The Hero Menace

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The Hero Menace Page 16

by Hyougetsu

  The Hero Arshes, huh? He’d mentioned someone called Meltia—at least I assumed she was a person. Likely he’d been fighting to get revenge for her. Had she been a family member? Perhaps his lover? Or maybe his master or his disciple. Maybe he too had been reincarnated into this world. There was no way of knowing now.

  Master took an envelope out of her pocket and handed it to me.

  “We found this in the Demon Lord’s will. It’s addressed to you.”

  “He wrote me a letter?”

  “He wrote me one as well. Once you’ve read it, come to my room.”

  Master then turned to the mausoleum and quietly bowed her head.

  * * * *

  —Demon Lord Freidenrichter’s Will—

  Veight. If you are reading this letter, it means I have been defeated by the Hero. And that you have defeated the Hero in my stead. Even knowing of your exemplary diplomatic skills, I doubt you would be able to negotiate peace with him. However, it should be impossible for you to have defeated a foe that felled even me. I am fully aware how queer it is to be penning you a letter when in all likelihood you have died with me. Yet at the same time, I have a feeling you are capable of achieving what even I cannot. Hence why I am leaving this letter for you.

  First, let us get a few practical things out of the way. I have recorded all the knowledge I possess from my previous life in Japanese. There are four tomes bound in red felt in the right-hand drawer of my personal desk, everything I know is written in them. I will leave it to your discretion which passages you believe should be translated and diffused throughout my technical officers, and which are too dangerous to reveal.

  As to the matter of my successor, if there are no objections, I wish for Gomoviroa to become the next Demon Lord. She has both the necessary experience and ability to lead. In truth, I had considered making you my official successor, but I know you do not desire the position. Though I can understand why you would refuse becoming Demon Lord.

  You understand better than most the weight of responsibility that comes with being a ruler. A single careless remark can sow the seeds of fear and mistrust among both your followers and your rivals. One who sits on the throne must choose their words wisely. Furthermore, there will always be those who wish to manipulate a ruler for their own benefit. Hence why the new Demon Lord must be one who will not be easily swayed.

  I know not whether I was as prudent and wise a ruler as I aspired to be. But I do know there are times when a ruler is forced to make a cruel choice; when you perhaps have to slaughter an entire army, or execute those who surrendered. Such atrocities were commonplace back in the Sengoku Era. Some commanders may have ordered them out of malice, but I believe many were forced to make such unpalatable choices.

  However, I know you do not have it in you to be so cold-hearted. It is for that reason as well that I will not name you my successor. The kindness you show toward your enemies is one of your weaknesses, but it is also your strength. Your desire for peace is a rarity not only among demons, but even among the humans of this world. However, I believe it is those values of yours that are the key to revolutionizing society. I wish for you to remain as an unburdened vice-commander, so you are free to do as you please.

  Now then, there is something I must apologize to you for, Veight. I previously said that it was better not to talk about our pasts. And that I would not pry too deeply into your own past life. However, in truth, I was able to guess what kind of person you were without having to ask. I am certain you came from a Japan decades, or perhaps even a century further into the future than my own. Judging by your personality, you had grown up in a Japan filled with technological marvels, enjoying an era of prosperity.

  Many people, myself included, have learned much from your progressive way of thinking. For that, you have my deepest thanks. Though I suspect you yourself are not aware of the influence you’ve had.

  Furthermore, I believe the Japan you lived in was a much more peaceful one than mine. Only a time of peace could have cultivated a soul as merciful as yours. If that is true, then the future I spent my life fighting for has finally blessed Japan. My apologies for being so suspicious of you at first. I have an unhealthy habit of assuming the worst of everything.

  However, it is thanks to that habit that I was able to live such a fulfilling life in this world. Well, I suppose I am still alive right now, so perhaps I shouldn’t be so fatalistic. I have no intention of losing to the Hero. For I am Friedensrichter, Lord of Demons and Advocate of Peace.

  Right now, I have no regrets. Both in this world and the last, I was able to fight my way through any obstacle that came my way. The demon army’s territory is gradually expanding. I have dozens of talented individuals who can carry on the future of the demon army. And I need not worry about who my successor will be. At this point, whether I survive this battle or not is a trivial matter. I get so few opportunities to cut loose, so I may as well enjoy this fight.

  Though I suppose since I went through all the effort of penning this letter, perhaps I should give it to you even if I survive the battle with the Hero. I would very much like to see what reaction you’ll have to these revelations.

  * * * *

  After reading the letter, I looked back up at the Demon Lord’s tomb. For all your confidence, you still lost in the end. It’s not fair you get to go out happy while the rest of us have to live with your death.

  Maybe he got reincarnated already. In fact, maybe he was reincarnated somewhere in this world. If that was true, I’d do whatever it took to find him. But of course, there was no way of knowing what had become of the Demon Lord’s soul.

  I pocketed the letter and wiped the tears from my eyes. Then I sucked in a deep breath, and bowed before the Demon Lord’s tomb. If you spent your whole life as the Demon Lord, then I’ll spend mine as your loyal vice-commander. With this, I lost any chance of ever changing jobs or getting promoted. But I was fine with that. Leave the rest to me, Demon Lord. I may be just a vice-commander, but I’ll do everything I can to make your dream come true.

  I returned to the castle and headed straight for Master’s room.

  “Master, please become the next Demon Lord.”

  “Don’t ask the impossible.” Gomoviroa flailed around on her bed, like a child throwing a tantrum. “I lack the qualifications to be a ruler. I am a researcher first and foremost, and a human to boot. There is absolutely, completely, utterly, no way that I can take the job.”

  “Please stop whining, Master. You’re supposed to be an adult. If we don’t do something soon, the demon army will collapse. We’ve already gotten other humans wrapped up in our troubles, so we can’t just abandon them now.”

  Master hugged her pillow and puffed out her cheeks.

  “In that case, why don’t you become the next Demon Lord instead?”


  “Not only are you the Champion who defeated the Hero, you’re the esteemed governor of Ryunheit. No one would object to you taking the post.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re the one who first started the demon army, and its oldest surviving member. Plus, you’re the world’s strongest mage.”

  Despite my arguments, Master refused to budge.

  “I was unconscious when the Demon Lord needed me most. If I take the throne now, it will look like an attempt to usurp him.”

  “That’s not true. If anything, I was the one unconscious when the whole army needed me most,” I retorted.

  Master shook her head and said, “I’m-not-doing-it!”

  “Stop acting like a child!”

  “I despise being a public figure. If I become Demon Lord, I will have no choice but to meet with other people, humans included. I may be able to handle audiences with other demons, but I cannot stand humans. It is simply impossible for me to be Demon Lord!”

  I forgot Master was shy. I had known Gomoviroa for quite a long time, so I could tell she was only acting spoiled because I was here. She had lost all of the comrades she’d sta
rted this venture with, and now everyone else in the demon army was begging her to become the next Demon Lord. While Master was a talented teacher, an exemplary researcher, and the strongest mage alive—she was by no means a politician. Negotiations and military strategy weren’t her forte. Though she was complaining, I could tell she was still trying to work up the resolve to accept the position. At the very least, that’s how it seemed to me. So I decided to indulge her tantrum for a little bit.

  “In that case, I have an idea Master.”

  “You do?”

  I pulled a life-sized doll meant for magic training out of Master’s closet.

  “Let’s make this the Demon Lord.”


  I explained my plan to Gomoviroa, and she nodded thoughtfully, “I see. So whenever I have to meet with humans, we’ll control this puppet instead and make it seem like it’s the Demon Lord.”

  “Exactly. We can make it look as imposing we want with props and make-up, and we won’t have to worry about you getting assassinated this way. All you’ll have to do, Master, is control the puppet to make it look imposing and read off a script.”

  I’d seen these kinds of set-ups dozens of times in manga. Where the Demon Lord sitting on the throne was actually just a fake, and the real Demon Lord was the beautiful attendant standing next to him. It was clichéd, but it worked. After considering it for a few moments, Master said, “I see. Humans terrify me, but if I won’t have to associate with them directly, then...”

  “It’s perfect, right?”

  Master hesitated, but after another moment of consideration, she nodded. While she’d been whining to me, it appeared she’d made up her mind.

  “I suppose I cannot allow the demon army the Demon Lord staked his life to build to wither away due to my own selfishness. I will become the next Demon Lord.”

  “Now that’s the Master I know and love.”

  Master walked over to me and wrapped her tiny fingers around my hand.

  “However, I will not be able to do it alone. I will need your help, and the help of all my other disciples. Will you lend me your strength?”

  “Of course, Master. Together, we’ll fulfill the Demon Lord’s dying wish.”

  “Yes, we shall.”

  She looked up at me and grinned.

  Shortly afterward, we announced that Gomoviroa was the new Demon Lord. Everyone in the demon army accepted the news surprisingly easily. It appeared the previous Demon Lord had done a good job in mentally preparing everyone for his successor. Because he’d always talked about someone succeeding him, the other demons had started to instinctively accept that someone else would fill the position if he ever died. And Gomoviroa was one of the founding members of the demon army. Furthermore, while she could only unleash her full power for a short while, she was invincible until her mana dried up.

  The third regiment’s vice-commanders were all disciples of Gomoviroa, so they were more than happy to see their respected master become Demon Lord. The survivors of the second regiment were only alive thanks to her efforts, so they too had no objections to her ascending to the position. After all, most of them called her a saint. Even the members of the first regiment had no objection to Gomoviroa being the next Demon Lord. That had been the previous Demon Lord’s wish, and none of them had any intention of going against that. Furthermore, most of the first regiment’s troops were veterans who had known Gomoviroa for a long time.

  Thanks to all of that, Master easily won the approval of the demon army.

  From now on, Gomoviroa would guide the demon races. Her official appointment ceremony was scheduled to happen during the old Demon Lord’s funeral. However, now that Master was the Demon Lord, the seat of third regiment commander had become empty.

  “Who’s going to be the new commander?”

  “You would be the best choice.”

  “But I’m the first regiment’s vice-commander. Meaning I’m already your personal aide.”

  If I had to manage the third regiment as well, I wouldn’t be able to handle all of my responsibilities. The two of us thought about it for a few seconds, then looked up at the same time.

  “What if we made Melaine the new commander?”


  All of Master’s other disciples would be willing to obey Melaine. And so Melaine was promoted to commander, while I became Master’s adjutant. All things considered, this was the best position for me to be in from a negotiator’s standpoint. Melaine wasn’t happy about the promotion, but since this was an imperial command from the Demon Lord herself, she couldn’t refuse.

  “Hey, Veight, how come you, the guy who killed the freaking Hero, is still just a vice-commander!? You should be the commander!”

  “It’d feel weird being your commander. You’re the one who has seniority when it comes to being disciples.”

  Seeing she wouldn’t get any help from me, Melaine turned to Firnir.

  “You know, that’s not cute at all, Veight! Alright, fine. You be the commander then Firnir!”

  “There’s no way I could be a commander! I don’t have nearly enough experience with magic, or with commanding!”

  Just give it up, Queen of Vampires. This is your burden now. While we were still feeling the pangs of loss, we all resolved to carry on the Demon Lord’s will. One day, we would create a nation where humans and demons could live together in peace.

  Some time before the coronation ceremony, Master came to me to ask for my help with something. I wonder what she wants?

  * * * *

  —Gomoviroa’s Memoir, Page 168—

  What exactly is a Demon Lord? Demon Lords of the past were called thus because they possessed strength far beyond any regular Demon. Among them, some pursued only strength, while others wished to loot and plunder. Yet others desired the destruction of humankind, while one wished to make peace with them. Seeing how varied their lives were, it is clear that those who attain power do not all share the same goal.

  Human Heroes are just as unfathomable. However, it is a known fact that whenever Demon Lords of the past attempted to intrude on human lands, a Hero inevitably appeared. It is still unknown whether every generation of humans contains a single individual with the potential to be a Hero lying dormant within them, or if a Hero is born every time a Demon Lord is.

  This generation’s Hero was as mysterious as all the rest. For someone who’d earned the respect of all Meraldia, his equipment and clothing had been strikingly plain. Not only was he improperly equipped, but he’d also rushed straight for the Demon Lord. I heard his goal had not been to protect other humans, but to get revenge.

  I wonder if Heroes and Demon Lords are fated to clash with each other. In a way, they appear to me like steam and ice. Across history, regardless of whether the Demon Lord or the Hero won their particular generation’s fight, the victor almost always followed after the vanquished a short time later. Similar to how when steam and ice mix, all that remains is water. The entire process of birthing Demon Lords and Heroes seems to be the world’s way of maintaining balance.

  Another way of looking at it might be the relationship between a hole and a mound of dirt. If one were to dig a hole, they would invariably create a mound of dirt next to them. In this analogy, the Demon Lord would be the mound, and the Hero the hole. By throwing the dirt back into the hole, one can level the ground once more, returning it to a state of equality.

  Regardless of the reasoning, however, the fact remains that the Hero dealt us a serious blow. He killed both Friedensrichter and old Tiverit. Leaving me the only one capable of succeeding the Demon Lord’s position. No, that’s not strictly true. There is one other, but I would never want him becoming Demon Lord.

  Having seen his growth from a young age, there is one thing I understand about him. For a leader of men, he is far too soft. To put it in a more positive light, he values peace too highly. The duties of Demon Lord would be too painful for one such as him. As his master, I could never push such a burden
on him. However, I am still uncertain about my own qualifications. While my contributions to the army are few, I certainly am an old veteran. There is no problem regarding my seniority. And fortunately, it appears the members of the demon army accept my appointment as well. However, I fear I lack the strength to be a true Demon Lord.

  Biologically, I am just a mere girl. Not even a fully human one at that. I am only alive thanks to the power of magic. This frail body of mine will not be able to withstand the rigors of being the Demon Lord. Meaning I will soon have no choice but to cross necromancy’s final threshold.

  Friedensrichter forbade me from attempting to do so because of the dangers such an experiment posed. Though he was no mage, he understood humans well. And he knew most humans would not be able to withstand the suffering that accompanies crossing the final threshold.

  I have always wondered, why was it that a demon had such a deep understanding of humans? Because he was the Demon Lord? Demon Lords were powerful, but they were not omniscient. That much is clear just from studying the deeds of past Demon Lords. No, there must have been some other reason he was so keen. Naturally, I posed the question to him multiple times, but he always deflected my queries, saying he would tell me one day. My dear friend, I’m afraid that’s one promise you broke.

  My disciple, Veight, is much like Friedensrichter in that regard. Like Friedensrichter, he has a deep understanding of humans, despite being a demon. On top of that, he holds a similar set of values. He always considers the long-term, and he is always working toward lasting peace. It appears that while many people find Veight strange, none have noticed his similarity with the Demon Lord. However, I cannot help but be curious. As a researcher constantly in pursuit of truth, I wish to know the secret behind these two. I have come up with several theories that attempt to explain their unnatural understanding of the human heart.

  First, that they both possessed abilities that allowed them to read the minds of humans. Veight’s unique werewolf traits allow him to sense the emotions of others based on the smell of their sweat. It’s possible that feeling the emotions of humans for as long as he has allowed him to understand them better than most. However, Friedensrichter possessed no such ability. Furthermore, Veight is the only werewolf who has such a unique perspective. No other werewolf appears to have changed after experiencing the emotions of humans. My second theory is that Veight was a human in his previous life. The concept of reincarnation is well-known to those who study necromancy. While no case of reincarnation has been observed, the tenets of necromancy prove that it is theoretically possible. However, the likelihood that someone reincarnated with their previous memories intact is exceedingly slim on both a theoretical and practical level. That being said, reincarnation itself is not yet fully understood, so some unknown factors may have increased that likelihood. The only problem regarding this theory is that Veight’s mindset is quite different from a normal human’s as well.


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