[Takhini Wolves 01.0] Black Gold

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[Takhini Wolves 01.0] Black Gold Page 10

by Vivian Arend



  She laughed, then got distracted by the shimmering lights reflecting off the walls.

  There was a stage at one end, noisy casino machines along the other. The center of the room was filled with tables, mostly occupied. Shaun urged her toward a couple empty seats, his fingers warm around hers. He gestured with his free hand.

  “Welcome to Diamond Tooth Gertie’s. The theater’s been revamped. They did a great job of bringing her back to life like in her heyday.”

  Gem didn’t know where to look next, everything was so fascinating. Turn-of-the-century fixtures, honky-tonk music. Waiters and waitresses in costumed garb. “Oh, her costume has a bustle. I have a dress like that.”

  Shaun plopped into a chair. “Really?”

  She stood for a moment longer, and he bounced up like a yoyo.

  “Shit, sorry.” He held her chair as she sat, and she bit her lips to hide her smile. He was trying. That counted for something.

  That counted for a lot.

  Then the floorshow started, and she got lost in the narration. History filled her mind, more than just the disconnected bits of information she’d read over the years. The actors on the stage took her back and immersed her in the gold rush. In the daily struggles the Klondikers faced as they fought for survival in the wilds and scratched out a living from an uncertain future.

  Gem found herself clinging to Shaun’s hand as the tales unfolded.

  When the curtain fell, she applauded as loudly as anyone in the room, strangely touched. It wasn’t just the remembrance of people who had died long ago, but a sensation of something else. There were so many possibilities in her own future, so much more for her to experience.

  His lips brushed her cheek. “Come, let’s walk.”

  Outside, the sky was still daylight bright, the hills around them clear and the air fresh. Even at this time of night, the crush of people remained overwhelming. They ducked and dodged a constant stream of bodies, and the contentment she’d felt after the show slipped away. This wasn’t what she wanted.

  She’d enjoyed the flight to Dawson, and the attention Shaun had paid her. The respect he’d given in agreeing to her terms—letting her remain on her own in Whitehorse for three days… Well, she hadn’t really let him do anything but agree with her, if she was honest. Still, exploring their relationship was what they needed now, not fighting a swarming mass of humanity and shifters, crowding and bumping into their space.

  “Can we get away from this?” She ducked an errant elbow, and Shaun curled himself around her a little tighter.

  “Back to the room?”

  Their room. “That would be…lovely.”

  They stared at each other for a moment, and she wondered if all he could picture—like her—were the beds waiting for them at the hotel.

  She’d felt some guilt for walking out on him at the restaurant the other day. And when he had caught up, she’d used all her strength to insist her decision was final. It had taken another ten minutes before she managed to get back to her room, forcing him to leave before she changed her mind.

  Her wolf was very put out with her.

  Shaun didn’t seem to understand why she needed to do this trip. Yes, things had dramatically changed when they’d discovered each other. It didn’t mean she was willing to abandon what she wanted to accomplish. If anything, it made her goals even more important.

  She didn’t want to be a weak person, not for him. And the way she’d been going was being weak. Depending completely on others’ opinions and following the paths they planned for her—that was wrong. Plus, she didn’t need another older man in her life making all the decisions. One father was enough. Shaun had to see her as his equal, or this partnership of theirs was going to go nowhere fast.

  That didn’t mean she didn’t want him.

  The crowds thinned by the time they reached the hotel, all the traffic on the street headed the opposite direction.

  “It’s a madhouse out there.” Shaun pushed through the door then froze. “Fuck it. Sorry.”

  She gave him a wry smile. “Shaun, I won’t knee you in the groin if you occasionally forget to open the door for me. I can handle doors.”

  He grinned sheepishly. “Good, because I totally want to keep my groin un-kneed.”

  She flushed. Thinking about that portion of his anatomy made taking their time to stroll to the elevators difficult. He leaned past her to press the call button, and his scent filled her nostrils. Made her mouth water and her knees quiver.

  Suddenly, having been apart for a few nights seemed like the most insane—there was that word again—thing. And this time, it was her fault.

  Two other couples joined them in the small compartment. Shaun stepped in front of her, as if to guard her. A terribly naughty thought popped into her mind, and as the doors clicked shut, she grabbed a handful of his shirt and tugged upward, hard. He stiffened, but didn’t move as she slipped her hand under his T-shirt and let her fingers roam over his warm skin.

  Oh dear, she was getting turned on just touching his back. Touching his side. Firm edges to the muscles, the swoop of his waist lined by the cut of his obliques. The elevator stopped and one couple left, opening more room. Rather than shifting away, Gem stuck to his side, sneaking her hand around to his abdomen. Under her fingers, his muscles quivered as she stroked the ridges of his six-pack. She watched his throat move as he swallowed hard, changing her touch to play with the faint dusting of hair lower down. The intriguing trail disappeared into where his shirt remained tucked into his pants in the front, and Gem longed to be able to dip her hand under the waistband.

  The elevator door dinged, and she withdrew her hand quickly, dragging her fingernails lightly over his skin. Leaving her mark on his body.

  She wanted her mate.

  The door slid shut, and he whirled on her, his eyes more feral than human. “You playing games?”

  She shook her head, mouth gone dry. “No games. I want you.”

  The elevator couldn’t open fast enough for either of them.

  When he dropped the plastic card for the third time, Shaun was tempted to kick the door down. Gem scooped up the key, slammed it into place and shoved the door open all in one motion. She grabbed him by the back of his belt and yanked him in after her, finishing the job of stripping his shirt away rather handily.

  “Your bed or mine?” She mouthed the words against his neck. Gem was wrapped around him, her lips on his skin nibbling and sucking as frantically as he felt.

  “Don’t care. Floor. Wall—”


  Oh, his sweet innocent. He latched onto her shirt and stripped the fabric off without bothering to unbutton it. “I’ll show you sometime.”

  Not now. In fact, as much he wanted to simply throw her to the bed and thrust into her, he couldn’t.

  This lovemaking—with his mysterious memory gap—was their first time, and damn if he’d screw things up.

  They got lost in the kissing business for a bit. Her mouth was warm and soft. Shaun held her, his thumb and fingers curled gently around the long column of her neck. Sweet. Intoxicating. It wasn’t so much her flavour as the emotions that went along with the kiss. Knowing she was his, to care for, to be with.

  Knowing she wanted him. Powerful, yet very intimidating.

  Shaun leaned back to gaze into her eyes and fell headfirst. What had he done to deserve her? Nothing. A big fat nothing. All his life he’d run from responsibility. From being the man he could have been. Maybe he’d done a few good things along the way, but that was in spite of himself, not because he planned it.

  That was going to change, and now, because this woman before him, staring back at him?

  She deserved more than he’d become.

  But he’d work on the other parts of that later. Right now he was going to make love to his mate, and remember every single second. In minute detail.

  Shaun stepped around her slowly, savouring the ability t
o run his hands over her body. The soft caress of her dark skin. The way his hand contrasted with hers. But more than the difference in their colouring, it was the ripple of goose bumps that rose behind his touch that drew his attention.

  “Cold?” he pressed his lips against her upper arm.

  “Hot. Crazy hot. Like I’m on fire and you’re pouring on gasoline—oh…”

  He licked her. A small, intimate touch as he held her in place. Another lick, this time lower. On the back of her arm. The next higher, at the ticklish spot where her arm met her body.

  He tugged her bra strap to the side, letting the elastic fall away. More kisses followed, his actions repeated on the other side. Then he nuzzled her neck as he undid her bra and removed it completely.

  She shivered.

  Shaun pressed his naked chest to her back, the heat from both their bodies burning hotter than a blowtorch. Over her shoulder he admired her, the firm swells of her breasts, the slender curve of her waist. He teased her skin with tiny circles, starting at her hipbones, drawing his hands higher and higher. Dusting along her ribcage, skimming the underside of her breasts, caressing her collarbone.

  Not one part of her upper body was neglected. Not one part was ignored, but nowhere received more than a brief caress before he moved on.

  He was memorizing her. He’d forgotten their first lovemaking? This time would be etched into his memory forever.

  Gem moaned as he cupped her breasts. “Feels so good.”


  She nodded, leaning her weight on him. Her ass brushed his jeans, and the tight control he’d maintained nearly snapped. He ached.

  Licking her nape was the only thing that calmed his wolf enough he could get the snap on her pants undone. “I like these, by the way.”

  She laughed. “Wearing pants feels as if I’m in a disguise.”

  He eased the zipper down, peeled the material off her hips. “No disguise, just being smart. These are what you’ll need in the backcountry.”

  “So I’m not insane?”

  “Right.” He froze, only relaxing when she wiggled with laughter.

  “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”

  Neither could he. Shaun dropped to his knees behind her and nipped her butt cheek.

  “Oh, what—?”

  “Love the pants, love what’s in them even more.”

  She smiled at him, and he was ready to do anything for her.

  It took a long, long time to strip her. Every article of clothing he removed required him to lick and taste all the new exposed skin. By the time she was completely naked, he’d brought her close to orgasm with his fingers, his tongue, always stopping just before she gained release.

  When he picked her up and laid her on the bed, her wolf was rumbling in pleasure.

  Shaun paused to strip the rest of his clothing off, then crawled next to her, careful to push her hair aside. He looked her in the eye and let his fingers drop to her sex. Felt the wetness there. Used it to rub and caress until she shook. All the while he watched her. Saw her pupils change, her breathing hitch. She closed her eyes and her sheath squeezed around him, and he smiled.

  It was only the beginning.

  This time as he stroked, her breasts received attention. Laving and circling the tight peaks with his tongue, he waited until there was the tiniest of fluttering around his fingers, buried deep inside her. That’s when he drew the entire tip into his mouth and sucked.

  Gem screamed out in pleasure, thrashing on the bed as he refused to stop, pulling her up again and again until she quivered under his hands.

  He finally covered her with his body. Nestled between her thighs. Rocked his hips a few times and enjoyed the way her cream coated him. Then he slipped the head of his cock into her heat, and they connected.

  Wonderful, welcoming. Shaun fought to keep every memory fresh and new, but mostly what his brain told him was holy fuck this feels incredible. His mate fit him like no wolf ever had before. Like no one would in the future.

  He rose on extended arms, and the only point they physically connected was at the hips. He wanted more, wanted it all.

  Gem drew up one leg and he slid a little deeper. “Sweet mercy.”

  “Shaun? You okay?”

  Did he have to answer that? “I’m so okay, you can’t imagine.”

  She shifted position again, and did this squeezy thing that made his eyes cross with pleasure. “Good. Then, can you move? Maybe?”

  Shaun laughed. “Move how? Like this?”

  A slow withdrawal was followed by an equally deliberate press forward. Every inch of her was incredible, wonderful and addictive.

  “I like that.” Gem arched her back as he brought their hips together, making the contact a little tighter, a little more intense.

  He was going to lose his ever-loving mind at this rate.

  A dozen measured strokes later he was praying for a miracle. If he didn’t do something now—stop, recite the times table—something, he was about to go up in smoke.

  Gem wrapped her legs around him and pulled violently, increasing his pace, and he was lost. They were making a memory, but now it was a heated and sweaty one, full of off-the-wall and borderline out-of-control energy.

  When she cried out he nearly collapsed with happiness, not only because it was his name she called, but because he could finally allow himself to cross the line. He made one final thrust, stopping buried in her body, then let go.

  The waves went on forever. Just freaking forever. It was nearly painful how good he felt, and his mind went blank.

  Oh, damn it, no. Gem. Her name was Gem. They were mates…

  Shaun rolled them both, draping her limp body over his. Panic faded as the details of their lovemaking remained strong, in spite of the lack of brainpower he currently possessed.

  The usual lassitude of post-coital pleasure pooled in his limbs, along with an intriguing something extra. Making love with his mate? Far bigger, brighter and more everything than the physical rush of previous encounters. He stroked her back and sighed happily.


  Three days later and the sighing wasn’t so happy anymore.

  Gem sipped her tea as they waited for the breakfast bill. “Will we be leaving today or not yet?”

  He shook his head. “Reports are that the herd is moving, but there’s no use in heading anywhere this early.”

  She glanced out the window, her slim fingers tapping for a moment against her cup. “Okay, not much we can do about that.”

  Shaun was about ready to scream in frustration. Three days of cooling their heels. He’d taken her on a bus tour. They’d gone through all the museums—twice. They’d done everything he could think of that didn’t require her getting dirty, muddy or dusty. Life had alternated between incredible and stinky, based on whether he’d remembered to shut the hell up and let her have some control, or if he’d flipped back into his usual do as he pleased mode.

  It was a lot more difficult than he had thought it would be, to make a radical change in his life and attitude. At times it seemed he had made progress. Others? He was scared there was no freaking way this relationship would work. It was like tossing his wolf into the kitchen and demanding the beast make a gourmet meal. The result wouldn’t look pretty even if he tried his damnedest.

  She slipped her hand into his and squeezed for a moment. “Do you mind if I go write a few emails? Check my notes. Things like that.”

  A reprieve from planning another non-action fun-filled day? Shaun snatched at the opportunity. “Want me to walk you upstairs?”

  She laughed. “I don’t think so. I know the way by now.”

  “I’ll be up in a bit. Maybe we can hit the casino again. Or go for a run? There’s that great trail I told you about that allows easy access to the wilderness. The local pack uses it all the time. No one thinks anything of wolves in the area.”

  They still hadn’t let their wolves out to play. A tiny crease appeared between her eyes, and he wondered how long her upbring
ing would remain a barrier. Any time he mentioned shifting she stiffened up. “No, that’s okay. I’ll see you whenever, all right?”

  Shaun watched her walk away, remembering only after she’d left he should have held her chair. Done the polite thing.

  He had managed to go a whole thirty minutes without swearing this morning. Fucking insanity, this learning-to-be-a-gentleman shit. Gem hadn’t complained, but he felt as if there was some judging happening. Not so much her evaluating him, but their surroundings, the rustic nature of the hotel, the food.

  Yeah, maybe his behavior at times as well.

  He leaned back and stared out the window at the people walking past. His lack of finesse was a point in the north’s favour—he bet she could never see him fitting in with her fancy highfaluting circumstances.

  She was so skittish. He was not looking forward to the discussion he needed to have regarding the fine details of how the trip was going to go once they left Dawson, because she seemed determined to carry this thing through to the end.

  In the meantime, they had at least three or four days to burn before the shit hit the fan. What to do with the time? She’d seemed enthusiastic about going for a run—not. And he didn’t want to simply have sex.


  Well, he wanted to have sex, but that couldn’t be the only thing they had going for them. Mating was on all kinds of levels. They had to connect, and so far, the bedroom was the one place they were completely at ease.

  A whisper of a previous conversation drifted through his mind. He’d spent so much of his life doing for himself. Or even the things he’d done for others had the ulterior motive of screwing someone—usually someone in authority. He was a rebel without a cause. Learning to be special to Gem—well, he’d basically had no practice being special to anyone up to now.

  Be a hero.

  Shaun snuck a suspicious peek over his shoulder. No one there.

  Do the right thing, just because.

  He looked to the left, quickly discarding the idea that anyone in the restaurant had spoken to him. That meant it was one of the little inside voices taunting him. Damn it. Those were tougher ones to ignore.


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