cock in her greedy pussy until all ability to move fled his body, and he lay breathless and torn apart on top of her.

  * * * *

  Jaelynn refused to think about what she'd done with Logan in her trailer beyond the fact that it had been one of the most incredible orgasms of her life. She knew she could trust him. If that had been an issue she would've bucked him out of her and off the bed so fast his head would've spun clean off his shoulders. She knew she wouldn't get pregnant from that time either. The fact that it only took one time, that any type of birth control short of abstinence could fail and she'd be pregnant didn't bother her either. She'd practiced the last for far too long and trusted her own intuition enough to feel confident she was in no danger there.

  The danger came after. She'd laid beneath him panting for air, her mind scrambling for sanity, and felt an alien want curl inside her chest. So alien, in fact, that she'd never before felt it until that moment. She hadn't even been able to define it at first, but she didn't need old Webster to spell it out for her now. Somehow, in the course of twenty-four pathetically short hours, she'd developed the want to settle with a man. Not just any man. Logan Cartwright.

  "How could it happen so fast?"

  "It always happens fast, girl. The faster the better. Three seconds is the ultimate goal and anything over ten seconds is way too long."

  Jaelynn started, realizing only as she looked over at Roscoe that she'd spoke aloud and he'd answered her even though he really hadn't a clue what she'd been talking about. Thank, God.

  "Oh, no, that's not what I, never mind." She shook it off and adjusted her grip on Betsy's reins.


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