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Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2)

Page 30

by Krista Lakes

  The only problem was, I didn't want to find somewhere else. I had already become attached to those gangly trees. I had planned my future around them, and now it was changing. I didn't have a good plan for this. I had been too hopeful, too optimistic that we would be successful.

  I couldn't see anymore. I stopped to wipe my eyes, unsure if it was rain or tears obscuring my vision. There was only one person who could make me feel better. If I could just get to him, then I could forget about it all for a little bit. Tomorrow, when the sun was out and the sea was calm, I could tackle this. I wouldn't be so raw with emotion and loss. I could handle this tomorrow if I had Noah tonight.

  I started running again, the world a smear of gray rain across gray sand and ocean. The green of the Grove had ended. Another pang hit me. Our sandcastle was gone.

  I could see it crumbling under the incessant pounding of rain, melting back into the beach. It was no longer beautiful. It was ruined. Destroyed. The fact that it too was going away broke my heart. Nothing gold can stay...

  I picked up my feet and started to run again, needing to find a release from the pain.

  Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 18

  I ran hard all the way to Noah's door. His window was open despite the storm, and I could hear his rich laugh from inside followed by the higher birdsong of Beth's. The rain had eased up slightly, but the world was still painted in shades of gray. Night was coming. With ragged breaths, I pounded my fist on the door and waited.

  He opened the door, a smile on his face. His suit jacket was off, and his white dress shirt was open at the throat, the tie undone and resting on his shoulders.

  “Shit, Izzy,” he exclaimed, concern quickly replacing the smile. “Are you okay? What's happened? What's wrong?”

  He stepped out of the doorway and into the rain, his hands going to my shoulders. They were almost hot against my skin after the cool of the rain. Raindrops fell on his white shirt, plastering it to his skin and making the fabric translucent. His eyes were blue oceans of caring, taking me in and letting me lose myself.

  “They sold it...” I sobbed, the words coming out in a jumble of syllables and sounds. I wasn't even sure if they even sounded like words. “It's gone... and...”

  Noah wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in to him. “Shh,” he whispered, stroking my wet hair. “I'm here.”

  I buried my face in his shoulder. His shirt was now soaking wet, from both the rain and holding a sopping girl in his arms. He didn't seem to care. I sobbed into the fabric of his shirt, finding strength in his embrace. In his arms, I was safe and warm. The storm couldn't touch me here. The world couldn't destroy this.

  “I'll be back in the morning,” Beth said quietly, slipping past Noah and out into the rain. Her face held only sympathy. Noah gave her a nod as she hurried to the main house. He held me close and squeezed me tightly.

  “Come inside,” Noah urged gently. He brought his hand to my face and wiped my cheek with his palm. “Let's get you out of the rain.”

  I nodded meekly, letting him guide me into the house. He closed the door behind me, and I stared at the floor. I was dripping all over. The rain was quieter now, making a soothing sound on the roof. I hugged my arms around me and looked up. There was an open bottle of champagne on the table. Noah and Beth had been celebrating something.

  “I'm sorry,” I whispered, staring at the bottle. Noah followed my gaze and then put his forefinger under my chin, his eyes soft and kind as he looked at me. “You have work. I can go...”

  “No,” he said firmly with a shake of his head. “My work is done for the day. It was actually a good work day for me.”

  I smiled weakly. “At least it was good for one of us.”

  He wrapped his arms around me again, giving me strength. He was so warm I didn't want to let go of him. Ever.

  “If today wasn't good for you, then it wasn't good for me either.” He released his hold on me, still keeping physical contact as he turned me toward the bathroom. I was eternally grateful he hadn't asked for more information yet. I wasn't ready to say the words out loud to someone. Maybe if I didn't explain to him that the Grove had been sold, it wouldn't be real. He took my hand in his. “Let's get you dried off.”

  He took two steps, but I didn't follow. I stared at the tile floor, then at his feet, up his legs, up his chest, up to his eyes. He was so handsome. He was everything I wanted in a man.

  “Izzy?” His eyebrows raised, concern evident in his every feature.

  “Make me forget,” I whispered. “Make me feel better. Just for a little bit.”

  A tear slid down my cheek. Now that I was out of the rain, it felt hot on my skin. Noah towered over me, protective and strong as he came back to get me. He didn't say a word, just put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up to meet his. His kiss was soft, but there was a burning need behind it. There was heat and spice at the edges. I could lose myself in him, and that was exactly what I wanted.

  I opened my mouth, my tongue questing for his. I was insistent. I was pure need.

  He responded in kind, nipping at my bottom lip and then soothing the sting with his tongue.

  I grabbed his tie in both hands, balling the silky fabric in my fists and pulling him in to me. He kissed me harder, thrusting his tongue into my mouth and tightening his grip on my hips. I hoped there would be bruises. I wanted bruises.

  I let go of the tie and started to fumble with the buttons on his shirt, my hands slippery with the rain. Instead, Noah just reached down and ripped his shirt open, sending buttons flying in all directions. I could hear the quiet plastic tings as they scattered across the floor.

  I kissed his chest. His skin was damp from the rain, but warm against my lips. His nipples were hard and small, either from the cold or my kisses. I didn't care why. I was letting my body do all the thinking, forcing the cerebral part of my brain to shut up.

  Noah's hips pressed into mine, and I could feel him hardening. I let my hand graze the growing bulge in his pants, and my conscious brain stopped thinking. This was what I wanted. This was what I needed. This would take my mind off of the things I couldn't control.

  He wrapped his arms around me, and together we stumbled toward the couch, not even making it to the bedroom. We were beings made of nothing but passion and longing. At the last second he picked me up and tossed me onto the couch with a growl. His face was dark and almost frightening with lust as he towered over me. I swallowed hard.

  He kicked off his pants, flinging them into a corner of the room. His poor boxers were about to split at the seams. My core heated, and every lady part I owned quivered with desire. I licked my lips, wanting to taste him again.

  “Nope,” he growled at my gaze. “My rules.”

  He reached for my shorts and roughly ripped them from my body. A fond smile crossed his lips, his eyes still dark as he took in the brightly-colored bikini bottoms from earlier. One finger caressed the slippery fabric, sending shivers up and down my spine. He hooked his fingers around the edges and pulled them off, not bothering to untie them this time.

  I struggled out of my shirt, half hoping he would catch me in it like he did earlier, but he let me escape the cloth confines without incident. His hands went to my breasts, fingers digging into the soft tissue. I groaned, enjoying the feeling of his muscles behind it. He wasn't being gentle, and I was enjoying the sense of escape it was giving me.

  I pulled the tie at the nape of my neck and then contorted my arm behind me to pull at the bow holding the back of my suit together. The fabric crumpled into Noah's hands and he threw it across the room with a snarl. He dropped to his knees next to the couch as I lay down.

  One of Noah's hands went to my breast and squeezed while he attacked its twin with his mouth. His fingers twisted and squeezed while his teeth bit and lips sucked. The little slivers of pain were a delightful contrast to the pleasure and only made it more intense. I gripped at the back of the couch, arching my naked body into the sky as he pleasured me.

With one last pinch, Noah's hand ran down my stomach and to my inner thigh. He pushed my legs open, settling the pad of his thumb directly on the button to my pleasure center and began making small circles. I dampened instantly. First one finger, then two glided in and out on that wetness as he continued to nibble on my tender nipple. I arched my hips into his hand. He started slow, but was soon using the strength of his arm to slam into me.

  I cried out as he bit down again, sending a jolt of electric heat deep into my stomach. His five o'clock shadow was rubbing the pale skin of my breast raw, but I loved it. It gave me one more sensation to lose myself to.

  His hand was moving hard and fast, whipping me toward climax. I wanted rough. I wanted him to use my body and make me forget my problems. His hand was certainly making me forget. I was climbing toward an intense orgasm. I was going to come, and I was going to come hard.

  My body started to shake as the first wave hit me and Noah somehow increased the intensity of his fingers. The sensation of falling, of spiraling out of control overtook me and I lost my thoughts to sensation. Pleasure consumed me.

  Oblivion didn't last as long as I wanted it to, and I was back to panting for more. I needed to forget. I needed Noah inside of me to do that.

  I sat up on the couch, grinning wickedly at the surprised look on Noah's face at my quick recovery. With a smooth motion, I left the couch and straddled his hips, pushing back on his shoulders so he that he’d lay down. He resisted slightly but then let me have my way. His erection was already trying to enter me, even with his boxers still in the way.

  I opened the fly of his boxers, letting his rock-hard cock emerge. He seemed to try to stop me, but he didn't have much of a choice. Before he had a chance to protest, I began to slide my body down onto him. As he penetrated me, my hands went to my hair, and I moaned as I threw my head back. When I looked down, I saw his eyes seem to roll back in his head as he let out a low, masculine groan. I liked it. I liked having this kind of power over such an alpha man. It was powerful and heady to know I could have that affect on him.

  I began rocking my hips, undulating like a snake. His nipples tightened further, and his hands went to my hips. I took one of them in my hands and brought it to my lips, putting his thumb in my mouth and sucking. His eyes opened, and he stared up at me with heated, dark eyes. Those blue eyes were coals of burning desire. I grazed my teeth across the pad of his thumb before placing his hand squarely on my breast. He grinned and began to knead it with his fingers.

  I started to bounce up and down, slamming his length deeper and deeper inside of me. The hand not on my breast when to my front, finding my swollen nub. He pinched it, rolling it between his fingers and then flicking it. I wasn't ready for that kind of sensation and my whole body suddenly seized. Instead of climbing the mountain of pleasure slowly like I usually did, I was helicoptered to the top and pushed off the edge. My whole body rocked and spasmed, every nerve on fire with pure ecstasy.

  I collapsed in a boneless slump against his chest, gasping for breath and shaking.

  "You're not done yet," he growled, pushing me up and sliding out from under me.

  I rose to my hands and knees, still dizzy with pleasure. He positioned himself behind me, his hands firmly on my hips. I screamed his name as he pushed into me. The new position felt deeper. He could pound into me with more strength, and I willingly welcomed him.

  His hand went to my hair, balling it into his fist and pulling back hard. I arched my back and cried out. He was in complete control. I struggled slightly, fighting against the dull ache in my scalp, but he just tightened his grip.


  A delicious tingle of pain shattered my world as his hand came down on my bare ass. The pain was like the bitter in chocolate to bring out the sweet. He brought his hand down again with another ear-splitting smack that made me arch my back further and cry out. I hoped there would be a red hand print later to bear testimony to the wonders he was working on my body.

  The skin tingled as he gently traced his fingers across the offending area. My nerves were made of fire now. Even the gentle caress of his fingers was heightened almost to pain. I loved it and craved more. I could barely remember my own name, let alone what had happened.

  Behind me, Noah’s hand tightened in my hair as his rhythm increased. My body was responding to his. It was primal and full of need. I was going to crest again. I had never experienced anything like this before, but I wasn't about to complain. I wasn't sure if it was the spankings, the hair-pulling, or the sheer primal need radiating off of Noah in waves that was doing me in, but I loved it.

  Together, we rose and shattered, his groans and my cries mingling into a song of shared desire and release. We were lost to everything but each other. Nothing else mattered but the way Noah's body filled mine. The way his breath came ragged and hard, his legs taut and thighs pressed into mine. The way his fingers dug into my hip and pulled at my hair. That was all that was mattered.

  After a moment, he sagged against my back, releasing his iron grip on my hair. I gasped for breath and dropped to my elbows.

  “Sorry,” he gasped, as he pulled back. His voice was strained and rough.

  “For what?” I asked, rolling onto my back to look up at him. My mind was a delicious haze, and looking at him only made it better.

  “No condom.” He ran his fingers through his hair and frowned. I sat up and kissed the smooth skin of his sternum.

  “I'm on the pill. Besides, I didn't give you much of a choice,” I said, smiling. His face relaxed into a self-satisfied grin and I lay back onto the floor. “That was amazing.”

  “Who said I was done?”

  My stomach tightened with heat and need. I looked up at his smirking mouth and raised eyebrows.

  “What else do you have in mind?” I asked. I was already heating at the possibilities.

  “I intend to make you forget everything but my name,” he whispered, a wicked smile curled on his face. His eyes were dark coals again, and my body trembled in excited response.

  Who needed to remember anything but his name? I thought. I certainly didn't.

  Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 19

  Noah's dark hair caught the edge of the morning sun and gleamed. I stared at it, watching as the light slowly illuminated his sleeping face like he was an angel. He was snoring gently, and his face was soft and peaceful. I couldn't get over how handsome he was. Or that I was in his bed. I had a gorgeous, charming, and amazing man who wanted to give me gifts and would hold me and let me cry. Not only was he attractive, but he was kind and sweet too. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

  Except for the fact that the Grove was going to be destroyed. I sighed and relaxed my head back into the pillow. I kept watching Noah's serene sleep. He had been so generous and kind the night before. It was only because of him that I had slept. The ache in my heart at the loss of the Grove was still fresh, but at least the immediacy of the shock had worn off. In the light of day, I could deal with it. I still had a future. I still had Noah. Things would work out. I was stronger than this little setback.

  My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything since lunch the day before. Careful not to wake Noah, I slipped out of bed. I found one of his t-shirts in a drawer and put it on. It smelled like his soap. I was wrapped in Noah, and it made me smile. Before heading to the kitchen, I tucked the curtain closed so that he could continue sleeping.

  The fridge was unfortunately empty. A bottle of mustard, two pickles, and something I hoped wasn't a lab experiment in penicillin were all I could find. I closed the door and opened it again, hoping the contents had changed. They hadn't.

  A thought struck me, and I grinned. Adele's was open. I could go get breakfast from her, and bring it back for Noah. It would be a nice surprise and a great way to say thank you for taking care of me. It was perfect. I could already see his smile as I gave him her cinnamon roll French toast with a side of banana crepes.

  With quiet steps, I sneaked back into th
e bedroom and grabbed my clothes. Reluctantly, I took off his shirt and carefully folded it back into the drawer. I would put it on again when I returned, but it was way too big for me to wear out. Noah sighed contentedly in his sleep and turned onto his side. I beamed good dream thoughts his way for a moment and then hurried out to go get breakfast.

  Outside, the birds were singing in the sunshine. The world smelled of fresh rain and clean soil. The storm had washed the world. Everything was bright and new. Like my future. There were other possibilities I could explore now. At least, that was what I told myself as I walked.

  I came to the turn in the path to get to the restaurant and made the mistake of looking at the beach where our sandcastle had been. I couldn't stop my feet from heading toward the water. The castle was gone. Destroyed. All that remained was a mound of white sand. Even the shells had been scattered by the rain, wind, and waves. My chest ached with the loss.

  I bent down to touch the sand, feeling the fine grit between my fingertips. Maybe today Noah and I could come back and rebuild it. Make an even better one. I smiled at the thought. It was just what I needed. To rebuild something and make it even better. If I could do it with a sandcastle, then I could do it with my research. I could start again.

  I dusted off my hands and stood, feeling hopeful for the first time in hours. With a smart turn, I ran headlong into the reporter whom Noah had been trying to avoid. I stumbled back, apologizing and feeling suddenly off kilter.

  The woman was beautiful up close. She was thin, but with curves in all the right places. Her khaki shorts showed off firm, strong legs, and her bright blue v-neck shirt gave just enough hint at cleavage to draw the eye. She wore sensible, but pretty, sandals today instead of spiky heels. Dark hair spilled attractively around her shoulders in soft waves. I could see how she had gotten exclusive interviews with powerful men. It was hard not to look at her and be impressed.


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