Chasing Bad Boys 2_A Bad Boy Romance Series

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Chasing Bad Boys 2_A Bad Boy Romance Series Page 39

by Kylie Parker

  “Yeah, that’s it!” She moaned, digging her nails into his flesh. Melissa began to bounce on his cock, as he worshipped her breasts. Bruce would not focus on one of them. Instead, he kept kissing and sucking on to them, kneading her ass at the same time. Sensing her butt cheeks wobbling, he let go of them and gave her left one a good slap, hard enough for her to feel it. Bruce did the same to her right. His ears were filled with her cries of pleasure and the slurpy sounds of her moist pussy, as she quickened her pace. Melissa slid her hands up his neck and put her head on his left shoulder.

  “Fuck me.” Her lustful whisper raised every hair on his body. Straight away, Bruce tightened his grip on her ass, licking her right nipple in circular motion. He shoved his cock all the way in her soaking wet womanhood, as she kissed his shoulder. He felt her teeth being dug into his flesh. Bruce’s deep thrusts quenched her desire. Her loud moans so close to his ear sent him into ecstasy, encouraging him to penetrate her faster and deeper. Bruce spread Melissa’s butt cheeks, adding to her stimulation. He kissed her nipple with passion first and then gently bit it, as she laid passionate kisses along the side of his neck.

  “I’m coming, baby!” Melissa screamed. Bruce’s orgasm was much closer than he expected and he would not withhold it at all this time. The feel of her heat and her moisture around his cock had turned him on too much. Thrusting her even faster, he sensed her pussy juices flooding his manhood, as she climaxed with heavenly bursts of orgasmic shivers. A few, hard thrusts later, he pulled out. He didn’t even have to jerk his cock.

  “Fuck!” He cried, as the orgasm seized him. His deafening groans reverberated through his skull, as a large amount of semen spurted out of his manhood, covering her butt crack…

  Chapter Eleven

  Panting, Melissa collapsed into his arms. A broad smile spread across her face, after she kissed him on the cheek.

  “It just keeps getting better and better.” She whispered.

  “Yeah.” Bruce gasped. “You were amazing.”

  “You’re not complaining.” Melissa remarked. “I didn’t think you’d like what I did. You know, with the whole…” She faltered. “Masturbation thing.”

  “Are you serious?” He laughed. “Did I look like I didn’t enjoy it? Hey, you’re one kinky girl, you know that?”

  “Not really.” She disagreed. “You stopped just at the right time. It didn’t hurt. It really turned me on.”

  “So…” Bruce said with a sigh. “By the pool, on the couch… What’s next? Sex on the balcony?”

  Once more, the brunette burst out laughing. She even banged her hand against the back of the couch.

  “Actually…” She chuckled, leaning back. “That’s a pretty good idea. Hey…”


  “Thanks for taking my advice.” Melissa said with a grin. “I don’t want you to risk your life for money.”

  “I stopped doing that a while ago, darling.” Bruce stated. “I want different things now.”

  “Like what?” She chirped.

  “Like you.” He was quick to reply.

  “I still wonder why the hell a good man like you would join a bunch of thugs.” Melissa sighed.

  “I told you.” Bruce murmured.

  “Yeah, that MC changed somewhere along the way. But now, how’s it any different than a street gang? I mean the only difference between them is that street gangs use cars.” Melissa sounded upset.

  “Yeah, it’s sad.” He said with a nod. “They give motorcycle enthusiasts a bad name. It’s no longer about bikes or comradery. It’s all about money and power.”

  “Now that you mention it, where is your bike? What did you do with it?” Melissa inquired.

  “I didn’t feel like riding today. I have a lot on my plate.” Bruce groaned. “It doesn’t feel as good when you’re in a difficult position like I was. What about you?”

  “Well, I love to ride.” She confessed. “But, I’m still a girl.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He sounded confused.

  “It means that I wanted to put on some regular clothes for a change. I wanted to look good for you.” Melissa made her voice sound sweeter.

  “You can ride in jeans and a t-shirt. You know that, right?” Bruce got sarcastic.

  “Yeah, smartass, but it’s not the same.” She laughed. “It doesn’t feel…”

  “Whole?” He finished her sentence.

  “Right.” Melissa agreed. “It’s like something is missing.”

  “Damn it.” Bruce hummed. “Can you tell me why I had to go across the country to meet a girl like you? We’ve known each other a few days and you feel so familiar...”

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” She whispered, bending her head towards him. “I feel like I’ve known you for years.”

  “And you’re not bored of me?” He teased her.

  “Stop it.” Melissa said, playfully slapping him on the shoulder. “You know what I mean.”

  Bruce spoke no more. He only put his hands on her face and pulled her closer. Feeling her lips on his mouth once more, he lost himself in the moment. Their kiss swept him off his feet, as she caressed his shoulders first and then both sides of his neck. The sensation of her skin in his palms made him warm inside. Melissa’s light touch sent sparks of electric currents through his body.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom.” She said, her voice a soft, husky whisper. Without much thought, Bruce tightened his grip on her back. Their kiss grew in intensity, as he rose, holding her tight in his big, strong arms. Melissa wrapped her legs around his waist, before he turned around. With a few steps, he passed by the couch and then turned left. He walked out of the door and found himself on the corridor. Having spotted a staircase to the left, Bruce headed towards it. Deep sighs were escaping Melissa, as he climbed the stairs that led to the first floor.

  “Put me down, please.” She whispered in his mouth, as he reached the top landing. Bruce eased her down and opened his eyes, in eager anticipation of her next move. As soon as her feet touched the marble floor, she slowly turned around. There were five, white, wooden doors, two on each side of the corridor and one at the end of it, across from them. Melissa started towards that door, sensually swaying her hips.

  “She just loves to tease me.” He thought to himself. Using her left hand, she opened the door and looked up at him, over her right shoulder. Melissa curled her index finger. He smiled to himself and began to walk towards her, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. As soon as he stepped into the bedroom though, he realized that she had a surprise for him. Melissa had dimmed the lights. She was standing in the upper left corner of the bedroom, next to a stereo. A rather familiar tune filled the air. Def Leppard’s ballad, “Love Bites”. Bruce closed the door, as she approached him.

  “I really love this song.” She said in a sweet voice, stopping in front of him. “It’s a little sad, but it’s really powerful.

  “Dance with me.” Bruce whispered, looking right into her eyes. But, what Melissa did next both surprised and moved him. She did not place her hand on his shoulder. Neither did she grasp his hand. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his back and put her head on his broad chest. Melissa was showing emotion, making his heart flutter. Bruce was living in a fantasy, a fantasy where he could be alone with her, without having to worry about anything or anyone. He sniffed her hair, before entwining his own arms around her back. Her intoxicating scent filled his nostrils, as the magic moment literally took his breath away…

  If you've got love in your sights

  Watch out, love bites

  When you make love, do you look in your mirror?

  Who do you think of?

  Does he look like me?

  Do you tell lies?

  And say that it's forever?

  Do you think twice, or just touch and see?

  Ooh, babe

  Ooh, yeah

  When you're alone, do you let go?

  Are you wild and willing or is it just for show?
  Ooh, come on

  I don't want to touch you too much baby

  'Cause making love to you might drive me crazy

  I know you think that love is the way you make it

  So I don't want to be there when you decide to break it, no

  It's bringing me to my knees (love lives, love dies)

  It's no surprise (Love begs, love pleads)

  It's what I need

  When I'm with you are you somewhere else?

  Am I getting through or do you please yourself?

  When you wake up will you walk out?

  It can't be love if you throw it about

  Ooh babe, I don't want to touch you too much baby

  'Cause making love to you might drive me crazy, oh

  It's bringing me to my knees (love lives, love dies)

  It's no surprise (Love begs, love pleads)

  It's what I need

  Oh yeah, I don't want to touch you too much baby

  'Cause making love to you might drive me crazy

  I know you think that love is the way you make it

  So I don't want to be there when you decide to break it, no

  It's bringing me to my knees (love lives, love dies)

  (Love bites, love bleeds)

  It's bringing me to my knees (love lives, love dies)

  It's no surprise (love begs, love pleads)

  It's what I need

  If you've got love in your sights

  Watch out, love bites

  Yes it does, it will be hell

  Melissa slowly leaned back and opened her eyes, as the song faded out. Bruce’s knees started shaking, as she gave him a warm, loving look. They were glowing in the dim light, filling his heart with all the emotion that a man needs. He would not bother himself with the time that they had known each other anymore. Melissa did not have to open her mouth for him to understand what her eyes were telling him. The blissful smile that spread across her face forced him to speak.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. “No one’s ever looked at me like this before.”

  “Me neither.” She spoke in a low, tender tone. “Let’s not talk.” Melissa went on, putting her head back on his chest. “Hold me. I feel so safe in your arms.”

  Deciding to take her advice, Bruce kept his mouth shut. He agreed with her; words would ruin their special moment. He preferred to bury his face in her hair, as he caressed her back. Surrounded by thick silence, Melissa heard his beating heart. Bruce felt protective of her, savoring the sensation of her head on his chest.

  “What a night. It started out so sad, but it’s turned out so good that I think I’m living in a dream. No one interrupted us this time. You feel so good in my arms, baby. I’m not letting you go. Why would I let go the of best thing that’s happened to me in years?

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Bruce was ecstatic, even though he had to wake up and leave very early. Upon talking to Matt, he found out that Wednesday was Jenny’s night off. It was an ideal chance for the two couples to go out together. Bruce had only seen Matt’s girlfriend twice and they had not even spoken to each other. He was curious to know what kind of person she was. If anything, she had to be a little feistier than his friend’s ex girlfriends. Bruce had never seen a woman ditch Matt like that.

  Furthermore, he was starting to wonder whether Frank Howard was the vicious man that everyone thought he was. After all, Bruce had been in Las Vegas for three days and nothing serious had happened. On the contrary, everything seemed perfectly normal. Sin City was as loud and as shiny as ever and there were no reports of any crimes on the news. Bruce had not even caught a glimpse of the man that Melissa was so terrified of. The only thing that convinced him that Frank Howard was very dangerous indeed was her narrative of the valet who he had killed. Even the story that he and the rest of the motorcycle club members used to discuss had faded from memory.

  Still, the little voice in Bruce’s head kept reminding him that he had to be careful. Not just because he could endanger his or Matt’s life, but also for Melissa. Therefore, he did not use his motorcycle to get to “Marino’s”, a fancy Italian restaurant, a mile east from their hotel. Unwilling to risk being seen riding his motorcycle, Bruce and Matt drove there in his rental car. Their girlfriends were sat at the lower east corner of the massive, crowded restaurant. Bruce’s initial thought was to complain, as it was a little too close to the entrance. However, seen as Melissa and Jenny were all dressed up and in high spirits, he decided to let it go. The many tables in front of theirs would protect them from prying eyes.

  “Hiiii!” Melissa sang, getting up from her seat. Just when Bruce was about to verbalize, Jenny rose as well.

  “Heeeey!” She chirped in a really high-pitched tone. Bruce tried really hard not to laugh, whereas Matt seemed more used to her funny voice and only smiled at her, before taking a seat. As he sat next to Melissa, he leaned rightward and whispered in her ear:

  “She sounds like a cartoon.”

  She squeezed her lips, in an obvious attempt to control herself from laughing.

  “She does, doesn’t she?” Melissa grinned at him.

  “Bruce, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Jenny interjected. “Have you really known Matt since kindergarten?”

  “Yeah, we grew up in the same neighborhood.” Bruce stated. “What about you and Melissa?”

  “We’re college buddies.” Jenny said with a toothy smile on her face. “We’ve been besties for ten years.”

  “Sometimes, I can’t believe how I’ve survived twenty six years of friendship with him.” Matt teased him.

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” Bruce said, looking around him. A waiter was taking an order from a table to the right, whereas another waiter had leaned his back against the counter at the bar and put his hands in his pockets, down the hall and to the left.

  “Relax man, I’m just kidding.” Matt laughed. Bruce leaned towards his friend, curling his index finger.

  “Something’s wrong here.” He whispered.

  “What?” Matt squinted at him.

  “That waiter at the bar. He looks a little too relaxed.” Bruce explained.

  “Why do you say that?” Matt said, throwing a rapt glance at the tall waiter.

  “Have you ever seen a waiter with his hands in his pockets?” Bruce inquired.

  “Maybe his dad owns the place.” Matt speculated.

  “And he works as a waiter?” Frustration was lingering in Bruce’s voice.

  “Dude, you’re overreacting. Relax, will you?” Matt requested. “He’s coming.” He continued, as he noticed the man in question picking up some menus from the counter. Despite his friend’s attempt to convince him, Bruce could not shake the feeling that the tall, stocky man approaching their table was not really a waiter. And his hunch proved correct, just a few seconds later, when he sensed the cold, steel gun barrel on the back of his neck.

  “Get up.” The waiter commanded. “Both of you. Don’t make a scene or the blonde gets it. Follow me.”

  Bruce had been held at gunpoint before, but not in a large, crowded restaurant. He kept his cool and slowly arose to his impressive, 6’3” stature, as Matt did the same. Melissa watched with bated breath, terrified by the sight of the gun in the waiter’s hand. The two friends walked alongside each other. In a few seconds, they left the restaurant hall and found themselves on a rather narrow corridor, with two staircases that led downstairs, on the left and the right corner.

  “Go left.” The waiter urged. Bruce did not really wonder about the identity of the man who was behind this. He was positive that Frank Howard wanted to see them in private, but he could not guess his intentions.

  “At least Melissa and Jenny are fine.” He thought to himself, seeking comfort in the fact that both of them were unharmed. Climbing down the steel stairs, he entered a dark basement, as Matt and the waiter followed behind him. Someone pressed on a switch and a light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the m
iddle of the large, empty room was lit. An average-height, thin, elderly man was standing next to the right side of the wall.

  “Mr. Harris, it’s nice to finally meet you. Let me introduce myself. Frank Howard.” He spoke in a hoarse voice, walking up to him, extending his hand for a handshake. His words might have sounded friendly, but the sullen look in his eyes did not seem friendly at all.

  “How do you know my name?” Bruce maintained a commanding tone as he addressed him, not offering his hand.

  “We have a common acquaintance.” Howard smirked at him. “Joe Sanders thinks highly of you.”

  “What do you want?” Bruce groaned, trying to hide his surprise.

  “First of all, let me tell you that I know all about you and my daughter.” Howard spoke in an authoritative tone. “I’ve known since Sunday night. A friend of mine saw her outside your hotel. I trust she’s told you about me.”

  “Nah.” Bruce taunted him.

  “You got balls, kid. I give you that.” Howard said with a sarcastic smile on his aging face. “You know what I do to men who date my daughter without my permission. They…” He faltered. “Disappear.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.” Bruce ignored his threat.

  “My men were about to take you out, when I received a phone call from Sanders.” Howard claimed. “He said he needed you. He mentioned something about an armored truck heist.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Bruce yelled.

  “Don’t get upset, son.” Howard said in an even more sarcastic tone. “I trust Joe’s judgment. If what he said about you is true, you got nothing to worry about.”


  “I want you to help him out with that heist.” Howard spoke in an emphatic tone. “Rejoin that motorcycle club.”


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