Chasing Bad Boys 2_A Bad Boy Romance Series

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Chasing Bad Boys 2_A Bad Boy Romance Series Page 6

by Kylie Parker

  Thirty minutes. I sit here for thirty minutes before I hear her front door open. “Éclair! Please come unlock me!” I shout.

  She enters the bedroom and throws a black grocery bag at the foot of the bed. Did she go shopping? She punched me in the dick and then went shopping? She takes off her pants and underwear and climbs up on the bed, and she brings her womanhood up towards my face. She must be joking! “Get your pussy out of my face! I’m not doing that for you now!”

  “Fine,” she says, and then hops off the bed and throws the grocery bag at my feet. What the hell? She pulls out a giant dildo.

  “Oh, hell no,” I say and squirm my lower half away from her, “Don’t you fucking come anywhere near me with that thing!” This is rape. This is what rape is.

  “Say you’re sorry, or I’m shoving this right up your-”

  “Fine!” I shout, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, damn it!”

  She laughs, “Good.” She tosses dildo over her shoulder and undoes the cuffs. “You didn’t think I was really going to do that, did you?”

  “You went all the way to a sex shop to get one!” I snap as I sit up and rub my wrists, “Where are my fucking pants?”

  “Damn, James, I about gave you a heart attack, didn’t I?” she laughs, but then she puts on a really pissed off look, “Get the hell out of my apartment.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sylvia and I are seated at one of those high-end restaurants that you either have to know someone such as myself or book reservations months in advance. I can tell she is excited to be here but trying hard to cover up the emotion. She does not want to give off the impression that she is too impressed. I think it’s cute. After our Paris date, you would think that a fancy restaurant would seem sub-par anyways. I can tell that I am probably getting laid tonight –finally. Sylvia has acted like a lady so far. She’s really making me work for it, but I can see it in her eyes tonight.

  We have a fancy dinner: lobster and a bottle of wine to go along with it. My brother keeps calling me, so I put my phone on silent and toss it back into my pocket. I don’t have time for his bullshit tonight. I go over in my head everything going on at the office, and there is nothing that urgent that he cannot handle. Instead of worrying about work, I enjoy my dinner with Sylvia. There is a lot of back and forth of sexual innuendos in our conversation, and that alone is giving me a hard on. I’m glad we’re seated at a table with a white tablecloth; I scoot closer to the table to keep my slight erection hidden from our server.

  “This is the best dinner I have had in a long time.” Sylvia says, pauses, and then changes her mind, “Although, that dinner in Paris probably has this beat. I still can’t believe you took me to the Tour de France.”

  “It seemed like something you would be into,” I say.

  “You sure did set the bar high, my friend.” She winks at me. “I wonder how you are going to one up that?” I suddenly feel her high heel touch my leg from under the table.

  “I don’t suppose you have something in particular in mind?” I ask.

  “Maybe.” She says and works her foot up higher and higher until she has her heel in my lap, “Well, what have we here?” she realizes I’m hard, and for some reason, I blush. Not normally something that embarrasses me so easily, but I’ve never wanted to impress someone as much as Sylvia, and I’m worried what she will think.

  She puts her foot back down. “Cute.” I say, “You’re the one rubbing me under the table with your feet.”

  “What, do you have a foot fetish or something?” she asks.

  “No!” I retort, and I laugh slightly, “Unless you’re into something like that.”

  “Not particularly.” She says with a smile. She gives me this look in which she raises an eyebrow slightly and subtly licks her lips. Sylvia practically purrs, “So, what are we doing after dinner?”

  “Well,” I say somewhat hoarsely, “I was thinking we head back to my place.”

  “Oh really?” she asks. There is something about those eyes that have me transfixed. “And what makes you think I would want to do that?”

  I grin, “Just a hunch.” I lean forward and touch her hand, “You know, talking to you is my favorite part of the day.”

  She smirks, “Oh is it? Tell me, why are you so fascinated by me? There are plenty other fish in the sea –why me?”

  “There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but you’re the only one I would want to catch and mount back home,” I say, and she busts out laughing.

  “Nice pickup line, James.” She says, “All right. Why don’t you ask for the check and take this fish home, then?”

  I am quick to oblige. I pay the tab, and we hurry out of the restaurant. I have my driver take us to my home, and we hurry into the elevator to the penthouse. Sylvia already can’t keep her hands off me. She keeps touching my side, my chest, and my ass. While we ride the elevator up, she tickles my throat with her lips. We practically run to the bedroom, and after I close the bedroom door and turn around I see that she is already down to her undergarments, and certainly planned for this evening based off of the sexy pink lace she is wearing.

  “Whoa,” I say without thinking, and I see that she gets a big head from my uncontrolled gasp.

  She waved me over with her finger, and I hurry to her. I sit on my knees on the bed and take her into my arms. She falls onto her back, and I kick off my shoes before climbing on top of her. I don’t get undressed, not yet. I’m too eager to touch her and explore her body. She has got to be one of the sexiest women I have ever laid eyes on. I touch her perfectly toned stomach and run one of my hands up towards her breasts. I discover that her bra unhooks in the front, so I unhook it and toss her bra over my shoulder. I touch one of her breasts, cupping it in my hand, and I put my mouth on her other breast. I can tell that I am tickling her slightly, but I don’t stop. Sylvia shutters slightly from my touch. I keep licking her breast as I move my hand off her other breast and down her front side, sliding my hand into her underwear. My other hand goes underneath her to hold her around the waist.

  “Uhh…” I hear her groan as I touch her, and she arches her hips slightly when I press my fingers inside her.

  She is working on removing my ties, but her hands are a bit shaky. This is my fantasy girl; I definitely want her to enjoy this as much as me. My tie comes off, and she tosses it over the side of the bed. I remove my jacket and toss it as well, but before I remove any more of my own clothes I remove her pink, lacey panties so that I can get a good look of her completely naked. I can feel myself growing warm as I stare at her. There is not a single flaw on her body. No blemish. Not even a birthmark that stands out. She looks almost unreal with how perfect every inch of her is.

  I reach around with both arms under her legs and lift her hips up before inserting my tongue inside her. “Oh God!” she cries. I am on my knees as I lift her lower half up to my face, and the rest of her curves downward. I lower her back down, but I go with her and start to gently nibble at her, and this gets her twice as excited. I can see her hands gripping the sheets. She remains lying on her back as I sit back up on my knees to look down at her while I unbutton my shirt. She stares up at me with anticipation. I toss my shirt back and then do the same with my pants, socks, and underwear. My pants land on the nightstand when I toss them rather than the floor, and I can hear my phone vibrating against the nightstand. I roll my eyes, knowing my brother is probably calling me again.

  I lay on top of her and plunge into her, and she gasps from the sudden intrusion. “Oh my God, you have a fucking mirror on your ceiling.” I hear her say, evidently just now noticing it. She laughs at it, though. I’m sure she is staring at my bare ass in the mirror.

  As I move, I can feel her breathing growing heavier with each passing second. She gets louder with each breath, and her gasps are closer together. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” I say, and I can tell it turns her on to know I’ve been thinking about her, so I keep going, “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” I
say and carefully bite down on her ear. “I can’t handle myself around you,” I say, “You make me crazy.”

  She grabs hold of my side and practically squeals, “Go deeper.” She says to me, and I obey her command. “You’re amazing!” she cries, and I can feel her back arch slightly; she screams, and I explode inside of her.

  The two of us wind up lying down on our sides, staring at one another as we attempt to gather our breaths. I can hear the phone going off again, and I do my best to ignore it so as to enjoy the moment.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Just answer the phone,” Sylvia says after it vibrates for the third time since we had finished having sex. She looks just as annoyed as I do.

  “All right, all right,” I say and roll over to reach for my pants that had landed on the nightstand. I dig around for my phone, and when I find it I lean back on the pillow I am sharing with Sylvia and put my arm around her. She lies her head down on my chest as I answer the phone. “Hello?” I say, paying very little attention to whatever Eddie has to say. I am far too distracted by Sylvia as I continue stroking every inch of her body with my spare hand.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Eddie screams into the phone, “James, what the hell? I have been calling you for hours!”

  “I was in the middle of something, Eddie,” I say.

  “I swear if you were with Éclair again-”

  I cut him off, “I wasn’t.”

  I can feel Sylvia running her fingers across my chest; a part of me starts to wonder if she would be up for round two. “Whatever.” I hear Eddie say.

  “Man, I’m still kind of in the middle of something. Could you bypass the bullshit and tell me why you keep calling me?”

  Eddie grumbled, “Just turn on the television on the local news channel, asshole.”

  “Fine,” I say and point to the remote, and Sylvia hands it to me. There is a television in the corner. I turn it on, and I am quite horrified at what I see.

  A reporter is outside of Shattered Supplements, and there are cops everywhere keeping people away from the building; people are picketing. “Officials have linked the recent outbreaks in sudden hemorrhages, and liver failure has been traced back here at Shattered Supplements. We are being told that over seventy-five local LA residents alone have been victimized by the poisonings, and there are various incidences already being reported across the nation by Shattered Supplements’ customers. Thus far, Shattered Supplements’ CEO, James Mont, has not been able to be reached for questioning regarding the recent-”

  There is a ringing in my ear. “Oh my God…” I hear Sylvia say.

  “Eddie, what the hell is going on?” I practically scream into the phone as I sit upright.

  “What’s going on is we’re getting sued!” Eddie shouts, “Someone died, James!”

  “What?” I question.

  “Someone died!” Eddie shouts again, “And some lawyer is representing over a hundred people who are filing a nearly billion dollar lawsuit against us!”

  I think I’m going to pass out. “What… how… I don’t…” I can’t make words.

  “I need you down here now, man!” Eddie says.

  I can barely hear what he is saying. The ringing in my ear is getting worse. I think I’m going to be sick. Did someone die? Did someone die taking my supplements? The reporter on the television is still talking. People are picketing outside of my company. What is happening? How did this happen? This is bad. Really bad. My company is done for.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The incessant ringing in my ear worsens with each passing second. Sylvia is talking to me –trying to get me to respond, but I am unable to speak or move. I can hear my brother screaming into the phone, but I cannot make out the words any better than the words coming out of Sylvia’s mouth. My stomach is doing flips. I swear I might lose my lunch. I am staring at the reporter on the television as she tells all about how my company of vitamin and energy supplements is being accused of poisoning people due to company negligence. Someone is dead from taking my supplements. There is some lawyer taking on the poisoning victims or a pro-Bono case. It’s like all of a sudden my life is crashing all around me. My head starts to spin. What am I going to do? My multi-billion-dollar company is getting sued.

  “James!” I hear Sylvia shout, followed by a gentle shaking as she snaps me back into reality. The ringing in my ear slowly subsides. “James, what’s happening?” she asks, clearly concerned for me.

  Sylvia and I have not known one another for very long, but thus far our so-called relationship has been fun and exciting. She is one of the models for a competing supplement company –the CEO I am currently sleeping with, but that relationship is just a couple of rich and athletic people who use each other for sexual satisfaction. My still fairly new relationship with Sylvia is a step above that, I would say, but we have not exactly communicated what that means just yet, and thanks to this little interruption we have yet so sleep together –and I was so damn close. Despite the fact that Sylvia and I have just met, I can see in her eyes a legitimate concern for me. It, if only for a moment, makes me feel a little better to see that she has my back.

  “Eddie,” I say into the phone to my older brother who had called to tell me all about the travesty that has befallen me, “Let me call you back. I’m about to head that way.”

  Eddie grumbles something, but I am not listening to what it is he has to say right now. I’m still trying to piece together my sanity long enough to find my clothes. I hand up the phone and place it down on my nightstand. “Are you going to be okay?” Sylvia asks; she is standing in nothing but her underwear on as she stares at my television. She is searching for her bra while keeping one eye on the television to make sure she soaks up everything that is taking place.

  “I don’t know,” I say honestly. “I’m worried.” My mind is running a million miles an hour. I can’t think straight. Pants. Where are my pants? I got my phone out of my pants just a second ago…

  I locate my pants and start to put them on when my own underwear smacks me in the side of the head. “Hey, genius, you might want to put these on first.” We got all our clothes off, but we did not have time to do the deed. Fuck me.

  “R-right,” I say, my voice shaking slightly. Okay, underwear and then pants. That makes more sense. I am out of it so much to the extent that I don’t even think that we’re in my flat, so I could just grab a new outfit –but for some reason, I rummage around our blankets and the floor for what I had been wearing before mine and Sylvia’s round of love-making. Yeah, my mind is pretty much gone.

  Shirt. Okay, we’re getting somewhere now. My fingers feel numb as I struggle with the buttons. I see Sylvia searching for my suit jacket, and she brings it to me. I sit on the side of the bed while I finish buttoning up my shirt and throwing on my jacket. She brings me my tie, my socks, and my shoes. “If you give me a second to get dressed-” she starts to say, but I cut her off.

  “No. You can stay here.” I say, “You don’t need to be around all of this craziness. I’d rather not drag you into it.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Make yourself at home.” I say as I put on my socks and my shoes. “I’m sorry I have to run out on you. This was not how I pictured our date night turning out-”

  “It’s okay.” She says with a tremendous amount of assurance in her tone, “Really. It’s okay. Go do what you need to do.”

  I stand, but before I can leave she takes me into her arms, and I can’t resist but to take a moment to stroke her bare back with my hands. She gives me a kiss. “Thank you,” I say, glad to see that she so understands that I have to run out on her.

  “You… you didn’t know your supplements were dangerous before you sent them out to the market, did you?” she asks as though a hint of her is worried that I am some corrupt businessman unwilling to take a loss on some faulty drugs.

  “No.” I say in a confident and reassuring tone, “I had no idea. And thanks for that –getting me preppe
d for the reporters, right?”

  “Right.” She says and releases a slight, forced laugh as though she is just trying to lighten the mood.

  I kiss her several times before pulling myself apart from her. I really hate that I have to leave. It’s getting late too, but that is not stopping a collection of reporters from showing up at Shattered INC. I am really not looking forward to talking to those reporters; I’m also not looking forward to talking to the police or to my lawyer. This is going to be a headache. A part of me really does want Sylvia to come with me just so I have some moral support, but I don’t want to subject to her any sort of scrutiny by the local media outlets. She does not deserve that sort of bullshit in her life right now.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can be.” I say, “If you have to leave, would you mind locking up for me?”

  She smiles and pulls me back into yet another warm embrace, “James, I’ll be here for you when you get back.” She says it in this really sexy voice that makes me quiver slightly. It makes me twice as regretful that I have to leave. I am definitely up for round two, but I definitely can’t be the immature playboy today. Today I have to play the role of a professional CEO. I can’t let Eddie down just because someone wants to sleep with me. Yes, aren’t I mature, tonight? “I’ve got your back, James.” She promises and gives me another kiss.

  I kiss her again and force myself to pull away. I grab my keys, deciding that I don’t have time to call my personal driver and wait on him. I need to get to the company as soon as possible to relieve Eddie of some of the stress he’s under trying to fight off the media. He and I are not exactly on the best of terms right now, so I don’t want to make it worse. “Thank you, Sylvia,” I say and take my private elevator down to the main floor.

  I dart to where my driver parks my car in a nearby parking deck, and I load up quick. I’m not really sure what to expect exactly when I get to the company. I just know that I should probably try to think of something to say to the reporters for when I get there. I just don’t know what. I pull out onto the road, driving faster than I probably should. I’m panicking, I know. I call Eddie. I need someone to talk me through this, and he’s a lot smarter than me, I’ll admit. Hopefully, he can’t help me prep for my conversation with the reporters. Fuck my life.


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