Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2)

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Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2) Page 9

by Krista Lakes

  She had allowed herself a considerable amount of time to shower and decide on her attire, but the process moved far quicker than she thought. It wasn’t extremely hard to pick out an outfit. She simply chose her favorite professional getup: black dress slacks with matching jacket and a light blue silk button-up blouse.

  What took longer was her choice of shoe. After all, he was the CEO of Shoesy, and he had probably already seen a hundred times the shoes that a normal guy would see in his entire life. He had probably even seen more shoes and purses than she had. She wondered what his preference was, and wondered even more if he had a preference beyond selling whatever was best for the company.

  It came down to black, Mary-Jane style pumps that were classic and work appropriate, or a pair of red stilettos that made her legs and ass look fantastic, even in pants.

  She finally settled on the pair of classy black pumps. They matched the pant length and they were pretty and feminine, yet practical and comfortable. If she was to keep up the guise of this being a business meeting, she had to keep things on the down low. No matter how good the red stilettos would have looked, they weren’t something that was business appropriate.

  Kat went out to the apartment parking lot, excited and ready for her date. Except she was blocked in. A huge moving truck was parked directly behind her, completely blocking her in.

  “Hello?” Kat called, walking around the truck. “Is anyone there?”

  No one answered. The truck was empty and she couldn’t see anyone around.

  Kat sighed. At least she had budgeted extra time. She glanced around again, making sure that there really wasn’t anyone there. She didn’t have time to wait around for whoever was driving the offending truck, so she pulled out her phone and opened up a ride share app.

  Luckily, there was a driver available two minutes away, and the drive to the restaurant was quick and uneventful. The driver dropped her off at the valet station of the fancy restaurant and then drove off.

  The early summer air was warm and humid as she hurried into the fancy restaurant. The West Wing Steakhouse was the premier place to eat on the whole West Coast. She’d never eaten here, and to be honest, never thought she would. The place was so far out of her price range that she was fairly sure just looking at the menu cost her weekly salary.

  Her nerves were wracked as she walked into the dimly-lit restaurant. Heavy leather booths with dark wood filled the interior, giving the place an opulent and very masculine feel. Kat could see why AJ would chose to hold business meetings here. Anyone who walked in would be impressed just by the restaurant.

  She was right on time, but AJ was already seated. The hostess guided her to a private room near the back of the restaurant. Kat followed gingerly, but felt a sense of relief when she saw AJ already waiting at their table. For a moment, she was afraid that someone else would be waiting for her, or that he wouldn’t be alone and their business meeting would be an actual meeting, rather than the date she was hoping for.

  The room was big enough for fourteen people comfortably. A huge heavy wooden table dominated the room, surrounded by carved wooden chairs. AJ already had his computer up on the table and a smattering of papers scattered across it, as if he had been here working for hours before she had arrived.

  He stood up as she entered the room and then quickly moved to pull a chair out for her. “Please, join me,” he said with a smile.

  Kat tried not to stare as she moved to the table. She already knew that AJ knew how to dress. The precise trim of his suit and the leather of his shoes were some of the first things she had noticed at the wedding. It told her that this guy knew that he looked good and she was moved by his confidence.

  Today, he made what he wore at the wedding look dull. The dark suit was tailored to perfection, showing off his incredibly broad and muscular shoulders. The man was built like a Greek god and the suit highlighted every bit of his masculine physique.

  His hair was neatly combed and his cologne smelled pristine and crisp, as if he had just stepped out from the shower. His light blue eyes glistened against his dark suit coat and seemed to radiate more than the faint light above them.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said softly, taking her briefcase as the hostess shut the heavy wooden door behind them. Soft music floated through invisible speakers, but there was no other sign of life in the room. Kat could see how this would be a great place to hold a high-powered executive meeting, or in this case, an elicit romance.

  “Here’s some more work I’ve done on the project,” Kat told him, pulling out her paperwork.

  Now that she was here, she wasn’t quite sure what to do next. How long was she supposed to keep up the pretext of a business meeting? Were they going to kiss again? Could they lock that heavy wooden door and have the room all to themselves, or would the wait staff grow anxious and break it down?

  She knew her questions were over the top, but that didn’t stop the nervous thoughts from flying through her head and making her want to giggle nervously.

  AJ took all of her files and spread them around the table. He didn’t seem to have any of the nervousness that was currently plaguing Kat. He began by asking her how his secretary had sounded on the phone, adding that she can occasionally sound dismissive to anyone without the name, ‘Chief Something’ or ‘Senior Vice President’ in their job title. Kat assured him that his secretary had been far more pleasant than she actually was, and their conversation took on both a humorous and enjoyable spirit.

  Kat felt comfortable and much more at ease by the time the waitress came to check on them and take their order.

  “You can get anything you’d like,” AJ told her. “The company is picking up the tab, so if you want to split a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne, that’s perfectly acceptable.”

  “Oh, I’m good, thank you. Champagne might cloud my business judgment.” She shot AJ a sort of ironic grin.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, then added, “I get to deduct it from my taxes.”

  His smirk was too much for her to handle. She giggled softly and then conceded, “Maybe a little fruit drink. Something kind of festive, but non-alcoholic.”

  “We have an amazing pomegranate lemonade,” the waitress offered and Kat nodded her approval.

  “Make it two. And go ahead and add some little umbrellas, just for fun.” AJ said to the waitress.

  “Of course,” the waitress replied. “And can I bring out any appetizers with those drinks?”

  “One tray of the oysters, please.” AJ spoke quickly and then looked back at her. His smile had become so grand and playful that Kat was surprised that the waitress didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe, it was just that Kat was really paying attention. The waitress repeated their order and then hurried off to the kitchen, closing the heavy door behind her.

  “Oysters, huh? You’re really subtle,” Kat teased, playing with her napkin.

  “What? You don’t like oysters?” AJ asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

  “Actually, I’ve never had them,” Kat admitted. “But I do know about their aphrodisiac connotation.”

  “So you think I’m going to try and take advantage of you?” AJ asked, his voice getting a husky quality that made the butterflies in Kat’s stomach start up again. “Maybe even right here on this table?”

  “I don’t know,” Kat said slowly, a flirtatious smile filling her face. “Maybe I’m more afraid that they’ll make me take you on the table. I’ve never had oysters before. I have no idea what they’ll do to me.”

  AJ laughed just as the door opened and their server returned with their drinks and appetizers. Kat had never enjoyed such fast service before, but she assumed it probably had something to do with the fact that AJ was a billionaire and brought this restaurant lots of business. If he held meetings here, they would probably stand on their heads to make him happy.

  Kat eyed the oysters carefully. In their shells, they didn’t look too bad. Up close, however, their smell was putrid. Kat instantly felt he
r nose cringe at the scent and felt her throat scratch with revolt. She took a sip of her drink and tried not to fixate on the plate in front of her. Instead, she looked up at AJ. He wasn’t fazed at all by the smell, but he quickly interpreted her glance.

  After the waitress left the room, AJ said, “So, I struck out with these, huh?”

  Kat forced a laughed. “No, no, I’ve just never smelled them before. And they smell absolutely terrible. I don’t think I can eat them.”

  AJ let out a laugh. “That’s okay, I’m going to do you a favor and not take a bite.” He placed his cloth napkin over the plate. “Besides, I heard chips and dip was just as effective…” He winked back at her.

  She felt a unique warmth building in her chest. It was more comforting than it was sensual. She was truly grateful at the way he could move effortlessly between assurance and banter. He made the moment seem cozy and intriguing at the same time.

  When the waitress came back, AJ exchanged the oysters for a simple plate of bread and butter and then ordered a steak for himself. Kat was caught off guard by her reappearance. She hadn’t even thought about selecting a main course.

  She also realized that she wasn’t even hungry. The moment with AJ was enough by itself. Eating seemed like an extra and unnecessary pleasure. She ordered a salad after barely attempting to survey the menu.

  AJ made no comment on her order, and she was glad. Another deserving testament to his sense of charisma. Instead, he resumed their prior conversation as if it were never disrupted.

  Instead of talking about the project, AJ launched into a series of questions about her employment at his company. He had asked her who hired her and what she thought of her supervisor. It felt uniquely strange to be gossiping with the company’s CEO, but their topics quickly shifted and by the time the waitress had come back with their food, any sort of work-related dialog was long over. They hadn’t touched on her proposal once.

  His steak was cooked to perfection. Her salad also looked delicious, with a light dressing and numerous fresh and brightly colored fruits. She took several bites, appreciating its delicious taste despite her lack of appetite.

  A quick joke by AJ made her laugh, then she stopped short. An urge to use the bathroom overcame her. This wasn’t the first time that it had happened this week, but it was the most intense. She didn’t want to interrupt this dinner, but she knew she had to go immediately.

  Damn, I need to stop drinking so much water… or so many fruit drinks. She thought to herself. I need to stop drinking so quickly at least.

  “Will you excuse me for a moment?” she asked AJ. She hoped she didn’t sound annoyed.

  “Go right ahead. Do you mind if I take a phone call while you’re gone?” He held up his phone and Kat could see the little green message light flashing furiously.

  “Of course. I should only be a minute,” she told him, standing up and placing her napkin carefully on her chair.

  The bathroom was out from the hall from the private room where they had been dining. The hall was dimly lit so as to achieve a particular mood, but the larger bar area was well lit with TVs scattered along the walls. She turned the corner of the hall and began heading toward the ladies room when something on the TV caught her eye. It was the ticker symbol for the Shoesy company and it was displayed prominently in headline fashion. She moved closer to the TV and attempted to read the subtitles.

  In the midst of sexual allegations, Shoesy’s value is on the decline and falling fast. Today, many social media outlets have been rife with the details that seem to just keep coming. The market value is the lowest it has ever been in the history of the company, and some are even speculating that this could end the company completely. Shoesy is in serious trouble...

  The story trailed on in a series of graphs and charts, each more dire than the last. The announcer shook his head sadly before flipping to footage of the release of the new smartphone.

  She turned from the TV to return to their room, completely forgetting about her bladder’s relentless demands. She had no idea that the situation was that bad. How AJ was even smiling today was remarkable. If she were in his shoes, she’d be hiding in her bedroom crying.

  She walked steadily as she entered the hall leading back to the private room and almost ran into the first body she encountered. It was AJ.

  His face was solemn. His earlier smiles were gone as if they had belonged to a different day.

  “You okay?” she asked gently.

  “Stressed.” He replied. His tone was hollow and flat. She suspected that the phone call hadn’t gone over well.

  “I can go home,” she offered. “The last thing you need is to be seen with me. I probably should go.”

  “No. You’re the only thing I’ve looked forward to all week,” he replied, putting a hand on her shoulder as if to keep her from bolting. “Please, don’t leave.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and did her best to look relaxed and calm for his sake. “I guess I can stay for dessert. People do that in meetings, right?”

  He smiled, but it didn’t really touch his eyes. She could only imagine the stress he was under. His company, the one he had worked so hard and long to build, the thing that he got up for in the morning, was falling apart. She wished she could do more for him than just stay for dessert. He held her hand as they walked back to their room.



  Dessert came and went quickly. It was some sort of crème brûlée that should have made her mouth water, but her appetite was still missing. She tried to keep the conversation light, but it was obvious that AJ’s mind wasn’t completely on the meal. He tried, though, and it was a pleasant end to the meal. She could appreciate AJ’s ability to set work aside for the moment, even if they didn’t resume a completely carefree banter.

  AJ signed the bill without batting an eyelash. Kat tried not to peek at the end, but she still saw at least three numbers for their small meal. A meal of this cost would have her budgeting her groceries for the rest of the month to make sure she could pay rent, and yet AJ signed the check like it was nothing.

  She pulled out her phone and sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” AJ asked, setting the pen down on the top of the bill.

  “Apparently we just hit a peak ride-share time,” she groaned. The cost of a cab would be a little big cheaper, but not by much.

  “Peak ride-share time?” AJ looked confused. “What’s that?”

  “Ride-share. You know. It’s this company that arranges for people to drive you places using their own cars. It’s kind of like a cab service, but the drivers are just ordinary people,” Kat explained. “Most of the time, it’s cheaper and has less wait time than a taxi. Except during high usage times, when everyone wants a ride. Then the prices go up. Basic supply and demand kind of a thing.”

  “And demand is high right now?” AJ asked.

  “Yup.” Kat put her phone in her bag and started picking up the various pieces of paper from their “business meeting.”

  “What does that mean for you?” AJ handed her a stack of paper that she slid easily into her bag.

  “That I either will pay through the nose, or I’ll wait until the price goes down. Or get a cab.” She didn’t really like any of those options, but since she didn’t have her car, that was all she could do.

  “Let me drive you home,” he said. It wasn’t a request.

  “Are you sure?” she asked, watching his face carefully. “I don’t want to make things harder on you then they already are.”

  “Let me drive you home,” he repeated. “I have a limo. We can recreate our first night together.”

  Kat grinned. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you planned this.”

  “What?” AJ managed to look innocent. “This is how I always travel to business meetings.”

  Kat wasn’t sure if he meant that, but she wouldn’t be surprised either way.

  AJ led her to his limo, already pulled up outside with a driver waiting patiently by the door.
The driver opened the door and stood by it as they approached, though AJ took his position while he helped Kat climb in.

  Kat hadn’t been in very many limos, but she knew this was one of the nicer ones. The interior was soft leather and spacious. She could see multiple power outlets and fold out desks. This could just as easily work as a mobile meeting space.

  After getting in, AJ had wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close so that the two of them were snuggled up on the seat. The cab was dark with the oncoming night and slowly the engine purred to life. AJ hit a small button that made the privacy screen go up, separating them from the driver. Memories of their first night together, stealing the limo and riding around talking, floated through her mind.

  Kat’s head was nuzzled against his chest when she felt him pulling up on her chin. She tilted her head just as AJ’s lips met hers. She felt him suck in and bite her bottom lip before releasing it and diving in with his tongue. He tasted sweet and energizing. His tongue wrestled with hers, it wrapped around her and then released her with teasing coercion. She matched his intensity with both of their tongues occasionally slipping out to caress their lips.

  She held his face with both of her hands and then slid them behind his neck. She pulled him down to the seat and felt him shift his weight so that he was fully on top of her. His hands had fallen from her face to her chest, where he unbuttoned her shirt and pulled down on her bra, exposing her bare breast.

  He squeezed her breast and then interrupted their kiss to suck on her nipple. Heat coiled in the pit of her stomach, shooting liquid lightning up her spine. He bit gently and then released and took up her breast again with his hand. He kissed up her chest and she turned so he could continue kissing up her neck. She squirmed at the feel of his lips tenderly pecking at her skin. Eventually, he kissed her lips once more. His hand was holding her waist. She hoped that he would unbutton her pants and pull them off entirely, but the car slowly came to a stop.


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