I decide I need some air and head outside. When I walk out of the bar the cold air hits me and instantly kills the little buzz I had going.
I catch sight of a woman standing about twenty feet from me and I swear she is the sexiest damn thing I’ve seen. Her light brown hair hangs down her back in long curls, she is wearing jeans that are hugging her ass, I can’t see her shirt, but her shoulders are bare showing off her tanned skin. She’s completely focused on her phone that she doesn’t even notice the biker walking up to her.
He’s tall and huge, with a long beard. As he looks at her, I can see the desire on his face. It pisses me off because I was just getting ready to go over there myself. This girl is a catch, not like the usual club girls that hang around this bar hoping for one of us to fall for them and make them an old lady.
“Hey there, suga’, you lookin’ real good.” His deep voice sounds and I can see her jump, she had obviously not noticed he was there.
Her head tilts to the side. “I must look like a unicorn then, seeing as I'm not your cousin or a slut. I mean you backwoods biker types are used to that family shit, right?”
I freeze. This chick has balls.
The biker’s mouth drops open in shock and the cigarette that had been resting in it falls to the ground.
“Can you close the chimney hole now? Some of us would like to not die of cancer. Thanks.” She makes a shooing motion with her hands.
Anger flashes across his face. Shit. I walk up behind her, knowing I should just mind my own damn business, but choosing not to.
“You got a big mouth, bitch, I’m about to shut it up.” He reaches for her, but she quickly pulls a blade out from her purse pointing it at him.
“Come near me, dickhead and I’ll slice off the piece of shit you call your manhood.” Her voice is harsh but almost has a tone of laughter to it.
I stand behind her making my presence known. I come here a lot and since Shooter made me VP of the club, I’ve gotten a lot more respect. I cross my arms over my chest. When his eyes meet mine, a moment passes where I think he might challenge me. I’m hoping he doesn’t. I avoid fighting as much as I can, it takes me to a place I don’t easily come back from.
He mumbles a few curses under his breath before stomping away. She turns around, the smile on her face letting me know that she was pleased with herself. It falls when she sees that I had been standing behind her. She must be realizing that I had a hand in the asshat walking away when he did.
“You always butt your way into shit that doesn’t involve you?” Her eyes narrow at me.
Seriously? I just saved this girl from Bubba the biker and she’s giving me shit for it. “You know you could just say thank you.”
“Yeah, and you could realize that not every woman is some helpless creature waiting for a man to come rescue her. I’ve never been a damsel in distress and you are certainly no prince charming.” She walks past me and I have no idea how to respond.
“You always so gracious?” I yell as she is walking away.
She stops about ten feet from me, turning on her heel and walking back to where I stand. “There are only a few things I’d be gracious for right now.” Her eyes trail up and down my body. “One would be a mind blowing orgasm, two would be a fresh start in this shitty ass life. So unless you’re offering one of those, stop wasting my damn time.”
I have never come across a woman who was so outspoken and blunt. It’s fucking hot.
My hand grips her neck roughly as I crash her mouth to mine. I grab her ass with my other hand pulling her against me so she can feel the hard-on I’m already sporting for her. I grip her hair and jerk her head roughly to the side, pulling away but only enough to be able to whisper in her ear, “If what you want is mind blowing orgasms, you came to the right fucking place. I will have you so wound up before I sink into you that you’ll be begging me for my cock.” I move my hand that’s on her ass around to cup her pussy. She moans as I push my thumb down onto her clit.
I release her quickly, gripping her hand and leading her over to my bike. I hand her a helmet and she climbs on the bike. “You need to move back, babe.”
She looks at me arching her eyebrow at me. “Then you wouldn’t know where to take me.”
I put my hands under her arms lifting her off my bike and pulling her against me again. “Then you can tell me where to take you. I don’t know what kind of pussies you’ve had in the past, but it ain’t me. I drive my bike. You tell me where to go. Then I’ll blow your fucking mind.”
“Deal.” She smiles at me before her hand reaches down and grabs my dick through my jeans.
Where the hell has this woman been hiding?
We climb on my bike and I pull out of the lot. “Johnson’s Lake,” she whispers in my ear, her tongue darting out and licking a line down my neck. I look back making sure she pulled the helmet on before I race out of the parking lot. I speed up needing to be off this bike and deep in her. Her one hand grips my belt as the other skims back and forth over my dick. Teasing me with her long nails, she circles my tip and I push the engine even more.
This woman is the devil wrapped in the sweetest fucking package imaginable.
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Also check out other books by Alexis Noelle
Fall For Me
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Wait For Me
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Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1Tb3YAm
Fight For Me
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Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1GVdvUC
Breaking Free
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Shattered Innocence (Shattered #1)
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1m8hOqK
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/15yqbnY
Audio book - http://adbl.co/1IteOtN
Shattered Lives (Shattered #2)
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1wp8zRF
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1zLtQw7
Fractured Volume One
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1CHZV81
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1uOk37n
Fractured Volume Two
Amazon - http://bit.ly/1Dh2n72
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1Jr3l0J
Fractured Volume Three
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1AysQWQ
Goodreads -http://bit.ly/1zdf7ur
Fractured Box Set
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1h8j37D
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1O3rcFC
Keeping Her
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1EP1DH2
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1H72TmX
Protecting Her
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Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1LVADp9
Saving Her
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Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1cs9kGX
Claiming Her
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1LI4Iry
Goodreads - http://bit.ly/1MZgP62
Ground & Pound
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About The Author:
I love reading romance books! I feel like being able to lose yourself in a book in one of the more exciting aspects. The books I love to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. You should have an opinion on every character in a book. Whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.
I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with my husband, and three kids. On top of starting a writing career I am a full time student, and a full time mom. I love spending time with my kids, although I have to hide the computer from them when I am writing! I love being active and being able to do any activity outdoors.
I have always thought as an author the most important critic is your reader, so I would love to hear from you. If you read the book and
loved it or hated it, tell me. As long as it is in a constructive way I will always answer and interact with you. I want fans to feel free to tell me what they want for the characters in the story and what they want to see happen.
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Email - alexisnoelleauthor@gmail.com
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